Consumer Psychology Assignment 1

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SUBMITTED BY: Ayesha Masood (F19BSFN051)

SUBMITTED TO: Miss Zara Haroon

MAJOR: Food Science & Human Nutrition

COURSE TITLE: Consumer Psychology


SESSION: 2019-23

DATE OF SUBMISSION: 31st January, 2021

TOPIC: Analyze marketing strengths and weaknesses of

advertisement and highlight its impact on consumer behavior.
Advertisement: Lipton Chotu

Lipton recently came up with a campaign where it partnered with The Citizens Foundation to
provide free education to the children of Pakistan.

The two key appeals used in the commercial to draw and engage the public are emotional & slice
of life appeal as a small kid, named chotu is seen serving customers and washing dishes at a local
dhaba. He watches other children wearing school uniforms heading towards their schools and
himself longs for going to school. He compares his workplace to a school and considers the
dishes as books. The picture then shifts to a young man who is having his morning tea standing
on the balcony of his house, getting inspired by the tea. He observes the young kid and gets
motivated as the song says “Will someone rise for me, will someone come forward to help me”.
The boy is seen picking up a paper on which Urdu alphabets are printed and tries to hide that
paper from his master. His master throws away that paper after which the young man approaches
the kid and asks if he’ll go to school, if given an opportunity. In the later part of the
advertisement, the boy, chotu, is seen with the young man and other children, going to school.

Many children of our country do not go to schools just because they serve as a source of income
for their families. They are compelled to work because of poverty since their families cannot
afford to send their children to school and so the children, from a very young age, work outside
their homes to bring home food for their families. Pakistan's growth as a country is being slowed
by child labor. Children grow up to be illiterate and they have served and have not attended
school. A cycle of suffering is created and, with each generation, the demand for child labor is


 The advertisement is made attractive by the use of colors and hues. The setting for the
advertisement is according to the situation. People are seen reading newspapers,
chitchatting with each other exchanging their thoughts, having their morning meal which
attracts mostly the older population of the society since this lifestyle is very much similar
to that of the older people. The children are seen going to school while the kid, chotu, is
seen working at the dhaba serving tea to the customers. This depicts the difference in the
lifestyle of the two classes of children. The young child is longing for and supposed to go
the school whereas he is not which makes it emotional as well.
 Eye-catching visuals are used which attracts viewers. The video is appealing and
possesses high quality. The camera positioning and the shifts between the scenes is
impressive. These high-quality aspects of the videography attracts the viewers.
 The yellow colour of the product packaging makes it attractive and invites more
customers for purchase. Yellow is the color of the Sun and evokes feelings of optimism
for change; enlightenment, creativity, sunshine, warmth and clarity. The person is
wearing yellow shirt which is according to the colour of the tea packaging.
 Music adds flavor to the advertisement which attracts the customers. The lyrics of the
song convey the message to the audience. Besides this, there is a message for the people
in the end, “Come and help these kids study, help a chotu get his childhood back.”
 The advertisement is relevant to our everyday lives. We see many children around us
who, at a time when they are supposed to go to school, are working hard to earn and feed
their families at a very small age. The content applies to our lives thus has “realism” and
can be understood by the customers easily. This television commercial also creates a
positive attitude towards the advertised product, since people are encouraged to buy the
product for a noble cause.
 Emotional and slice of appeal are the two major appeals used in the advertisement to
attract and engage with the audience. This advertisement educates the audience about
40% or more Pakistani children who do not have access to education. Social aid can be
given to those children if customers buy Lipton tea. The customers buy the product not
for the product itself but for the social aid or the message attached. This increases sales.
 All age groups, from children to old people, are included so the sample is diverse.
 Company has utilized the most used medium i.e. media (television, social media,
billboard posters) for the advertisement so it is available for a larger group of population.
 This television commercial is concise and complete since nothing extra or irrelevant is
included, and complete message is conveyed to the public, thus limiting the duration of
proposal. It has a clear message for the public, to raise awareness to educate the children.
It has shown courtesy and consideration for the young children who want to go to
school but are unable to do so due to family’s financial issues.
 The tagline slogan #BeAwakeToWhatReallyMatters is a social awareness for the
public to help those in need.
 The advertisement depicts the situation of our society. Many of the younger generation
of our society is uneducated and are forced to work due to the economic circumstances
prevailing in the society. They should be sent to school so that they become a productive
part of the society by learning new skills. This message is highlighted in this commercial.


 There is an absence of celebrity endorsement. Celebrities increase sale; since no

celebrities are employed in this, it may not attract people on a large scale compared to
those advertisements in which celebrities display a product.
 The product is not displayed openly in the commercial. The man is seen drinking the tea,
but it is not specified which tea is being consumed by him.

Culture Based Discussion

 People at the dhaba are seen reading newspapers, talking to each other while having their
 Children are seen going to school, while chotu is serving people with tea.
 The man who comes to help chotu, is initially drinking tea standing at the balcony of his
 Also, child labor is very common in our society and people are completely unaware of it.
The families send their children at work at a very young age, not realizing that their
children are supposed to go to school to learn and make use of their talents and abilities
to become a productive part of the society.

These elements are a depiction of our culture.

Improvements in the advertisement

 The advertisement can be improved by comparing the products (two samples of tea).
Customers at the dhaba are drinking the tea but are busy in their lives and do not seem
inspired. Whereas the man who drinks Lipton tea is stimulated and arrives to help the
young kid at the dhaba. Which shows that drinking Lipton tea inspired him to help the
deserving child.
 The same message could be conveyed more effectively if a celebrity is hired. Although
this campaign went successful, this could be improved if a celebrity e.g. Shahid Afridi or
Fawad Khan conveyed the message.


I interviewed some people about their views related to the advertisement and collected the
qualitative data provided by their response.

They appreciated this initiative by Lipton of partnering with The Citizen Foundation, and
sending those children to schools, whose families do not afford to send their children to schools.
The product is promoted by collaborating with this noble cause and increasing number of people
try to purchase that product in order to contribute to this virtuous act of increasing literacy
among the people who cannot afford to educate their children.

Among the people who were interviewed, majority were of the opinion that government should
impose laws setting a certain age limit for the children to work. There should be a certain age
limit below which children should not be allowed to work. Every child in the country should
have access to quality education. Education is the basic right of every human being, and no one
should be deprived of this right. People should take up this task to raise awareness to stop child
labor in the country.

Partnering with a social action program (The Citizens Foundation) is a successful marketing
strategy used by Lipton since people are encouraged to work for the underprivileged social class.
They buy the product, and the profit earned by the company is spent on social uplift of the young
children, in a way that more children are sent to school to study. People therefore are eager to
work for this social cause and the product advertisement, in my opinion, is a successful one.

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