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Strata-Movement Concepts and

the Hydrogeological Impact of

Underground Coal Mining
by Colin J. Bootha

ABSTRACT little use of such theory in understanding and pre-

A review of mining-engineering concepts and studies in dicting the ground-water impact of underground
mine hydrology suggests a conceptual model linking the strata mining.
deformation, hydraulic property changes, and In this paper, some concepts of mine-induced
ground-water impacts due to underground coal mining. The
strata deformation and studies of the hydrogeo-
pressure-arch deformation pattern about a small opening
creates a local zone of increased permeabilities and logic impact of underground mining are reviewed.
dewatering in the seam and immediate roof, but should not A brief conceptual model of the hydraulic impact
hydraulically affect shallower aquifers. Networks of of different types of underground mining is pre-
supported headings, rooms, and pillars intensely drain lower
sented. The results of the author's study of the
aquifers but only slightly affect higher strata except in areas
hydrogeology of an underground coal mine in
of naturally high permeability. Longwall mining causes
extensive, high-reaching, well-defined zones of stress,
Pennsylvania are compared with this model.
fracturing, and hydraulic impact, the maximum perme-
ability increases being in the tensile zones immediately A REVIEW OF STRATA-
above the panel and at the sides of the subsidence trough. MOVEMENT CONCEPTS
In shallow aquifers, permeabilities and ground-water
Underground mining disturbs the mechanical
velocities increase, and hydraulic gradients decline indepen-
dently of mine drainage.
equilibrium of the strata, creating stresses which
A study of a deep coal mine in the Appalachian cause strains (deformations). The deformational
Plateau, Pennsylvania indicated: probable hydraulic connec- behavior depends on mining methods and geom-
tions between the mine and shallow aquifers in a principal etry, on the depth, and on geological controls and
valley area; no obvious response of water levels in shallow physical properties of the rocks, and can take
aquifers to undermining by supported headings; and rapid,
various forms. Essentially, the surrounding rocks tend
considerable declines in such water levels in response to
to deform into the opening. The sides move in, the
nearby longwall mining. These results are consistent with
the conceptual model. floor moves up, and the roof moves down— unless
restrained by their natural strength or
INTRODUCTION artificial supports.
The ground-water impacts of underground Deformation above a single mine opening can be
coal mining include both inflow to the mine and explained by beam and pressure-arch theories (Adler
diverse effects on the ground-water flow system. and Sun, 1968; Peng, 1978). The over-
These impacts arise not only from the drainage of burden load which was formerly supported by the
water from the surrounding rocks to the mine, but coal seam cannot be borne by the void, and
also because of changes in hydraulic properties of the transfers to solid abutments in the ribs and pillars.
rocks due to strata deformation induced by An arch of high rock pressure develops over the
mining. The zones, types, and sometimes magni- opening (Figure 1). The immediate roof (the
tudes of strata movements can be predicted from ground within the pressure arch) is relieved of the
mining engineering theory. Yet, there has been weight of overlying strata, but its stability depends
on the beam strength of the strata composing it.
For example, a roof of massive cemented sand-
stone is stronger than a roof composed of thin-
bedded shales, and less liable to deform. Weak
aDepartment of Geology, Northern Illinois
strata in the immediate roof will sag into the
University, DeKalb, Illinois 60115.
Received July 1985, revised October 1985, accepted
opening, with fracturing and bed separation.
December 1985. The wider the span of the opening, the greater
Discussion open until January 1, 1987. the sagging and the more likely that movement

Vol. 24, No. 4—GROUND WATER—July-August 1986 507

The working face and side entries of the panel
are enveloped in local pressure arches. Front
111 111111 abutment pressures are felt several hundred feet
ahead of the face but peak within a few feet of it
(Peng, 1978). The pressure in the gob (the caved
material in the mined-out panel) is low immediate-
Bro suRE ..,.&\fici
l ly behind the face but rises farther back as the
cover load is re-established.
arr DE-STRESSED Al Complete collapse of the roof strata over the
panel should stop at a height two or three times

ill the extracted thickness (Adler and Sun, 1968), but
/ IS fracturing and caving continue to perhaps 50 times,
and some deformation can occur high in the over-

