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Time allowed: 60 minutes

Name: ___________________________ Class: _______________ Date: __________________

LISTENING (10 minutes)
Questions 1-5: Listen to Mrs Lee talking to her secretary about the business trip and choose the best
answer for each question. You will hear the conversation twice.
1. Mrs Lee will leave on ………..
A. Friday B. Sunday C. Saturday
2. Mrs Lee’s plane goes at ……….
A. 8 a.m B. 10 a.m C. 11 a.m
3. First she will go to ……….
A. a factory B. an office C. a hotel
4. She will have dinner in ………
A. her hotel B. a restaurant C. someone’s house
5. The next morning she will travel by ……….
A. plane B. car C. train
Questions 6-10: You will hear some information about a cinema. Listen and complete questions 6-10.
You will hear the READING (50 minutes)
Part I. Grammar and Vocabulary

Name of cinema: North London Arts Cinema
Next week’s film: (6): ……………………………. Meeting
from: (7): Monday to .……………………….
times: (8): 6.45 p.m. and ……………………...
Student ticket costs: (9): £ …………………………………...
Nearest car park: (10): .……………………………. Street

Questions 1-30: Choose A, B, C or D to complete each sentence.

1. - Is someone calling Ms. Julia ? - Yes, The boss is calling ………….. from New York.
A. herself B. hers C. she D. her
2. - Mr John is giving a party tonight. - Are you going to ……….. ? - Yes, I am
A. it B. it’s C. its D. it is
3. Let’s get a video and …………………. it at my house this afternoon.
A. watch B. look C. listen D. do
4. ………………… classroom is big. Ours is very small.
A. They B. Theirs C. Their D. My
5. My father ……………………News in 60 seconds every evening..
A. watches B. is watching C. listen D. is listening
6. Where are you staying in Hanoi? ……………………. hotel is near center of the capital.
A. We B. Their C. Our D. His
7. Where is Mr Andrew ? - …………….. is in the meeting.
A. He B. She C. We D. Her
8. - “That’s a …………….. !” - “ I have got nothing to do” .
A. idea B. things C. great idea D. thing
9. Everyone has a notebook when ……………. go to the meeting.
A. they B. theirs C. them D. they’re
10. Jane : Where are you going ? Mark: I …………………………..
A. meet teacher at the train station B. meeting teacher at the train station
C. am meeting teacher at the train station D. I’m meet teacher at the train station
11. If you are ………………., you can get a drink in the snack bar upstairs.
A. thirsty B. dirty C. thirty D. wet
12. Peter : Let’s go out for dinner. Jane: Where can we eat ?
Peter : There ………………………. great restaurant near my house.
A. ’s the B. ’s a C. ’re the D. it’s a

Course 0 - page 1
13. I like my bedroom best. It’s my ……………………
A. comfortable B. beautiful C. wonderful D. favourite
14. Several ……………. are violent.
A. childrens shows B. childrens's shows C. children shows D. children's shows
15. Their rooms are on the top floor so they ………….. the lift.
A. drive B. go C. take D. ride
16.He .…………for the shop to open but it …………..till nine.
A. is waiting - doesn't open B. is waiting - doesn't open
C. is waiting - isn't opening D. waits - doesn't open
17. My child sits ………………a tall boy and a red-hair girl in his class.
A. between B. under C. next to D. behind
18. The coffee without milk is …………………...
A. mine B. my C. her D. me
19. I am going for a walk. : ………… …………. with me?
A. Are/ coming B. Do / come C. Does / come D. Is / coming
20. Jane is very ……………… because she has lots of presents.
A. interesting B. lovely C. happy D. tired
21. She sometimes ……………… some friends to her house for a party at the weekend.
A. agree B. invites C. agrees D. invite
22. This can't be Stella's signature …………………. is quite different..
A. her B. hers C. she D. hers signature
23. John and his friends are having a great time, singing and dancing and …… to their favourite music now.
A. listening B. hearing C. looking D. drinking
24. Nick and Charles want to spend a ………………….. in the country.
A. day B. time C. moment D. weeks
25. I like this restaurant because the food is very……………………….
A. good B. sweet C. well D. badly
26. I want to buy a new jacket, ……………….I don’t have enough money
A. because B. but C. so D. and
27. Their rooms are on the top floor so they…………..…………. the lift.
A. go B. take C. drive D. have
28. My sisters and I ………………….……. on holiday now.
A. am B. are C. is D. A & C
29. The police officers are on their way to ……………. those bank robbers..
A. arrest B. steal C. rob D. run
30. ……………………. a nice day! Shall we go swimming?.
A. how B. what C. when D. which
Questions 31-35: Choose A, B or C to complete the five conversations.
31. What’s the date today?
A. It’s Saturday. B. The first, I think. C. I’m 30 today.
32. How far is it to our university?
A. About 2 kilometers. B. It’s quite long. C. About 2 months.
33. Could you give me the butter?
A. Thank you. B. Here you are. C. I don’t know.
34. John hates shopping.
A. I love it. B. It’s four pounds. C. The shop is open.
35. How is your mother?
A. She is Jane. B. She is at school. C. She is very well.
Part II. Reading Comprehension
Questions 36-40: Read these texts and find information for each question.

