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A. Background ofthe study

In the era of globalization demands each individual to prepare a reliable

resource, especially in the field of science and technology. In order to master the

technology well,it is required an adequated knowledge to face the global

competition. In this case, the role of English is really needed both in mastering the

technology and direct interaction. As a tool of global communication, English

should be mastered actively both in spoken and written. As an international

language.English is not only as a medium of global communication but English

also becomes as an academic need especially in language mastery.

(AlwasilahinFahrawaty 2007: 54). In Indonesia English has become compulsory

subject that must be learnt by all students in every junior hight school, senior

hight school and all university in Indonesia even English lesson has become one of

the national examination subject that must be mastered by all students in every

junior hight school and senior hight school as the requirement to graduate from the


English is considered as a foreign language in Indonesia. The term foreign

language in teaching language is different from the second language. The purpose

of the second language is a language that not primary language, but become one of

the languages used in Country. And English is not used as a primary

communication device in Indonesia. Meanwhile, foreign language is usually

taught as a subject in schools with theaim of basic communication and master the

four language skills (listening, reading, writing, speaking) in that language with

certain limitations. (Salama, 2006:01). It becomes because many kinds of job in

Indonesia require their employees to master English not only mastering one of the

language skill for example the speaking skill but they have to master the four

language skills (listening, reading, writing, speaking) especially at the tourism

sector, private company, international company, education sector (teaching) etc.

Generally, mastering speaking, reading, listening and writing are regarded

as an important portion of the process of learning a language or developing a

capability in a language that has been mastered. Students are often taught new

words as a portion of the subjects. Many adults who consider the establishment of

the four skills as an interesting and educative. According to the explanation above

mastering those skills is the most basic things that must be mastered by the

students in learning English as the second language for all students and Indonesian


From the problem above, the researcher can conclude that teachers have a

hard task to bring all their students to achive what the students’ dream in the

future, Therefore, the teachers should have various competencies related to their

duties and responsibilities. By those competencies, the teachers will become

professional in doing their duties and responsibilities, both in academic and non-


Professional teachers are those who have authority and responsibility in

education of students, both individually and classically. It means that minimally

teachers must have basic competence as a form of authority and ability in doing

their tasks as teacher. Competency of teachers is a skill that must be mastered by

teachers in ability, skill, and responsibility to their students that educated, so that

they can do or run their tasks as educators well. (Yamin in Hadi susanto 2007:3).

In this case, teachers need to know and understand the competences as

teachers. Competence of teachers is an important part in managing education and

teaching that have various types. Generally there arefourcompetences that must be

had by teachers, they are pedagogical competence, personality competence,

professional competence and social competence.The four competences must be

mastered by teachers in doing their duties or their responsibilities as teacher and


Nowdays, in education aspect it’s so hard to see teachers who have the four

competencies above and teach based on their major that they took in the

university. Many teachers teach the lesson that’s not appropriate with their major,

this case causes the outcomes of education that have been established not

effective. The professional teachers should have the four competencies above.

Because of that, besides of competent in teaching, teachermust also have

capacious knowledge, wise, and can associate with the learners well.

Based on the explanation above, it can be concluded that the professional

teachers should have the four competencies above. It means that professional

teachers must be able toimprove their good personality, interaction,

communication, and to do guidance and illumination and also they have to be able

to do the school administration and simple research as teaching needed, arrange

and do teaching program, and evaluate result and processes of teaching that has

been run.

If we read the phenomenon of teachers, indeed there are various types. In

view of the professional skills of teachers, there are various types of teachers, they

are teachers who are smart and good in teaching, teachers who are not smart and

not good at teaching; and; teachers who are not smart and not good at teaching.

Therefore, by looking at the description of professional teachers and the

quality of teachers as well as some of the problems that occured because of many

teachers who are not professional, It affects to the students ability development. So

one of the technique aspect is the ability of teachers in implementing the

Icebreaker. When we hear the word “icebreaker”, scientificly ice breaker is a kind

of game that is created to solve the awkward atmosphere in an ongoing activity.

