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Biology at Ease

Genetics and Evolution COMPLETE UNIT

1. Study of fossils is

A. Paleontology

B. Herpetology

C. Saurology

D. Organic evolution
Biology at Ease
Genetics and Evolution

2. Genes located on same locus but having different

expressions are:

A. Codominants

B. Oncogenesis

C. Polygenes

D. Multiple alleles
Biology at Ease
Genetics and Evolution

3. The following diagram represent

A. Homologous organs

B. Analogous organs

C. Vestigeal organs
Biology at Ease
Genetics and Evolution

4. Which one is the incorrect match?

A. – Consanguineous mating

B. – Sex unspecified

C. – Male

D. – Normal individuals
Biology at Ease
Genetics and Evolution

5. Mother and father of a person with ‘O’ blood group have ‘A’
and ‘B’ blood group respectively. what would be the genotype
of both mother and father ?
A. Mother is homozygous for ‘A’ blood group and father is
heterozygous for ‘B’
B. Mother is heterozygous for ‘A’ blood group and father is
homozygous for ‘B’
C. Both mother and father are heterozygous for ‘A’ and ‘B’
blood group respectively
D. Both mother and father are homozygous for ‘A’ and ‘B’
blood group respectively
Biology at Ease
Genetics and Evolution

6. Which of the following nitrogenous bases are common for

both RNA and DNA?

A. C, G, A

B. G, A, U

C. T, A, C

D. U, A, C
Biology at Ease
Genetics and Evolution

7. _____ is the unit of inheritance

A. Gene

B. Allele

C. Factors

D. Both A and C
Biology at Ease
Genetics and Evolution

8. The unequivocal proof of DNA as the genetic material came

from the studies on a

A. Viroid

B. Bacterial virus

C. Bacterium

D. Fungus
Biology at Ease
Genetics and Evolution

9. Which of the following is an example of pleiotropy?

A. Hemophilia

B. Thalassemia

C. Sickle cell anemia

D. Color blindness
Biology at Ease
Genetics and Evolution

10. Viviparity is considered to be more evolved because:

A. The young ones are left on their own

B. The young ones are protected by a thick shell

C. The young ones are protected inside mother's body and are
looked after they are born leading to more chances of survival
Biology at Ease
Genetics and Evolution

11. Match the column and find out the correct combination:

A. G.J. Mendel 1. Chromosomal theory of inheritance

B. Sturtevant 2. Discovered linkage in Drosophila

C. A – 4,
A. T.H. B – 3, C – 2,3.D –Prepared
Morgan 1 chromosome maps

B. A – 2, B – 3, C – 1, D – 4
D. Sutton & Boveri 4. Proposed laws of heredity
C. A – 3, B – 1, C – 4, D – 1
Biology at Ease
Genetics and Evolution

12. Identify the figure shown:

A. Klinefelter’s syndrome

B. Down’s syndrome

C. Turner’s syndrome
Biology at Ease
Genetics and Evolution

13. Which cannot be used for DNA fingerprinting in humans?

A. Leucocytes

B. Erythrocytes/RBCs

C. Hair follicle

D. Sperms
Biology at Ease
Genetics and Evolution

14. In the solar system of the milky way galaxy, earth was
supposed to have been formed about
A. 4.5 billion years

B. 8.0 billion years

C. 3 billion years

D. 1 billion years
Biology at Ease
Genetics and Evolution

15. Study the following regarding sex determination in different

organisms and choose the correct match
A. Male Drosophila - Homozygous XX chromosomes

B. Female in Birds - Homozygous ZZ chromosomes

Biology at Ease
Genetics and Evolution

16. The tendency of population to remain in genetic equilibrium

may be disturbed by: [2013]

