The Family of God

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The Family of God

It is always God’s will to welcome us into his family, of love and peace, a life
of fulfillment and satisfaction. As we are created by God, we all belong to him
but some of us go away from him and leave his family moving towards
darkness because Father is the light and moving away from Him, darkness
will soon cover us but if we stand near the eternal light all the time then
darkness is far-far away from us. To receive his love and blessings we should
obey him as we obey our human father to receive love. We must follow Lord’s
command, the five principles without fail because these are the best idealistic
way to carry our lives, and by fulfilling the will of the father, we have the right
to enter his kingdom.

The kingdom of heaven on Earth, not necessarily the Heaven, like State Bank
of India may also be present outside India, not always mean the India only,
the kingdom of God where He is the Ruler and the Provider. Serving Lord is
not an option, it is the only way for us to attain glory and grace. Our Lord
Thakur is the perfect love, perfect in guiding us and forever the supreme
power as He is the Yug Avatar, the purushotom. Once we enter the house of
the lord, we don’t have to look for another house and once the lord solves a
problem for us, we will never face in our lives because we stand with the Lord,
He provides us His shield to counter anything in life. Our god is never without
a plan and He has the right reason for that plan in us.

Our satsang is a man making factory, entering into satsang, we are willing to
follow the lord with all our heart, mind and spirit. Whenever lord is pleased, he
gives us many blessings and presents in our life and no one can take it away
from us. Lord can help us to know ourselves better, his love is very deep and
care for us that he will never let us to be in unbearable pain. The relationships
among humans is mixture of both pain and pleasure but the relationship with
God is forever pleasing because God is love, he is faithful and never leaves
us alone. He wants us to choose the way which will benefit us and those
around us, the righteous path where God’s own character be among
humankind, he loves us so much the we have a freedom of living but
according to our lives we may get our share of his blessings, or if we live not
according to his will we may not receive anything from the lord.

If we are hungry we need to use our own hands to eliminate hunger by

consuming health food. God’s blessings is just like the way we feel hungry, if
we eat we are satisfied. If we worship and obey we are fulfilled by god. His
blessing is forever healthy for us. Once we are blessed, we never face hunger
or starve again in our lives. We may be capable ourselves , capable to
remove our hunger by our own self, can be victory by our own strength and
don’t require God’s help but this is not the victory forever, we may have to
fight again and again though we become victorious every-time but God’s
blessing in our victory forever, we cannot be defeated again if we attain
victory under his presence, mean to say if we walk along with the Lord then
we won’t face defeat in life though we may face trials and temptation, we are
with the Lord and He cares for us. We have to open our hands to the lord
even though we feel capable ourselves because God’s blessing is an extra
bonus in our lives. God never want us to choose the way or do things that
makes us and those around us miserable. Those who may decide he or she
no longer needs to obey God, and who may choose to go his or her own way
shall not be accepted by God for eternal bliss into his family. To be accepted
by God we have to accept him first with all our heart and belief.

For some people, God is a mystery and what may happen to their soul after
their death may also be a mystery. God is forever watchful and starts caring
for us even as we are formed inside our mothers womb and never stops. After
death, God gives peace to the departed souls and also give rest to souls. We
can say without any doubt that God takes care for us even before we are
born, while we are living our life and also after the soul leaves the body.
Therefore we know God is almighty , supreme power, or for others God is just
a belief for our better living on earth but knowing God with our own personnel
experience and feeling him with our own understanding is what everyone
should try. We can help each other to walk along with the God , or take help
of a Godly man but without our own will , we may not be able to walk with
God. We need to be willing and forever ready to receive God. God wants to
be a permanent resident in our hearts not a visitor.

The selection of man differs from the selection of god. Man choose the
qualified while god picks the unqualified and qualifies.
This is the main point of the love of god. Those who trust gods plan , will
never fear the future because they know that whatever happens is for their
Stay strong stay blessed, stay healthy. Stay safe. Lord has given us a life
which we can live with pleasure as our will, if we live for gods will, will not he
add more pleasures into our lives? Live for the glory of lord shree shree
thakur, honour him in all our ways, share our joys being with the lord to others
, he will share his precious love among us all. Joy guru!

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