Report On:: Artificial Intelligence

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Report On:

Group Members
Zainab Irfan 46165

Shariq Khan 46277

Salman Awan 46163

Abdul Ahad Siddiqui 46640

Hunaiz Khan 46641

“In the name of Allah, The most Beneficent, The most Merciful”
First of all, we would like to express our Gratitude to Almighty Allah to enabling us
to complete the report on “Artificial Intelligence”.

We are very grateful because we manage to complete our “Information and

Communication Technology (ICT)” presentation with in the time given by our
respected teacher “Sir Monis Ahmed Thakur”. This assignment cannot be
completed without the effort and co-operation from our group members, Zainab
Irfan,Shariq Khan, Shahzada Salman, Hunaiz Khan and Abdul Ahad Siddiqui.

We would liketo express our gratitude to our subject teacher “Sir Monis Ahmed
Thakur” who gave us this opportunity to fulfill this report. He gave us moral
support and guided in different matters. He had been very kind and patient while
suggesting the outline of this report we thank him for his overall support.

We would like to express our gratitude towards our parents for their kind co-
operation and encouragement which help us in completion of this report

Our thanks and appreciations also goes to the people who are directly or indirectly
helped us out in developing the report.
Table of Contents
Artificial Intelligence.............................................................................................................................................................6


What is Artificial Intelligence? :........................................................................................................................................6

History.................................................................................................................................................................................. 7

History of AI:..................................................................................................................................................................... 7

How it started:..................................................................................................................................................................7

Importance of AI:..................................................................................................................................................................8

Types of Artificial Intelligence..............................................................................................................................................9

Weak or Narrow AI:...........................................................................................................................................................9

Strong AI:......................................................................................................................................................................... 10

AI Algorithms and Models AI...............................................................................................................................................10

Support Vector Machine (SVM):......................................................................................................................................10

Artificial Neural Network (ANN):.....................................................................................................................................11

Machine Learning:...........................................................................................................................................................11

Pros and Cons of AI.............................................................................................................................................................12

Pros................................................................................................................................................................................. 12

1-Error Reduction:......................................................................................................................................................12

2-Difficult Exploration:................................................................................................................................................12

3-Medical Application:................................................................................................................................................12

4-No Breaks:................................................................................................................................................................12

5-Right Decision Making:............................................................................................................................................13

Cons................................................................................................................................................................................ 13

1-High Cost:.................................................................................................................................................................13

2-Dependency on Machines:......................................................................................................................................13

3-Lack of Jobs:.............................................................................................................................................................14

4-Lack of Creativity:....................................................................................................................................................14

5-Distribution of Power:.............................................................................................................................................14
Artificial Intelligence and Pakistan.....................................................................................................................................15

President of Pakistan AI Program:...................................................................................................................................15

Conclusion.......................................................................................................................................................................... 17

Bibliography........................................................................................................................................................................ 18

Sources................................................................................................................................................................................ 18
Artificial Intelligence
We have chosen this topic to spotlight on one of the most
technological trend these days known as AI (Artificial Intelligent). Therefore; We
will discuss some of the most important aspects related to AI in which it will help
in a better understanding of Artificial Intelligent and both its advantages and
disadvantages to be able to protect ourselves from the upcoming technological
trend. This paper will also discuss some of the algorithms used in AI systems.

What is Artificial Intelligence? :

Artificial Intelligence is a branch
of Computer Science concerned with the study and creation of computer systems
that exhibit some form of intelligence: system that can learn new concepts and
tasks, systems that can reason and draw useful conclusions about the world
around us, systems that can understand a natural language or perceive and
comprehend a visual scene and system that perform other types of feats that
require human types of intelligence
History of AI:
When computer first build their speed of numerical
computation convinced most people that the following fallacy was true:

“Computer has more computational power than the human brain”

Now computer are millions of times faster than they were 50 years ago still all
would argue that for many task this statement is a fallacy. Human brains seem to
be far faster than computer for a wide variety of tasks For Example:

 Recognizing human face in photograph

 Driving a car using computer vision
 Some type of associative memory recall

The intellectual roots of AI and the concept of intelligent machines may be found
in geek mythology intelligent artifacts appear in literature since then, with real
mechanical device demonstrated to behave with some degree of intelligence.

