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Adaptive and Ecological Approaches to the Study of Hunter-Gatherers

Adaptive and Ecological Approaches to the Study of

Raven Garvey and Robert L. Bettinger
The Oxford Handbook of the Archaeology and Anthropology of Hunter-Gather­
Edited by Vicki Cummings, Peter Jordan, and Marek Zvelebil

Print Publication Date: Apr 2014 Subject: Archaeology, Landscape Archaeology

Online Publication Date: Sep 2013 DOI: 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199551224.013.001

Abstract and Keywords

Anthropology’s approach to hunter-gatherer ecology and adaptations has changed re­

markably from the Enlightenment to the present. Paradigm shifts, turning on the issues of
adaptive scale and the degree to which humans are subject to natural selection, have led
to descriptions of hunter-gatherer adaptations as, alternately, facile and backward or ele­
gant and forward-thinking. Modern approaches, while still varied, are far less concerned
with description, focusing instead on prediction and dynamic causes of culture change,
but no less convinced that a modern understanding of human adaptation requires careful
study of the hunter-gatherers of the archaeological past and ethnographic present.

Keywords: hunter-gatherer ecology, natural selection, human adaptation, paradigm shift

HUNTER-GATHERERS are fundamental to the modern understanding of human adapta­
tion. Indeed, a cohesive theory of human evolution and adaptation is scarcely conceivable
without the information that their study has provided. Hunter-gatherers and their cultur­
al adaptations have been alternately denigrated as simplistic in the extreme and celebrat­
ed as elegant responses to complex ecological problems. This disciplinary waffling is due
both to social and political currents that influence the popular perception of hunter-gath­
erers, and to changing approaches to evolution and adaptation more generally, which are
of course also influenced by social circumstances (Giere 1988; Kuhn 1962), as outlined in
several notable works (e.g. Barnard 2000; Bettinger 1991; Bohannan and Glazer 1988;
Harris 1968; 1998; Hodder 1983; 2002; Kelly 1995; McGee and Warms 2000; Willey and
Sabloff 1980). Here, we are less interested in the influences than their consequences and
in reviewing a broad range of approaches to the ecology and adaptations of hunter-gath­
erers, from the Enlightenment to the present.

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Adaptive and Ecological Approaches to the Study of Hunter-Gatherers

While it developed quite separately from Darwinian evolutionary theory, anthropology

arose as a means of answering many of the same questions, and many anthropologists
have sought to explain the human condition in evolutionary terms, frequently borrowing
methods from the biological sciences. It has always been clear, at the same time, that cul­
ture prevents mindless ecological interpretation of human behaviour using models devel­
oped for much simpler organisms, and the history of anthropology is, in essence, a history
of wrangling over the degree to which culture sets us apart from the rest of the animal
kingdom. Changing opinions on this matter are closely reflected in different anthropologi­
cal approaches to hunter-gatherer ecology, hunter-gatherers being viewed as more easily
dealt (p. 70) with and more intimately intertwined with the natural world than more com­
plex societies (Bettinger 1991).

Differing approaches to hunter-gatherer adaptations and ecology reflect changing opin­

ions in two arenas: scale of adaptation and force of environment. Decisions about scale—
whether individual attributes or general behavioural propensities are more adaptively im­
portant—profoundly affect the mode of inquiry, producing distinct methodologies, each
with strengths and shortcomings. Studies of larger scale (e.g. of whole cultural systems)
are frequently historical accounts of individual groups, their adaptation to a particular en­
vironment and changes in that environment over time. Conversely, smaller-scale studies
(e.g. of specific behaviours) are more given to cross-cultural, statistical comparison and
law-like generalization, usually without reference to individual cultures. Balancing these
alternative treatments of adaptation has been likened to ‘sailing a perilous course be­
tween a pseudo-explanatory reductionist atomism and stultifying non-explanatory
holism’ (Mayr 1983, 329).

The influence of environment, too, has been variably interpreted; it is of little significance
to some and of overwhelming importance to others. The role of culture, the premier hu­
man adaptation, is similarly contested, a product of natural selection on the one hand, in­
sulation against selection on the other. In short, the intersection of culture with the envi­
ronment remains a subject of considerable disagreement between the various strands of
ecological and evolutionary explanation of human behaviour. To place modern under­
standings of cultural evolution and, specifically, hunter-gatherer adaptations and ecology,
in a broader context, we trace the history of philosophical approaches to these issues, of­
fering a critical review, from natural theology to neurobiology.

Speculation and Description: Adaptation Be­

fore Ecology (1600–1930)
That organisms are physically and behaviourally adapted to their environments has in­
trigued both lay and specialist audiences for millennia (Bettinger 1991; Burrow 1966).
Seeking rational, experiential evidence of divinity, adherents to natural theology were
among the first to undertake systematic studies of these adaptations, which they regard­
ed as proof of divine creation (Paley 2006 [1802]). This theological world view neither re­
quires nor provides explanation of adaptive change and, prior to the late eighteenth cen­
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Adaptive and Ecological Approaches to the Study of Hunter-Gatherers

tury, there was no sense that the earth was old enough or had changed enough to require
it. Environment was the unchanging scenery to which organisms were divinely and forev­
er suited.

Charles Darwin (e.g. 1859; 1871), of course, rejected this static view, owing in part to his
reading of James Hutton and Charles Lyell (1990 [1830–3]), who argued that the world
was very old and constantly changing, and Thomas Malthus (1803), who argued that pop­
ulations tended to grow until limited by available resources, meaning those resources
would always be in short supply. An old earth, teeming with individuals in constant com­
petition for scarce resources, gave context to Darwin’s meticulous biological fieldwork
and ultimately led him to the theory of natural selection: favourable, heritable traits be­
come more prevalent in successive generations; populations of individuals adapt (Darwin
1859; Maynard Smith 1958). (p. 71) The tenets of Darwinian evolution thrust environmen­
tal agency to the fore and, because environments change, adaptation must be treated as
an ongoing process rather than a static condition (Kelly 1995).

