Diagnostic Test in Eng7 2020

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
National Capital Region
Nueva Ecija St., Bago Bantay, Quezon City


SY 2020-2021

GENERAL DIRECTIONS: Choose and write the letter of the best answer on your answer sheet.
Follow directions as indicated.

Read the following selections then answer the questions that follow.

A. (1) Long, long ago only gods lived in this world. The earth, seas, and sky were ruled by
three different powerful gods.

(2) The sun god, who ruled the sky, had a very beautiful daughter, Luna, the moon. Luna
enjoyed going around the heavens in her golden chariot. One day she found herself taking
another path that led her outside her kingdom. She wandered on until she reached the place
where the sky met the sea. Beautiful and unusual sights greeted her eyes. As she was admiring
the beautiful things around, a voice startled her. It asked, “Where has thou come from, most
beautiful one?”

(3) Turning around she saw a young man who looked much like her father though fairer.
She wanted to run away, but when she looked at him again, she saw him smiling at her. Taking
courage she answered, “I am Luna, daughter of the sun god.”

(4) The young man smiled at her and answered, “I am Mar, son of the sea god.
Welcome to our kingdom.” Soon the two became good friends. They had many interesting
stories to tell each other. When it was time for Luna to go, they promised to see each other as
often as they could for they have many more tales to tell. They continued meeting at the same
spot until they realized that they were in love with each other.

(5) One day after one of their secret meetings, Luna went back to the heavens full of
joy. She was so happy that she told her secret to one of her cousins. The cousin, jealous of her
beauty and happiness, reported the affair to the sun god. The sun god was angered at his
daughter’s disobedience to the immortal laws. He shut her in their garden and did not allow her
to get out. Then he sent a message to the sea god informing him that his son Mar disobeyed
the immortal law. The sea god, who was so angered by his son’s disobedience, imprisoned him
in one of his sea caves.

(6) Luna stayed in the garden for some time. She was very sad at not being able to see
Mar. She longed to be with him again. Feeling very restless one day, she escaped from the
garden. She took her golden chariot and rushed to the meeting place. Mar, who was imprisoned
In the sea cave, saw her reflection on the water. He wanted to get out to meet her. He tried hard
to get out of his cave causing unrest in the sea. Luna waited for Mar to appear, but he did not
come. Then she went back home very sad. Each time she remembered Mar, she would rush
out in the golden chariot to the meeting place in hopes of seeing him again.

(7) The fishermen out in the sea believe that each time Luna, the moon, appears, the
sea gets troubled. “It is Mar trying to escape from his cave,” they say.

1. Who is the daughter of the sun god?

A. Luna, the moon C. Luningning, the star
B. Deity, the meteor D. Haley, the comet

2. What did Luna enjoy doing?

A. combing her long black hair C. picking flowers in the garden
B. going to places in her chariot D. collecting shining objects
3. Whom did she meet one day when she took another path?
A. Mar, the son of the earth god C. Mar, the son of the wind god
B. Mar, the son of the sea god D. Mar, the son of the fire god

4. What did they realize after seeing each other for some time?
A. They hate each other. C. They were in love with each other.
B. They were not meant for each other D. The disobeyed the immortal law.

5. How did the son god come to know of their relationship?

A. The cousin of Luna reported the affair C. A soldier caught them together
B. Luna told her father about their affair. D. Mar’s father discovered their meeting place.

6. What was the conflict in the story?

A. Luna’s cousin was jealous of her beauty and happiness.
B. Their relationship was against the immortal law.
C. The world was ruled by three powerful gods.
D. Mar could not get out of his prison.

7. Which of the following statement is NOT true based on the selection?

A. The sun god shut Luna in the garden.
B. The sea god imprisoned Mar in the cave.
C. The gods were against the children’s relationship.
D. Luna and Mar met again at their meeting place and lived happily together.

8. Which paragraph proved the authority of parents over their children?

A. 1 B. 3 C. 5 D. 7

9. Which of the following describes the setting of the story?

A. turning around she saw a young man who looked liked her father
B. each time the moon appeared the sea gets troubled
C. the earth, seas, and sky were ruled by powerful gods
D. long, long ago in this world

10. Luna is an example of a ____________ character.

A. dynamic B. static C. minor D. none of the above

11. Based on the selection, what does a chariot mean?

A. a golden necklace C. a beautiful dress
B. a magical wand D. a wheeled vehicle

12. Which of the following words means the same as wander?

A. sleep B. walk C. eat D. sing

13. What natural occurrence is explained in the selection?

A. the setting of the sun C. the rising sun
B. the rotation of the earth D. the appearance of the moon

14. What paragraph explains this occurrence?

A. 1 B. 2 C. 6 D. 7

15. The selection is an example of a/an ____________.

A myth B. epic C. fable D. poem

B. (1) My eyes feasted on the majestic beauty of the world. (2) I was seeing the world with
new eyes. (3) Surely, said I, all these beauties before my eyes cannot have come from nothing.
(4) Don’t they testify to the presence of an Unseen Being whose hands fashioned all these
wonders? (5) To that Unseen Being who has formed the earth into a harmonious whole, I
humbly give my thanks. (6) But why has God created all these? (7) He wants to elevate man’s
intellect and rinse him above the brute. (8) He has the ability to discern and appreciate beauty,
(9) conscious of the magnificence around his spirit like the sun rises in lofty grandeur. (10) His
imagination dwells on the sublime and his heart raises itself in praise and thanksgiving for God’s
spiritual bounty.

