IMC Notes

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Segmentation- Identify meaningful group of customers

Targeting- Select which segment to serve

Positioning- Position in the mind of chosen segment

Low end Income; Deal seekers

Medium Income; aspirers

High income; premium segment


Three Building Blocks of Communication

– Identify the Target Group

– Define the Desired Response
– Develop the Message

Purpose of Marketing Communication



Old products with new concept can be disruptive.

FCB Grid: The FCB Grid reveals in a graphic, tangible way how consumers approach the purchase of a
particular product or service.”

The Consumer Decision-Making Process

1. Problem Recognition
2. Information Search
3. Evaluation of Alternatives
4. Product Choice
5. Post-purchase Evaluation

Needs are biologically determined (food, water, shelter) while Wants are learned responses to
satisfying those needs.

CRM: customer relationship management is all about profitability through customer retention.

Organizations want to understand consumer behaviour because it is the first step to being able to
predict what they are going to do next, and ultimately influence that behaviour.

CREATIVITY is the ability to create a novel combination of previously unconnected elements in a way
that adds value.

ADVERTISING CREATIVITY is the ability to generate fresh, unique, and appropriate ideas that can be
used as solutions to communicate problems/opportunities. To be appropriate and effective, a
creative idea must be relevant to the target audience


Immersion: Gathering raw material and information through background research and immersing
yourself in the problem
Digestion: Taking the information, working it over, and wrestling with it in the mind

Incubation: Putting the problems out of your conscious mind and turning the information over to
the subconscious to do the work

Illumination: The birth of an idea – the “Eureka! I have it!” phenomenon

Reality or Verification: Studying the idea to see if it still looks good or solves the problem; then
shaping the idea to practical usefulness

Account planning

It is a process that involves conducting research and gathering all information about the client’s
product or service , brand and the consumer in the target audience.

Key points in a Creative Brief

 Problem that can be solved by communication.

 Target audience and key insights into their attitudes and behavior.
 Brand position and other branding decisions, such as personality and image.
 Communication objectives that specify the desired response to the message by the target
 Proposition or selling idea that will motivate the target to respond.
 Media considerations about where and when the message should be delivered
 Creative direction that provides suggestions on how to stimulate the desired consumer
response. These aren’t creative ideas but may touch on such execution or stylistic direction
as the ad’s tone of voice.

Creative Brief

 Spells out the creative strategy and key execution details

 Prepared by the account planner to summarize the basic marketing and advertising strategy
 Provides direction to the creative team to develop a creative concept

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