Toefl ETS Listening Practice Test B

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Section 1 Listening Comprehension In this section ofthe test, you will have an opportunity to demonstrate your ability 10 understand conversations and talks in English. There are three parts to this section, ‘with special directions for each part, Answer all the q hasis of what is stated ov implied by the speakers in this, {you will not be allowed to take notes oF write in Practice Test Bin the same way STIS) Directions: In Part A, 1s between two people. After each conversation, you will hear a question about the conversation. The conversations land questions will not be repeated. After you hear a question, read the four possible test book and choose the best answer. Then, on your answer sheet, fi the number ofthe question and fill inthe space that correspor tothe letter of the Here is an example (On the recording, you hear Sample Answer enoe In your book, you read (A) He doesn’t like the painting ether. (B) He doesn't know how to paint (©) He doesn't have any paintings. {D) He doesn't know what to do, ‘You learn from the conversation that neither the man nor the woman likes the painting. The best answer to the question “What does the man mean?" is (A), “He ‘doesn't like the painting either” Therefore, the correct choice is (A) unit (I page 127 AOOWWOD AoOooooo (A) He wants to know which scarf the woman chose, (B) He wants to know what color the jacket is (C) He thinks he selected a nice color the jacks (A) Bob has been marred for a Tong time (B) The woman should go to Califor (©) He plans to go to the ‘wedding. (D) He hasn't been to C or along time. 3. (A) He wants a glass of won't do as the wo ‘asks, (©) He can’t wait any longer (D) He's looking for the waiter (A) It’s just past ten o'clock (8) There's no time to talk (C) She needs little more time. (D) She has more than ten cents, (A) She appreciates the man's help, (B) Her presentation was somewhat long. (€) She needed mote time to prepare work si 6a wants to exercise before she runs, (B) I's too hot to go running (©) Her jorei enough. (D) She al ly went jon 7 7. (A) To tell him they are busy, (B) To cancel an appointment (C) To inv (0 go 10a film. (D) To ask him a question about homework. 8. (A) Keep looking for is wallet. (B) Report the theft of the wallet Tight away. (©) Puthis wallet in his jacket pocket (D) Be more careful with his diet (B) She doesn’t Tike to walk to the cafeteria (C) She thinks the cafeteria is 100 expensive (B) She doesn’t eat lunch 10, (A) The man should look into ‘buying a new car (B) The car looks better than used to (©) The man should fly t0 et his ear checked page 12 (A) Tickets are available for re performances. (8) The performance has bee ‘canceled, (C) She wants to see the show performance has already stared wom (A) What is causing the problem, the faucet started ing. (C) How old the faucet is, (D) How to deal with the problem, (D) Ata (A) It ll out of the eam {B) Mary developed itin photography class, (C) Susan took it to be developed. {D) The man gave i to Suss (A) He got out ofthe shower to mnswer the phone. (B) He didn’t hear the phone (D) He took a shower usta 16. 9. (A) His vacation has been ‘postpones (B) He needs to take his med ‘with hi (©) He is going to change his allergy medicine (D) His allergies no lon hie, Toi (A) She might be late for her ‘chemistry class (B) She'll borrow a bike after lass (C) She might be delayed in lab, (D) She might ride her bike to the Tab. ‘musical talent (B) Laurie taught herself to play the guitar. (©) Laurie wants to play n th other people (D) Laurie has a summer job playing guitar (A) Geta job on campus (B) Take an electronics course (C) Visit the electronies company (D) Apply fora job with the ‘lectronics company, (A) He no longer watches much television, (B) He prefers the comedies from the sixties, (C) Television comedies haven't improved since the sixties, (D) He hasn't seen many of the ‘old shows, == OOOO OOOO (A) The woman is satisfied that the book has been returned, he borrowed from the (A) He's never been to a debate limina (©) Hecan'tg (D) He doesn't kaow if the (A) Ask the professor if the course will be given again. (B) Postpone taking the course. (©) Request permission to take the courses together (D) Take the course from a iifferent professor, (A) She also needs a new tennis: racket (B) She wants to borrow so (C) She doesn’t think Br repay the loan, (D) She couldn't get Brian to play will (A) His violin i out of tune now (B) He probably lost some of his sill onthe violin, (©) He has worked as a violinist fora long time. (D) He's too old to begin studying the violin, 26 30 (A) He doesn’t expect to enjoy the theater (B) He's sorry he can’t go with © hinks the theater will be 100 crowded, (D) He rarely goes