How it started:
Artificial Intelligence was first proposed by John McCarthy in
1956 in his first academic conference on the subject. The idea of machines
operating like human beings began to be the center of scientist’s mind and
whether if it is possible to make machines have the same ability to think and learn
by itself was introduced by the mathematician Alan Turing. Alan Turing was able to
put his hypotheses and questions into actions by testing whether “machines can
think”? After series of testing (later was called as Turing Test) it turns out that it is
possible to enable machines to think and learn just like humans. Turing Test uses
the pragmatic approach to be able to identify if machines can respond as humans.

Types of Artificial Intelligence

The concept of artificial intelligence has been divided into two:

 Weak or narrow Artificial Intelligence

 Strong Artificial Intelligence

Weak or Narrow AI:

Machines with weak Artificial Intelligence are
made to respond to specific situations, but cannot think for themselves Weak AI
might not be able to pass the Turing test, but our lives already depend on it to a
great extent. This form of AI is used for discrete tasks from flying an airplane, to
managing the photos on your smartphone. Some of the example of Weak AI is:
Siri by Apple, Alexa by Amazon, Cortana by Microsoft and Google Assistant and
another example could be Autonomous game they designed to beat the Human
Strong AI:
Strong A.I. A machine with strong A.I. is able to think and acts just
like a human. It is able to learn from experiences. There is no proper existing
example of Strong AI but some industry leaders are very keen on getting close to
build a Strong AI which has result in rapid progress.

Importance of AI:
Artificial Intelligence is the field of study that describes
the capability of machine learning just like humans and the ability to respond to
certain behaviors also known as (A.I.). The need of Artificial Intelligence is
increasing every day. Since AI was first introduced to the market, it has been the
reason of the quick change in technology and business fields. Computer scientists
are predicting that by 2020, “85% of customer interactions will be managed
without a human”. This means that human’s simple request will depend on
computers and artificial intelligence just like when we use Siri or Galaxy to ask
about the weather temperature. It is very important to be prepared for AI
revelation just like UAE have by installing a state minister for AI in Dubai.
AI Algorithms and Models AI
AI Models is mainly based on algorithms and models as a technique which is
designed based on scientific findings such as math, statists, and biology. AI
works based on several models such as: Ant Colony Algorithm, Immune
Algorithm, Fuzzy Algorithm, Decision Tree, Genetic Algorithm, Particle Swarm
Algorithm, Neural Network, Deep Learning and in this report, I will discuss some
of the most known models which are: Support Vector Machine, and the
Artificial Neural Network.

Support Vector Machine (SVM):

SVM where it is used to build
a classification model by finding an optimal hyperplane based on a set of
training. It is also have been used for pattern classification and trend prediction
lots of applications for instance: power transformer fault diagnosis, disease
diagnosis and treatment optimization.

Artificial Neural Network (ANN):

Artificial Neural Network is a representative model of understanding thoughts
and behaviors in terms of physical connection between neurons. ANN has been
used to solve variety of problems through enabling the machine to build
mathematical models to be able to imitate natural activities from brains
perspective. By using this algorithm, the machine will be able to identify the
solution of any problem just like human’s brain.

Machine Learning:
While AI is the broad science of mimicking
human abilities, machine learning is a specific subset of AI that trains a machine
how to learn. Machine learning is an application of artificial intelligence (AI) that
provides systems the ability to automatically learn and improve from
experience without being explicitly programmed. Machine learning focuses on
the development of computer programs that can access data and use it learn
for themselves.
Pros and Cons of AI
1-Error Reduction:
Artificial intelligence helps us in reducing the error and
the chance of reaching accuracy with a greater degree of precision is a
possibility. It is applied in various studies such as exploration of space.

2-Difficult Exploration:
Artificial intelligence and the science of robotics can
be put to use in mining and other fuel exploration processes. Not only that,
these complex machines can be used for exploring the ocean floor and hence
overcome the human limitations.

3-Medical Application:
In the medical field also, we will find the wide
application of AI. Doctors assess the patients and their health risks with the help
of artificial machine intelligence. Robotics is used often in helping mental health
patients to come out of depression and remain active.

