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ARR X Departure
1. Name of ship 2. Port of arrival/departure 3. Date of arrival/departure
NOBLE 1 Saraylar 30/08/2021
4. Nationality of ship 5. Port arrived from/port of destination
6. Number of persons on board 7. Period of stay 8. Place of storage

vermicelli ‫شعٌرٌة‬ 7 KG
PROVISION: simolena ‫سمٌد‬ 10 kg
Frozen meat: ‫لحم مجمد‬ 25 kg halawah ‫حالوة‬ 0.5 BOX
Frozen poultry: ‫دجاج مجمد‬ 20 kg jelly powder ‫مسحوق هالم‬ 3 box
Frozen fish: ‫معلب‬ NIL KG tahina ‫طحٌنة‬ 15 KG
Canned meat: ‫لحم معلب‬ NIL box chick-pea ‫حمص‬ 15 kg
Canned vegetables: ‫خضار معلب‬ NIL kg pine ‫صنوبر‬ NIL kg
Butter: ‫زبدة‬ 3 box lentils ‫عدس‬ 15 kg
Cheese: ‫الجبن‬ 3 kg dry bean ‫فاصولٌة ٌابسة‬ 5 kg
Milk powder: ‫الحلٌب‬ 1 BOX spaghetti ‫معكرونة‬ 2 box
Eggs: ‫بٌض‬ 1 box walnut ‫جوز‬ NIL kg
Sugar: ‫سكر‬ 20 kg pickles ‫مخلالت‬ NIL KG
Coffee: ‫لهوة‬ 1 kg
Tea: ‫شاي‬ 2 KG
Fresh vegetables: ‫خضار جدٌدة‬ nil box DECK STORES:
Flour: ‫طحٌن‬ 50 kg Paints: ‫البوٌة‬ 600 ltrs
Bread: ‫خبز‬ 100 bundle Mooring Ropes: ‫الحبال‬ 9 coils
Salt: ‫ملح‬ 15 KG Fire wires: ‫أسالك‬ 5 coils
Spices: ‫توابٌل‬ 1 kg EBOXI OIL ً‫زٌت ابوكس‬ NIL ltrs
jam ‫مربى‬ 0.5 box Grease: ‫شحمة‬ NIL kg
cooking butter ‫زبدة طازج‬ NIL BOX Thinner: ‫ تربنتٌن‬+ ‫تنر‬ 180 ltrs
olive ‫زٌتون‬ 10 kg adhesive ‫شعلة الصك‬ 1.5 kg
olive oil ‫زٌت زٌتون‬ 10 ltr INVENTORY:
cooking oil ‫زٌت طبخ‬ 15 LTR phone thuraya ‫تلفون ثرٌا‬ nil pcs
rice ‫أرز‬ 50 kg TV sets: ‫تلفزٌون‬ 2 pcs
tissue ‫نسٌج‬ 2 box Refrigerators: ‫براد‬ 10 pcs
strach ‫نشاء‬ 1 kg Portable VHF: ‫محمول أرسال‬ 9 pcs
yeast ‫خمٌرة‬ 1 kg Laundry Machines: ‫غسالة‬ 3 pcs
catch up ‫كاتشب‬ 1 box DVD player: ‫فٌدٌو سدي‬ 1 pcs
mayonnaise ‫ماٌونٌز‬ 0.5 box Copy machine: ‫ألة تصوٌر‬ 1 pcs
garlic ‫الثوم‬ 2 kg Printers: ‫طابعة‬ 5 pcs
onions ‫البصل‬ 20 kg Ships Computers: ‫كومبٌوتر‬ 3 set
cucumber ‫الخٌار‬ 6 kg BOND STORE
tomato ‫البندورة‬ 10 kg STRONG ALCOHOL NIL LTR
tomato paste ‫ماء بندورة‬ 2 box LIQUEURS NIL LTR
mushroom ‫الفطر‬ NIL box WINE NIL LTR
fruit ‫الفا كهة‬ 0.5 box BEER NIL LTR
soft drink ‫مشروبات‬ 3 box LONG DRINK NIL LTR
tuna in tins ‫تونا‬ 2 box CIGERETTES 50 CAR
sardines in tins ‫سردٌن‬ 1 box CIGAR/TOBACCO NIL gram
juice ‫بانجوس‬ 2 box ENGINE DEPARTMENT:
mineral water ‫مٌاه معدنٌة‬ 5 box 1 TOTAL L.OIL 3025 ltrs
bulgur ‫برغل‬ 15 kg 2 M E OIL : 1140 ltrs
soap ‫صابون‬ 2 box 3 A.G OIL : 300 ltrs
soap powder ‫مسحوق ص‬ 10 kg 4 Hyd OIL : 885 ltrs
soap liquid ‫سائل صابون‬ 2 box 5 bolerther oil 700 ltrs
soap paste ‫معجون صابون‬ NIL box 6 D OIL : 61 MT
flassh ‫فالش‬ 3 box 7 FW : 20 MT
Additional spare parts and supplies as per Owner's Reguirements and International Regulations .
also all solas requirement &all necessary tools spare part and instrument for proper&safe navigation of vessel
9. Date and signature by master, authorised agent or officer

Master of m/v "NOBLE 1" MARWAN OUSTAH

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