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June 26 16:48 Metzler starts recording, does it via the powering on

method, which ensures no 30 seconds of pre-record
button buffering included

June 26 16:52 Metzler stops recording

July 1 16:29 (Five days after arrest) Metzler docks his camera and the
video uploads

**Note that Metzler NEVER produces a supplemental report for his involvement in the Use of
Force as required by policy***

July 4 unkn According to Hopp’s written report, this is when he wrote

his written report

July 9 AM Schielke enters as attorney for Karen Garner in crim case

July 15 9:37 LPD’s evidence tech (Bunch) prepares all the BWC
associated with case and creates download link to discover
them to DA.

July 15 10:15 Bunch drafts writes her Supp Report saying there are 8
BWC videos (No Metzler video included at all yet)

July 15 22:10 E-Discovery notice for Packet 2 which has Bunch Supp re:
8 BWC videos sent to DA (but does not have the videos,
just Bunch’s report referencing them)

1 hr 47m after Bunch sends the 8 BWC report to DA:

July 15 23:53 Metzler pulls up the 6/19 Golden Corral video and watches

July 15 23:57 4 min after that, Metzler goes into system, pulls up his
Garner gas-lighting video from 6/26, watches it.

July 15 23:58 Metzler first manually adds the correct case number (20-
004373) to his Garner gaslighting video. It has been sitting
in purgatory up to this point (for 19 days), unassigned to
any case.
Metzler then manually adds the “case” category to it. Note
he is doing all of this at midnight on a Wednesday.
Probably someone noticed he needed to add his video to
the case, and told him to do it (Bunch, likely) and so he is
doing the things he’s supposed to with it now.

July 16 02:14 (2 hours later - now its 2 am) Metzler changes his mind.
He manually changes the case number associated with
his Garner video to an incorrect case number (20-
0053820). Note the two zeros in front accompanied by the
extra 0 at the end, almost ensuring that there is no chance
this case # exists (it’d have to be 50,000 incident reports
later to the correct case #, to be possibly a real case).

July 16 02:16 The 2 am tinkering continues. Now Metzler removes the

“case” category designation on his video and adds an
“incident” category instead.

This modification makes it so his video is automatically

deleted from servers in June 2021 rather than June 2030.
This is the fastest possible deletion schedule an officer can
manually assign to a video.

July 16 11:00 McEwan watches Hopp’s 4 min transport from cell to car
while hog-tied video. This is unusual; evidence techs do
not generally ever watch the videos they prepare to send
in discovery.

July 16 11:32 McEwan initiates the download of Hopp’s video (along

with all other BWC assigned to the case) for discovery, this
batch now references 9 BWC

July 16 13:02 McEwan drafts a Supp Report re: 9 BWC Videos sent to

July 16 17:25 E-Discovery notice for Packet 3 which has McEwan Supp
re: 9 BWC videos sent to DA (but still no videos)

July 20 18:36 E-Discovery notice for Packet 4 which has all the BWC in it,
to include Metzler’s Golden Corral video (but not the
gaslighting video, of course)

August 5 10:00 Schielke files SDT into case for all Walmart video
August 6 9:27 DA Hammer emails me about the case out of the blue,
acting weird about it being my case and not a DUI

August 6 10:36 I email DA Hammer back, pointing her to the BWC and
saying it’s “hard to watch” and notifying her that KG
suffered “broken bones and a dislocated shoulder”

August 6 10:42 (6m later) DA Hammer responds “yeah I watched the POV
and assumed dementia”

August 7 (unk) Hopp writes his narrative for Blue Team with the tall tales
specific to explaining away an injury at the jail

August 7 23:59 Metzler takes another look at the case file and his Golden
Corral video affixed to it. There is an “access and buffer”
event on the Golden Corral video audit here that is almost
certainly Metzler deliberately attaching this incorrect
video to the Blue Team report he is now preparing to
send up chain of command.

August 8 00:00 Literally at midnight, so one minute after just knowingly

attaching the wrong video of his to Blue Team, Metzler
streams Hopp’s full video.

This is the only video he ever watches besides his own.

August 8 00:14 (14m after watching Hopp video) Metzler writes into Blue
Team that he has reviewed all reports and videos and
everything is within policy and approved, and sends it to
everybody in the agency, including Ticer. Requests specific
review from Lt. Shaffer.

August 10 10:39 Lt. Shaffer watches Hopp’s 4 min video taking KG to

Blackett’s car for jail transport

August 10 10:42 Lt. Shaffer accesses Hopp’s full video

August 10 10:42 Lt. Shaffer watches Hopp’s 4 min video again

August 10 10:45 Lt. Shaffer approves the whole operation but “questions
why there isn’t BWC of the arrest and struggle”

August 10 11:00 (15m later) Asst. Chief Butler watches Hopp’s video
August 10 11:20 (8m later) Asst. Chief Butler writes into Blue Team that
he “has reviewed the BWC, the report and photographs.
The use of force was reasonable, necessary, and within

August 10 12:14 (1hr later) Butler watches Hopp’s video again

August 21 15:22 DA Hammer files motion to dismiss

Sept 9 10:42 Sgt Wheeler closes the Blue Team report as within policy

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