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Pros and Cons of TV advertisement

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Pros and Cons of TV advertisement

              For a long period, television has been used as the main entertainment form globally in

several households. Television advertisement has undergone several changes over the past years.

The emergence of broadcast satellite and cable systems has enabled accessibility of a good

number of channels comfortably at home. Marketers have therefore been able to ease

campaigning as well as advertising using television. This paper explains the pros and cons of

advertising using television as well as its effects on small local companies and major national


Advertising via television reaches a wide targeted audience instantaneously. This is

because TV adverts can be targeted to a specified audience in a good manner as well. To reach

parents who work from home or who stay at home, one should purchase daytime sports. In a bid

to target a Hispanic market a company purchases airtime on Spanish speaking networks.

(Business, 2017). For products targeted to workers on a full-time basis, evening advertisement is

recommended. Even though parents did not appreciate Saturday morning cartoons the ads

worked well ever since manufacturers knew about targeting. TV advertisement grabs attention.

This caters to the burden of taking a company’s product personally into millions of households

all over the country to show its quality, strength, demonstrating right in front of them as well as

explaining how higher or longer-lasting it is. The biggest pro of TV ads is that it is possible to

reach out to potential customers from their location.

On the disadvantageous part of it, the cost of the advertisement can be prohibitive. This is

why national companies can advertise on TV but local businesses cannot. To publicize all its

products TV advertisements can be costly. Production of an ad is an expense. The cost of airtime

to operate an ad is also burden finance wise. Reducing production corners is disastrous since it

can lead to the production of inferior ad which may affect the product adversely (Business,

2017). Additionally, frequency is essential since TV ads require numerous running for the

audience to get used to. With TV and print, it’s costly. If a company cannot afford to run an ad

several times, then it is not worth the time and money spent. The more a target audience sees an

ad, the more a company can be trusted.

Conclusively, there is absolutely no definite answer on whether a company should or

should not use television for advertising its products. To arrive at an agreeable conclusion a

company should consider carefully the pros and cons of TV advertising besides a company’s

scope, budget, and needs.    



Business, A. (2017). Television Advertising Pros and Cons. Retrieved May 18, 2017.

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