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MoD: SparQ Created Date: 26/10/2019 SC: INTERNAL

Effective From 10/2019
SparQ Disaster Recovery Plan
Introduction 2
How to use this plan 2
Objectives 2
Scope 2
Assumptions 2
Changes to the Plan/Maintenance Responsibilities 2

Business Continuity Strategy 3

Introduction 3
Business Function Recovery Priorities 3
Relocation process and Alternate Business Site 3
Recovery Plan Phases 3
Vital Records Backups 4
File restoration 4
Access to computer system 4

Recovery Teams 4
Purposes and Objectives 5
General Information 5
Recovery Team Assignments 5
Personal Notifications 6
Team Contacts 6
Departmental Recovery Teams Error! Bookmark not defined.
DRP Coordinator 7
Emergency Response Team 7
Disaster Recovery Team 8

Recovery Procedures 8
Purpose and Objectives 8
Disaster Recovery Strategies 9
Disaster Recovery Procedures 9
Authorization in crisis 9
SparQ Disaster Recovery Plan


How to use this plan

In the case of a disaster impacting the company’s ability to conduct the business operation,
this plan is developed to organize the business recovery process that is specific to their
respective areas and departments.

The objectives of the Disaster Recovery Plan are to develop a clear responsibility, measures,
and procedures to recover SparQ IT infrastructure, manufacturing process, communication,
and business operation in the event of emergency circumstances. The emergency
circumstances include all the events and activities in which affects the ability of SparQ to
perform its business process.

The main focus to be addressed in the emergency situation is:

1. Ensuring the safety of the employees
2. Mitigate the existing threats and minimize the damages as soon as possible
3. Ensuring the continuation of critical business process

To recover and ensuring the continuation of critical business processes from the emergency
situation. It also includes all the responsible individuals and their roles, contact information,
strategies, procedures, and authority in an emergency situation.

The viability assessment of this plan is based on the following assumptions:
1. A complete DRP that proven to be feasible and tested to ensure its process is able to
recover the SparQ business process and data center at the back-up site.
2. The technical department will identify the necessary equipment and location for
relocating the business operation.
3. Properly maintained and updated the DRP
4. Each department needs to cooperate and follow the DRP to make sure the SparQ
business process could be continued.

Changes to the Plan/Maintenance Responsibilities

The changes and maintenance responsibilities fall under the CEO, CFO, and CISO as well
as the individuals who are involved in the business continuation process.
SparQ Disaster Recovery Plan

Business Continuity Strategy

In this section, the Business continuity strategy would be describing the strategy to maintain
a business continuity process in the event of an emergency situation disrupting the company
operation. It is assumed that each department that has their own critical business process
develop their own business continuity plan that roughly similar with this report but with the
addition of recovery procedures and resources needed are customized for the respective

Business Function Recovery Priorities

The priorities of the recovery process are the continuation of business functions at the
alternate site in which require a basic service such as IT infrastructure, communication,
network, and data center. Since the back-up process is done on a weekly basis, the data
required for continuing the critical business process from each department needed to be
integrated into the alternate site in case of an emergency situation as fast as possible.

Relocation process and Alternate Business Site

In the event of an emergency situation affecting the main office, the recovery process is
including the relocation process to the alternate site. The strategies for the short-term
disruptions, in which affected company business operation for 1 month or less, the location
that has been selected: Bella Vista, Florey Ave, 2155. For the long-term disruptions, the same
location will be used since access to this location are varies with metro services only 5 minutes
from the building, bus stop, and toll routes.

Recovery Plan Phases

There are four phases that will be applied in sequence and in a timely manner.
1. Disaster event
This phase started following an emergency situation affecting the business process and the
decision to activate the recovery plan. This plan consists of activities such as:
Emergency response, Management decision, damage assessment, and declaration
of the situation.

2. Activation process
In this phase, the Business Continuity Plan would be commenced. This phase would continue
until the alternate site is fully functional, all of the critical business functions are
established, and data processing equipment such as a computer, server, etc is
available and restored. In this phase, there are several activities that needed to be
executed such as Notified the recovery teams, interim procedures, relocation process,
and establishment of communication, network, and computer system.
SparQ Disaster Recovery Plan
3. Alternate site
This phase begins where the alternate site is fully functional and continues until the primary
facility is restored. The activities that are needed to be done in this phase are
reducing backlog and normalizing the operation procedures within the alternate site.

4. Transition process
This phase would be commenced once the primary facilities are ready where all the
necessary processes, procedures, resources, and activities are ready.

Vital Records Backups

All the vital data that is used in the business operation are maintained and back up properly.
Since the policy of the company involve periodically back up in which done in a weekly manner
where it stored on a secondary data center including the physical file such as documents.