to plays, (A) He'll se the exhibit after (B) He visited the new student several times, ¢ wants to exhibit his work ‘Student Center. (D) He can see the exhibit before itcloses, (A) She is going to miss her frst class (B) She prefers going to the dentist later in the day. (©) The man will be finished w (B) Buy (©) Make a (D) Lend the: (A) Their friends would take them tothe beach, (B) They wouldn't mind the bus. (©) Someone would drive them home (D) They wouldn't be ‘phone able to find vt ge 124 Pat B longer conversations, After each nd questions will Directions: {In this part of the test, you will he conversation, you will hear several questions. The conversations ot be repeated. ‘After you heat a question, read the Four possible answers in your book and choose the best answer. Then, on your answer sheet, find the number ofthe question and fill in the space that corresponds to the letter ofthe answer you have chosen Fd g 8 z BS not take notes oF write on your test pages mer, you sho es) nit BH pge 125 OOOO BOO Part © 31 (A) Relaxing atthe seashore. 36. (A) More buff are survivin > ier parents, the wit g y Directions: In this prt ofthe et, you will a shor talks. After each tk, {©) Sailing ona boat (8) Fever buffalo are dying of eee : : cate Bs en ee mah you will ear some questions, Te tails and the questions will not be repeated. 4 (©) More bt ee esa AMier you hear a question, read the four possible answers in your book and choose the fil 32.) She masini nly fort (0) Fever ata best ane. Then, on youranser sheet fnd the nomber ofthe question and itn ae the space that coresponds tothe leer ofthe answer you have chosen, & {C) She had an app 37. (A) Shes from Wyoming. = - {D) She had schoolwork to do {B) She nceds the money re is an example {© Shohas been saying an (On the recording you hea (©) She had to finish ber the project. (0) She was hy 38, (A) Collecting information aboot In your book, you read: (A) tes se of computer 34. (A) She doesn’t know how to ® eee ranch (8) Te deus se post of an exonomi (8) The water was oo deep. eM nniah Pe tpowentin (©) To explain the workings of the ban (D) To dramatize ‘was to0 cold (D) Analyzing buffalo behavior Famous mystery story in'thave enough time The best answer to the question “What isthe n (C), To explain the workings of the bra n purpose of the program?” is Therefore, the correct choice is (C) 35. (A) A vacation tip t Yellowstone Park, (B) A lecture by a visiting Now listen to another sample question Sample Answer professor. (©) Her biology thesis, eoovoe CO Gisela In your book, you read: (A) Iti required of all science majors. (B) Iewill never be shown again (©) Iecan help viewers improve their memory skills (D) Iewill help with course work. ker reeo Therefore, The best answer tothe question “Why does the 5 program?” is (D), “It will help with course work mend watching the ‘correct choice is (D) Remember, you should not take notes or write on your test pages. vt pe 126 co page 127 HOO HOW) 39. (A) To inform visitors of the 43. (A) The lack of air pressure 47. (A) To describe Twyla Thaep’s 49. (A) Jaze park's history (B) The extremely hot or cold career (B) Folk (B) To provide an overview of the temperatures, (B) To introduce a well-known (©) Classical park’s main attract (©) To show visitors ren ns (©) Exposure to radiation ‘dancer. (D) Rock, © (D) An inadequately ventilated (C) To provide background fora z Et 3 8 by oF places in the park space su ‘ideo resentation 50, (A) What the pineapple {(D) Totcach visitors how best to (by To encourage the au symbolizes ‘Photograph wildlife 44. (A) On the exterior ofthe space study dance (18) Twyla Tharp’ career in hte ‘dance 40, (A) les easy to get ost {B) In he torso ofthe space suit 48 (C) How the video was filmed. {B) Ierequires enormous strength (©) Inthe helmet (D) The quality ofthe music (©) Ita g00d group activity. {D) Inthe conteol center Tharp's choreography the video (D) People shouldn't doit in the NASA (8) ‘Twyla Tharp was the ‘winter. ‘dancer in the video 45. (A) A videotape (©) The filming ech 4a) {B) A book (B) (C) A picture (C) The animals are more active {D) Anoxygen tank (D) The new musical score was (D) There are fewer insects. more appropriate for the 46, (A) Another speaker will describe topic 42. (A) To show a videotape o the helmet survival in outer space (8) The woman wil talk about (8) To gain support for the space the space shite progr (©) Todescribe her experience on 7 space missions This is the end of Section 1. (©) To'nform the audience about the space suit ‘Stop work on Section 1 now. Turn off your CD player. Read the directions for Section 2 and begin work. Do NOT read or work on any other section of the test ‘during the next 25 minutes. unit page 128 ==> unit @ page 129

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