4-No Breaks:
Machines, unlike humans, do not require frequent breaks and
refreshments. They are programmed for long hours and can continuously
perform without getting bored or distracted or even tired
5-Right Decision Making:
The complete absence of emotions from a
machine makes it more efficient as they are able to take the right decisions in a
short span of time. The best example of this is its usage in healthcare. The
integration of AI tools in the healthcare sector has improved the efficiency of
treatments by minimizing the risk of false diagnosis.

1-High Cost:
Creation of artificial intelligence requires huge costs as they are
very complex machines. Their repair and maintenance require huge costs. They
have software programs which need frequent up gradation to cater to the
needs of the changing environment and the need for the machines to be
smarter by the day.

2-Dependency on Machines:
With the dependency of humans on machines increasing, we’re
headed into a time where it becomes difficult for humans to work without the
assistance of a machine. We’ve seen it in the past and there’s no doubt we’ll
continue seeing it in the future, our dependency on machines will only increase.
As a result, mental and thinking abilities of humans will actually decrease over
3-Lack of Jobs:
This is the primary concern for technocrats so far. It is quite
possible that AI will displace many low skilled jobs. As machines can work 24*7
with no break, industries prefer investing in machines as compared to humans.
As we are moving towards the automated world, where almost every task will
be done by the machines, there is a possibility of large-scale unemployment. A
real-time example of this is the concept of driverless cars. If the concept of
driverless cars kicks in, millions of drivers will be left unemployed in the future.

4-Lack of Creativity:
These are not the forte of artificial
intelligence. While they can help you design and create, they are no match for
the power of thinking that the human brain has or even the originality of a
creative mind. Human beings are highly sensitive and emotional intellectuals.
They see, hear, think and feel. Their thoughts are guided by the feelings which
completely lacks in machines.

5-Distribution of Power:
Artificial intelligence carries the risk, in the minds
of some, of taking control away from humans – de-humanizing actions in many
ways. Nations that are in possession of artificial intelligence could theoretically
kill humans without needing to pull a trigger.
Artificial Intelligence and Pakistan
Innovation isn’t new to Pakistan since Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine
Learning are booming with a technological boon in the respective nation. The
birth of the fourth Industrial Revolution has been a gateway for new analytics
with respect to algorithmic advancement for the growth of a smart self-learning
system. AI has emerged as a real-time problem-solving system that requires the
assessment of big data, due to which it is going to emerge as one of the biggest
investment priorities by 2020, as reported by Garter.

President of Pakistan AI Program:

If we talk about the state
level, in December 2018 President of Pakistan started a president program for
Artificial Intelligence. This program is one of the main and first program
launched by the Pakistani government. President Dr. Arif Alvi launched this
program by collaboration with Sir Zia Khan. Candidates can learn artificial
intelligence, the block chain, and cloud-native and generate $10K each month.

Machine learning Education in Karachi is the biggest milestone of Pakistan IT

industry. This program is launched by a collaboration of Iqra University,
PanaCloud, Saylani Welfare Trust and Karachi Stock Exchange.

President Artificial intelligence program is held on Iqra University on 9th Dec

2018 as Inauguration Ceremony. It is one of the best and a full professional
quality course in Karachi by top industry leaders, of course, Zia Khan and his
team of PanaCloud.
Zia Khan Claim after completing one year course students can able to generate
$10,000 US dollar per month via Freelancing.
We conclude that if the machine could successfully pretend to be human to a
knowledgeable observer then you certainly should consider it intelligent. Weak
AI systems are now in routine use in various field such as economics, medicine,
engineering and the military, as well as being built into many common home
computer software applications, traditional strategy games etc. but if we talk
about Strong AI we concluded that there is a long way to reach that point where
machines will completely act and think like human being.

AI is an exciting and rewarding discipline. AI is branch of computer science that

is concerned with the automation of intelligent behavior. So it is concluded that
it work as an artificial human brain which have an unbelievable artificial thinking

As a Pakistani we appreciate the Government of Pakistan AI Program we hope

that Pakistan will progress in this field and will implement this technology
throughout the country.
1. Introduction to Artificial Intelligence by Rajendra Akerker (Second Edition)
2. Artificial Intelligence a Modern Approach by Stuart Russell and Peter Norvig
(Second Edition)


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