v burden. Partly coherent settlement of strata in a
Fg. 1. Stress distribution above a small mine opening roughly dome-shaped zone above the panel is
(modified from Adler and Sun, 1968).
accompanied by fracturing including, as Garritty
(1982) suggests, a stepped system of inter-
will occur. Timber props, cribs, hydraulic jacks, connected fractures in the tensile-stress zones at
steel rings and arches, and roof bolts are used to the sides and rear of the panel. Conroy (1978)
found that strata failure occured to a height 400 ft
support the immediate roof (Peng, 1978). Even above a 600-ft-deep longwall extraction in Illinois,
if an unsupported immediate roof collapses, the the front of the failure zone being stepped back
main roof (the strata overlying the immediate over the panel.
roof) can remain supported by the pressure arch. Ground subsidence occurs over underground
However, at sufficiently large spans, intolerable mines if the ratio of extracted area to depth is high
stresses would be placed on some component enough that strata movement is transmitted to the
(perhaps pillar or floor), and failure would occur surface, either because the pressure arch intersects the
(Adler and Sun, 1968). The stability of the main roof, ground surface or the stable arch width is
therefore, depends greatly on mine geometry; it is exceeded. In the first case, local roof collapses over
preserved by leaving pillars of coal to support the abandoned shallow mines may work up to the
overburden load. ground surface to form small, steep-sided, pit-
Large safety pillars are left around main shafts subsidence depressions, whereas in the second the
(Peng, 1978), while smaller ones protect larger areas of main-roof sagging produced by long-
haulageways and entries. Main-roof movement over wall or high-extraction (pillar-removal) mining
such narrow, supported headings is slight. In room- create wider, gentler trough subsidence. As
and-pillar mining, the areas of extraction (rooms) observed by Schmechel et al. (1979), the onset of
are limited and pillars are left to prevent collapse. subsidence movements on the ground surface over
Last-stage removal of pillars increases the extrac- longwall panels is rapid and marked by a "traveling
tion ratio but generally causes collapse and resul- wave" of extension and compression. Thus, the
tant ground subsidence. Additionally, the deterio- shallow overburden layers above longwall panels or
ration of pillars or their sinking into soft floors high extraction areas undergo extensional frac-
may cause unpredictable strata movement and turing followed by partial recompression in the
ground subsidence, long after mining has ceased. inner subsidence trough.
In longwall and related methods (Figure 2),
the beam strength of the immediate roof and the EXTENSION
Surface SubsIdenGe TravelIng Wove

stable arch width of the main roof are deliberately



exceeded. A working face, several hundred feet Ground SubsIdence (exagg

wide, is advanced or retreated between parallel ' TENSION -


headings, producing a large, rectangular, mined-out

panel. The face is temporarily protected by move- HOOF BREAK Zo ,

able supports; as these advance, the unsupported

roof behind them collapses into the mined-out area
in a cantilever fashion, breaking along near-vertical SUPPORT

fractures into blocks onto which the overburden - Duection XI Mu,ng

settles (Adler and Sun, 1968). Fig. 2. Strata deformation above a longwall panel.

