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This chapter explains about types of research, the Presence of researcher,

location of the research, data source, data collection techniques,

1. Types of Research

According to Sugiyono, (2014: 07) qualitative research methods is often

called naturalistic research methods for research conducted on natural conditions

(natural setting); also known as etnography method, because initially this method

is more widely used for research in the field of culture antrapologi; referred to as

qualitative methods, because the data collected and analysis is more qualitative.

According Suryabrata, (2006: 75) study that intends to make pecandraan

(descriptive) about situations or events. "Meanwhile, according Chaedar (2008:

26) Qualitative research is research used as a term wrapper that includes a number

of strategies the same study -Same taken from a series of interconnected

assumptions that are typical of the qualitative paradigm. "

This study will use qualitative because the study will not use estimation

and will not put any figures. Therefore, the corresponding data appears to words

rather than in the numbers. Method used by the author in this study will be

descriptive qualitative method.

Based upon this, the researcher concludes that this study will use

descriptive qualitative research method to describe The Effectiveness of

Icebreakerin Learning ofStudents of Integrated Islamic Elementary School Imam

Bukhari Dompu.

2. The Precense of Researcher 38


The presence of researcher in the field in a qualitative study by Miles and

Haburman (1992) is an absolute must, because researcher act as an instrument of

research, the researcher can adjust shall themselves with the research setting.

Decision-related research can be taken fast and effective way, as well as

information obtained through the attitude and informants in providing information,

in this reearch explain about the using of communication in media social who use

the different word, brief, funny, and looking strange than the words in general

3. Location of the Research

The study will be conducted at Integrated Islamic Elementary School Imam

Bukhari Dompu located at Jln.Syech. Muhammad Karijawa, Dompu, West Nusa

Tenggara Province (NTB). Based on the description above, the researcher chooses

research sites in The IT Imam Bukharibecause the English Teacher in that school

applies icebreaker concept in his teaching and the researcher wants to know the

effectiveness of Icebreaker in learning process.

4. Data Sources

Data source is the source of the subject from which the data can be obtained.

Source of data is divided into two namely primary data and secondary data.

a. Primary data is data obtained by researchers directly (from first hand)

Examples of primary data are data obtained from respondents through

questionnaires, focus groups, and panels, or data from interviews with resource

persons. The primary data of this research are the english teacher in that

school, students at the fourth grade and the headmaster of Integrated Islamic

Elementary School Imam Bukhari Dompu.


b. Secondary data is data obtained by researchers from existing sources..

Examples of secondary data such as records or company documentation in the

form of absenteeism, salary, financial statements of corporate publications,

government reports, data obtained from magazines, and so forth.

5. Data Collection Techniques

Data collection techniques will be used in this study will be the

observation, interview, and documentation. And also in this study, the researcher

uses coding system in describing the result of observation and interview. Those are

the data collection techniques in this study:

a. Observation

In the book of Fundamentals of Educational Evaluation explained that

the “observation is a technique done by careful observation and recording

systematically” (Arikunto, 2008: 30.). According to Nasution (1988: 130) states

that, “observation is a basic of all science. Scientists can work based on the data

only, the fact about the real obtained through observation.”

Based on the opinion above, it can be concluded that observation is a

data collection techniques by direct observation and systematic recording to the

object that will be studied. Observation will bemade by researcher by

observation way and recording about The Effectiveness of Icebreaker in

Learning English of Integrated Islamic Elementary School Imam Bukhari


b. Interview

According to Sugiyono (2014: 231), interview techniques are used as

data collection techniques if researchers want to conduct a preliminary study to

find the problems to be studied, but also if researchers want to know the things

of the respondents deeper. Meanwhile, according to Susan Stain back (in

Sugiyono 2012: 232) says that the interviews provide researchers a means of

gaining a deeper understanding of how participants interpret the situation or

phenomenon than can be obtained through observation together.

Based on the explanation above, researcher will use interviewing

method as a way to collect data. Researcher will conduct interviews to the

English teacher, some of students and the headmaster of Integrated Islamic

Elementary School Imam Bukhari Dompu. Using semistructured interviews.

Semistructured is this type of interview is included in the category of in depth

interview, where implementation is more free than the structured interview. The

purpose of this interview type is to find problems more openly, where the

parties invited to interview are asked their opinions and ideas. (Sugiyono, 2014:


c. Documentation

Documentation is a record of past events. Documents that can be in the

form of writings, drawings, or the monumental clothing of a person. Writing

documents are diaries, life history, biographies, regulations, policies.

Documents in the form of images such as photographs, live pictures, sketches,

and others.Document in the form of works such as artwork, which can be

images, film sculptures and most tradition of qualitative research, the

phrase personal document is used broadly to refer to any first person narrative

produced by an individual which describes his or her own actions, experience

and belief”

Based on the explanation above, researcherwill use documentation

method as a way to collect data. Researcher will document all researcher’s

activities in doing research such as in writing form, drawing form or

monumental clothing of a person like what has been explained above.

6. Data Analysis Technique

Sugiyono (in Bogdad 2009: 337) states: "Analysis has started since

formulate and explain the problem, before plunging spaciousness and continue

until the writing of the results of the study. The data becomes a handbook for

further research to if possible, grounded theory". But in qualitative research, data

analysis is more focused during the process of the study sites along with data


According to Sugiyono (in Spradley1980: 337) states that the analysis in

any study, is a way of thinking. This relates to systematically test for something to

decide, the relationship between, and the relationship to the whole. The qualitative

research data analysis Miles and Huberman (1984: 133), there are three stages,

namely :

a. Data Reduction

Data analysis technique is a process that begins by examining all

available data from various sources, from interviews, observations that have

been in written in the notes field of personal documents, official documents,

images, photographs, and so on. (Lexy J. Meleong, 2002: 190).

b. Presentation of Data

Presentation of data is one of the activities in making research reports

that have been conducted in order to be understood and analyzed according to

the purpose desired . Data can be presented in tables or lists

c. Verification

Verification is a logical statement about a matter that has solved the

theory, facts, DSD on the data collected in order to be processed and analyzed

7. Checking Validity of Data

The validity of the data that is critical in qualitative research. The

information that has been collected by researchers will be used to check the

credibility of the data, so that research data can be accounted for, and can serve as

a strong foundation in drawing conclusions. How that is done on the validity of the

data, among other things

a. Test Credibility

Data is intended to prove the credibility of the data collected in

accordance with the truth. There are several techniques to achieve credibility

techniques: triangulation techniques, resources, check out the members, the


extension of the presence of researchers in the study locations, fellow

discussions, and checking references. The purpose of the credibility test as

proposed by Arai (1996: 274) is to prove the research data obtained contain a

truth that can be trusted.

b. Triangulation

Triangulation is a technique that utilizes data validity checking

something other than the data for the purpose of inspection or as a comparison

of data obtained from other sources. At various phrases of research, with a time

of different places, and frequently used different method. Denzin (in

Moleong 2002: 132) . Differentiating four types of triangulation as examination

techniques that utilize sources, methods, investigation and theory.

8. Research Phase

In this study, the researcher takes the following steps:

1. Observation and interviews in students

2. Making a conclusion.

3. Making thesis

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