Darwin’s (1859) allusion to human evolution in the final pages of On the origin of species
sparked a crusade to classify the world’s populations into a developmental scheme
(Schutkowski 2006). Biological anthropologists, grappling with ‘man’s place’ in nature,
enumerated the physical differences observed among these populations and sought to
identify environmental factors that might account for what they took to be the hierarchi­
cal ‘races of man’ (Huxley 1863; Rodman 1994). Early social anthropologists were similar­
ly preoccupied with development in relation to the Enlightenment notion of progress.
Herbert Spencer, the English philosopher and social theorist, was singularly influential in
arguing for human progress through a hierarchy of cultural stages, selection being one of
the major forces responsible for the perceived superiority of industrialized nations (Bet­
tinger 1991; Kelly 1995; Spencer 1868). On this view, known as progressive social evolu­
tionary theory (PSET), hunter-gatherer ‘primitives’ were developmentally retarded, whol­
ly at the whim of nature, struggling to wrest a living from the land, and ultimately
doomed to extinction at the hands of groups more advanced (Bettinger 1991; Kelly 1995;
Powell 1888). This made the world’s hunter-gatherers all of a kind, their primitive stage
of development eclipsing all but the most outstanding differences in technology and envi­
ronment. When addressed at all, differences were attributed to contact with civilized
neighbours (i.e. diffusion) or ill-defined peculiarities of environment; primitives simply
lacked the mental faculties to adapt on their own (Kelly 1995; Morgan 1877). More evolu­
tionarily advanced, ‘civilized’ folk had technology that liberated them from the uncertain­
ties of daily food procurement, i.e. from the environment, and freed time for intellectual
pursuits that were both the cause and consequence of their superiority (Bettinger 1991;
Kelly 1995).

While framed in evolutionary terms, PSET differed markedly from Darwinian evolutionary
theory. In particular, PSET made little room for the concept of adaption, cultures being in­
evitably transformed by selection, the environment serving only to hasten or slow the
process to suit a particular interpretation; a harsh environment could be an obstacle that

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Adaptive and Ecological Approaches to the Study of Hunter-Gatherers

a ‘primitive’ group failed to overcome (Kelly 1995) or a challenge that fostered

civilization’s ingenuity (Chinard 1947).

Although a truly modern approach to ecological adaptation was still decades off, by the
turn of the twentieth century American anthropologists were taking a keener interest in
the environment and its influence on culture. This is almost certainly due to circum­
stances peculiar to the New World. American anthropology was just beginning to form as
a discipline when settlers first began pushing west into the American frontier, experienc­
ing new, often harsh, environments. Frontier reports of encounters with living hunter-
gatherers who had successfully surmounted environmental obstacles that settlers were
struggling mightily to overcome made American anthropologists sensitive to the prob­
lems of environment and adaptation and kindled what would prove to be a lasting interest
in hunter-gatherers (Bettinger 1991; Kelly 1995). The absence of these same circum­
stances in the Old World delayed the development there of anthropological interest in
hunter-gatherer adaptations.

Historical particularism, the first school of American anthropological thought, reflected

these sentiments in its attention to environment and its explicit recognition that hunter-
gatherers, however simple, were ecologically savvy. The father of historical particularism,
and of American anthropology itself, Franz Boas, was sympathetic to Darwinian (p. 72)
evolution, and indeed had conducted a surprisingly sophisticated study of human pheno­
typic plasticity, concluding that environment had a significant effect on adaptation (Boas
1910; 1912; cf. Sparks and Jantz 2002). On the other hand, Boas staunchly opposed
PSET’s unilineal view of evolution and argued that cultural similarities need not indicate
parallel evolutionary development (Boas 1920; Harris 1968; Kelly 1995; McGee and
Warms 2000). Boas advocated detailed field studies and appreciation of every culture on
its own terms, in light of its own history and environment. As part of this agenda, Boas
oversaw scores of students’ fieldwork in the US and abroad (e.g. Garfield 1931; Mead
1961 [1928]; Radin 1923) and directed the ambitious Jesup North Pacific Expedition,
which resulted in many important ethnographies on the peoples of Siberia and Alaska
(Boas 1898; Bogoras 1910; Jochelson 1908; 1926; Teit 1906). Field research was key, Boas
argued, and armchair generalizations would only perpetuate the wrongheaded notion of
step-wise social progression.

Despite Boas’s resistance to the comparative method and universal laws of human behav­
iour, his intellectual progeny, Clark Wissler and Alfred Kroeber in particular, were in­
trigued by broad cultural patterns they observed across whole regions of the US, which
they argued were more than historical happenstance. Among other things, these regional
commonalities established that, in North America at least, hunter-gatherers were not ho­
mogeneous, as progressive social evolutionists had argued. Instead, they expressed a
wide range of cultural manifestations (e.g. Inuit vs. Shoshone vs. Northwest Coast) that
seemed more a function of environment than developmental trajectory (Bettinger 1991).
Ethnographic and archaeological distributions seemed to indicate suites of cultural traits
coinciding with major food resources, which were interpreted as cultural adaptations to
the geographic centre of a resource’s range (Kelly 1995; Wissler 1926). These ‘culture ar­

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Adaptive and Ecological Approaches to the Study of Hunter-Gatherers

eas’, defined according to human–resource relationships, reflect an incipient science of

ecology that was taking shape in the first decades of the twentieth century. Kroeber
(1939) did much to develop and publicize these patterns but cautioned that individual
traits frequently and unpredictably cross-cut culture areas, obfuscating any simple rela­
tionship between culture and environment.

It is clear that, between Darwin’s Origin in 1859 and the incorporation of a formal ecolog­
ical perspective around 1930, anthropology understood that the environment had an im­
portant role in shaping culture. From the mid-nineteenth to the turn of the twentieth cen­
tury, speculative descriptions of cultural evolution were predicated on the notion (often
implicit) that the environment was an obstacle to overcome, an impediment to progress,
and a swift punisher of those who failed to keep up. Hunter-gatherers were thus closely
aligned with nature, scarcely different from the rest of the animal kingdom and in the
precarious position of having to adopt more sophisticated neighbours’ technologies
(rather than adapt) or face extinction (Bettinger 1991). In the first decades of the twenti­
eth century, Boas and his students were rather more explicit in their treatment of the en­
vironment, subscribing to what is termed ‘environmental possibilism’: environment poses
limits, determining what is not possible, but not the form culture will take among the
realm of remaining possibilities (Forde 1934; Kroeber 1939). For the possibilists, then,
observed cultural traits had little to do with adaptation. Yet, the same detailed field meth­
ods and knowledge of environment that guided environmental possibilists produced a fun­
damentally different ecological approach in which environment was not merely limiting,
but creative and enabling—producing adaptations—as Darwin had proposed nearly a cen­
tury earlier (Gould 1982).