PREVIOUS HYDROGEOLOGICAL STUDIES methane flow. Similarly, Smelser et al. (1984)
Although few studies have directly evaluated assumed a plastically yielding, increased-
the permeability changes due to strata movement, permeability outer zone in a model linking stress,
several have noted the associated indirect effects permeability, and drainage in the coal seam.
on the ground-water regime. Brown and Parizek
(1971) and Hobba (1981), for example, have A CONCEPTUAL MODEL OF THE HYDRAULIC
demonstrated that mine-roof collapse and subsi- IMPACT OF UNDERGROUND MINING
dence increase vertical leakage and ground-water The permeability of coal-measure rocks is
velocities, lower ground-water levels, and alter the largely due to joints, fractures, and bedding-plane
hydrologic characteristics of watersheds. Hill and openings, as Stoner (1983) notes. The more openly
Price (1983) observed that ground-water levels jointed sandstones are the most transmissive rock
over a 550-ft-deep longwall panel in Pennsylvania fell types, the plastic underclays least, and the shales
dramatically when the subsidence front passed; they are variably leaky aquitards. Since fracture perme-
attributed this drop to leakage to the mine ability is approximately proportional to the cube
and lower aquifers through zones where perme- of fracture aperture (width of opening), very small
abilities had been increased by mine-induced changes in fracture geometry have considerable
fracturing. Like Stoner (1983), they observed sub- hydraulic impact. Major changes result not only
sequent water-level recoveries, which they from actual caving but also from the minor frac-
attributed to reductions in storativity and vertical turing, opening and closing of existing joints, and
permeability during later settlement. separation and settlement of beds occurring in
Whitworth (1982) commented that perme- response to the extensional and compressional
ability is increased in the narrow tensile zones stresses caused by mining.
formed above the sides of longwall panels. Mather et These hydraulic changes, as manifested in the
al. (1969) observed that narrow tensional areas over results of the hydrogeological studies discussed
a mine in Wales became corridors of rapid above, are explicable in the context of strata-
ground-water flow, while the boundaries between movement concepts. Stresses and changes may be
tensional and compressional areas were hydraulic anisotropic. For example, vertical extension and
discontinuities. horizontal compression cause bed separation and
Whittaker et al. (1979) measured the perme- increased horizontal permeabilities, whereas
ability changes related to strata movements above horizontal extension favors both vertical and
two longwall mines (about 2000 and 180 ft deep) horizontal ground-water flow by dilating vertical
in England. In the deeper mine, the permeability joints. Hydraulic effects are also clearly zoned,
increased more than a hundredfold within 130 ft because well-defined zones of stress of different
behind and 130 ft above the working face, and magnitudes and orientations are produced by
declined farther behind due to consolidation. The particular mining patterns. Predictable deforma-
permeability above the shallower mine increased tional phenomena and, hence, predictable patterns
ahead of the face and declined behind it (to of hydraulic impact (subject also to the natural
residual levels 40 times the original values). The geologic setting) arise from different types of
greatest increases (80 times) occurred near the mining.
surface. Coe and Stowe (1984) comment that Destressing of the immediate roof above a
fracturing and permeability increases will be mine opening produces a dilated rock zone of
greatest in the physically unconstrained surface fracturing and strata separation, with resultant
strata and in the caved zone immediately above rapid localized draining of permeable materials. In
the mine, while intermediate levels are changed poorly permeable material, negative pore pressures
least. may be produced by the dilation, preventing
Several methane-related studies have shown obvious drainage into the opening (R. Bauer,
that coal permeability, which depends almost personal communication, 1985). Generally, frac-
entirely on microfractures, reacts strongly both to turing does not reach into the main-roof strata, and
overburden pressure (as shown by Dabbous et al., continued seepage occurs only where a sustainable
1974) and to the stress configuration around the water source is hydraulically connected to the
opening. It increases in the destressed, expansion- immediate roof. Thus, Cartwright et al. (1983)
fractured "crushed zone" (Kissell, 1972) near the observed a rapid initial loss of water pressure as
opening and may decrease in the abutment zone the roof rocks including an aquifer dilated due to
farther back. Price et al. (1973) used this high- release of ground pressure by the mine entry, but
within-low permeability configuration in modeling noted that significant inflows occurred only where