A. Lack of random mating

B. Random mating

C. Lack of migration

D. Lack of mutation
Biology at Ease
Genetics and Evolution

17. Hemophilic man marries a normal woman. Their offsprings

will be

A. All hemophilic

B. All boys hemophilic

C. All girls hemophilic

D. All normal
Biology at Ease
Genetics and Evolution

18. Potato and sweet potato have edible parts which are

A. Homologous

B. Analogous

C. Introduced in India from the same place

D. Two species of the same genus

Biology at Ease
Genetics and Evolution

19. Find out the incorrect match.

A. UUU - Phenylalanine

B. UAG - Sense condon

C. GUG - Valine

D. UGG - Tryptophan
Biology at Ease
Genetics and Evolution

20. Match the column and find the correct combination:

Column I Column II

A. Darwin 1. Mutation Theory

B. De Vries 2. Protobiosis

C. Pasteur 3. Origin of Species

A. A – 3, B – 5, C – 1, D – 2
D. Fox 4. Special creation
B. A – 1, B – 2, C – 3, D – 4
5. Swan-Neck Flask experiment
C. A – 5, B – 3, C – 2, D – 1
Biology at Ease
Genetics and Evolution

21. PCR and Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism are the

methods for

A. DNA sequencing

B. DNA fingerprinting

C. Study of enzymes

D. Genetic transformation
Biology at Ease
Genetics and Evolution

(ii) (iii)
22. DNA → mRNA → Protein

A. (i) → Replication, (ii) → Translation, (iii) → Transcription

B. (i) → Replication, (ii) → Transcription, (iii) → Translation

C. (i) → Transcription, (ii) → Translation, (iii) → Replication

Biology at Ease
Genetics and Evolution

23. Miller performed experiment to prove abiogenetic molecular

evolution of life. Which molecule was not present in Miller's
A. Water

B. Oxygen

C. Methane

D. Ammonia
Biology at Ease
Genetics and Evolution

24. The phenomenon of evolution of different species in a given

geographical area starting from a point and spreading to
other habitats is called - [2020 – Covid]

A. Co-evolution

B. Natural selection

C. Adaptive radiation

D. Saltation
Biology at Ease
Genetics and Evolution
25. Which of the following symbol is used for mating between relatives?

A. 5



Biology at Ease
Genetics and Evolution

26. Match the following with respect to Lac operon:

List I List II

A. Structural gene 1. Binding site for repressor protein

B. Operator gene 2. Codes for repressor protein

A. A – 4, B – 1, C – 5, D – 2
C. Promoter gene 3. Induces lactose transport from the
B. A – 5, B – 2, C – 4, Dmedium

C. A – 1, B – 2, C – 4, D – 5
Biology at Ease
Genetics and Evolution

27. Phenotypically females having rudimentary ovaries,

underdeveloped breasts, short stature, webbing neck, often
subnormal intelligence suggests
A. Down’s syndrome

B. Klinefelter’s syndrome

C. Turner’s syndrome

D. Hemophilic syndrome
Biology at Ease
Genetics and Evolution

28. Alleles are

A. Similar forms of different gene

B. Slightly different forms of the different gene

C. Similar forms of the same gene

D. Slightly different forms of the same gene

Biology at Ease
Genetics and Evolution

29. In Hardy-Weinberg equation, the frequency of heterozygous

individual is represented by: [2016-II]

A. pq

B. q2

C. p2

D. 2pq
Biology at Ease
Genetics and Evolution

30. Example of incomplete dominance

A. Snapdragon

B. Dog flower

C. Antirrhinum sp.

D. All the above

Biology at Ease
Genetics and Evolution

31. Leading strand during DNA replication is formed

A. Continuously

B. In short segment

C. First

D. Ahead of replication
Biology at Ease
Genetics and Evolution

32. In a nucleotide, phosphate group is linked to P _ of

nucleotide through the Q _ linkage.