The Advent of an Ecological Approach to

(p. 73)

Hunter-Gatherers: Cultural Ecology and Neo­

Julian Steward believed that while the natural environment limits the range and trajecto­
ry of cultural adaptations, technology was a powerful, enabling counterbalance (Barnard
2000; Steward 1955). As the product of a particular history, technology was key to re­
source extraction, determining the amount of energy potentially available. Technology
and all behaviours shaped by the use of technology in a particular environment, most im­
portantly subsistence behaviour, define the ‘culture core’. Steward considered it the goal
of anthropology to study the course of cultural evolution in relation to the interaction be­
tween culture core and environment (Barnard 2000; Bohannan and Glazer 1988; McGee
and Warms 2000; Orlove 1980; Steward 1955).

Steward believed that understanding cultural adaptation required comparison of groups

living in similar environments (McGee and Warms 2000, 226). While his Berkeley profes­
sors Kroeber and Lowie were culture area proponents, thus more willing to entertain
cross-cultural studies than their mentor, Boas, they had stopped well short of exploring

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Adaptive and Ecological Approaches to the Study of Hunter-Gatherers

causal links between culture and environment, believing them too complicated to resolve
at the time (Kelly 1995; Kroeber 1939). Unwilling to accept that human culture was a
purely historical patchwork of accidents and connections, Steward looked cross-culturally
and found recurrent cultural adaptations in similar environments, which he concluded
represented general ecological adaptations (Bohannan and Glazer 1988; McGee and
Warms 2000; Orlove 1980; Steward 1955).

Like the Boasians, Steward began with specific cultural behaviours in specific local envi­
ronments. His most extensive archaeological and ethnographic fieldwork was in the Great
Basin, where sparse, unpredictable resources and simple technology kept human popula­
tion thinly spread and annually mobile, preventing the development of large, land-holding
groups. The culture–environment interactions that Steward observed in the Great Basin
inspired his clearest synthesis of cultural ecology in relation to what he termed the family
band—small, nuclear family-centred groups that were ideally suited to small, constantly
shifting resource patches. While of roughly the same size, Great Basin family bands dif­
fered fundamentally from the more familiar hunter-gatherer form of organization known
as the patrilineal band, whose core components (patrilocal post-marital residence and de­
scent, band exogamy, and communal land ownership) Steward (1936) had earlier identi­
fied as functional adaptations to a combination of environmental factors different from
those of the Great Basin. He had argued that patrilineal bands arise when pedestrian
hunter-gatherers armed with simple technologies occupy environments where scattered,
non-migratory game constitute a major part of the diet (Steward 1936; 1955). Just as
Great Basin Shoshone represented the prototypical family band, hunter-gatherers in
southern Africa, the Philippines, and Australia represented Steward’s patrilineal band,
their widespread distribution attesting that the core elements of this type of organization
recurred regularly under similar environmental conditions (Steward 1955; Bohannan and
Glazer 1988). Deviations from the basic configuration were explained as the effects of dif­
fusion or unique local circumstances.

Cultural ecology was like historical particularism in its holism but not in its recog­
(p. 74)

nition of general principles of cultural evolution. Cultural ecologists deduced holistic ‘cul­
ture types’ from recurrent constellations of (atomistic) adaptive traits (Steward 1955);
historical particularists eschewed evolutionary principles, viewing adaptation as a purely
historical process of settling-in to one’s environment. Still, while cultural ecologists
shared an interest in evolution via technology and energy capture with contemporary
thinkers such as Leslie White (1959), their aims and approaches were worlds apart. White
believed that all cultures evolved through the same broad, inevitable stages, much as
Morgan (1877) and Tylor (1871) had. That Steward and the cultural ecologists took a far
more empirical and particularistic tack makes their approach better suited to studies of
hunter-gatherer adaptations.

Cultural ecology’s dissatisfaction with structural description and interest in functional

adaptation parallels the conceptual dissatisfactions that led to evolutionary biology’s New
Synthesis, also during the 1930s, when Darwinian principles of evolution were combined
with Mendelian genetics (Gould 1982). In biological anthropology this meant a shift from

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Adaptive and Ecological Approaches to the Study of Hunter-Gatherers

assessing ‘man’s place’ in nature on the basis of similarities in form and structure, to tax­
onomies based on adaptive function. Washburn (1951, 144) wrote of the New Synthesis:
‘population genetics presents the anthropologist with a clearly formulated, experimental­
ly verified, conceptual scheme.’ While not responding directly to these developments, Ste­
ward recognized the same potential in relation to ecological studies of culture, marking a
shifting point from anthropological studies that used the language of evolution to studies
that used Darwinian principles, however clumsily at first.

Cultural ecology was alternately criticized as environmental determinism and watered-

down progressive social evolution. Steward anticipated the determinism charge. On his
view, technology is a product of history (cultural history), not of environment. The envi­
ronmental determinist agrees with Steward that behaviour is determined by the action of
a given technology in a given environment, but goes on to argue that technology itself is
primarily shaped by environment, which leaves no room for culture. This is why Steward
argued that environment and technology had to be treated as independent ‘givens’ (Bet­
tinger 1991; Steward 1955; 1968). Critics, of course, noted that technology was quite
clearly shaped by environment. Indeed, cultural ecologists themselves tended to interpret
technology not as historical accidents but as adaptive responses to environment. In the fi­
nal analysis, though, Steward was right to keep technology and environment separate. We
know, for example, that the Great Basin Shoshone adjusted their technology to fit local
variations in environment, using finer-meshed nets for small fish, larger-meshed nets for
rabbits. This variation is clearly a response to environment, made possible by a technolo­
gy that permits a wide range of mesh sizes. In that sense, small-meshed nets were in the
technological repertoire of the Death Valley Shoshone, even though they never brought
them into play, lacking any reason for doing so, unlike the Shoshone of Elko, whose envi­
ronment offered greater opportunities for fishing. When they first moved into their fish-
rich environment, the Shoshone of Elko did not ‘invent’ small-meshed fishing nets, but
merely applied that capability, which they had always had, as would have the Death Val­
ley Shoshone had the opportunity arisen. What no Great Basin group had in its aboriginal
technological repertoire was a mode of transportation that would have permitted them to
move faster, over longer distances and in this way more effectively respond to shifting re­
source distributions. This changed with the introduction of the horse in the northern and
eastern Great Basin, which produced major changes in diet and allowed social groups to
grow much larger than (p. 75) the pre-contact family band. So Steward’s point was not
that technology had no relationship to environment, but rather that every culture is limit­
ed by its technology and that those limits are not imposed by the environment but by the
nature of the technology itself. Insofar as limits are concerned, technology is indeed inde­
pendent of environment.