hydraulic connections were established through is not fractured—significant drainage and "cones of
natural fractures or via roof-bolt holes. depression" will be limited to the lowest aquifers
The mine void is bordered laterally by the only. In the higher aquifers, separated from the
coal seam, which may be a source of water inflow mine by intact aquitards, effects will be diffuse.
and of methane emission. Like the immediate roof, Localized, significant, hydraulic impacts of deep
the immediately adjacent seam is a zone of headings and uncollapsed room-and-pillar mines
increased permeability, from which intense, will be seen in shallow aquifers only in areas (such
localized dewatcring and degassing occur. Sur- as fracture zones) where vertical hydraulic connec-
rounding the immediate roof and seam is a com- tions are naturally high or where the mine itself is
pressional zone (the pressure arch and abutments) very shallow.
which limits not only the deformational, but also Observed and predictable hydraulic impacts
the hydraulic, influence of the opening. Thus, can also be related to the well-defined deforma-
small openings have only localized impacts. tional zones, described above, that develop about
Because the naturally low vertical permeability of longwall mining.
the overburden is maintained, the effects of deep, The working face itself is within a local
small, single, supported headings on shallow pressure arch; areas of the seam immediately for-
aquifers should be slight. ward of the face drain locally to the opening. The
Of course, most areas of an underground coal hydraulic behavior in the seam would resemble
mine are not isolated headings but are networks of that related to single headings or to room-and-pillar
headings, rooms, and pillars. These intersecting mining, except that longwall practice often
drains and isolated blocks will induce a multicellular includes the pre-extraction outlining and lateral
equipotential pattern in the lower-roof strata, with isolation of the panel by headings. Water and gas begin
flow focused on the openings and with local to drain from this enormous isolated "pillar" even
divides above pillars (Figure 3). The probable before intensive mining starts.
behavior of a very simple, theoretical alternation of Fragmentation of intact rock can double its
pillars and voids was simulated with a two- volume (Peng, 1978). The fragmented, collapsed rock
dimensional, finite-difference model of ground- (gob) behind the supports is a new medium of very
water flow to mine openings (Booth, 1984a). The high porosity and permeability. These
model indicated that the cellular pattern disrupts properties decline inwards as the gob supports the
and intercepts lateral cross-flow in the immediate sagging roof strata. The gob should be an excellent
roof, and is intensified by the increased perme- medium for ground-water flow, but it may remain
abilities above the headings. Upwards, the cellu- dry because water is diverted more directly to the
larity diminishes and equipotentials flatten. Where face through discrete fractures in the tensile side
coal-pillar permeability greatly exceeds that of the zones, and because much of the interior may be
roof rocks, the pillars dewater and the planar equi- dominated by methane emission from caved roof
potential configuration occupies the immediate strata, restricting water flow by two-phase effects.
roof down to the seam top. The roof strata above the longwall panel sub-
This theoretical equipotential pattern above a side and may be extensively fractured and
network of mine openings indicates that, as separated to a considerable height. The most open
Hollyday and McKenzie (1973) suggested, an fracturing occurs in the rising tensile zones along the
underground mine is a planar under-drain inducing front, sides, and rear of the principal deformed zone.
downward leakage from overlying aquifers. Never- These high-permeability zones connect
theless, as long as the vertical permeability of the directly with the fractured immediate roof over the
overburden remains low—as long as the main roof working face and the edges of the gob, and help to
localize inflow and impacts on overburden
Equipolonfials Flow Ono
Ground water will drain from shallow aquifers to
the mine only if direct hydraulic connections
exist. The most likely locus for such pathways is a
narrow zone connecting the extensionally stressed
periphery of the subsidence trough with the frac-
Opening- Pillar Capillary Fringe tured edges of the primary zone above the panel.
Fig. 3. Idealized possible pattern of equipotentials and flow As noted above, however, the near-surface zone of
lines in a homogeneous roof above a series of headings. increased permeability is generally separated from

the lower zones by intermediate strata which have Mine-induced changes in hydraulic properties
subsided without extensive fracturing. In most are dynamic, In the lower-roof strata behind the
cases, only the lowest aquifers drain directly to the actively fracturing zone, permeabilities and
mine. The upper aquifers respond independently to porosities decline due to resettlement and compac-
hydraulic property changes, regardless of tion, and by consolidation as pore-water pressures
drainage to the mine. fall, and effective stress rises, during drainage. In
This overall response to subsidence-related addition, the emission of methane from the gob
fracturing and stresses is an increase in the perme- and roof strata lowers the water saturation and the
abilities of the shallow strata. Not only is there effective hydraulic conductivity, further reducing
more interaquifer leakage through aquitards, but water flow.
also the flow in individual aquifers is increased. The outermost edges of the shallow sub-
The shallow ground-water flow system is "opened sidence trough experience only the extensional
up," with faster throughput and reduced head phase of the subsidence traveling wave. Farther
gradients. This re-equilibration lowers heads and inside, the strata are subsequently compressed and the
water levels in recharge areas. permeabilities and porosities somewhat decline.
To the extent that storativity depends on Together with the effects of resettlement and of the
secondary porosity, it too responds to mine- retarded ground-water flow at depth, this
induced stresses. The storage capacity in the reduction favors a recovery of water levels in wells in
extensional zones increases, amplifying the water- shallow aquifers.
level decline seen in wells in recharge areas and pep- The final pattern of hydraulic property
haps masking any rise that might be occurring in changes in the shallower strata over multiple-
discharge areas in response to the greater panelled mines is quilt-like. The residual perme-
throughput. abilities are increased everywhere over the longwall
mining, and most so near the surface. The edges of
each subsidence trough are left as wedges of
highest permeability, more rapid ground-water
flow, and increased ground-water storage. The
overlap of effects from adjacent panels, and the
super-imposition of these effects on the natural
hydrogeologic framework, mean that actual
resultant configurations are complex and site-

The Barnes and Tucker Company's Lancashire
No. 20 Mine, Cambria County, Pennsylvania
extracts the Lower Kittanning (B) Coal by long-
wall methods at depths of 300 to 800 ft. Mine-
drainage records, borehole strata logs, and mine
maps were provided by the Company, and between
1981 and 1983 ground-water levels over and near the
mine were monitored in shallow (less than
300 ft) household wells (Figure 4). This study is
discussed further by Booth (1984a, b).
The site is in the eastern Appalachian Plateau.
Cyclothemic repetitions of sandstone, siltstones,
shales, underclays, and coals of the Allegheny and
Conemaugh Groups form the geologic sequence
above the mine. The gently dipping beds are
t l Longwell panel studied
wan Pillars mostly pu
dissected by valleys into semioutlying escarpment
...• rf Longwell panel (mated)
Unmlned area
blocks. Between the outcropping sandstone aquifers
are aquitards across which head drops are large and
Fig. 4. Map of Lancashire No. 20 mine and selected
monitored wells. natural leakage very slight.


