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ISBN 974-598-005-6

Financial Economics of Agricultural Co-operatives

EC 583


J 112




EC 583 i 1
2 EC 583

EC 583 3
EC 583 5
6 EC 583
EC 583 7
EC 583
EC 583 9
10 EC 563
EC 583 II
3.1 n’13F1-i

EC 583 15
16 EC 583
EC 583 17
Marvin AiSchaars. Cooperatives. Principles and Practices. Madison : University
of Wisconsin-Extension. 1980. p- 36.

18 E C 583
20 EC 583
EC 583 21
I b i d . , p-128

24 EC 583
EC 583 2 5
EC 583 27
2 8 EC 583
EC 583 2 9
3 0 EC 583
186 7.4 110 4.9

80 3.2 100 4.5

330 13.1 264 11.8

208 a.3 188 8.5

18 0.7 16 0.7

a22 32.7 678 30.4

714 28.4 714 32.0

738 29.5 568 25.5

212 fM 250 11.2

24 0.9 20 0 . 9

1,688 67.3 1,552 69.6

2,510 100.0 2,230 100.0

EC 583 3 1
76 3.0 84 3.8

268 10.7 206 9.2

418 16.6 440 19.7

22 0.9 20 0.9

784 31.2 750 33.6

260 lb.4 200 8.9

1,044 41.6 950 42.5

720 28.7 648 29.0

444 17.7 390 17.6

176 7.0 150 6.7

126 5.0 92 4.2

1,466 58.4 1,280 57.2

2,510 100.0 2,230 100.0

3 2 EC 583
1,314 100.0 1,000 100.0

1,028 78.2 768 76.8

286 21.8 232 23.2

46 3.6 '40 4.0

240 18.2 192 19.2

120 9.1 102 10.2

120 9.1 90 9.0

32 2.4 22 2.2

152 11.5 112 11.2

26 2.0 20 2.0

126 9.5 92 9.2

EC 583 33
34 EC 503
EC 583 3 5
lk;l"l%i; 31 ih=W 2531 1kX 2532

31 ihwla! lh&!
2532 2531 +luau1;u %lEJa-

186 110 76 69

80 100 -20 -20

330 264 66 25

208 188 20 10.6

18 16 2 12.5

822 678 144 21.2

714 714 0. 0

738 568 170 30

212 250 -3% -15.2

24 20 4 20

1,688 1,552 136 8.7

2,510 2,230 280 12.6

76 84 -8 -9.5

36 EC 583
268 206 62 30

418 440 -22 -5

22 20 2 10

784 750 34 4.5

260 200 60 30

1,044 950 94 9.9

720 648 72 11.1

444 399 54 13.8

176 150 26 17.3

126 92 34 36.9

1,466 1,280 j 186 14.5

2,510 2,230 280 12.6

EC 583 * 37 '
560, 4 00 160 40.0

434 350 84 24.0

320 250 70 28.0

1,314 1,000 314 31.4

504 360 144 40.0

348 272 76 27.9

176 136 40 29.4

1,028 768 260 33.8

286 232 54 23.2

14 10 4 40.0

14 16 -2 -12.5

18 14 4 28.6

46 40 6 15.0

120 102 18 17.6

166 142 24 16.9


3 8 EC 583
EC 583 39
40 EC 583
2. ~Fl'7lhI-I~& (Debt ratios)

3. &vmhrm&~~s (Profitibility ratios)

4. ttl~ld~Ufl~lU+J~~~~ (Coverage ratios)

EC 583 41
z = 1.05

42 EC 583
= 822,000 - 208,000

zz 0.78

EC 583 43
hm~ulud w&l - Days in Yeas
~~‘jlinlcbw~~l~tluuaJ~nwu Receivable ‘I’urnover

__--Days in Year
- - - -
Annual Credit Sales

4 4 E C SE3
= = 4.9 = 5

EC 583 4 5
46. EC 583
z M¶%5Z'%Xll3 (Long, term debt)
~~5ldaunu~uiar'jun~~u5a~ =
nl5%Wl~hp5:~m~ (Total Capitalization)

EC 583 4 7
4 8 EC 583
2) n?~~~M?&WmIl~ (Net profit margin)


EC 583
a. B5i$?unaiu;ni~sr~m”wn”rlrr7seJl?u (Profitability in Relation to

EC 583
(Interest Coverage Ratio)


= 3.57 llil

EC 583 61

EC 583
1. Operating Leverage

2. Financial Leverage

5.1 Operating Leverage

EC 583 53
5 4 E C 583
S = vc + Fc . . . . . ..-............................................ (1)

s = =mlhrmvmGlun” i miafl
vc =
Fc = mhm&ia~U3~
Vc + Fc z 5iUj7~53U7inniSw~Rau~i 7 Mix4