16. What does the word majestic in sentence 1 mean?

A. magnetic B. maximum C. magnificent D. materialistic
17. What does the writer point out in sentence 2?
A. his imagination B. his feelings C. his thoughts D. his observation

18. What sensory perception appeals to sentence 1?

A. smell B. sound C. sight D. touch

19. According to the passage, whose hands fashioned all these wonders?
A. brute’s B. God’s C. man’s D. world’s

20. What does the word elevate mean as used in sentence 7?

A. adorn B. examine C. raise D. refine

21. What does the word discern means as used in sentence 8?

A. carve B. describe C. distinguish D. study

22. What does the word lofty mean in sentence 9?

A. believable B. kind C. noble D. simple

23. What sentence in the passage expresses the writer’s humility and appreciation of God’s
A. 4 B 5 C. 8 D. 9

24. Why did God create all these wonderful things for man?
A. to appreciate beauty . C. to raise Himself above others
B. to give testimony to His grace D. to think of God

25. What is the main idea of the passage?

A. man’s appreciation and love for God’ creation C. man’s imagination of the beautiful
B. man’s thanksgiving for God’s spiritual bounty D. both a and c

Read the poem then answer the questions that follow. Write the letter of the correct
1 Dear restless heart, be still; don’t fret and worry so
2 God has a thousand ways His love and helps to show;
3 Just trust, and trust, until his will you know.

4 Dear restless heart, be still, for peace is God’s own smile,

5 His love can every wrong and sorrow reconcile;
6 Just love, and love, and love, and calmly wait awhile.

7 Dear restless heart, recline upon His breast this hour,

8 His grace is strength and life, His love is bloom and flower;
9 Just rest, and rest, and rest within His tender power.

26. What does the poem tell us to do?

A. have faith in God B. be strong C. be hopeful D. be grateful

27. What does the word His in the poem refer to?
A. God B. man C. father D. heart

28. What figure of speech is used in Line 8?

A. simile B. metaphor C. personification D. apostrophe

29. What figure of speech is used in Lines 1, 4, and 7?

A. simile B. metaphor C. personification D. apostrophe

30. What is the purpose of the poem?

A. to encourage people not to loose hope C. to give up
B. to have faith in God C. both A and B
III. Cause and Effect Relationship
Match the effect in column 1 to its cause in column 2 by writing the letter of the correct


31. People shouldn’t drink soft drinks A. good food develops the brain of
because growing children
32. Smoking cigarettes is dangerous B. many effective medicines have been
because developed.
33. Today fewer people die of sickness C. they do not contain any value.
34. Very young people should eat good D. it is found to directly cause cancer
food because
35. Many people are aware of healthy E. they eat a well-balanced diet and
lifestyle because exercise.

Rearrange the jumbled sentences to form a paragraph on how to make a boomerang. Be
guided by the transition markers used. Use letter A to E. Letter A for the first sentence of the
paragraph and letter E for the last sentence of the paragraph.

________ 36. Now decorate your boomerang with markers.

________ 37. First, trace the outline of the blade pattern at right onto tracing paper before
cutting out the pattern.
________ 38. Finally fold up the ends of each cardboard strip about 1 inch from the end of the
________ 39. Second, lay the pattern of the cardboard and draw around it.
________ 40. Then lay one blade on top of the other so they form an X shape and staple or
glue them together at the center.

A. Choose the correct verb form. Write the letter of the correct answer.
41. Green plants ______ their own food.
A. will make B. makes C. make D. made
42. This process _______ photosynthesis.
A. calls B. is called C. had called D. ha been called
43. Photosynthesis _______ chiefly in the leaves.
A. occur B. occurs C. occurred D. had occurred
44. Carbon dioxide _______ leaves from the air.
A. had entered B. is entering C. enters D. entered
45. Sunlight ______ a green substance called chlorophyll.
A. had been struck B. was struck C. strikes D. strike

B. Using Preposition
Direction: Write the letter of the correct preposition to be used in the following sentences.

46. Go (A. in B. to C. at D. on) Baguio this summer.

47. Pack enough clothing (A. at B. before C. on D. for) the trip.
48. Meet me (A. in B. on C. at D. to) the intersection of Ascencion Avenue and Misa de
Gallo Street.
49. Drive (A. above B. around C. over D. beside) the building in front of the parking lot.
50. Be there at least ten minutes (A. before B. after C. towards D. between) departure.

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