• -

Lancashire No.20 Mine

0 Lancashire No.20 Mine
(-7 6.0
2 MD=average of daily discharge Monthly Average of Daily Drainage

•q 5.0 — Monthly MD 2 II Tk
— 5.5
0 ■ 1 \ )11-411
2 4.0 \ 1 II I —
< 5.0
cc 4.5 1j--*
Tt 2.0 Total Mined Area 0
0 z 4.0
LU 1.0
Annual Longwell Areas Lu 3.5
YEAR 3.0
w> -a—Monthly Total Area of Longwell Panel
Fig. 5. Mine drainage and mined areas, Lancashire No. 20 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ( 1 1 0
mine. 2.5 MJ J AS ONDJ FMAMJ J
1981 1982

Ground-water inflow to the mine is indicated

Fig. 6. Mine drainage, precipitation, and longwall mining,
by the mine-drainage data, which were available as 1981-82.
monthly means of total daily flows to the treat-
ment plant. The monthly variation (Figure 5) is
high; the long-term trend shows a general increase by the indirect relationship between precipitation
as the mine grew in size, but also has variations and actual recharge. For example, in 1981 and
which cannot be related to the increasing cumula- 1982, as in most other years, the ground is snow-
tive mined area. Several controls (such as areal covered, and precipitation is snowfall from late
differences in roof-rock geology) are probably December to late March. Much of the recharge
involved, the most evident being precipitation reaches the ground-water system during the spring
(data from NOAA, 1968-82) and rate of longwall melt. Conversely, rainfall during the early summer
mining (from the mine maps). growing season may be largely ineffective in pro-
The average mine drainage was less than 1 viding ground-water recharge. The seasonal
million gallons per day (MGD) until 1970, when it (trimonthly) drainage and precipitation averages
increased dramatically. This major change may be (Figure 7), however, smooth out confusing varia-
partly due to mine-location factors, but some pre- tions in the monthly data and show some
cipitation control is indicated. In 1968 and 1969 systematic correspondences. For example,
the annual precipitation totals were 36.2 and 36.5 individual drainage peaks coincide with precipita-
inches, compared to an average annual precipita- tion peaks in the springs of 1972, 1973, and 1974,
tion of 42.3 inches and a 1970 total of 45.1 inches. while the extended mine-drainage recessions of
Subsequent periods of high and low drainage 1975 and 1976 clearly follow low fall-through-
broadly coincide with years of above- and below- spring precipitation.
average longwall mining (Figure 5); however, the If mine drainage were merely dewatering from
short-term correspondence is more apparent storage in lower aquifers, no correspondence with
(Figure 6). The mine drainage is less when mining surface or shallow phenomena should be expected.
activity is less, suggesting perhaps that active areas Its response to precipitation therefore implies a
produce more water than abandoned areas. possible hydraulic connection between the mine
Wahler and Associates (1979) observed that
short-term variations in mine drainage in the
main-G section of the No. 20 mine responded to Lancashire
precipitation events. The short-term correspon- 05
No.20 mine drainage

dence of drainage and precipitation is not readily 2

apparent in the 1981-82 monthly data (Figure 6). 2
However, the monthly mine-drainage hydrographs 3
on the long-term plot (Figure 5) commonly display an
annual pattern of spring peak, summer reces-
1‘ 1
1 I-
sion, and winter recovery typical of ground-water 0
measured at Carrolltown _ -
'721'731'741'75 1'761'771'78 091'80 l'81 1 5
hydrographs for the area. There are, of course, YEAR
anomalous years and the response of mine- Fig. 7. Seasonal total precipitation and average daily mine
drainage, like ground-water levels, is complicated drainage.

