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Activity 1 — Picture Analysis

1. Folder - Folders help you keep your les organized and separate.

2. Flashdrive - used for storage, data back-up, and transferring of computer les.

3. Web browsers - to load and view websites on the Internet.

4. Internet - a vast global area network that connects computer systems across the

5. Microsoft O ce - helps simplify basic o ce tasks and improve work productivity.

Each application addresses speci c tasks, such as word processing, data
management, making presentations, and organizing emails.

Activity 2 — Criticizing Web Browsers

Chrome’s Design

The chrome design seems to be easier to navigate and doesn't look

complicated. It's also very appealing as well as simple. It won’t be wrong to say
that chrome designers believe simplicity is the best way to ‘engage’ users.

Firefox Design

The refox has what we call an appealing browser design. The design is simple,
but the color and font make it look attractive. Also, the lines make it appear
clean and reduce the clutter.

Opera’s Design

Opera’s browser designer loves to play with soft colors, and we must say that
he is doing a great job. The color combinations are appealing and soothing at
the same time.

Activity 3 — Venn Diagram

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