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258. Philippine Duplicators, Inc. v.



Private respondent union, for and on behalf of its

member-salesmen, asked petitioner corporation for
payment of 13th month pay computed on the basis of
the salesmen’s fixed or guaranteed
wages  plus  commissions.

Petitioner corporation refused the union’s request, but

stated it would respect an opinion from the MOLE.

On 17 November 1987, acting upon a request for

opinion submitted by respondent union, Director
Augusto G. Sanchez of the Bureau of Working
Conditions, MOLE, rendered an opinion to
respondent union declaring applicable the provisions
of Explanatory Bulletin No. 86-12, Item No. 5 (a):
. . . . Since the salesmen of Philippine Duplicators
are receiving a fixed basic wage plus commission on
sales and not purely on commission basis, they are
entitled to receive 13th month pay provided they
worked at least one (1) month during the calendar
year. May we add at this point that in computing such
13th month pay, the total commissions of said
salesmen for the calendar year shall be divided by
twelve (12). (Emphasis supplied)

Notwithstanding Director Sanchez’ opinion or ruling,

petitioner refused to pay the claims of its salesmen
for 13th month pay computed on the basis of both
fixed wage plus sales commissions.

Petitioner: Conflicting decisions. Boie-Takeda case

abandoned the first case.

Issue: WON sales commission is included in the

coverage of basic salary for purposes of computing
13th month pay.

Held: YES. There’s no conflict.

1. It constitutes a part of the compensation or

remuneration (basic salary) paid to salesmen
Duplicator’s case   Sales commission 
intimately related to or directly proportional to the
extent or energy of an employee's endeavors.

2. In another case, it is considered as a bonus and

thereafter not part of the basic salary Boie-Takeda
 Productivity Bonus   extra for which no specific
additional services are rendered by any particular
employee and hence not legally demandable