-• •
• ▪

and shallow aquifers. The similarity of the mine- 5.8

drainage hydrograph to hydrographs of shallow N10 20
wells (Figure 8) supports this implication. Wells 5.4
• (70' deep)
N9 and N10, noted here, are located in a major
0 40
valley that overlies the Main G heading (Figure 4).

Inflow in this heading was a considerable problem. Lu 5.0

Since the valley is probably a well-fractured zone MD 60 '5

with resultant relatively high permeabilities, it is a (u)) 4.6 (110') — co
most likely place for the existence of hydraulic
80 ac,
connections. z
Although some wells over the mine were 2
reported dewatered, many maintained high water A .,„\
levels. For example, N18 (Figure 4) was drilled in 3.8 \s/ (205') —
1975 over a 1968 longwall panel (with 265 ft 120
separation between the mine and the well bottom), 1/39,o .00

and now has a water level 10 to 30 ft below

ground. N27, adjacent to a 1979-80 panel, had
been deepened to 300 ft because of low water Fig. 8. Correspondence of No. 20 mine drainage and ground-
levels; the current shallow water level of 30 to water levels.

50 ft below ground possibly indicates a subsequent

10 N24
Supported headings K11 and G16 (Figure 4)
= 20
were driven intermittently south during the moni- N23a
toring period. Wells over and near the headings, -0 40 N36
with separations of 325 to 600 ft above the mine, 3 50 11/81 restart 1-0-K11 driven-0-1 stop 4/82
showed no apparent response to mining (Figure 9). ' 20
The water-level behavior over longwall panels, in 30 N27
40 approach
contrast, responded noticeably to mining. 50 N28
Longwall panel G4-G6 (Figure 4) was driven —I 60
north between September 1981 and April 1982. > 70
During a period when other local well-water levels 80 G16 driven
were steady or rising, the levels in wells near the 111 90
restart 6/81 stop 4/82
panel declined (Figure 10; Table 1). The declines cr, 100

are greater for the nearer and deeper wells, the 110

maximum drop in water level being about 15 ft at

, 0 el 50 <0 it6 1A \\`)
well N25. The general horizontal limit of the w1 „p.1,
panel's influence on shallow aquifers is about 1981 1982
1400 ft. Except for a possible 5 ft recovery in N25 Fig. 9. Water levels in wells near supported headings.

Table 1. Response of Various Wells to Panel G4-G6

Water-level depths (ft below ground level)

Well Depth Horizontal distance Vertical separation Before panel After panel Change
No. N (ft) from panel (ft) seam to well (ft) 9/81 4/82 8/81-8/82

21 156 5200 470 29 23 (+6) +1

28 180 5100 525 56 56 (+0) 0
37 165 4200 555 111 110 (+1) 0
35 205 1400 460 113 103 (+10) +3
42 125 1300 525 29 29 (0) —5
25 165 1050 480 130 137 (-7) —15
26 90 460 610 30 29 (+1) —10
40 120 450 515 82 90 (-8) —14*
45 185 380 480 35 38 (-3) N/A
+ Rise
— Fall

*After deepening to 150 ft.

N422 wells. This may reflect the dewatering of its source
r - 1300
T., 40
445—••=7: N26
r 380 r 460
e61.erse lerre
Much of the ground-water impact of deep
underground coal mining is dependent on and
'-----. N40 explicable by the hydraulic property changes

r - 500
resulting from mine-induced stresses. The impact
of a single supported heading is local but intense. It

