La3 Ramones

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M2: Historical Criticism Learning

Ramones, Rhaine D.C.


Reinforcement Activity 3.
Assess yourself with the following cases. What would you think or do if presented with
the following.
Select and answer only 2 items/numbers.

1. A person selling a bar of gold approached you. The person says it is pure
gold and showed you a shining, gold-colored metal bar. He gave you a price
and will turn over you the gold bar if you would give him the money.

• If someone would just approach me to sell gold, I would instantly reject

his offer and would not buy from him because it is not that easy to buy
real gold and I need to make sure that it is authentic. Real golds should
be sold in a specific place of jewelries and accessories and not just
offered that easy, it would be so doubtful and suspicious knowing that
they walk around with what they say is pure gold.

2. A person tells you that a member of your family met an accident and asks you
to meet him with a certain amount of money as down payment for the hospital

• This situation is very suspicious, what I would do is call that family

member or someone who is with them to make sure if there really is an
accident that has happened. If a family is actually caught in an
accident I still wont give that person money I would go their myself to
pay for the bills since I shouldn’t trust strangers with my money.

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