More troubling was that in emphasizing technology, cultural ecology produced a long
view of cultural evolution not too different from progressive social evolutionary theory. Al­
though Steward rejected unilineal evolution, insisting that all cultural manifestations (not
merely those of hunter-gatherers) are strongly influenced by techno-environmental inter­
actions, cultural ecology seemed to imply that as technology improved, these interactions

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Adaptive and Ecological Approaches to the Study of Hunter-Gatherers

become less influential (Orlove 1980)—precisely as progressive social evolutionary theo­

rists had argued.

These problems aside, cultural ecology had a profound and lasting influence on anthro­
pology. Nearly all subsequent approaches to the study of culture—and especially to the
study of hunter-gatherers—drew heavily on some form of culture ecological interpreta­
tion of adaptation. This influence is perhaps most pronounced in neofunctionalism, which
carried cultural ecological interpretation to an extreme in arguing that even seemingly
dysfunctional cultural behaviours could be interpreted as adaptive responses to the ‘qual­
ity, quantity and distribution of resources’ (Orlove 1980, 237). Coupled with the biological
view that individual behaviour needed to be understood in terms of its population-level
consequences, this led neofunctionalists to interpret culture as an adaptation that func­
tioned to maintain group homeostasis. Thus, all components of culture—all observable
cultural traits—must also be adaptive. Starting from this premise, neofunctionalists quick­
ly gravitated to cultural oddities and the ways in which they met cultural needs and con­
tributed to group survival (Bettinger 1991).

Neofunctionalist treatments of ‘ethnographic riddles’ made for captivating reading and

resulted in many detailed treatments of ecological relationships (Orlove 1980, 243).
Rappaport’s (1968) work on ritual in New Guinea, Piddocke’s (1969) explanation of the
Kwakiutl potlatch, and Freeman’s (1971) assessment of infanticide among the Netsilik Es­
kimo, for example, make functional ‘sense’ of behaviours that many Westerners find puz­
zling or disturbing. Warfare, excessive feasting, and infanticide are not merely rational,
they turn out to be requisite for survival, maintaining population below local carrying ca­
pacity or redistributing essential resources. Interest in the regulating function of cultural
behaviour reflected the neofunctionalist view that populations are the units of selection
and that cultural ‘systems should tend towards homeostatic equilibrium, with populations
at or close to carrying capacity; population growth above these limits induces
change’ (Dow 1976; Orlove 1980, 242; Rappaport 1971a; 1971b).

Neofunctional accounts were roundly criticized in anthropology and biology alike because
they rested on group rather than individual selection, consistently failed to demonstrate
empirical links between purportedly functional behaviours and the need they were said to
fill, and focused on the consequences rather than causes of adaptation (Bettinger 1991;
Gould and Lewontin 1979; Levins and Lewontin 1985; Williams 1966).

The group selection criticism was particularly problematic. From the start, anthropologi­
cal theory took whole groups or cultures as the units of analysis and explanation. This
separated anthropological from biological theory until the early 1960s, when Wynne-Ed­
wards (1962) argued that much animal behaviour increased the fitness of groups rather
than individuals, which ran counter to the methodological individualism at the heart of
New (p. 76) Synthetic evolutionary theory. Evolutionary biologists quickly dispatched
group selection, however, demonstrating mathematically and conceptually that group se­
lection should be exceedingly rare in nature (Price 1970; 1972; Williams 1966; Wilson
2005). Neofunctionalist explanations of culture were rejected on similar grounds. Experi­

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Adaptive and Ecological Approaches to the Study of Hunter-Gatherers

mental evidence (Koeslag 1997; 2003; Soltis et al. 1995) and reworking of fundamental
mathematical models including Hamilton’s Rule (Bourke and Franks 1995; Trivers and
Hare 1976; Wilson 2005) now suggest that group selection is likely an important evolu­
tionary force, but this is not enough to save neofunctionalism, which suffers more funda­
mental flaws.

Neofunctionalists usually failed to establish causal links between behaviours of interest

and the needs they are supposed to fill. For example, Piddocke (1969) argues that the
seemingly extravagant and wasteful feasting that attended the Kwakiutl potlatch conceals
an ingenious system for redistributing the boom and bust resources of the Northwest
Coast of North America. The potlatch might have redistributed resources, but Piddocke
fails to show that it actually did, that the Kwakiutl system could not survive without some
level of redistribution, or that this was not accomplished by other Kwakiutl behaviours
(e.g. trade, temporary resettlement, etc.: Hempel 1959; Orans 1975). Assuming a need
has been correctly identified in the first place (Levins and Lewontin 1985), neofunctional­
ism faces the more fundamental problem of demonstrating how the trait said to satisfy
that need came into being, i.e. does this or that need trigger behaviours to satisfy it (Bet­
tinger 1991)?

Functional arguments are not inherently bad—indeed the study of adaptation is inherent­
ly functional. The view of such studies, however, has long since moved beyond static
analysis of cultural oddities to work on larger adaptive systems and the more dynamic
processes of adaptation and cultural change.

The New Archaeology

In the early 1960s, a crop of young US scholars became convinced, and in turn convinced
many of their peers, that archaeology lacked the conceptual tools needed to tackle the
problem of human adaptation and that a major overhaul of both theory and method was
long overdue. These ‘new’ archaeologists were particularly interested in human–environ­
ment interactions, which had been pushed into public consciousness with the publication
of works such as Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring (1962) and Paul Ehrlich’s Population Bomb
(1968). The recognition in anthropology that industry and scientific ‘progress’ had a seri­
ous environmental downside promoted an increasingly neo-Malthusian view that sustain­
able adaptations always limited growth to levels below carrying capacity and that hunter-
gatherers alone had managed this simple solution to responsible living (e.g. Lee and De­
Vore 1968). Understanding hunter-gatherer relationships with the earth and its resources
—and whatever caused the rest of us to turn away from such an idyllic lifestyle—was in­
tellectually stimulating and seemed socially relevant. Paradoxically, while science and sci­
entists were no longer infallible or beyond reproach, there was a conscious effort to make
the social sciences more scientific, specifically more like the biological sciences (Bet­
tinger 1991; Orlove 1980). A scientific approach was the key plank in Lewis Binford’s
(1962) platform for a revolution in archaeology, that only by testing explicit hypotheses

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Adaptive and Ecological Approaches to the Study of Hunter-Gatherers

about specific (p. 77) adaptations to specific environments could archaeologists under­
stand the general laws, mechanisms, and processes of culture change.