— * .7..,,,. , N 210550 comprises a large pressure drop and rapid
dewatering in the increased-permeability zone in
/s X1 /f\ 6
°/5 X' I> the seam and immediate roof within the pressure
1982 arch, but a minor effect on main-roof strata above
Fig. 1 0 . Wat er lev el s in wel l s n ea r l o n g wall p an el G4 -G 6 .
this. An uncollapsed network of such headings
forms an underdrain which may locally affect
by 1983, no post-mining recovery in ground-water lower aquifers considerably but whose effects on
level was observed. the shallow system are slight and diffuse.
Panel K7-K9 (Figure 4) was driven south In contrast, the strata deformation and
between May 1982 and July 1983. Wells N23A and hydraulic impact of longwall mining are wide-
B (63 and 105 ft deep), in the outcropping spread and considerable. Lower aquifers connected to
Morgantown Sandstone aquifer about 600 ft above the working areas through fracturing are
the mine, arc directly above the panel. By spring intensely affected and provide much of the inflow to
1983, their water levels had declined about 30 ft the mine. Any hydraulic connections between the
(Figure 11) from previously steady levels. In late mine and shallow aquifers probably lie in
May 1983, the water levels fell rapidly. Well N23A tensile zones above the working areas and at the
was abandoned and well N23B was deepened to leading edge of the subsidence profile, but such
213 ft. The drop of about 100 ft in its water level connection is not a prerequisite to mine-related
reflects both the lower head in deeper aquifers and impacts. Whereas the hydrologic impact of
the effect of mining, while its subsequent drying supported headings is due to the drainage to the
represents both mine effects and natural recession. mine, that of longwall mines is also due to
Replacement well N23C, drilled 200 ft east of the independent aquifer response. Subsidence-induced
panel to a depth of 210 ft—about the same as permeability increases in shallow aquifers cause
N23B—retained a high water level, suggesting that increased throughput and (accentuated by
the effect of the panel is highly localized. storativity increases) lowered water levels in
Shallow wells N24 and N36, both in the recharge zones regardless of mine drainage. Later
Morgantown Sandstone, had not been affected as compression and settlement cause partial reduc-
late as spring 1983 (Figure 11). N36, about 1950 ft tions in permeability and storativity and partial
from the panel, remained unaffected throughout recoveries in water levels.
the summer. The water level in N24, which is The investigation of the Lancashire No. 20
closer at 870 ft, fell to an unusually low value in Mine indicates that: (1) despite the naturally low
June, concurrent with the declines in the N23 vertical permeabilities of the geologic sequence,
some hydraulic connections exist between shallow
0 aquifers and the mine, most probably in valley


870 N36 fractured zones; (2) there is no apparent response
r- 1950
of ground-water levels in shallow aquifers to under-
40 —WI N36
V 'Mow Itr.rrt
60 — N 23 a
0 r=0
mining by supported headings, although there may
ao - N23b
r• 0 1 dried and
r 200

g 100 — collapsed be a diffuse, systematic lowering of heads; (3) long-


ao 120 — r distail,51 Itorn came K 7 KS

E:140 — N23b wall mining rapidly lowers shallow-aquifer water

leo 7 levels, the maximum impact being localized over
180 —
5" mr5srderru . / / and near the panels. These results broadly support
the conceptual model of the hydraulic impact of
repOrted al sok, 923
200 —
z Pd

f K 7 — K9 P AN EL--• § dry mine-induced strata movement, suggested above.
5 /71,/5 0C) ‘,0'11
;s5 :N° However, it is noted that no unambiguous evidence of
water-level recovery was observed, and that
F ig . 11. W at e r l e ve l s in we ll s ne a r l on g w a ll p an e l K7 - K9 . water-level monitoring was necessarily restricted to

