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God want to be more than a visitor.

He wants to be permanent resident in

our heart. There is no storm that god wont carry you through,no bridge that
god wont help you cross, no battle that god wont help you win. Trust god and
never give up. God never sends us into a situation alone. God goes before
us. He stands beside us, walks behind us, whatever situation we have right
now. Be confident god is with us.

Life is a journey, we face many hurdles, we as a super intelligent being, can

solve most of it by ourselves but when it the the matter of living or death, we
need God, no one of us want to die early in our life’s journey, there is a hope
to live more when death seems near and that hope is GOD, God is our
saviour, our healer, our strength, our defender, our protector and provider of
everything in life, he is the creator of life therefore any problem related to life
we can find solutions in the Lord. We become equal like god if… natural
calamities. Authority, making option we are option in getting help

If we are seriously sick and become weak , we look for a doctor but until
we reach doctor, we trust in the Lord that he will keep us safe and strong.
After reaching Doctor, we will trust in him that he will cure us. Mean to say
whenever we are helpless n no way but we can trust in the Lord for help.
When we walk lonely along the dark road at night, sacred of wild animals or
any treats , we trust in the Lord that he will guard us safely to our destination.
Whenever a storm comes while sailing a boat across a river, we trust in the
Lord that he will protect us and guide us to the shore safely. Good to listen ,
better in experience n greatest joy in lettingbothers know. feel the lord all the
time for our ways r secure with him.

In life , we face problems n hardships, no one is without suffering or pain as

the world is of now, the devil,cruelty, inhuman etc, surrounds our life. We may
go smoothly but something natural or unnatural elements would strike us
badly , bringing loss n destruction to our life. We did no wrong but doing all
the good and great things, however because of others, the evil minds we may
have to suffer, we need protection from devil, we cannot deny devils presence
in humans. Evil is growing , spreading causing troubles everywhere, we see n
feel in our world. All of us need someone stronger than devil, n thats living
god amomg us. By sharing word of God,and a true religion , devil will not
have a place in mankind and all evil minded people will follow the path of

God also wanted to save us from devil, evil minded people, therefore can we
believe that He exists in our life and can definitely save us, the answer is yes
and all we need is to have faith in Him and develop a stronger relationship
with him, to be closer with Him so that no devil can come near us as we
remain close to the Lord. God always welcome us to have faith in Him as he
never breaks his promise,he isa blesser, fulfiller of best in us.. If we feel
hungry then it is our stomach that needs to be filled and we need to use our
own hands, likewise we have to open our hands heart mind for our own
blessings and we shall receive it.

We need to understand troubles in life. Trouble doesnot mean god does not
love us, it merely means that we are a member of the human race. Everyone
faces it but trouble strengthens, fortifies us and forcesus to improve. It
reminds us that our strength is not enough and forces us to run to god
almighty for security. U r qualified but god also qualifies when we come to
him. People may not believe in you or the plans u may have but it doesnt
matter because the final say come from above.

As we know that Lord is a Master source of all blessings, we shall not receive
his blessings just by word or not doing anything. We need to apply both soap
and water to clean our body not just taking holding a soap and having a
bucket of water can clean us, in the same manner, we need to do the will of
the Lord, follow his commands to remain clean in mind body and soul and be
blessed. Also a single chilli cannot work for one kilo potato curry, only me or
few of us being blessed may be difficult to survive in evil world. Therefore , we
need to welcome as many people as we can into the God’s family so we can
expand his kingdom and wipe away devil. Mean to say , turning all the devil
minds into righteous minds and taking everyone into God’s family will be the
victory of Kingdom of heaven on Earth. Godswill to expand hisfamily. Not like
robot to control but life n freedom, we are his by default, people only go away
n withut trusting lord n deprived of his love n blessings. He is powerful that he
can compelled us n pressurize us to fllow him but no, thats not god to
enslaves us but given us everything that we r capable enough to understand.
To doubt him n go away from him means welcoming devil’s coz god is always
good n devils is greed jealous n lust.

God is something may not directly come before us for blessing but rather
bless us through other living person, bless us through natural process like
giving us fresh n cool breeze or rain to pacify us. Bless us through our work
results, produce more crops in our farm land or bear more fruits on our tree,
his supplement for our life is amazing and his love and care cannot be
compared with human loving human, nor any other human can fulfill our
need as God. We may receive more than what we have work and this is our
faith in god. Impossible for us but not for the lord for he is creator itself, what
is impossible for him how he can create, so everything that exist is under gods
control. In life as we grow up we face the elements of life, its phases where
we feel joy happiness or sorrow,, we face difficulties hardships as we develop
into more meaningful life, we face challenge form others or from life itself
according to space and time, ups and downs, confusions n puzzle in life but
for god its very simple and he can prepare us to victory in life.

God is everywhere in the universe or beyond but we say living god because
his concentration is primarily on man kind and where we live, the nature. Our
lord is also the master of nature, controls it and maintain its balance with the
humans. But the greed of human and their carelessness towards nature,
dishonoring nature brings imbalance and catastrophic of the mother nature.
Our deeds have the adverse effects directly or indirectly with the nature,
human and mother nature are related and need to be in balance. we believe
nature is also God’s beautiful creation for us and we don’t want to harm any of
His creation. Loving God helps us to love one another and all that is created
by Him , plants and animals to live in harmony with nature.

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