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Gynae Problems: 5 Symptoms Women Should Know

Gynecological disorders are very dangerous and have a series of consequences if not treated
well. Gynae problems affect the uterus, genital organs, fallopian tubes, women's breasts,
uterus, ovaries, and many other reproductive organs. it affects women's sexual function badly.
Irregular menstrual cycles and painful periods are the most common problems but there are
many other serious symptoms you should be aware of.

Here are some of the most common gynae problems:

Pelvic Pain
Extreme pain in the lower abdomen and pubic bones is called pelvic pain. pelvic pain usually
remains for six months. Chronic pelvic pain is severe and is distinct from the normal discomfort
of periodic menstrual cramps. Pressure in the pelvic, pain while sexual intercourse, cramping,
mood swings, painful urination are the most common symptoms of pelvic pain. This pain can't
be treated with over the counter medications and adversely affect health. One should consult a
doctor if you feel this kind of pain otherwise it affects your life, work, and physical activities

Endometrium causes painful menstrual cramps, spotting during the menstrual cycle, and
digestive problems. Endometrium tissues grow outside of the uterus and cause the tissues to
become inflamed and swollen. Endo metiram is commonly found in ovaries, tissues that hold
the tissues in place, fallopian tubes, the outer surface of the uterus. symptoms of endometrium
include painful menstrual cramp, chronic pain in the pelvic, pain during intercourse, bleeding or
spotting during the menstrual period, infertility, pain in urinating during menstrual bleeding,
stomach problems.

Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS)

In Polycystic ovarian syndrome, ovaries produce follicle that develops into cyst instead of eggs.
ovaries keep continuously produce follicles that further developed into the cyst. improper
functioning of ovaries develops male hormones that cause excessive hair growth and weight
gain. Common symptoms of polycystic ovarian syndrome are irregular periods, acne and oily
skin, hair growth on the face, chest, back, and other areas of the body, depression and mood
swings, and sometimes breathing difficulty.

it is the most common reproductive problem of women of childbearing age.

Uterine fibroids
uterine fibroids grow in the uterus of females these can be large and cause excessive and
painful bleeding during menstruation, infertility, and frequent urination. women with large
fibroids feel pain in the lower abdomen and pelvic. This pain is usually harmless and not
cancerous that can be treated by over the counter drugs. This issue often disturbs one's daily
activity and causes iron deficiency that leads to anemia.

Urinary Tract Infection

It is the most commonly affected gynae problem. Urinary tract infection is caused by bacteria
that are present in the vagina and anus that move toward the urethra and bladder. Almost 50%
of women face this problem one time in her life. This problem is more common in females than
males. urinary tract infection is commonly caused by pregnancy, a new sex partner, diabetes,
use of birth control pills, excessive use of irritating products like harsh cleanser, and excessive
use of antibiotics. Symptoms of this urinary tract infection include burning sensation during
urination, painful intercourse, frequent urination, abdominal cramp, strong-smelling urine,
blood or pus in the urine, and vomiting can be treated by antibiotic medication
depending on the severity of the problem.

Women facing any of these gynae problems should visit the gynecologist for better reproductive
health. Immediate help from your doctor may help you with many complications. some of these
problems can be treated by a healthy lifestyle and physical activity while other required proper
checkup and medical intervention.

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