shallow domestic wells that were neither custom- West Virginia. W.V. Geol and Econ. Survey, Rept.
drilled nor ideally sited. Much more data are Inv. 33.
Hollyday, E. F. and S. W. McKenzie. 1973. Ilydrogeology
needed to fully describe the head configurations
of the formation and neutralization of and waters
and behavior above this mine. draining from underground coal mines, western
Maryland. Maryland Geol. Survey, Rept. Inv. 20.
50 pp.
Kissell, F. N. 1972. The methane migration and strange
I would like to thank Dr. Richard R. Parizek,
characteristics of the Pittsburgh, Pocahontas No. 3
Pennsylvania State University, for supervising the and Oklahoma-Hartshorn coal beds. U.S. Bur Mines,
original thesis research, and the Barnes and Tucker Rept. Inv. 7667.22 pp.
Company, Barnesboro, Pennsylvania, for their Mather, J. D., D. A. Gray, and D. G. Jenkins. 1969. The use
cooperation. The thesis research was funded by the of tracers to investigate the relationship between
mining subsidence and groundwater occurrence at
Mineral Conservation Section, Penn State
Aberfan, South Wales. J1. Ilydrology. v. 9, no. 2,
University, and by a fellowship from the Shell
pp. 136-154.
Companies Foundation. Dr. Eugene C. Perry, Jr., NOAA (National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Adminis-
Northern Illinois University, and Robert A. Bauer, tration). 1968-82. Climatological Data-Pennsylvania.
Illinois State Geological Survey, helpfully criticized v. 73-84.
drafts of this paper. Peng, Syd S. 1978. Coal Mine Ground Control. J. Wiley &
Sons. 450 pp.
Price, H. S., R. C. McCulloch, J. C. Edwards, and F. N.
REFERENCES Kissell. 1973. A computer model study of methane
Adler, L. and M. C. Sun. 1968. Ground control in bedded migration in coal beds. Canadian Mining and
formations. Bull. 28, Virginia Polytech, Inst., Metallurgy Bull,. v. 66, Sept., pp. 103-112.
Blacksburg, VA. 226 pp. Schmechel, F. W., W. F. Eichfcld, and W. 0. Santy. 1979.
Booth, C. J. 1984a. A numerical model of groundwater Automated data acquisition for subsidence character-
flow associated with an underground coal mine in the ization. AIME Preprint, Annual Meeting, New
Appalachian Plateau. PhD dissertation, Dept. of Geo- Orleans. 12 pp.
sciences, Penn State University, University Park, PA. Smelser, R. E., 0. Richmond, and F. C. Schwerer. 1984.
458 pp. Interaction of compaction near mine openings and
Booth, C. J. 1984b. The hydrogeological impact of deep drainage of pore fluids from coal seams. Inter. J1.
longwall mining Appalachian Plateau, Pennsylvania. Rock Mechs, Mining Sci. and Geomechanics Abstr.
Proc. NWWA Conference on the Impact of Mining on v. 21, pp. 13-20.
Ground Water, Denver, Colo. (Aug. 1984). Stoner, J. D. 1983. Probable hydrologic effects of sub-
pp. 360-379. surface mining. Ground Water Monitoring Review.
Brown, R. L. and R. R. Parizek. 1971. Shallow ground v. 3, no. 1, pp. 126-137.
water flow systems beneath strip and deep coal mines Wahler, W. A. and Associates. 1979. Dewatering Active
at two sites, Clearfield Co., PA. Coll. Earth & Min. Underground Coal Mines: Technical Aspects and
Sci. Spec. Res. Rept. SR-84, Penn State Univ. 216 pp. Cost-Effectiveness. Industrial Environmental
Cartwright, K., C. S. Hunt, R. D. Brower, and W. J. Nelson. Research Lab., U.S. EPA, Cincinnati, OH.
1983. Pore-water pressure in the roof of an under- Whittaker, B. N., R. N. Singh, and C. J. Neate. 1979. Effect
ground coal mine in Illinois. Ground Water. v. 21, no. of longwall mining on ground permeability and sub-
3, pp. 311-316. surface drainage. In Mine Drainage (Argall, G. 0. and
Coe, C. J. and S. M. Stowe. 1984. Evaluating the impact of C. 0. Brawner, eds.), Proc. 1st. Int. Mine Drainage
longwall coal mining on the hydrologic balance. Proc. Symp., Denver, CO. pp. 161-183.
NWWA Conf. on the Impact of Mining on Ground Whitworth, K. R. 1982. Induced changes in permeability of
Water, Denver, Colo. pp. 348-359. coal measure strata as an indicator of the mechanics
Conroy, P. J. 1978. Subsidence above a longwall panel in of rock deformation above a longwall coal face. Proc.
the Illinois No. 6 coal. ASCE Annual Meeting, Symp. on Strata Mechanics, Univ. of Newcastle-upon-
Pittsburgh, PA. Reprint 3293, pp. 77-92. Tyne, England. (ed. I. W. Farmer). Devs. in Geo-
Dabbous, M. K., A. A. Reznick, J. J. Taber, and P. F. technical Engineering. v. 32, pp. 18-24.
Fulton. 1974. The permeability of coal to gas and
water. Soc. Petroleum Engrs. J1. v. 14, no. 6,
pp. 563-572.
Garritty, P. 1982. Water percolation into fully caved long- Cohn J, Booth received his B.Sc. from the University of
wall faces. Proc. Symp. on Strata Mechanics (ed. I. W. East Anglia, England, in 1974, then worked on
Farmer), Univ. of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, England. numerous hydrogeological investigations for the Anglian Water
Devs. in Geotechnical Engineering. v. 32, pp. 25-29. Authority, England. lie received his Ph.D. in Geology in 1984
Hill, J. G. and D. R. Price. 1983. The impact of deep from the Pennsylvania State University, where he was Shell
mining on an overlying aquifer in western Doctoral Fellow, He is now an Assistant
Pennsylvania. Ground Water Monitoring Review. Professor, Department of Geology, Northern Illinois
v. 3, no. 1, pp. 138-143. University. His research interests include geological and
Hobba, W. A. Jr. 1981. Effects of underground mining and hydrological controls of ground-water flow, environmental
mine collapse on the hydrology of selected basins in hydrogeology, and mine hydrology.


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