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CS202: Programming Systems

Week 1: Introduction

o to prepare students for programming in the
upper division 3xx and 4xx level classes.
o to introduce students to object-oriented
o to experience object oriented design and
programming at the same time as
becoming better acquainted with advanced
data structures.
Exams and Marking
o Assignments: 25%
o Project: 15%
o Mid-term exam : 25%
o Final exam: 35%

o Plagiarism found ==> 0 (zero)

Course schedule
o Week 1: Introduction of Object-Oriented Programming
o Week 2: Constructor and Destructor
o Week 3: Operators
o Week 4: Inheritance (part 1)
o Week 5: Mid-term exam
o Week 6: Inheritance (part 2) & polymorphism
o Week 7: Templates
o Week 8: Exception handling
o Week 9: Patterns & STL
o Week 10: Review for the final
o Main Book:
n Object Oriented Programming using C++, Pohl,
Addison Wesley.
o Further readings:
n Effective and More Effective C++, Scott Meyers.
n The C++ Programming Language, Bjarne
Stroustrup, Addison-Wesley.
n Lập trình hướng đối tượng, Trần Đan Thư, Đinh
Bá Tiến, Nguyễn Tấn Trần Minh Khang.

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