First Semester A.Y. 2019-2020: ACA-QF-011 REV - 00

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First semester A.Y.

Semester/Academic Year

GENERAL DIRECTIONS: Read carefully the questions. Write your answers on the space provided.

MULTIPLE CHOICE: Write the CAPITAL LETTER of the correct answer on the space provided.

1. The year that the computer has dramatically changed our way of life.
a. 1940s b. 1950s c. 1955
2. It is consisted of small doughnut-shaped rings about the size of pinheads which were strung like beads on
intersecting wires.
a. Magnetic card b. magnetic core c. magnetic tape
3. A programming language that uses numbers that made programming difficult and time consuming.
a. Machine language b. COBOL c. FORTRAN
4. He devised an algebra of logic. (Boolean Operators)
a. John Backus b. Stanislaw Ulam c. George Boole
5. A British mathematician regarded as the father of the computer.
a. Charles Babbage b. George Boole c. Alan Turing
6. He changed the course of the Second World War by breaking the German “ Enigma” code.
a. Grace Hopper b. Alan Turing c. Herman Hollerith
7. The founder of the company that later became IBM.
a. Howard Aiken b. Augusta Ada Byron c. Herman Hollerith
8. Inventor of the first electronic digital special-purpose computer.
a. John Atanasoff b. Stanislaw Ulam c. Stanislaw Ulam
9. He built the MARK I, a large scale digital computer.
a. Howard Aiken b. Augusta Ada Byron c. Herman Hollerith
10. These computers have the capability to do a variety of tasks depending on the type of program or software
that are provided.
a. Special-Purpose Computers b. General-Purpose Computers c. Analog Computers
11. The mightiest and expensive computer that can process billions of instructions per second.
a. Micro-computers b. Super-computers c. Large Scale Computers
12. Sometimes referred as mainframes capable of processing data at a very high speed-millions per second.
b. Micro-computers b. Super-computers c. Large Scale Computers
13. A digital computer system that makes use of a microprocessor.
a. Single-Chip Processor b. Personal Computer c. Mainframe
14. Permits user to enter, store , manipulate and print text.
a. Word Processing b. Desktop Publishing c. Database
15. Permits user to work with rows and columns of a matrix of data.
a. Word Processing b. Desktop Publishing c. Spreadsheet
16. Has the electronic circuitry that manipulates input data into the information wanted.
a. CPU b. Memory c. Output devices
17. A program which embodies the operational task of the machine.
a. Compilers b. Interpreters c. Operating System
18. Allows users to create chart and line drawings that graphically portray the data in an electronic
spreadsheet or database.
a. Electronic spreadsheet b. Presentation graphics c. Database
19. Show people the processed data – information – in a form they can use easily.
a. Input devices b. Output devices c. Processor
20. A software use to controls the flow of traffic to and from remote locations.
a. Utility programs b. Performance-monitoring software c. Communication Software

CYBERPHOBIA 21. A terminology which refers to fear in using computers.
VACUUM TUBE 22. It an electronic tube about the size of light bulbs used as internal component of
a computer.
DEBUGGING 23. A term for finding errors.
COBOL 24. A programming language for the business community written in English like

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TABULATING MACHINE 25. It is a electromagnetic machine that passes metal pins through holes in punched cards
and into mercury-filled cups to complete an electric circuit.

Give at least 3 areas of computer use.

List down the internal component of computer from first to fourth generations.

Enumerate the capabilities of a computer.


Name the following pictures.

36. 38.


Compare the characteristic of vacuum tube and transistor. (40- 45 pts.)


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46.50 How did computers affect our lives? (5 pts.)

51.55 Do you think computers are more powerful and smarter than us, explain your answer. 5(pts.)
56-60 Why the computer has its limitations? (5pts.)

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