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I/ Clause of Purpose : Mệnh đề chỉ mục đích - So That/In Order That để mà

Form :
S + V1/s/es + O So That S + (can/will) + V0 + O
S + V2/ed + O In Order That S + (could/would) + V0 + O
Lưu ý:Thông thường nếu không có NOT thì dùng can /could còn có NOT thì dùng
won't / wouldn't ,trừ những trường hợp có ý ngăn cấm thì mới dùng can't/couldn't.
ex1: I study hard so that I can pass the exam.
ex2: I study hard so that I won't fail the exam.
II/ Phrase of Purpose : cụm từ chỉ mục đích - In Order To/So As To/To để mà
Form : + + Inf.
In Order To
S+V+O So As To + V(Bare Inf)
Lưu ý: Nếu có NOT thì để NOT trước TO, tuy nhiên mẫu TO không áp dụng được
trường hợp có NOT.
ex1: I study hard. I want to pass the exam.
-> I study hard in order to / so as to /to pass the exam.
ex2: I study hard. I don't want to fail the exam.
-> I study hard in order not to fail the exam.
I. Choose the correct options
1. The schoolboys are in a hurry ______ they will not be late for school.
A. so as to B. to C. for D. in order that
2. I gave him my e-mail address ______ he could keep in touch with me.
A. that B. so that C. such that D. so as to
3. We decided to join the English speaking club ______ improve our English.
A. so that B. so to C. in order D. to
4. ______ learn how to use a computer, he decides to take lessons.
A. To B. In order to C. So as D. A & B are correct
5. He walked silently ______ wake the other people.
A. to not B. to avoid C. so as to not D. in order not to
6. She wore glasses and a wig ______ we couldn’t recognise her.
A. so that B. so as to C. in order to D. B & C are correct
7. He locked the door ______ be disturbed.
A. in order not B. in order not to C. in order to not D. in order that he not
8.______ English fluently, we should practise speaking it whenever possible.
A. In order to speak B. To speaking C. In order speak D. In order for
9. The boy always does his homework before class ______ be punished by his teacher.
A. so as not to B. so as to C. so that not to D. in order that not to
10. Seat belt laws were introduced ______ traffic fatalities would be reduced.
A. in order that B. so as to C. such that D. provided that
11. She phoned me ______.
A. so that she invites me to her party C. to invite me to her party
B. that she invited me to her party D. for she wanted to invite me to her party
12. Mary took a taxi ______ she could arrive at the conference on time.
A. in order B. that C. so that D. A & B are correct
13. Mary put on her scarf ______ she ______ not get cold.
A. so that / will B. to / would C. so as to / will D. so that / would
14. I’ll give you my telephone number ______ phone me.
A. so that you can B. to C. want toD. A & B are correct
15. She worked hard ______ everything would be ready by 6 o’clock.
A. that B. for C. in order that D. so as to
16. I’m going to make an early start ______ get stuck in the traffic.
A. so that not B. not to C. so as to not D. in order not
17. I work hard ______ help my family.
A. so as to B. in order to C. in order that D. A & B are correct
18. My parents got up early this morning ______ park the car for our journey.
A. so that B. in order to C. because D. in case
19. They got up ______ early in the morning that no one saw them leave the house.
A. too B. so C. in order to D. such
20. She employed a secretary ______ type her letters and answer the phone.
A. in order that B. so that C. to D. for
II. Rewrite the sentences
1, People use money so that they can buy things they need. (in order to)
 _______________________________________________________________
2) Banks are developed so that they can keep people’s money safe. (in order to)
 _______________________________________________________________
3) Mr. Brown is going to the bank to borrow some money. (so that )
 ________________________________________________________________
4) Alice borrowed an eraser to erase a mistake in his composition. (so that )
 ________________________________________________________________
5) I need to buy some laundry detergent so that I will wash my clothes. (in order to)
 ________________________________________________________________
6) I moved to the front of the room so as to see better. (so that )
 ________________________________________________________________
7) I came to this school so that I could learn English . (in order to)
 ________________________________________________________________
8) He gave her the key for her to open the door. (so that )
 ________________________________________________________________
9) Tom was playing very softly so that he wouldn’t disturb anyone. (in order not to)
 ___________________________________________________________
10) They rushed into the burning house so that they could save the child. (in order to)
 ____________________________________________________________

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