This ‘New Archaeology’, or processualism, drew on Steward’s cultural ecology and bio­
logical evolutionary theory (Binford 1962; 1965; Binford and Binford 1968; Trigger 1989).
Cultural ecology provided a basic framework for interpreting culture–environment inter­
actions, biology provided the terminology and conceptual models of adaptation and selec­
tion, culture being viewed as an ‘extrasomatic means of adaptation’ (White 1959, 8). Per­
haps the most important borrowing was of the ecosystems concept, which replaced the
long- standing view that kept humans and nature separate with the view that humans are
an integral part of environmental systems. Culture was the adaptive mechanism by which
humans maintained themselves within limits imposed by carrying capacity, ensuring envi­
ronmental homeostasis within a broader ecosystem (Boserup 1965; Birdsell 1968; Frisan­
cho and Schechter 1997; Harner 1970; Kelly 1995; Laughlin and Brady 1978; Lee and De­
Vore 1968; Orlove 1980). That is, systems ‘seek’ to maintain equilibrium in the face of
change generated by sources both internal (e.g. innovation or invention) and external
(e.g. the environment), resulting in adaptation (Clarke 1968). Adaptive processes were
explored in cases where change was highly visible in the archaeological record, such as
tipping points from one mode of subsistence to another, e.g. from hunting and gathering
to agriculture. Study of the feedback interactions between the various natural and cultur­
al systems at work in these situations led to an understanding of fundamental adaptive
processes, which could then be applied more generally to less dramatic cases of cultural

Archaeologists eventually realized that translating the various fragmentary components

of the archaeological record into reliable interpretations of human behaviour would re­
quire a family of more modest conceptual tools that dealt with the processes that go into
the formation of archaeological sites. The processes that shape living ecosystems can be
directly observed; archaeologists, however, must make inferences about these processes
by observing the archaeological remains of long-dead systems, frequently using ‘middle
range’ models and analogues developed through ethnoarchaeological studies of living
hunter-gatherers and controlled scientific observation and experimentation (Binford
1977; 1978a; 1978b; 1980; Lee and DeVore 1968; Merton 1968). Many middle range ap­
proaches—including Binford’s butchering strategy (Binford 1978b) and forager-collector
models (Binford 1980), Vita-Finzi and Higgs’s (1970) site catchment analyses, and Lee’s
work on calorific input-output among the !Kung (e.g. Lee 1969)—are firmly grounded in
economic efficiency, which concept is also fundamental to human behavioural ecology.
(For an extended discussion of Binford’s (1978b) butchering strategy model’s resem­
blance to optimal foraging theory, see Bettinger 1991, 107–10.) Middle Range Theory, as
applied by New Archaeologists, may have anticipated human behavioural ecology’s plat­
form, but anthropologists’ first assessments of economic efficiency were at the group lev­
el. The New Archaeology aimed to understand cultural systems holistically, but middle
range necessity required reducing systems to their constituent parts, exploring their
adaptations in turn. However, while Middle Range Theory helps to explain the functional
connection between these parts, it is silent on how they came to be connected, i.e. what
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Adaptive and Ecological Approaches to the Study of Hunter-Gatherers

caused the adaptation or how the process leading to it should be modelled (e.g. Binford
1968). Adaptations were usually portrayed as rational, the sort of thing a group of well-in­
formed individuals would collectively agree was a prudent course of action in the pres­
ence of a consciously perceived adaptive challenge—but no one thought anything like this
actually occurred. Instead, processualists were content to describe the functional (p. 78)
benefits of cultural change entailing new technologies or behaviours, leaving the mecha­
nisms of change for others to sort out (Bettinger 1991).

As detailed by Abbott et al. (1996), Parry and Kelly (1987) provide a useful example in
their analysis of the technological shift from formal to expedient cores in North America.
Parry and Kelly (1987) show that as North American hunter-gatherers became less resi­
dentially mobile, they shifted from bifacial to generalized cores. Bifacial cores are more
costly to produce but generate more cutting edge per unit weight, which suited the earli­
er, more highly mobile Palaeoindian lifestyle (Abbott et al. 1996; Kelly 1988; Parry and
Kelly 1987; cf. Bamforth 2002a; Carper 2005). As mobility diminished, weight-to-cutting-
edge ratio became less critical and the more costly bifacial cores increasingly fell out of
use. Thus, generalized core technology is an adaptation; technology had magically adjust­
ed to the new condition of sedentism, just as if there had been a group-level evaluation
and decision about the costs and benefits of bifacial and generalized cores. In the pres­
ence of sedentism, a generalized core and flake technology may be adaptive—or may
even be an adaptation. As with Piddocke and the potlatch, however, Parry and Kelly do
not demonstrate this empirically, nor do they explain how the shift actually came about,
merely that it did and that the result was functional. The flaw of processualism, then, was
its failure to define evolutionary forces in enough detail to model the processes through
which they acted.

Neo-Darwinian Approaches
As noted above, anthropology developed separately from Darwinian evolution and es­
sayed quite different evolutionary explanations of culture and cultural change. The New
Archaeology aspired to but did not fundamentally change this, being more philosophical,
idealist, and transformational than empirical, materialist, or evolutionary (Dunnell 1980).
In fact, it is only in the last three decades that anthropologists have formally applied Neo-
Darwinian principles to the study of hunter-gatherers. There are at least three such ap­
proaches—human behavioural ecology, selectionist archaeology, and dual inheritance the­
ory, which while differing in their approach to adaptation and ecology are not mutually
exclusive and in many ways are complementary.

Human Behavioural Ecology

Human behavioural ecologists study the ecological relationships that shape human cul­
tural and biological adaptations (Winterhalder and Smith 1992). This was already a topic
of considerable anthropological interest when human behavioural ecology (HBE) emerged
out of sociobiology in the late 1970s, but with an important difference in selective scale

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Adaptive and Ecological Approaches to the Study of Hunter-Gatherers

(Laland and Brown 2002). Behavioural ecologists wanted nothing to do with group selec­
tion, asserting instead that human behaviour is individually motivated; individuals behave
in ways that maximize their own reproductive success in light of current ecological cir­
cumstances. Natural selection is said to account for this propensity (Borgerhoff Mulder
1991; Smith 1983). Behaviours change with conditions, the goal of fitness maximizing re­
maining constant.