A. 5’ – OH N – glycoside
B. 3’ – OH N – glycoside
C. 5’ – OH Phosphodiester
D. 3’ – OH Phosphodiester
Biology at Ease
Genetics and Evolution

33. Genetics deals with

A. Heredity and variations

B. Mutations

C. Variations

D. Mendel’s laws
Biology at Ease
Genetics and Evolution

34. Antiparallel strands of a DNA molecule means that

A. One strand turns clockwise

B. One strand turns anti-clockwise
C. The phosphate groups of two DNA strands, at their ends,
share the same position

D. The phosphate groups at the start of two DNA are on

opposition position (pole)
Biology at Ease
Genetics and Evolution

35. Point mutation involves

A. Deletion

B. Insertion

C. Change in single base pair

D. Duplication
Biology at Ease
Genetics and Evolution

36. Select the wrong one:

A. Homo erectus : Ate meat

B. Homo habilis : did not eat meat

C. Australopithecus : Ate fruits

D. Homo erectus : Brain capacity is 1400 cc

Biology at Ease
Genetics and Evolution

37. In eukaryotic translation RNA polymerase – I does not


A. 5.8 Sr RNA

B. 18 Sr RNA

C. 5 Sr RNA

D. 28 Sr RNA
Biology at Ease
Genetics and Evolution

38. Match the following and find out the correct option:
A. Genetic makeup of an individual 1. Contrasting traits

B. The alternative forms of a 2. Allelomorphs


A –two
C.A. The 2, B – 1, C – 4,
alternative D – 3of a gene
forms 3. Genotype

B. A – 2, B – 4, C – 1, D – 3

D.C. Pairs
A – of
3, contrasting
B – 1, C – 4,characters
D–2 4. Alleles
Biology at Ease
Genetics and Evolution

39. Match the following and find out the correct option:
Set I Set II
A 2pq 1 Recessive genotype
. . frequency
B q2 2 Binomial equation
. .
C p2 3 Heterozygous genotype
. . frequency
A. A – 3, B – 2, C – 1, D – 4
D (p+q)2 = 1 4 Homozygous dominant
B. A – 1, B – 3, C – 4, D – 2 . . genotype frequency
C. A – 3, B – 4, C – 1, D – 2
D. A – 3, B – 1, C – 4, D – 2
Biology at Ease
Genetics and Evolution

40. Which of the following is not a dominant trait in edible pea?

A. Axial flower

B. Inflated pod

C. Green seed color

D. Green pod
Biology at Ease
Genetics and Evolution

41. According to Darwin, fitness refers to

A. Ability to survive and reproduce

B. High aggressiveness

C. Healthy appearance

D. Physical strength
Biology at Ease
Genetics and Evolution

42. Diploid chromosome number in human is:


A. 46

B. 44

C. 48

D. 42
Biology at Ease
Genetics and Evolution

43. Cytidine is a

A. Nucleoside

B. Nitrogen base

C. Nucleotide

D. Common dinucleotide in DNA and RNA

Biology at Ease
Genetics and Evolution

44. When the Mendel work got rediscovered?

A. 1998

B. 1988

C. 1900

D. 1991
Biology at Ease
Genetics and Evolution

45. Fossils are generally found in:

A. Sedimentary rocks

B. Igneous rocks

C. Metamorphic rocks

D. Any type of rock

Biology at Ease
Genetics and Evolution

46. Oparin’s theory is based on

A. Artificial synthesis

B. Spontaneous generation

C. God’s Creation

D. Panspermia
Biology at Ease
Genetics and Evolution

47. The eye of octopus an eye of cat showed different patterns of

structure, yet they perform similar function. This is an
example of: [2013]

A. Analogous organs that have evolved due to

divergent evolution
B. Homologous organs that have evolved due to
convergent evolution
C. Homologous organs that have evolved due to
divergent evolution
D. Analogous organs that have evolved due to
convergent evolution
Biology at Ease
Genetics and Evolution

48. The gene of myotonic dystrophy is

A. Sex – linked dominant

B. Sex – linked recessive

C. Autosomal recessive

D. Autosomal dominant
Biology at Ease
Genetics and Evolution

49. Divergent evolution is

A. Homologous structure

B. Analogous structure

C. Eye of octopus and mammals

D. Flippers of penguin and dolphins

Biology at Ease
Genetics and Evolution

50. A single strand of nucleic acid tagged with a radioactive

molecule is called

A. Plasmid

B. Probe

C. Vector

D. Selectable marker
Biology at Ease
Genetics and Evolution

51. _____ are the amino acids of histones.