But whether or not [a] bonus forms part of wages

depends upon the circumstances or conditions for its
-If it is an additional compensation which the
employer promised and agreed to give without any
conditions imposed for its payment, such as success
of business or greater production or output: Part of
the wage. 
-But if it is paid only if profits are realized or a
certain amount of productivity achieved: Cannot be
considered part of wages. 
The instant petition questions the all-
embracing applicability of the award
involving salary differentials and ECOLAs,
in that it covers not only the hospital
employees who signed the complaints,
but also those (a) who are not signatories
to the complaint, and (b) those who...
were no longer in the service of the
hospital at the time the complaints were
Issue: Whether or not the Regional
Director had jurisdiction over the case and
if so, the extent of coverage of any award
that should be forthcoming, arising from
his visitorial and enforcement powers
under Article 128 of the Labor Code...
whether or not the decision states clearly
and distinctly statement of facts as well as
the law upon which it is based
Ruling: This is a labor standards case,
and is governed by Art. 128-b of the Labor
Under the present rules, a Regional
Director exercises both visitorial and
JURISDICTION (Cont…) enforcement power over labor standards
cases, and is therefore empowered to
adjudicate money claims, provided there
still exists an employer-employee
203. MATERNITY CHILDREN’S HOSPITAL v. relationship, and the findings of the
SECRETARY OF LABOR regional office is... not contested by the
employer concerned.
In the present case, petitioner admitted
Petitioner is a semi-government hospital... the charge of underpayment of wages to
ten (10) employees of the petitioner workers still in its employ; in fact, it
employed in different capacities/positions pleaded for time to raise funds to satisfy
filed a complaint with the Office of the its obligation. There was thus no contest
Regional Director of Labor and against the findings of the labor
Employment, Region X, for underpayment inspectors.
of their salaries and ECOLAs... the Labor Viewed in the light of PD 850 and read in
Standard and Welfare Officers submitted coordination with MOLE Policy
their report confirming that there was Instructions Nos. 6, 7 and 37, it is clear
underpayment of wages and ECOLAs of that it has always been the intention of our
all the employees by the petitioner labor authorities to provide our workers
Based on this inspection report and immediate access (when still feasible, as
recommendation, the Regional Director where an employer-employee...
issued an Order dated August 4, 1986, relationship still exists) to their rights and
directing the payment of P723,888.58, benefits, without being inconvenienced by
representing underpayment of wages and arbitration/litigation processes that prove
ECOLAs to all the petitioner's employees to be not only nerve-wracking, but
financially burdensome in the long run.
Petitioner appealed from this Order to the
Minister of Labor and Employment, Hon. The justification for the award to this
Augusto S. Sanchez, who rendered a group of employees who were not
Decision on September 24, 1986, signatories to the complaint is that the
modifying the said Order in that deficiency visitorial and enforcement powers given to
wages and ECOLAs should be computed the Secretary of Labor is relevant to, and
only from May 23, 1983 to May 23, 1986 exercisable over establishments, not over
the individual members/employees,... that from this amount, petitioner
because what is sought to be achieved by deducted P100 as administrative
its exercise is the observance of, and/or
compliance by, such firm/establishment
cost and P20 as bond; that they
with the labor standards regulations. were not paid their premium pay
Necessarily, in case of an award resulting and overtime pay for working on
from a violation of labor legislation by the eleven (11) legal holidays per
such establishment, the entire... year; and, that since private
members/employees should benefit
respondents were relieved or
constructively dismissed, they
must also be paid backwages.
"x x x Under the present Petitioner, on the other hand,
rules, a Regional Director contended that on July 21, 1986,
exercises both visitorial and some 48 security guards
enforcement power over threatened mass action against it.
labor standards cases, and is Alarmed by a possible
therefore empowered to abandonment of posts by the
adjudicate money claims, guards and mindful of its
provided there still exists an contractual obligations to its
employer-employee clients/principals, petitioner
relationship, and the findings relieved and re-assigned the
of the regional office is not complaining guards to other posts
contested by the employer in Metro Manila.
Petitioner claimed it complied
with the Labor Code provisions,
and in support thereof, it
submitted the "Quitclaim and
Facts: On July 8, 1986, a Waiver" of thirty-four (34)
complaint was filed by Sergio complainants
Apilado and fifty-five (55) others
charging the petitioner Odin
Security Agency (hereafter "OSA"),
Earlier, on October 21, 1986,
with underpayment of wages, seventeen (17) complainants
illegal deductions, non-payment of repudiated their quitclaim and
night shift differential, overtime waiver. They alleged that
pay, premium pay for holiday management pressured them to
work, rest days and Sundays, sign documents which they were
service incentive leaves, vacation not allowed to read and that if
such waiver existed, they did not
and sick leaves, and 13th-month
have any intention of waiving their
pay. When conciliation efforts rights under the law.
failed, the parties were required to
Petitioner in its reply argued that
submit their position papers.
complainants were estopped from
denying their quitclaims on the
ground of equity; that being high
Private respondents alleged in school graduates, complainants
their position paper that their fully understood the document
latest monthly salary was P1,600; they signed; and that
complainants' allegation of employer-employee still exists, the
coercion or threat was a mere Minister of Labor and
afterthought. Employment or his duly
authorized representatives shall
Issue: W/N regional director has
have the power to order and
jurisdiction administer, after due notice and
Held: Yes. The petitioner is hearing, compliance with the labor
standards provisions of this Code
estopped from questioning the and other labor legislation based
alleged lack of jurisdiction of the on the findings of labor regulation
Regional Director over the private officers or industrial safety
respondents' claims. Petitioner engineers made in the course of
submitted to the jurisdiction of the inspection, and to issue writs of
Regional Director by taking part in execution to the appropriate
authority for the enforcement of
the hearings before him and by
their orders, except in cases where
submitting a position paper. When the employer contests the findings
the Regional Director issued his of the labor regulation officer and
March 20, 1987 order requiring raises issues which cannot be
petitioner to pay the private resolved without considering
respondents the benefits they were evidentiary matters that are not
claiming, petitioner was silent. verifiable in the normal course of
Only the private respondents filed
a motion for reconsideration. It
was only after the Undersecretary 205. SSK Parts Corporation v. CAMAS
modified the order of the Regional
This is a petition for review
Director on March 23, 1988 that
on certiorari of the decision dated
the petitioner moved for
November 16, 1988 of the
reconsideration and questioned
Department of Labor and
the jurisdiction of the public
Employment, affirming the Order
respondents to hear and decide
of the Regional Director dated
the case. The principle of
January 11, 1988 in three
jurisdiction by estoppel bars it
consolidated cases filed against
from doing this. 
the petitioner: (1) by Teodorico
Camas for illegal deductions; (2)
for underpayment of wages, non-
The jurisdiction of public
payment of legal holiday pay and
respondents over the complaints is
clear from a reading of Article service incentive leave filed by the
128(b) of the Labor Code, as union in behalf of its members;
amended by Executive Order No. and (3) for non-payment of
111, thus:  employees' service incentive leave,
"(b) The provisions of Article 217 underpayment of allowance,
of this Code to the contrary overtime pay, premium pay, and
notwithstanding and in cases non-payment of two (2) regular
where the relationship of holidays in December which were
discovered upon routine the labor regulation officer and
inspection conducted by the labor raises issues which cannot be
regulation officers. resolved without considering
evidentiary matters that are not
verifiable in the normal course of
inspections." (Underscoring
Petitioner's appeal to the Secretary supplied.)
of Labor was dismissed by the
latter. Hence, this petition The jurisdiction of the Regional
for certiorari in which the Director over employees' claims
petitioner alleges:  for wages and other monetary
benefits not exceeding P5,000 has
1. that the Regional Director has been affirmed by Republic Act No.
no jurisdiction over its employees' 6715, amending Article 129 of the
claims; and  Labor Code as follows: 
2. that it (petitioner) was denied "Art. 129. Recovery of wages,
due process. simple money claims and other
benefits. Upon complaint of any
interested party, the Regional
HELD: The petition is devoid of Director of the Department of
merit. The jurisdiction of the Labor and Employment or any of
Regional Director over claims for the duly authorized hearing
violation of labor standards is officers of the Department is
conferred by Article 128-B of the empowered, through summary
Labor Code, as amended by proceeding and after due notice, to
Executive Order No. 111 of March hear and decide any matter
26, 1987 which provides that:  involving the recovery of wages
"(b) The provisions of Article 217 and other monetary claims and
of this Code to the contrary benefits, including legal interest,
notwithstanding and in cases owing to an employee or person
where the relationship of employed in domestic or
employer-employee still exists, household service or househelper
the Minister of Labor and under this Code, arising from
Employment or his duly employer-employee relations:
authorized representatives shall Provided, that such complaint
have the power to order and does not include a claim for
administer, after due notice and reinstatement: Provided, further,
hearing, compliance with the That the aggregate money claims
labor standards provisions of this of each employee or househelper
Code and other labor legislation  do not exceed five thousand pesos
based on the findings of labor (P5,000.00). The Regional
regulation officers or industrial Director or hearing officer shall
safety engineers made in the decide or resolve the complaint
course of inspection, and to issue within thirty (30) calendar days
writs of execution to the from the date of the filing of the
appropriate authority for the same."
enforcement of their orders, Being a curative statute, Republic
except in cases where the Act No. 6715 may be given
employer contests the findings of retroactive effect if, as in this case,
no vested rights would be Pursuant to the visitorial and
impaired (DBP vs. Court of enforcement power of the SOLE,
Appeals, 96 SCRA 342; Santos vs.
inspections were conudcted.
Duata, 14 SCRA 1041; Briad-Agro
Dev. Corp. vs. De la Serna, et al.,
G.R. No. 82805, Nov. 9, 1989). It yield the violation of undepayment

