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Learn Spanish




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If you have always

wanted to learn
Spanish, you’re
nowhere near alone;
tens of millions of
people study the
language every day
around the world. And
it’s no wonder! Spanish
is a language full of
beauty, layers of
meaning, and a rich
linguistic history. It can
take you all over the
world, from South
America to Spain and even to the islands of the Pacific.

But you might have a lot of questions about what it takes to get started — or why it’s even
worthwhile at all. The good news is you can rest assured that learning the Spanish language is
an effort worth undertaking. With the right technology to guide you in your journey, you’ll see
your efforts pay off in so many ways.

Why Learn Spanish?

Learning Spanish: Background And Basics

Basic Spanish Lessons For Beginners

What's The Quickest And Easiest Way To Learn Spanish?

Learning Spanish With Babbel


Why Learn Spanish?

Learning any new tongue is a challenge that can open up your mind to new perspectives and
help you connect with all types of people across boundaries of land and language. The reasons
to learn Spanish are especially true. Here are just a few of the reasons why spending time
learning Spanish is a great idea:

build new connections with hundreds of millions of people across the world
get a leg up in learning about other related languages, including English
experience culture and history of the Spanish-speaking world through a linguistic lens
spruce up your Spanish business skills to help you compete in the global economy
travel to and even live in Spanish-speaking countries with confidence
stimulate your brain and keep your mental muscles sharp

Reasons To Learn Spanish

Picking up a new skill can help you express your creativity, stimulate your mind, and discover
new sides of yourself along the way. Learning a new language like Spanish is no exception!
Here are just a few of the many ways learning Spanish will have a positive impact on your life.
Build Your Business Spanish Skills — If you’re a professional looking for ways to stay
competitive and current in the global market, learning a new language — especially
Spanish — is a no-brainer for success. Latin and South America are emerging markets full
of opportunity for businesses. Learning the Spanish language is a fantastic way to connect
with colleagues in other countries, score new clients, build strong relationships with
Spanish-speaking partners and investors, and to show off the multicultural, international,
and inclusive nature of your brand.
Use Language To Train Your Brain — Picking up a new language is an especially sound way
to keep your brain flexible and nimble, especially as you grow older. Don’t give in to the
argument that you’re somehow worse at learning languages after your youth! Picking up a
new language is more than just memorizing lists of vocab (though you’ll certainly sharpen
your lexical recall along the way). It involves making connections between those words and
what they represent, spontaneously speaking and thinking on your feet, sticking with a
challenge when it’s frustrating and confusing, and a whole lot of active listening. If you’ve
been lacking intellectual stimulation, there are few better ways to exercise your mental
muscles than by learning Spanish.

Immerse Yourself In Spanish Culture, Unfiltered — Learning Spanish opens you up not only
to a better understanding of the language itself but also of the arts and culture of the world
that speaks it. To read the literature of decorated Spanish-speaking authors like Gabriel
García Marquez, Jorge Luis Borges, and Pablo Neruda is to engage with the language in
some of its most beautiful and poetic expressions. Through the lens of Spanish you get a
look into the lyrics of classic flamenco songs and a more active immersion in more
contemporary Spanish-language media like Spanish podcasts, radio shows, books, and TV
shows. The stories and recipes of world-renowned culinary creations, the dialogue of
famous Latin American and Spanish films, and the most sweeping currents in Spanish-
language journalism all become accessible to you when you learn the Spanish language.
And if you’re from a family with Spanish-speaking elders and ancestors but you don’t know
the language yourself, learning Spanish is an excellent way to connect with your heritage.

Learn Spanish For Travel — When you have Spanish in your back pocket, you have a
passport to a whole new world. Learning Spanish not only means you’ll be able to navigate
new cities by reading road signs, menus, and train tickets; it also lets you connect with the
new people you meet there. It’s often said that the best way to explore a new place is
through the eyes of a local, and learning Spanish lets you branch out of tourist hotspots
and into the real world as the native speakers see it. Whether it’s the beaches of Barcelona,
the many streets of Mexico City, the Incan ruins in Peru or anywhere else Spanish is an
official language, you’ll be more equipped to venture off the beaten path when you have
Spanish in your linguistic repertoire.

Live The Spanish Language Abroad In Spain And Latin America — Whether you’re looking
to enroll at a foreign Spanish-speaking university and have a more alternative college
experience, find a job at a hostel that lets you surf by day and work at night, or retire in a
more tranquil, tropical climate, living abroad is hands down the best hands-on approach to
getting the most immersive language experience possible. By placing yourself in an
environment where you’re obligated to speak Spanish — like if you live in Spain, for
example — you’ll fast-track your journey to Spanish fluency. Learning Spanish is a gateway
to a robust, colorful, and novel life adventure!
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Learning Spanish: Background And Basics

Where Is Spanish An Official Language? A Global Spanish-Speaking


If you know the Spanish language, you open yourself up to a whole world of Spanish speakers
that spans continental borders. There are slightly more than 400 million Spanish speakers
around the world, making it the second most spoken language worldwide behind Chinese
(and ahead of English in third place!). It’s also the second most spoken language in North
America, behind English, and the most spoken in South America, just barely beating out
Brazilian Portuguese.

How Many People Speak Spanish? | By The Numbers

You can find Spanish speakers spread the planet in Spain and in most of the countries of the
Latin American world, including Mexico and Central and South America. Spanish is the official
language of 20 countries, including Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba,
Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Equatorial Guinea, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico,

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