A. Valine and lysine

B. Valine and Arginine

C. Lysine and Arginine

D. Isoleucine and leucine

Biology at Ease
Genetics and Evolution

52. Who said that organisms develop from pre-existing


A. Aristotle

B. Louis Pasteur

C. Oparin

D. Morgan
Biology at Ease
Genetics and Evolution

53. According to Hugo de Vries, the mechanism of evolution is:


A. Multiple step mutations

B. Saltation

C. Phenotypic variations

D. Minor mutations
Biology at Ease
Genetics and Evolution

54. Sugars are attached to the pyrimidines by the formation of

A. Hydrogen bond

B. N-glycosidic bond

C. Phosphoester bond

D. O-glycosidic bond
Biology at Ease
Genetics and Evolution

55. Who demonstrated that life comes from life with the help of
flask with boiled broth?

A. Reddi

B. Pasteur

C. Van Helmont

D. Arrhenius
Biology at Ease
Genetics and Evolution

56. Which of the following is correct match?

A. Down’s syndrome – 21st chromosome

B. Sickle cell anemia – X-chromosome

C. Hemophilia – Y-chromosome

D. Cystic – X and Y chromosome

Biology at Ease
Genetics and Evolution

57. The first life originated

A. On land

B. In air

C. In water

D. All of these
Biology at Ease
Genetics and Evolution

58. Match the columns:


A Darwin 1 Use and disuse

. . theory

A A – 2, B – 1, C – 4, D – 3 B Lamarck 2 Origin and species

. . .
B A – 4, B – 1, C – 2, D – 3 C Hugo de Vries 3 Origin of life
. . .
C A – 1, B – 2, C – 3, D – 4 D A. S. Oparin 4 Mutation theory
. . .
D A – 2, B – 3, C – 4, D – 1
Biology at Ease
Genetics and Evolution
1) A : Paleontology 11) A : A – 4, B – 3, C – 2, D – 1 24) C : Adaptive radiation
2) D : Multiple alleles 12) B : Down’s syndrome 25) C :
3) B : Analogous organs 13) B : Erythrocytes/RBCs
26) A : A – 4, B – 1, C – 5, D – 2
14) A : 4.5 billion years
4) C: - Male 27) C : Turner’s syndrome
15) C : Male grasshopper - XO
5) C : Both mother and father are 28) D : Slightly different forms of
type of sex chromosome
heterozygous for ‘A’ and ‘B’ the same gene
blood group respectively 16) A : Lack of random mating 29) D : 2pq
6) A : C, G, A 17) D : All normal 30) D : All the above
18) B : Analogous 31) A : Continuously
7) D : Both A and C
19) B : UAG - Sense condon 32) C : 5’–OH - Phosphodiester
8) B : Bacterial virus 33) A : Heredity and variations
20) D : A – 3, B – 1, C – 5, D – 2
9) C : Sickle cell anemia 34) D : The phosphate groups at
10) C : The young ones are 21) B : DNA fingerprinting the start of two DNA are on
protected inside mother's body 22) B : (i) → Replication, (ii) → opposition position (pole)
and are looked after they are Transcription, (iii) → 35) C : Change in single base pair
born leading to more chances Translation 36) D : Homo erectus : Brain
of survival 23) B : Oxygen capacity is 1400 cc
Biology at Ease
Genetics and Evolution
37) C : 5 Sr RNA 48) D : Autosomal dominant
38) C : A – 3, B – 1, C – 4, D – 2 49) A : Homologous structure
39) D : A – 3, B – 1, C – 4, D – 2 50) B : Probe
40) C : Green seed color 51) C : Lysine and Arginine
41) A : Ability to survive and 52) B : Louis Pasteur
53) B : Saltation
42) A : 46
54) B : N-glycosidic bond
43) A : Nucleoside
55) B : Pasteur
44) C : 1900
56) A : Down’s syndrome – 21st
45) A : Sedimentary rocks chromosome
46) A : Artificial synthesis 57) C : In water
47) D : Analogous organs that 58) A : A – 2, B – 1, C – 4, D – 3
have evolved due to
convergent evolution

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