Human behavioural ecologists quickly gravitated to optimal foraging theory as a

(p. 79)

source of ready-made models (e.g. Charnov 1976; MacArthur and Pianka 1966; Smith
1983; Stephens and Krebs 1986), and to hunter-gatherers and other simple social forma­
tions where the food quest bulked large, as logical subject matters for their application
(Stephens and Krebs 1986). Optimal foraging models attracted archaeological interest
because the archaeological record is frequently rich in subsistence remains, and foraging
models make clear predictions about subsistence change in response to environmental
variations. Using probabilistic, cost-benefit decision models and environmental data, re­
searchers could model foraging goals, currencies, constraints, and decision-making crite­
ria. Empirical data could be compared to model predictions to determine whether for­
agers were maximizing their rate of calorific return, which became the standard proxy
measure for fitness (Stephens and Krebs 1986; Winterhalder and Smith 1992). In this
way, human behavioural ecologists could sidestep many of the culturally motivated expla­
nations of human behaviour that had stymied their disciplinary forebears; consciously or
unconsciously, individuals seek to maximize their fitness.

Human behavioural ecologists have since broadened foraging theory by adding new mod­
el parameters or collecting new kinds of behavioural or environmental data, permitting
consideration of factors initially ignored. For example, early tests, including studies of the
Aché of Paraguay (Hawkes et al. 1982; Hill and Hawkes 1983), showed that living hunter-
gatherers do not always maximize their rate of calorific return (Bettinger 1991; Hilde­
brandt and McGuire 2002; Kaplan and Hill 1992). Hill and Hawkes (1983) report that
Aché men who have the most offspring often forage sub-optimally, spending more time
hunting than they should, sometimes ignoring items in the ‘optimal set’ (Bamforth 2002b;
Hill and Hawkes 1983; see Stephens and Krebs (1986) for a detailed description of opti­
mal foraging models). In response, HBE broadened its theory to include myriad alterna­
tive fitness goals and currencies, including mating opportunities and prestige (Hawkes
1990; 1991; McGuire and Hildebrandt 2005), and beyond this to include non-foraging be­
haviours such as tool and tool stone use (Bettinger et al. 2006; Garvey 2008; 2013; Ugan
et al. 2003), general life history studies (Charnov 1993; Kaplan et al. 2003), menopause
(Hawkes et al. 1998; 2000; Hill and Hurtado 1991), group size (Smith 1985), birth-spac­
ing (Blurton Jones 1986; 1987; 1997), family size (Borgerhoff Mulder 2000), polyandry
(Crook and Crook 1988; Smith 1998) and the demographic transition (Borgerhoff Mulder
1998). These diverse inquiries all share the assumption that natural selection predis­
posed humans to behave optimally in response to environmental changes and challenges.

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Adaptive and Ecological Approaches to the Study of Hunter-Gatherers

The increasing HBE interest in showing that outwardly ‘sub-optimal’ behaviours are in
fact rational and fitness-enhancing is reminiscent of the earlier neofunctionalist agenda,
but neofunctionalism and HBE are worlds apart. HBE generates empirically testable
mathematical models, not ad hoc descriptions or ‘just so’ stories as some have suggested
(Lyman and O’Brien 1998). Less easily dismissed is the criticism of evolutionary psycholo­
gists that HBE does not distinguish exaptations from adaptations (Symons 1987; Cos­
mides and Tooby 1987); exaptations happen to be beneficial for survival but were not se­
lected in relation to that benefit, in contrast to adaptations, which were (Gould and Vrba
1982; Laland and Brown 2002). Symons (1987) argues that behavioural adaptation is the
result of selective forces that act on the cognitive architecture that guides behaviour, not
on the behaviours themselves. Accordingly, behaviours that promote fitness today may
not have been shaped by the conditions of today, meaning that an observed correlation
between a behaviour and (p. 80) reproductive success does not prove a causal connection
(Laland and Brown 2002; Symons 1987). Human behavioural ecologists counter that, un­
like cognitive architecture, behaviour can be directly observed, mathematically modelled,
and, because it appears to be adaptive, anthropologists stand to learn a lot about human
adaptability through its study (Borgerhoff Mulder et al. 1997; Grafen 1984; Laland and
Brown 2002).

The evolutionary psychology criticism of HBE echoes the evolutionary biological criticism
of adaptationist explanation (e.g. Williams 1966). In a pithy critique, Gould and Lewontin
(1979) argue that the adaptationist propensity to recursively model a single adaptive ex­
planation (predict > test > modify predictions > test > modify predictions,…etc.) pre­
cludes alternative evolutionary explanations. They further argue that adaptive explana­
tion reduces an organism to a cobbled-together sum of its optimal parts (Gould and
Lewontin 1979, 585). Human behavioural ecologists counter that adjusting model para­
meters when observations fail to meet initial expectations is what good scientists do and
that critics have never offered a workable alternative. It is better to have a robust, albeit
potentially flawed, method than none at all (Resnik 1997, 43). Nor does HBE apologize
for its reductionist methodology; it is designed to reduce the unnumbered complexities of
reality to a tractable number of abstractions (Friedman 1953, 36; Winterhalder and Smith

To illustrate the HBE approach, we return to the North American technological shift from
bifacial to generalized cores. Parry and Kelly viewed this as a cost-benefit problem, ex­
plaining that, ‘the choice of expedient over formal core technology involves a trade-off be­
tween the cost of transporting tools and raw materials…and the costs of manufacturing
and using tools’ (Parry and Kelly 1987, 299). HBE makes the same assumptions some­
what more formally, i.e. that the combination of behavioural plasticity and fitness optimiz­
ing should produce lithic technologies that maximize benefit relative to cost. In HBE,
however, natural selection shapes the fitness behaviour of individuals (not cultures),
which is simpler to model. Such a model might incorporate experimental data on the
costs of manufacture and raw-material procurement, opportunity costs of production and
transport, and tool use times (Beck et al. 2002; Bettinger et al. 2006; Garvey 2008; 2013;

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Adaptive and Ecological Approaches to the Study of Hunter-Gatherers

Ugan et al. 2003) leading to predictions about preferences for lithic technology at differ­
ing degrees of sedentism.

Individuals are archaeologically elusive, of course (Bamforth 2002b), but the archaeologi­
cal record captures the distribution of individual behaviours, which should centre on al­
ternatives optimal for individuals. A more difficult problem for archaeological application
of HBE is whether it requires a level of environmental reconstruction beyond our present
means. Optimal diet breadth, for example, can only be modelled reliably if the abundance
and handling times of available resources are known (Bettinger 1991; Smith 1983). The
extent of this problem and possible solutions are widely debated.

