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ErniecoJay Ahon

BSIT 3-1
Art Appreciation
Ma'am Ma. Corazon Constantino
November 16, 2020

Part 7 : Art and Mathematics

Lesson 22: Aesthetic Formalism
(Assessment 1)
1. Differentiate aesthetic and artistic.

The Aesthetic nature shows itself in responsiveness to beauty wherever it is

found, and by contrast, in aversion to that which is ugly, While Artistic nature
shows itself in an urge to fashion or to express and to create out of materials,
words, or sounds the beautiful thing that the artist designs.

2. Explain “Aesthetic – Usability” Phenomenon.

Aesthetic Usability Phenomenon is the effect which a people or a user most like
and consider more aesthetic designs to be ease to use rather than unaesthetic

3. Which do you prefer an artistically made product or aesthetically designed

product? Why?

I prefer on Aesthetic Designs, because they are ease to use and User Friendly,
but sometimes aesthetic Design have flaws.

4. What is Aesthetic Theory?

The Aesthetic Theory is experienced when a sensuous object stimulates our

emotions, intellect and imagination.

5. Enumerate and explain the three (3) Aesthetic Theories of Art Criticism
a. Which theory applies to your product preference? Why?
ErniecoJay Ahon
BSIT 3-1
Art Appreciation
Ma'am Ma. Corazon Constantino
November 16, 2020

1. Imitationalism – infers that only art that looks like real or

represents the subject matter realistically can be considered
successful, its look like what we see in the real world

2. Formalism - it bases the success of art , on the composition or the

arrangement of the Elements of art using the Principles of Design

3. Emotionalism - based on its decisions obout the success of art

on the message contained within the work. The expressive quality
is most important, a strong feeling for the mood and idea the artist
wants the viewer to see.

a. Theory that applies is Formalism, I prefer to make arrange my

product fomallly to impress people
ErniecoJay Ahon
BSIT 3-1
Art Appreciation
Ma'am Ma. Corazon Constantino
November 16, 2020

Lesson 23: Harmony and Proportion

(Assessment 1)
1. Differentiate the seven (7) core elements of art.

The 7 core Elements of Art are Line, Color, Value, Shape, Form, Space, and
Texture. Line is a stroke made through space, Color Involves light, Value
(Highlight), Shape is closed line with boundaries, Form is combination of
Shapes and lines , Space is area between Objects and Last Texture is what
they'll look like, These elements has different roles and when they are
combined together it will form a beautiful landscape.

2. What are the importance of the elements of art?

The importance of knowing the elements of arts is to help us to better

understanding what is going on in art. Might not help others who do not like that
kind of thing. Knowing the elements of art could help, hurt or be irrelevant to an

3. Differentiate the seven (7) principles of design.

The Principles of design are Emphasis, Balance and Alignment, Contrast,

Repetition, Proportion, Movement and White Space. These principles are most
important for artist to express their work for people. Design differs from art in
that it has to have a purpose. Visually, this functionality is interpreted by
making sure an image has a center of attention, a point of focus.

4. How do elements of art and principles of design work together?

The 7 elements of art and principle of design, form the foundation of visual arts.
Using By applying the 7 elements of art and principle of design, artist can
create a cohesive image grounded in the foundations of art theory. This lead to
understand and express actions on another people.
ErniecoJay Ahon
BSIT 3-1
Art Appreciation
Ma'am Ma. Corazon Constantino
November 16, 2020
5. How do the elements of art shape human creativity?

Elements of Arts helps and guide human to express what they seen either a
lanscape view or a person ,by drawing lines and forming shapes to create a
Form to create an object,human can Impress the work of artists. It's important
both for artists and for lovers of art. By gaining a deeper understanding of the
elements of art, it's easier to analyze, unravel, and create any type of artwork
from painting and photography to sculpture and architecture.
ErniecoJay Ahon
BSIT 3-1
Art Appreciation
Ma'am Ma. Corazon Constantino
November 16, 2020

Lesson 23 Harmony and Proportion

(Activity 1)
1. How do contemporary artists use the elements of art to convey ideas, values and
They use All the Elements of Art for drawing painting image portrait related to
economic status etc. By their works they make the artwork more detailed not by its
looks but in Lines, shapes, value, color, texture, form and space so it can catch the
eye of observer and it convey or express the feelings emotions to an observer

2. Explain the close connection and dynamic interaction between the elements of art
and the cultural, social, historical and personal factors within a particular society.
The relationship between elements of arts and cultural, social and history is well
preserved. Art and culture hhave their very core serve as some of the most
significant, dynamic, participation, and social influences of human behavior and
interaction. When putting it together, they have the ability to generate empathy, stir
up dialogue, induce reflection.

3. Create an integrative artwork that will demonstrate the interrelationship between

the art elements and the principles of design. ( this can be a drawing, painting,
curving, etc.) (10pts.) Explain your answer.