Under the exception clause in of wages, 13th month pay and no

Article 128(b) of the Labor Code, servie incentive leave.
the Regional Director may not be
divested of his jurisdiction over ISSUE: W/N RD has jurisdiction
these claims, unless three (3)
elements concur, namely: (a) that
the petitioner (employer) contests HELD: YES. Citing art. 128b of the
the findings of the labor regulation Labor Code
officer and raises issues thereon;
(b) that in order to resolve such
We sustain the jurisdiction of the
issues, there is a need to examine
evidentiary matters; and (c) that respondent Secretary. As the
such matters are not verifiable in respondent correctly pointed out, this
the normal course of inspection. Court's ruling in Servando — that the
In this case, although the visitorial power of the Secretary of
petitioner contested the Regional Labor to order and enforce
Director's finding of violations of compliance with labor standard laws
labor standards committed by the
cannot be exercised where the
petitioner, that issue was resolved
by an examination of evidentiary individual claim exceeds P5,000.00,
matters which were verifiable in can no longer be applied in view of
the ordinary course of inspection. the enactment of R.A. No. 7730
Hence, there was no need to amending Article 128(b) of the Labor
indorse the case to the appropriate
arbitration branch of the National Code,
Labor Relations Commission
(NLRC) for adjudication (Sec. 2, Art. 128 (b) — Notwithstanding the
Rules Implementing Executive provisions of Articles 129 and 217 of
Order 111).
this Code to the contrary, and in
cases where the relationship of
206. GUICO v. QUISUMBING employer-employee still exists, the