Environment also is the root of another, quite different, criticism that because a good deal
of HBE research tracks behaviour in relation to environmental change, it is really just a
dressed up version of environmental determinism. However, while much HBE is con­
cerned with environmental explanation, there are many other avenues of application, as
the core-to-flake example above shows. Further, Julian Steward’s argument that behav­
iour is as much a function of technology as environment, applies in full to HBE. In the di­
et breadth model, for example, resources are ranked by rate of return on handling time,
which is strongly affected by technology (Broughton and O’Connell 1999, 156; Hawkes
and O’Connell 1992, 63–4; cf. Lyman and O’Brien 1998). In short, that technology is a
product of culture and culture history prevents characterizing HBE as environmental de­

(p. 81) Selectionist Archaeology

Like HBE, selectionist archaeology is less concerned with culture than with selective
pressures and their product (Shennan 2008). Dunnell (1978; 1980), for example, argues
that if culture is an ‘extrasomatic means of adaptation’ (White 1959, 8), the archaeologi­
cal record represents the fossilized remains of human behavioural phenotypes. The New
Archaeology had made similar claims, but Dunnell argued that New Archaeologists had
followed an essentially non-Darwinian tack in their preoccupation with culture systems
modelled as though they were living organisms (Dunnell 1980; see also Bettinger 1991).
For Dunnell (1980; 1982; 1989) and a growing group of selectionists (e.g. Neff 1993;
Neiman 1995; O’Brien 1996a; 1996b; Rindos 1980; Shennan 2002), evolutionary princi­
ples can and should be applied literally, rather than metaphorically, to the archaeological
record. Archaeologists should focus on things that can be directly observed and mea­
sured. Human behaviour and hunter-gatherer societies do not figure prominently in this
programme. The archaeological record is said to be better suited to establishing artefact
lineages, determining rates of technological change, and understanding selective forces,
than it is to reconstructing complex and elusive dynamic behaviours (Lyman and O’Brien
1998). That selectionist archaeology rejects behavioural explanation is surprising given
how well the approach lends itself to studies of dual inheritance, which focus almost ex­
clusively on behaviour, often referencing hunter-gatherer societies for insights (see be­

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Adaptive and Ecological Approaches to the Study of Hunter-Gatherers

Early selectionist work argued for a ‘fundamental dichotomy’ between style and function
(Dunnell 1978; 1980; O’Brien and Holland 1992). Functional attributes affect ‘fitness’,
which is reflected in strongly patterned temporospatial distributions (Dunnell 1980;
Maschner and Mithen 1996). Some selectionists go so far as to equate the differential
persistence of artefact variants with the biological fitness of their makers (Leonard and
Jones 1987); individuals who produce and use artefacts that make them better adapted to
an environment live longer and produce more offspring, ensuring the persistence of the
artefacts that made that possible. Neff warns, however, that while culture clearly affects
survival and reproduction, there is no reason to think that the ‘contemporary design of a
cultural trait is necessarily the result of past effects on biological success’ (Neff 2000,
427). This, of course, is precisely the criticism Hempel (1959) levelled against functional­
ist explanation.

Stylistic attributes, on the other hand, are said to be selectively neutral and thus vary ran­
domly in frequency through time. Critics of selectionist archaeology, however, question
the style–function distinction, arguing that ‘any attempt to create a rigid boundary be­
tween style and function will fail’ (Bettinger et al. 1996, 133), and that style can be func­
tional in ways that are key to cultural evolution (Boyd and Richerson 1987; Richerson and
Boyd 2005).

Of late, selectionists have become increasingly interested in interpreting the archaeologi­

cal record in terms of transmission. Selectionists argue that, as extensions of the human
phenotype, artefacts can be organized and analysed using the phylogenetic methods of
evolutionary biology. Phylogenies and clade-diversity diagrams are used to determine evo­
lutionary relationships between artefacts believed to share a common ancestry (e.g. Jor­
dan and Shennan 2003; Lipo et al. 1997; O’Brien and Lyman 2003; Neiman 1995; O’Brien
et al. 2001; Tehrani and Collard 2002), and are akin to artefact frequency seriations, pop­
ular during the first decades of the twentieth century (e.g. Ford 1949; Rouse 1939).
Whether cultural phylogeny is susceptible to analysis using the methods of genetics is
problematic, however (Eerkens et al. 2005); genetic transmission is always vertical, par­
ent to offspring; much (p. 82) cultural transmission is horizontal between otherwise unre­
lated age mates as Kroeber (1963) long ago emphasized.

With reference to our North American lithic example, the archaeological selectionist (as
represented in this case specifically by Abbott et al. 1996) sees core and flake technolo­
gies as competing cultural variants rather than adaptations, i.e. variants whose presence
is the result of selection, which the selectionist requires be demonstrated rather than as­
sumed, eliminating other evolutionary possibilities (mutation, drift, and sorting). Abbott
and colleagues (1996) argue that the wide geographical distribution and unidirectional
shift from formal to informal cores make it possible that selection favours informal cores
as groups become more sedentary, but reject the Parry and Kelly (1987) argument that
sedentism produced this adaptation, arguing that the presence of one behaviour (e.g.
sedentism) cannot provide an evolutionary explanation for another (e.g. informal core
technology). Instead, they argue that the widespread functional connection between flake
technology and sedentism is a product of indirect selection or sorting. In their account,

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Adaptive and Ecological Approaches to the Study of Hunter-Gatherers

informal core technology and sedentism are functionally linked by-products of the shift
from hunting and gathering to maize agriculture (Abbott et al. 1996), a highly successful
adaptation to population pressure that spread widely across much of North America.

Dual Inheritance Theory (DIT)

Dual inheritance theorists look to hunter-gatherers and other simple societies to under­
stand how cultural information changes as it is passed from person to person. They argue
that while important human behaviours are the result of natural selection acting on
genes, many more are acquired by cultural transmission. That is, genetic and cultural
evolution interact to produce human behaviours, but cultural information is transmitted
in ways that genetic information is not and thus requires a different set of interpretive
tools (Bettinger et al. 1996). DIT recognizes at least four distinctive modes of cultural
transmission (guided variation, and directly biased, conformist, and indirectly biased
transmission). Each one entails more than simple copying, which alone carries no fitness
advantage for reasons that are easy to understand. Copying saves on learning costs, but a
population in which everyone copies and no one learns cannot respond to environmental
change. Environmental change will thus favour learning, the frequency of which will in­
crease until the cost of learning and the cost of copying (i.e. copying an individual with
the wrong behaviour, e.g. one out of tune with the current environment) are the same—
meaning that individuals who copy enjoy no selective advantage over individuals who
learn, so copying confers no population level selective advantage.

