Learn Portuguese Part 5

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Learning a foreign

language is an
endeavor of many
dimensions. It takes
a lot of skills and
patience to learn
how to start
speaking on the
spot, to write a text
to a friend, or to
translate dialogue
you hear from a TV
show in your target
We know how to
make these
elements work together to your advantage. Babbel’s lessons are interactive and cover all the
aspects of learning Portuguese — reading, writing, listening, and speaking — with multimedia
Portuguese content to train your ears and eyes. Our speech recognition feature even helps
you hone your Portuguese pronunciation, too.

Portuguese Learning On Your Terms

One of the best parts of learning with Babbel is being able to fit lessons in seamlessly when
you want them and where you want them. Our bite-size lessons take roughly between 10 and
20 minutes to complete and can be squeezed into your already busy schedule, whether you’re
on your commute or waiting for a pot of water to boil as you cook dinner.
With Babbel, you can pick and choose the topics and themes that are most relevant to you.
Taking a trip soon? Brush up on the Portuguese you’ll need for travel and navigating new
places. Need to sharpen your Portuguese for an upcoming business meeting? Our Portuguese
language courses have you covered.
The iOS and Android apps are fully integrated with the web application. And your progress is
saved in the cloud and synced across all devices — so you can learn Portuguese anytime,

Learn Portuguese — And Make Sure It Sticks

What good is committing to learning a foreign language if you’ll forget it before you even
have a chance to use it? That’s why your personalized Babbel Review feature is optimized to
help you retain the information you’re learning.
It takes advantage of the concept of microlearning, or bringing back information in short
bursts to help you hold on to it better. You can practice writing, listening to, and speaking the
Portuguese phrases, terms and expressions you’ve learned in your earlier lessons to lock them
into your brain.

For Portuguese Learning, Try Babbel

We’re committed to making sure you get the most out of learning Portuguese. We offer a free
first lesson in every language so you can get a feel for if Babbel works for you. And if you don’t
like it, we have a 20-day money-back guarantee — no questions asked.
Try a free Portuguese lesson with Babbel and see for yourself how quickly you’ll be on your
way to speaking Portuguese with confidence — like you’ve always wanted to!
Check out our other learning topics about Portuguese:

Portuguese Vocabulary

Portuguese Grammar

Portuguese Phrases

Best Way To Learn Portuguese

How To Speak Portuguese


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Browse our learning topics

Learn Portuguese
How to speak Portuguese
Learning Portuguese online
Learning Portuguese
Portuguese phrases
Portuguese language
Learn Portuguese free
Portuguese lessons
Best way to learn Portuguese
Portuguese vocabulary
Portuguese grammar
Portuguese even for dummies
Foreign Languages

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