FACTS: The case started when the Secretary of Labor and Employment

Office of the Regional Director or his duly authorized representatives

received a letter-complaint requsting shall have the power to issue

for an investigation of petitioner's compliance orders to give effect to the

establishment for violation of labor labor standards provisions of the Code

standards law. and other labor legislation based on

the findings of the labor employment
and enforcement officers or industrial
safety engineers made in the course of Despite the assumption Order, the Unio
n struck. And also on despite the Notice 
inspection. The Secretary or his duly of the Return-to-Work Order, still some 
authorized representatives shall issue of the striking workers refused to heed t
he order and continued with their picket
writs of execution to the appropriate
. The Company then issued letters of ter
authority for the enforcement of their mination for cause to the workers who d
orders, except in cases where the id not report back to work despite the N
otice of Assumption and Return-to-
employer contests the findings of the Work Orders issued by the Acting DOLE
labor employment and enforcement -Sec. However, the Acting DOLE-Sec iss
ued another Order directing the Compa
officer and raises issues supported by ny to reinstate all striking workers “exce
documentary proofs which were not pt the Union Officers, shop stewards, an
d those with pending criminal charges, x 
considered in the course of inspection.
x x” while the resolution of the legality of 
the strike was pending. The strike was la
An order issued by the duly ter declared illegal by the Sec.
authorized representative of the
Secretary of Labor and Employment
under this article may be appealed to
the latter. In case said order involves
a monetary award, an appeal by the Whether or not defiance to the assumpti
employer may be perfected only upon on and return-to-work orders of the Secr
etary of Labor after assumption of jurisd
the posting of a cash or surety bond iction is a valid ground to terminate the 
issued by a reputable bonding employment of striking members.
company duly accredited by the
Secretary of Labor and Employment

in the amount equivalent to the

monetary award in the order
appealed from. (Emphasis supplied.) Yes. It is clear from Art. 263(g) that the 
moment the Secretary of Labor assumes 
jurisdiction over a labor dispute in an in
dustry indispensable to national interest
207. TELEFUNKEN SEMINOCONDUCTORS v. , such assumption shall have the effect o
FFW v. CA f automatically enjoining the intended o
r impending strike. It was not even nece
FACTS: ssary for the Secretary of Labor to issue 
another order directing them to return t
o work. The mere issuance of an assump
The labor dispute started when the Com
pany and the Union reached a deadlock i tion order by the Secretary of Labor auto
matically carries with it a return-to-
n their negotiations for a new collective 
bargaining agreement. The Union filed a  work order, even if the directive to retur
n to work is not expressly stated in the a
Notice of Strike with the NCMB. The Act
ing DOLE-Sec intervened and assumed j ssumption order. However, petitioners r
efused to acknowledge this directive of t
urisdiction over the dispute and thus enj
oined any strike or lockout, whether act he Secretary of Labor thereby necessitati
ng the issuance of another order express
ual or intended, between the parties.
ly directing the striking workers to cease 
and desist from their actual strike, and t
o immediately return to work but which 
directive the herein petitioners opted to  ISSUE: whether or not the public
ignore. respondent acted with grave abuse
of discretion amounting to lack or
In this connection, Article 264 provides  excess of jurisdiction in assuming
prohibited activities. One of which is tha jurisdiction over subject labor
t “No strike or lock out shall be declared  dispute.
after the assumption of jurisdiction by t
he President or the Secretary or after cer
tification or submission of the dispute to  HELD: YES, the petition is
compulsory or voluntary arbitration”.  T impressed with merit.
he rationale of this prohibition is that on
ce jurisdiction over the labor dispute has 
been properly acquired by the competen
Art. 263, paragraph (g) of the Labor
t authority, that jurisdiction should not  Code, provides:
be interfered with by the application of t
he coercive processes of a strike. We hav (g) When, in his opinion, there exist
e held in a number of cases that defiance  a labor dispute causing or likely to
to the assumption and return-to-work or
ders of the Secretary of Labor after he ha
cause a strike or lockout in an
s assumed jurisdiction is a valid ground  industry indispensable to the
for loss of the employment status of any  national interest, the Secretary of
striking union officer or member Labor and Employment may
assume jurisdiction over the dispute
208. PHIMCO INDUSTRIES, INC. v. and decide it or certify the same to
BRILLANTES the Commission for compulsory
arbitration . . .
FACTS: On March 9, 1995, the
private respondent, Phimco
The Labor Code vests in the
Industries Labor Association
Secretary of Labor the discretion to
(PILA), duly certified collective
determine what industries are
bargaining representative of the
indispensable to the national
daily paid workers of the petitioner
interest. Accordingly, upon the
PHIMCO filed a notice of strike
determination by the Secretary of
with the NCMB against PHIMCO, a
Labor that such industry is
corporation engaged in the
indispensable to the national
production of matches, after a
interest, he will assume jurisdiction
deadlock in the collective
over the labor dispute in the said
bargaining and negotiation. Parties
industry. 8 This power, however, is
failed to resolve their differences
not without any limitation.
PILA (during the conciliation
It stressed in the case of Free
conferences), composed of
telephone Workers Union
352 members, staged a strike.
vs. Honorable Minister of Labor
and Employment, et al., 10 the
PHIMCO sent notice of termination limitation set by the legislature on
to some 47  workers including the power of the Secretary of Labor
several union officers. to assume jurisdiction over a labor
dispute, thus:
Secretary Brillantes assumed xxx cannot be any clearer, the
jurisdiction over the labor dispute; coverage being limited to “strikes or
issued a return-to-work order. lockouts adversely affecting the
national interest. 11
Hence, petitioner files this petition. In this case at bar, however, the
very admission by the public
respondent draws the labor dispute 209. NATIONAL FEDERATION OF LABOR v.
in question out of the ambit of the
Secretary’s prerogative, to wit.
In the original rendering of the Labor Code, Art.
While the case at bar appears on its 222 thereof provided that the decisions of the
face not to fall within the strict NLRC are appealable to the Secretary of Labor on
specified grounds. 6 The decisions of the
categorization of cases imbued with Secretary of Labor may be appealed to the
“national interest”, this office President of the Philippines subject to such
believes that the obtaining conditions or limitations as the President may
circumstances warrant the exercise direct.