Dual inheritance theory holds that the human ability to shift behaviour to optimize fitness
and capacity for cultural transmission both evolved through natural selection (Ames
1996, 113). In DIT, cultural evolution is driven by natural selection acting on behavioural
variation generated by individual and social learning (Bettinger et al. 1996, 134; Boyd
and Richerson 1985; Campbell 1965). While accepting Neo-Darwinian methodological in­
dividualism in common with SA and HBE, i.e. that individual decisions and learning be­
haviour are major drivers of cultural evolution (Ames 1996; Boyd and Richerson 1985;
Durham 1991; Richerson and Boyd 2005), DIT argues that important processes act at the
group level and that group level phenomena (e.g. cultural transmission) strongly influ­
ence individual behaviours in ways that result in group selection (Soltis et al. 1995; Wil­
son and Sober 1994).

DIT concentrates more on the processes of cultural transmission than HBE and SA
(p. 83)

without ignoring trait-centred studies. For example, Eerkens and Lipo (2005) use comput­
er simulation to obtain base-line values of variation generated as the result of copying er­
ror. They compare these values to measurements on projectile points from eastern Cali­
fornia to gauge the degree and thus the source of archaeological variation. These and
other methods offer archaeologists a means of discerning whether patterns observed in
the archaeological record are ‘culturally or behaviourally significant or whether they are
simply due to drift-like processes’ (Eerkens and Lipo 2005, 330). Eerkens et al. (2005)
perform a similar modelling exercise to simulate guided variation, conformist transmis­

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Adaptive and Ecological Approaches to the Study of Hunter-Gatherers

sion, and indirect bias. This type of modelling generates testable hypotheses of the ar­
chaeological signatures of different transmission systems (Bettinger and Eerkens 1999).

Returning to our North American lithic example for the final time, a DIT approach might
begin with a trait-centred analysis of the formal–informal core transition, mapping tem­
porospatial distributions of each core type. These data could then be compared to com­
puter simulations of patterns generated by different transmission models, with the goal of
understanding the cause of the technological shift rather than to interpret its functional
outcome. Importantly, while DIT would surely weigh the selective advantages of formal
and informal cores in relation to settlement mobility, it would give equal weight to the so­
cial learning mechanisms that might have persuaded individuals to choose one form over
the other. The approach admits the possibility that learning biases could have caused a
shift to informal cores even had they been poorly suited to the sedentary lifestyle.

Perhaps the most distinctive feature of the DIT programme is this implication that cir­
cumstances will sometimes favour cultural behaviours that are truly maladaptive. In this,
it is distinct from virtually every other approach to human adaptation, which have always
strived to show that all cultural behaviours, however foolish and maladaptive they may
outwardly seem, are rational and adaptive when closely inspected. In contrast, dual inher­
itance theorists seek to understand how deleterious traits spread and why they persist
even in the face of decreased fitness (Richerson and Boyd 2005; Henrich 2004).

There is a growing sense that dual inheritance theory has the potential to unite (perhaps
more correctly reunite) all of the social sciences under a single explanatory framework
(Gintis 2006; Laland and Brown 2002; Mesoudi et al. 2006). Importantly, the approach
does not appear to lose explanatory power in the breadth of its application. DIT deals in
mathematical models that permit considerable latitude for explorations at different tem­
poral and spatial scales, making it possible to connect individual behaviours with popula­
tion outcomes (Mesoudi et al. 2006). Anthropological applications have been few and ar­
chaeological applications fairly simple (i.e. distinguishing types of transmission), but this
is sure to improve as continuing psychological and neurobiological studies of transmis­
sion and learning enrich our understanding and permit construction of better models.

Since Darwin’s (1859) early writings on evolution by natural selection, and especially
since the New Synthesis of the 1930s, evolutionary scientists have accepted the impor­
tance of adaptation. More elegantly put, if selection leads to ‘continuous incorporation of
favourable (p. 84) variation into altered forms, then evolutionary change must be funda­
mentally adaptive’ (Gould 1982, 381). Paradigm shifts in anthropology have turned main­
ly on the issue of adaptive scale and the degree to which humans are subject to natural
selection. The emerging reality is that adaptation occurs at multiple levels (e.g. broad be­
havioural propensities, subsistence systems, individual artefacts), and there is much im­
portant work left to do in synthesizing the work that has been done at different levels, i.e.
reconciling micro- and macro-evolutionary agendas. There is also the question of the un­
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Adaptive and Ecological Approaches to the Study of Hunter-Gatherers

derlying goal of anthropology as a discipline. Evolutionary anthropological research was

for a long time descriptive, focusing on the static products of evolutionary forces and al­
most exclusively on aspects of culture that appear to be functional adaptations (Bettinger
et al. 1996). Anthropologists have more recently shown greater interest in the dynamic
causes of cultural change and, in some cases, aspects of culture that are maladaptive. In
all cases, however, the trend is towards prediction and a far more robust treatment of hu­
man behaviour than simple ad hoc description (Broughton and O’Connell 1999, 154).

How much humans are subject to natural selection has been debated since at least the
Enlightenment, reflecting a deep philosophical preoccupation with the problem of human
free will. Hunter-gatherers have always been at the heart of this debate because they
have always been taken to represent unmarred, uncomplicated examples of humankind
interacting with nature, thus offering a base-line measure of human free will. Anthropolo­
gists have sought to understand how much culture insulates humans against environmen­
tal pressures by comparing modern industrial nations with their polar opposites: hunter-
gatherers. Social theories most closely aligned with evolutionary biology (e.g. sociobiolo­
gy and HBE) have been criticized for implying that humans are little different from the
rest of the animal kingdom, driven only by the ‘instinct’ to behave rationally given the de­
mands of environment. While purely historical explanations of culture and cultural
change (e.g. Sahlins 1978) are far less deterministic, they have proven wholly unsatisfy­
ing to human evolutionists. It would seem there is a middle ground emerging in Neo-Dar­
winian models of human behaviour that place less emphasis on the physical than the so­
cial environment, which has increasingly moved to the fore. There is a growing recogni­
tion in human behavioural ecology, selectionist archaeology, and dual inheritance re­
search that a truly modern theory of adaptation must incorporate modes of social learn­
ing and transmission as well as modes of subsistence, and recognize the importance of
social variables (e.g. prestige) alongside environmental ones (e.g. ungulate density). This
new understanding of adaptation will no doubt take shape around the hunter-gatherers of
the archaeological past and ethnographic present.

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