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can find many playlists of Spanish songs on Spotify that are organized by proficiency level,

too, from beginner Spanish playlists to more advanced ones.

But it’s important to remember that to really master a language, you’ve got to do more than
just listening to it; you’ll probably want to supplement audio with other methods of learning
Spanish, too. Try looking up Spanish podcast transcripts or song lyrics for extra reading
practice, and keep a notebook to write down new words and phrases you hear to review later.

Learning With Spanish TV Shows And Movies

Watching Spanish movies and Spanish TV shows is an excellent way to connect with the
Spanish language in a fun, engaging format. You can find a lot of good content of all different
genres and for all learning proficiency levels on streaming services like Netflix and Amazon
Prime. Shows like Jane the Virgin and Narcos are great for training your ear in Spanish that’s
mixed in with English dialogue, and shows like Elite that are entirely in Spanish are extra
challenges if you don’t want to rely on English at all. Animated movies like Arrugas are perfect
for beginner Spanish learners, while films like El secreto de sus ojos and También la lluvia are
ideal for those who want to follow complex, plot-heavy narratives while they practice more
advanced Spanish.
When you’re watching, you can choose to display subtitles in Spanish for some extra reading
practice. Try to avoid watching media dubbed in your native language, as you won’t end up
hearing any Spanish! If the dialogue is too fast, you can pause what you’re watching to give
yourself a chance to process what you’re hearing and look up and write down unfamiliar
words. And when you use movies and TV series to learn Spanish, don’t be afraid to break them
up into chunks to give your brain some rest.

Free Online Spanish Classes, Software And Apps

There’s no shortage of free Spanish content you can find on the web and on your phone. From
Spanish grammar wikis to online forums and classes, you’re sure to find hundreds of options
that might do the trick. Some of it is better than others in the ways it’s organized and how
thoroughly it explains new concepts, so take it with a grain of salt.
Be aware that the tradeoff of a free product is that it usually sacrifices quality. Much of the
content in free Spanish apps comes from user-generated translations that are rarely verified
and are often inconsistent or riddled with errors. These lessons often focus on writing and
reading without much of a way to improve listening and speaking skills. And be wary that free
interactive Spanish lessons like these can often be basic, poorly designed, messy, rigid, and
just downright boring — not to mention littered with ads.
That’s not to say these resources can’t be helpful! But it’s important to know how and where to
fill in the gaps in your language learning journey when certain content isn’t enough.

Spanish Flashcards And Phrasebooks

There are lots of pre-packaged learning materials you can find online or as a physical resource
to help you practice Spanish words, phrases and expressions. Among these are Spanish
flashcards, which can be found on learning websites like Quizlet and can be downloaded to
your phone to take and practice wherever you go. Spanish flashcards are great tools for
boosting your memory retention of the terms you want to remember most.
Similarly, Spanish phrasebooks are a great way to learn the Spanish phrases that real Spanish
speakers use in their everyday lives. They will help you practice some of the most important
expressions for meeting new people, ordering at restaurants and bars and finding your way
around unfamiliar places. You can carry around a pocket Spanish phrasebook with you while
you travel to make your experience more seamless or just to have as some light reading while
you commute to work, for example.
It’s important to remember that while Spanish flashcards, Spanish phrasebooks and other
similar resources are helpful learning tools, they can’t teach you how to use language
spontaneously in real conversations. To do that, you’ll need to use these terms and phrases in
real Spanish dialogues.

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Learning Spanish With Babbel
The goal of learning any language is to have real-life conversations with native speakers. So a
language learning app should be designed to get you to that goal in the best way possible. It’s
important to dedicate the time and effort to practicing with discipline, but outside of your
own personal commitment, you’ve got to have technology that knows how to help you most
effectively along the way.

Luckily, Babbel is
designed by a team
of language
experts, educators,
and designers who
know all about what
it takes to get the
most out of
learning a new
language — so you
are guaranteed a
top-quality Spanish
learning journey
that’s capable,
engaging, and yes,
even fun.
Here are the key ways Babbel Spanish lessons are crafted to get you having real-life
conversations in Spanish with confidence, and all for less cost per month than your morning

The Full Spectrum Of Language Learning

Learning a new language is an endeavor of many dimensions. It takes a lot of skills and
patience to learn how to start speaking on the spot, to write a text to a friend, or to translate
dialogue you hear from a TV show in your target language.
We know how to make these elements work together to your advantage. Babbel’s lessons are
interactive and cover all the aspects of learning Spanish — reading, writing, listening, and
speaking — with multimedia content to train your ears and eyes. Our speech recognition
feature even helps you hone your pronunciation, too.

Spanish Learning On Your Terms

One of the best parts of learning with Babbel is being able to fit lessons in seamlessly when
you want them and where you want them. Our bite-size lessons take roughly between 10 and
20 minutes to complete and can be squeezed into your already busy schedule, whether you’re
on your commute or waiting for a pot of water to boil as you cook dinner.

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