of the powers under Article 263 (g) Thus under the state of the law then, this Court
of the Labor Code, as amended. 12 had ruled that original actions for certiorari and
The private respondent did not prohibition filed with this Court against the
decision of the Secretary of Labor passing upon
even make any effort to touch the decision of the NLRC were unavailing for mere
on the indispensability of the error of judgment as there was a plain, speedy
match factory to the national and adequate remedy in the ordinary course of
interest. It must have been law, which was an appeal to the President. We
said in the 1975 case, Scott v. Inciong, 7 quoting
aware that a match factory, Nation Multi Service Labor Union v. Agcaoili: 8 "It
though of value, can scarcely is also a matter of significance that there was an
be considered as an industry appeal to the President. So it is explicitly provided
by the Decree. That was a remedy both adequate
“indispensable to the national and appropriate. It was in line with the executive
interest” as it cannot be in the determination, after the proclamation of martial
same category as “generation and law, to leave the solution of labor disputes as
much as possible to administrative agencies and
distribution of energy, or those
correspondingly to limit judicial participation."
undertaken by banks, hospitals, and 9chanroblesvirtuallawlibrary:red

export-oriented industries.” 13 Yet,
the public respondent assumed Significantly, we also asserted in Scott v. Inciong
that while appeal did not lie, the corrective power
jurisdiction thereover. of this Court by a writ of certiorari was available
To uphold the action of the public whenever a jurisdictional issue was raised or one
respondent under the premises of grave abuse of discretion amounting to a lack
or excess thereof, citing San Miguel Corporation
would be stretching too far the
v. Secretary of Labor. 10
power of the Secretary of Labor as
every case of a strike or lockout P.D. No. 1367 11 amending certain provisions of
where there are inconveniences in the Labor Code eliminated appeals to the
President, but gave the President the power to
the community, or work disruptions assume jurisdiction over any cases which he
in an industry though not considered national interest cases. The
indispensable to the national subsequent P.D. No. 1391, 12 enacted "to insure
speedy labor justice and further stabilize
interest, would then come within industrial peace", further eliminated appeals from
the Secretary’s power. It would be the NLRC to the Secretary of Labor but the
practically allowing the President still continued to exercise his power to
Secretary of Labor to assume jurisdiction over any cases which he
considered national interest cases. 13
intervene in any Labor dispute
at his pleasure. Though appeals from the NLRC to the Secretary
of Labor were eliminated, presently there are
several instances in the Labor Code and its
This is precisely why the law sets implementing and related rules where an appeal
and defines the standard: even in can be filed with the Office of the Secretary of
Labor or the Secretary of Labor issues a ruling, to
the exercise of his power of wit:
compulsory arbitration under
chanrob1es virtual 1aw library

Article 263 (g) of the Labor Code,

the Secretary must follow the law.

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