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Assignment 1 | Statistical Methods and Planning Techniques | AP6104 | 2020-‘21



Konda Shashank Dr. Soumen Mitra

(2020APM009) (Dept. of Architecture, Town & Regional planning)

Assignment 1 | Statistical Methods and Planning Techniques | AP6104 | 2020-‘21


1. Introduction 4
2. Objective 4
3. Questionnaire 4

3.1 Questionnaire format 4

3.2 Tabular Representation 5

3.3 Graphical Representation 6

4. Observations: 10

Assignment 1 | Statistical Methods and Planning Techniques | AP6104 | 2020-‘21


I would like to express my special thanks of gratitude to my guide “ Dr. Soumen Mitra” Dept. of
(Architecture, Town & Regional planning) for he's able guidance and support in preparation and
completion of my assignment, and I would also like to express my gratitude to my classmates for
support and responses for my query and they always helped me whenever I needed it.

Assignment 1 | Statistical Methods and Planning Techniques | AP6104 | 2020-‘21

1. Introduction:
Education in India continues to be about serious matters like choosing a career, becoming employable,
preparing for an unknown future etc. Therefore, the entire learning process is centralised and
evaluation-result driven. Socio-emotional development of the students is in the form of adolescent
education but beyond that it’s all about chasing highest numbers or grades. Hence ‘happiness’ seems to
be an alien concept in the school curriculum.

2. Objective:
The primary objective of this study is to understand the various aspects like social, environmental,
economic and personal issues that are causing mental stress to a student and eventually leading to an
unhappy,, unsatisfactory illness in them.

3. Questionnaire:
In order to understand and get an interesting insight about the present scenario of happiness and mental
illness in students. I choose to conduct my study on final year engineering students from Jawaharlal
Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad. The questionnaire is mainly framed to analyse both
qualitative and quantitative data outcomes of the existing scenario.

3.1 Questionnaire format

These questions are raised to understand the various aspects that are related to happiness in students
A. Which mode of learning keeps you more engaged ? (MCQ)

B. How often do you interact with your lecturers outside the class ? (MCQ)

C. According to you what extent of your study is application oriented ? (Linear Scale)

D. How many hours in week do you spend time doing your interests and hobbies ? (MCQ)

E. Can your parents afford your education ? (MCQ)

F. Do you want to build your professional career in your current domain ? (MCQ)

G. What are your thoughts about the current job opportunities in the market ? (MCQ)

H. In the era of competitiveness did you ever feel pressured of being lost ? (MCQ)

I. Do you suggest that going through the present education system is mandatory for seeking
knowledge ? (MCQ)

J. Do you think the change in current education policy is needed to succeed in your career ? (MCQ)

Assignment 1 | Statistical Methods and Planning Techniques | AP6104 | 2020-‘21

3.2 Tabular Representation:

Name Gender group A B C D E F G H I J
Offline Very
Hrithik Male 18-20 mode Often 5 0-10 Partly Yes Low Often No Needed
Offline Much
Nikitha Female 20-22 mode Never 1 0-10 Yes Yes Moderate Often Yes needed
Very Much
Sainath Male 20-22 Both Often 3 10-20 Partly Yes High Often Yes needed
Venkata Much
sairam Male 20-22 Both Often 3 0-10 Yes Yes Moderate Often No needed
Sankasani Offline Much
Jahnavi Female 18-20 mode Sometimes 4 0-10 Yes Maybe Moderate Often Yes needed
Devika Offline Very Not
rani Female 22-24 mode Often 3 0-10 Yes Yes Low Often No needed
Jaya Offline
Manasa Female 20-22 mode Often 3 0-10 Yes Maybe Moderate Never Yes Needed
Sai Offline
Bharadwaj Male 18-20 mode Sometimes 4 20-30 Partly Yes Moderate Often Yes Needed
Harish Offline Much
Kumar Male 18-20 mode Often 3 0-10 Partly Yes Moderate Often Yes needed
Akshitha Female 18-20 mode Sometimes 3 0-10 Yes Yes Low Often No Needed
Offline Much
Jagadish Male 20-22 mode Often 5 10-20 Partly Yes Low Often Yes needed
Pranay Offline Much
Kumar Male 20-22 mode Never 2 0-10 No Yes Moderate Often No needed
Sruthi Online Very Not
kuchipudi Female 18-20 mode Sometimes 5 20-30 Yes Yes Low Often No needed
Reddy Male 20-22 Both Sometimes 3 0-10 Yes Yes Moderate Often Yes Needed
Stephen Male 20-22 Both Sometimes 4 0-10 Yes Yes Moderate Often Yes needed

Assignment 1 | Statistical Methods and Planning Techniques | AP6104 | 2020-‘21

3.3 Graphical Representation:

Assignment 1 | Statistical Methods and Planning Techniques | AP6104 | 2020-‘21

Assignment 1 | Statistical Methods and Planning Techniques | AP6104 | 2020-‘21

Assignment 1 | Statistical Methods and Planning Techniques | AP6104 | 2020-‘21

Assignment 1 | Statistical Methods and Planning Techniques | AP6104 | 2020-‘21

4. Observations:

In total there are 15 respondents to the questionnaire, out of which 60 % are male and 40 % are female.
The majority of them belong to the 20-22 age group. These are the observations and insights drawn are
as follows :

1. It is seen that nearly 70% of the students are comfortable with the online mode of

2. 45% of the students interact with teachers very often, after the class hours also.

3. The majority of the students believe that their study is only 50% application oriented.

4. Interestingly we found that nearly 75% of the students spent their time doing their interests and
hobbies other than academics.

5. Only 60% of the parents can afford for their education.

6. Majority of them are willing to continue their professional career in their current domain.

7. Nearly 70% of them believe there are inadequate job opportunities in the market.

8. 80% of the students feel pressured and are afraid of competitiveness.

9. It is contrary that 60% of the students suggested that schooling is mandatory for being

10. 85% of students believe that change in the education policy helps them to actually succeed in
their career.


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