Hi Fiona and Nick,
Springfield community College. How are you? We’re in Moscow!
English class - morning and evening. It’s a beautiful city and the people are friendly, but it’s very
cold here. The restaurants are good and they aren’t very
71 Arbor Stress Springfield. expensive. We’re in a big hotel near Red Square. The rooms
Call Sarah Cook for information at: are nice and they’re very big. We aren’t in the hotel now,
we’re in an Internet café. Where are you? Are you in London?
(204) 346 4356 or email: Love Sally and Dan
Course 0 - page 2
Toshi Ando
Date and place of birth : 19.05.1993
Tokyo, Japan Married, no children

36. Temperature in Moscow: …………………………………………

37. Get information English class from: …………………………………………
38. Name of the college: …………………………………………
39. Toshi Ando’s occupation: …………………………………………
40. Sally and Dan’s hotel: …………………………………………
Questions 41-45: Read the text and write T (true) or F (false).

How many calories can you burn in one hour? Well, it all depends on the activity. You use
calories all the time, even when you are resting. Reading, sleeping, sitting and sunbathing all use about
60 calories an hour. Very light activities use 75 calories. Examples are eating, writing, knitting,
shaving, driving and washing up. Light activities which use about 100 calories an hour include playing
the piano, getting dressed and having a shower. Under moderate activities which use between 100 and
200 calories an hour we can put walking, doing housework, shopping and skating. Energetic activities
use 200-400 calories. These include horse riding, cycling, swimming, skipping and dancing. Finally
there are strenuous activities which use up to 600 calories an hour. These activities include climbing
stairs, jogging, digging the garden and playing football.

41. The amount of calories we use an hour depends on the activity we do. ………….
42. When we are resting we don't burn calories. …………..
43. The calories we burn for eating and washing up are the same. …………..
44. Having a shower uses only 100 calories an hour. …………..
45. Playing football uses 400 calories an hour. …………..
Questions 46-50: Read the passage and choose the correct answer for each question.

The Town Of Clarkson

Clarkson is a large town. It has more than fifty thousand people living there. It sits next to a
large river, the Clark River. Every day, people take the ferry from North Clarkson to South Clarkson to
go to work. Most people live in North Clarkson. There are many trees and the streets are very broad.
When the sun shines and the children run and play in the safe streets, North Clarkson is a wonderful
place to live. South Clarkson has a lot of shops and factories. People don't live there, but they come in
the morning to work. There is also a big stadium where the Clarkson Tigers play. On Sundays, many
people go to watch their favorite team. At the weekend, the people from Clarkson enjoy walking along
the bank of the Clark River. They also sail small boats on the water and if there is a little wind, they fly
kites in the large park. Every year, Clarkson grows in size because a lot of people come to live there.
The government builds more houses and the streets get busier. Maybe in the future, if the town
continues to grow, it will become a city!

46. What is there near Clarkson?

A. mountains B. sea C. river
47. What is there in North Clarkson?
A. wide streets B. factories C. offices
48. There is also a ……………… in South Clarkson.
A. theatre B. park C. Stadium
49. What do people in Clarkson do at the weekend?
A. go for walks B. have barbecues C. swim in the river
50. Which statement is true?
A. Clarkson is a city B. Clarkson is a bad place to live C. Clarkson is a popular town

Course 0 - page 3

Do you have a cat? Do you understand a lot about this animal? Cats live with people in homes. They are
small animals with sharp incisors and claws. Cats eat meat and never eat vegetables. Their favorite kind of
food is mice. Cats hunt their food at night and sleep in the daytime.
When cats hunt, the body structure and good eyesight are very useful. Cats love being embraced and
stroked. When their owners pet them, cats are really pleasant and satisfied. Cats also like sleeping in the
warm sunlight. When you see a cat sunbathing in the sunlight, do not wake it up. It is sleeping! If there is a
catnip plant growing around your home your cat will know it first.
Cats can be seen rolling around in it. Some cat toys have catnip inside them because cats love it so much!

1. How are cats’ claws?

Small Sharp Useful Pleasant

2. What is cats’ favourite food?

Meat Mice Vegetables Catnips


There are a few empty apartments near here. The apartment at number 27 has two bedrooms. It's a
lovely one and it isn't expensive. The one at number 40 is better. It has three bedrooms and it's bigger, but
of course it's more expensive. The best one is at number 79. It has four bedrooms and it's furnished. It's the
most expensive. The cheapest will be the best for Mr. Robinson. It's smaller than the other two, but it's the
newest of the three.
Question 1: There are not any empty apartments near here. F
Question 2: The apartment at number 27 isn't expensive. T
Question 3: The one at number 40 is more expensive than the apartment at number 27. T
Question 4: The apartment at number 27 will be the best for Mr. Robinson. T

Young people life living prefer the city life because they love the noisy and busy life there. There
are a lot of cars, a lot of motor bikes and the people are often in a hurry in the big cities. They also think
that it is easier to find jobs and money in the big cities than in the countries. Therefore, more and more
young people leave the countries for the cities every year. Different from the young, old people like living
in the countries because the life in the country is quiet and peaceful. In addition, the air is fresher and they
can eat healthier foods. After stopping working, many old people move to their home villages in the
countries because they love peaceful life and fresh air.
1: The city life is very noisy and busy there. T
2: The life in the country is quiet and peaceful. T
3. The young like living in the country. F
4: There are not a lot of cars and a lot of motor bikes in the big cities F
5: The air in the country is fresh. T

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