This activity is usually in the form of a joke, sometimes in the form of activities

that tend to be embarrassing, activities in the form of information, enlightenment,

or it can be in the form of a simple game.(Lutfi2011: 2)


Icebreaker is really needed in learning process in the classroom to keep the

emotional stamina and the intelligence of students thinking. Icebreaker is intended

to give a sense of joy that can foster a positive attitude in the learning process. fun

and energeticLearning certainly doesn’t happen by itself, but it should be well

planned by the teachers. To create a pleasant learning situation, besides making

learning scenarios that can involve all the students active, it will be very helpful if

teachers are able to use the icebreakeras a tool to create a sense of excitement and

intimacy between students, and between teachers and students (Sunarto, 2012: 3).

The ability to absorb information and knowledge is created by the potential

of a person senses active and able to work optimally. Based on the importance of

icebreaker in learning above, the researcher really wants to research about the

effectiveness of Learning English of a students in a school"

B. Problem Limitation

Based on the background above, the study will be limited to some

following points:

1) There are many kinds of icebreaker they are yell,

applause,song,bodymovement,humor,game,story / tale,magic, andaudio visual

icebreaker but the object of this study will focuse on Game and Humor

Icebreaker ”.

2) The subject of this study will be a school that learns English by Icebreaker

3) The effectiveness of learning in this study means that the effectiveness of

learning proccess of english subject

C. Problem Formulation

Based on the background of the study, the problem can be formulated as


How the effectiveness of Icebreaker in learning English of students in a


D. The Objective of Study

The objective of the study will be to describe the effectiveness of

Icebreaker in learning english of students in a School?

E. The Significance of Study

The results of this research will be expected to be useful theoretically and


1) Theoretically

This study will be expected to add to the repertoire of knowledge

effectiveness to Icebreaker concept in Learning English in order to realize

qualified education as well as constructive input for educational institutions in

learning English and give contribution theoretically to education.

2) Practically

In practical terms, the results of this study will be useful for:


(a) Students

This study will be useful for students to increase their motivation

to learn English in speaking, writing, listening and reading by using


(b) Teachers

As one alternative strategies in improving classroom learning

process.So that the problem can be solved in the learning process.

(c) Researcher

To apply the knowledge that they will have acquired during their

education in college and to be able to identify a problem in a systematic

and add insight and experience to researchers.

(d) School

This research will be able to provide a meaningful contribution to

the schools in order to improve the learning system and as one form of

consideration in making policy.

F. Definition of Key Term

To avoid misunderstanding in this research, it is necessary to provide

definitions of some terms related to the study:

1. Effectiveness

According to theIndonesian Dictionary, ”effective” has meaning effect,

effect, result or bring the results. Thus, the effectiveness is activeness,

efficiency, the suitability in an activity between the people who do their task

with the intended target. Effectiveness basically shows the extent of the

achievement of results, often or always associated with the defination of

efficient, althought in the fact that there are differences between them.

EffectivenessEmphasis on the the results achieved, while the efficiency is to

look at how we can achieve the results achieved by comparing the input and

output (Siagaan, 2001: 24).

2. Icebreaker

According to the oxford dictionary, icebreaker is a thing that serves to

relieve inhibitions or tension between people.

Icebreaker is a kind of game that is created to solve the awkward

atmosphere in an ongoing activity. This activity is usually in the form of a

joke, sometimes in the form of activities that tend to be embarrassing, activities

in the form of information, enlightenment, or it can be in the form of a simple

game.Lutfi (2011: 2)

According to Supriadi (2006) in Sunarto (2012: 1) Icebreaker is the

equivalent of two English words that contain the meaning of "breaker of ice".

This term is often used in training with the intention of eliminating the freezing

among participants, so that they know each other, understand and have a good

interaction each other. This is possible because of differences in status, age,

occupation, income, position and so on, all of those will cause the wall of

separation between one participant to other participants. to merge the

inhibiting walls is needed an Icebreaker process.

The same thing is also said by Said (2010: 2) that Icebreaker is a game

or an activity that serves to change the atmosphere of ice in the group. Here

Said gives a little explanation about how to do Icebreaker that is with the game

and or other activities. But the purpose of all the activities undertaken in

Icebreaker is the same, to break the ice of the atmosphere, so that the process

of training or learning becomes more effective. The participants or the students

concentration become focused again.

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