EC 583 5 5
P(X) - Vc(X) = Fc
x (P-Vc) = Fc

X Fc
= P-vc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

56 EC 583
x .=

P = 51n1hG1 = 2 0 0 UIM

x =
200-l 00


EC 583 57
EC 583 59

EC 583 61
= 300-100

= 100

6 4 EC 583
elnp7 x =
x : hmnisw~~ bu ~~~uyu

Fc.. = &yl~~ = 30,000 UIM

p ZY s1n1%& = 200 lJ1M

vc =

x =: -30,000 -

=. 300

EC 583 6 9
x = 200-50

EC 583
7 8 EC 583
EC 583 7 9
8 0 EC 583
EC 583 81
82l EC 583
EC 583 8 3
8 4 EC 583
EC 583 85
Theo, Haimann and William G, Scott, Management in the Modern Organization,
2 nd Ed., (Gostom:Houghton Mifflin), 1970.

'Harold, Koontz and Cyril, O'Donnell, Principles of Management:An Analysis

Of Uanagerial Functions, jrd Ed., (New York:McGraw-Hill Book Co.), 1964.
Edwin E. Flippo, Management :A Behaviorial Approach, 2 nd E d . , Boston :Allyn
and Bacon, 1970.

Don, Hellriegel and John n:Ir., Slocum, Management:A Contingency Approach,

(Massachusetts:Addisioq Wesley), 1974.

8 6 EC 583
EC 583 8 7
8 8 EC 583

EC 583 -
9 0 EC 583
EC 583 91
‘EC 583 93
94 ’ EC 583
EC 583 9 5
96 EC 583
7-6 %~I~~~?;JPJ~~~~uIM (Budgeting Procedure) .

EC 583 9 7
90,000 18,000 20%

9 8 EC 583
EC 583 101
.\ ‘

50% M;alJJStulN 500 UIM &lh ~U~~t~ltu~1~l;7J5J~lUPIa~ 2531 b'iln"U 1,500 UIM

102 EC 583
EC 583 1 0 3
16,500 'UIM

2,000 Ulll

2,100 UIM

8,100 U-WI

26,500 UIM 28,240 UIM

540 u1n

1,725 UIW

1,500 UIM 1

1,200 UIM

1,080 UIM

792 UIM

go0 u1n

2,640 UIW

1.720 UIM

9,670 U-M 11,697 u7n

36,170 i!in 39,69’? uin

. 104 EC 583
EC 583 1 0 5
EC 583 109
EC 583 111
112 EC 583
EC 503 113
114 EC 583
EC 583 115
and policy, 5th. ed., Englewood

EC 583
EC 503 117
118 EC 583

EC 583
Abrahamsen, Martin A,, Cooperative Business Enterprises New York : MC

Graw-Hill, 1976.

Bradley, Joseph F. Administrative Financial Managements, Third edition

Hinsdale, Illinois : The Drydes Press, 1974.

Flippo, Edwin B. Management : A B haviorial Approach. Second edition.

Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 1970.

Griffin, Nelda et al, Cooperative Financing and Taxation. (Cooperative Infor-

mation Report I, Section 9) Agricultural Cooperative Service, U.S.

Departm,ent of Agriculture, February 1981.

Haimann, Theo, and Scott, William G. Management in the Modern Organi-

zation Second edition. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1970.

Hellriegel, Don and Slocum, John W. Jr. Management : A Contingency

Approach Massachusetts: Addison-Wesley, 1974.

Jenson, IM.C., and C.W. Smith Jr., The Modern Theory of Coporate Finance,

New York : McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1984.

Koontz, Harold and O’Donnell, Cyril. Principles of Management : An

Analysis of Managerial Functions. Third edition. New York : MC

Graw Hill Book Co., 1964.

Maddock, Wallace J. “Guidelines for Cooperatives in Developing Economics”.

Financing Cooperatives in Developing Countries Madison : The

University of Wisconsin, 1969.

Rasmussen, A.E., Financial Management in Cooperative Enterprises. Sas-

katoon, Saskatchewan : Cooperative College of Canada, 1975.

122 EC 583
Schaars, Marvin A., Cooperatives, Principles and Practices. Madison : The

University of Wisconsin, 1980.

Van Horn, James C. Financial Management and Policy. Fifth edition.

Englewood Cliffs : Prentice Hall, Inc., 1980.

Weston, J.F. and E.F. Brighan, Managerial Finance. Seventh Edition. Illinois:

The Drydes Press, 1981.

EC 583 123

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