This artwork I’ve drawn is Mother Mary in Heaven, it

shows the elements of Art and Principles of Design.
I did all the Elements including Lines to shapes and
form an image by a triangular shape. To look it more
Peacefully I applied color with yellow that symbolize
it and on Principles of Design, umm… I make it
more balance and rhythm of shapes that forms a
image .
ErniecoJay Ahon
BSIT 3-1
Art Appreciation
Ma'am Ma. Corazon Constantino
November 16, 2020

Lesson 24 Golden Measure

( Activity 1)
1. What is Golden Measure in art?
Golden Measure or Golden Ratio in other term is a term used to describe how
elements within the piece of art ccan be placed in the most aesthetically Pleasing
way but, its not only the term , it is the actual measure and it can be found in many
leace of art. The golden measurement is the Measure of approximately 1 to 1.618?
2. What are the importance of the Golden Measure in art?
The Golden Measurement is also mathematical ratio. It is commonly found in
nature, and when used in a design, it fosters organic and natural looking
compositions that are asthetically pleasing to the eye. It has been used by artists to
locate aesthetically pleasing areas to place our subjects and distribute weight in

3. Give the different uses of the Golden Measure.

In painting like Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci, the Golden Ratio use to locate
the aesthetic pleasing areas to place our subject and distribute weight
Golden ratio is used in Mathematics like geometry and Algebra to calculate exact
point on the section or ratio of shape like sides of Rectangles

4. Give example of the Golden Measure application by an illustrative computation.

-No Answer-
ErniecoJay Ahon
BSIT 3-1
Art Appreciation
Ma'am Ma. Corazon Constantino
November 16, 2020

Lesson 25 - Mathematical Structure Of Music

(Assessment 1)
1. What is the role of mathematics in Music?
Mathematics also plays a pivotal role in musical harmony. Essentially, harmony is
the combination of musical sounds as perceived by the ear and is analyzed in terms of
math based concepts such as frequency, pitch, and chord progression

2. What us Music Theory?

Music theory is like a language it enables us to understand the structure and
meaning behind a musical composition. Music theory allows us to speak with
other musicians in a common language. It serves as a short-hand for referring
to important points in the music. Music theory considers melody, rhythm, counterpoint,
harmony, form, tonal systems, scales, tuning, intervals, consonance, dissonance etc.

3. What are the Fundamentals of Music ?

Music is composed of aural phenomena, it considers how those phenomena apply
in music. Music theory considers melody, rhythm, counterpoint, harmony, form, tonal
systems, scales, tuning, intervals, consonance, dissonance, durational proportions,
the acoustics of pitch systems, composition, performance, orchestration,
ornamentation, improvisation, electronic sound production, etc.

4. Why is Music Theory important ( Give at least 3 reason)

1 . Music theory is helps every kind of music major. It allows composers to analyze
the work of other composers so they can develop their own style and music
education majors to read the score and figure out where the brass section has an
incorrect note written.
2. Allows commercial music majors to improvise in an unrestricted, wide variety of
3. It allows jazz majors to transcribe solos from their favorite artists. And the
classical pianist to understand the formal structure of Beethoven.
ErniecoJay Ahon
BSIT 3-1
Art Appreciation
Ma'am Ma. Corazon Constantino
November 16, 2020

(Activity 1)

1. What is the first and most natural musical instrument?

I think its human voice, because all human used to sing, like soprano women for
example, the voice was elegant and stunning to hear

2. Can you make music without knowing Music Theory? If yes, Why?
Maybe, but for me No, because how can we make music without doing melody or
rhyme on it, we can't express feeling and emotion without the help of these Music

3. Why is human voice can be considered as the ultimate melodic instrument?

( Give at least 3 reasons)

1. The emotion of the human voice together with the ability to tell a story
make music with singing way more popular that instrumentals.

2. The human voice can be thought of as the ultimate melodic instrument,

because it is capable of instant expression with no instrument required to
translate thoughts and feelings into sound.

3. The voice is capable of a huge variety and depth of expressions. With

the human voice, thought almost equals sound 

4. How can Music affect your life in the following areas: Health, Emotion, Behavior,
Productivity, Perception of the world

a. Health - Music makes myself easily to recover, by keeping positive in


b. Emotion – Music also change my mood sometimes it brings me cry,

anger, happy, Hold on, keep up
ErniecoJay Ahon
BSIT 3-1
Art Appreciation
Ma'am Ma. Corazon Constantino
November 16, 2020
c. Behavior - Some music brings my mood into different environments
some times lonely, sometimes in love etc.

d. Productivity – some music like rock makes me cheered up and makes

my mind awake and alertness

e. Perception of the World- music keeps me in peace because of its

lyrics and Melody , it brings me on what the way the music according
to its environment
ErniecoJay Ahon
BSIT 3-1
Art Appreciation
Ma'am Ma. Corazon Constantino
November 16, 2020
Lesson 22: Aesthetic Formalism
Artistic vs Aesthetic - What's the difference? (n.d.). Retrieved November 27,
2020, from h
Aesthetic Usability Effect: How aesthetics influence us? -. (n.d.). Retrieved
November 27, 2020, from
Aesthetic Theory. (n.d.). Retrieved November 27, 2020, from
Aesthetic Theory of Art. (n.d.). Retrieved November 27, 2020, from
Lesson 23: Harmony and Proportion
Chapman, C. (2018, December 13). The Principles of Design and Their
Importance. Retrieved November 20, 2020, from
Post author By Niveditha, & *, N. (2016, September 30). The elements of art and
their importance. Retrieved November 29, 2020, from
Post-LCFA. (n.d.). Retrieved November 29, 2020, from
Lesson 24: Golden Measure
What is the golden ratio | Canva - Learn. (n.d.). Retrieved November 29, 2020,
Golden ratio properties, appearances and applications overview. (n.d.). Retrieved
November 29, 2020, from
Lesson 25: Mathematical Structure of Music
Music theory. (2019, July 23). Retrieved November 29, 2020, from
ErniecoJay Ahon
BSIT 3-1
Art Appreciation
Ma'am Ma. Corazon Constantino
November 16, 2020
(49), F., & (45), M. (n.d.). Human Voice, The Ultimate Instrument. Retrieved
December 01, 2020, from
Why the human voice can be considered the ultimate melodic instrument. (2014,
June 02). Retrieved December 01, 2020, from

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