File restoration
The type of file that is included in the restoration categories are as follows:
1. Physical files in the primary location are stored on cabinets and control file room.
2. Any confidential and critical information is stored in the data center
3. Current work progress
4. Mail
5. Documents related to any project or current work

Access to the computer system

In the event of an emergency situation, the IT part of the DRP would assist in the re-
establishing process of communication facilities, networks, and computer systems. The
secondary data center is also ready to establish a remote communication with the alternate
site if the primary data center is completely disrupted.
SparQ Disaster Recovery Plan

Recovery Teams

Purposes and Objectives

Our recovery team is composed of adequate members with the purpose of handling
recovery operations in case of any disasters/disruptions causing any operational issues. The
purpose of this team is to respond to any business interruptions due to disasters and to
restore the whole business processes systems to the workable state.

General Information
Our team is always standby for recovery activities at the primary server site and secondary
sites. We hereby, assign a major role and assisting roles for recovery purpose, so that each
member knows who to contact and authorize before taking any actions. These members
pose a high level of responsibility in the normal business but are specially qualified and
trained for the recovery purpose as well.

We have two different sites for our data storage. One in Melbourne and another in Northern
Territory. Following points are to be clear while this DRP plan is enacted.
1. Our secondary data servers are operating from 83/ 9 Carey St, Darwin, NT 0800 and
22B PlymouthRoad, Melbourne.
2. Our recovery time is maximum of 48 hours
3. CEO is responsible for implementation/kick-off DRP actions
4. CIO,CISO, CTO, HRM are our secondary persons for the recovery activities
5. The CEO is responsible for the deactivation of DRP

Recovery Team Assignments

Recovery team members are assigned specific tasks for the recovery

● Recovery Team Head: CEO, will be coordinating the whole recovery team while
holding the authorization of every major activity.
● Recovery team Lead - CIO will be responsible for supervising the entire team
related to IT system recovery and coordinate the efforts of each member and ensure
an efficient BC/DR plan is in place. S/he might also hold the secondary head
● Crisis management coordinator- HR Manager and CIO are appointed for this role.
Instant actions after a disaster, related to the human resources department (eg. crisis
personal notification) will be carried out by HR Manager while our CIO is responsible
to oversee system recovery management and initiates procedures when a problem
or catastrophe arises.
● Business continuity expert- This team member focuses on the strategy required to
continue or recover operations in the event of a disaster. They must also make sure
that DR plans align with business needs. We appoint CIO and CISO for this purpose.
SparQ Disaster Recovery Plan
● Impact assessment and recovery advisor - We want this role to be held by our
CIO and Finance officer as the major role. However, our programmers, system
admins, network engineers and database administrators a part of this group but we
appoint only the heads of these roles for the purpose. When a disaster occurs, they
are then in charge of their assessing how much damage has been done in their
specific area and how to fix it.
● IT applications monitor- Our System Admin is in charge of monitoring all
technology for a potential disaster and making sure all individual components work
together once recovered.

Personal Notifications
Our HR department owns all the personal details of all the employees. A copy of this
information is also owned by our secondary site/s. In an emergency, our team will notify all
the contact persons of each employee via a phone call or message notification (medium
should be quick and reliable). Our team member holding this specific role “Crisis
management coordinator” holds authority for the purpose, however, s/he can appoint any
person from the recovery team to conduct this activity.

Team Contacts

Recovery Team Role Business Role Name Phone

Recovery Team Head CEO Quan Vo 042839994

Recovery Team Lead CIO Fawwas Hamdi 028383893

Crisis Management HRM/CIO Michael Yang/ Fawwas 987889923/

Coordinator Hamdi 045888585

Business Continuity CIO/CISO Fawwas Hamdi/ Callum 045888585/

Expert Das 087373894

Impact Assessment and CIO/CFO/Sr Natalie Wen 984494999

Recovery Advisor Programmer/Sr Kamini Dua 046788987
Network Admin/Sr Roshan D 042222215
System Admin/Sr Nick Anu 047593822
DBA Michael Yang 048782975
Oliver Jhou 042288585

IT Applications Monitor Sr System Admin Michael yang 048782975

Departmental Recovery Teams

We authorize all the department heads to actively participate in recovery activities and aid
our recovery teams. Each head of department is authorized to act on any moderate actions
but deal with our recovery team to take actions for extreme/ crucial actions. However, they
SparQ Disaster Recovery Plan
have to record the actions and activities and present them to the recovery team later. Our
department heads details are as follows:

Department Head Role Contact number

Human Resource Hyunmo Yang Department Manager 042222883

Research & Pharsa Bahadur Department Manager 047372821

Development Thapa

Sales and Marketing Atefeh Mansouri Department Manager 045538282

Technical Support Utshash Das Department Manager 048772992

Production Danial Bavi Department Manager 025874893

Finance Ojo Daniel Ademola Department Manager 047272999

DRP Coordinator
We have appointed Quan Vo as Recovery Team Head as the head of the whole team who
is our CEO. However, Fawwas Hamdi CIO also holds the secondary head role for the team.
Following are some of the responsibilities for the role:
1. Alert regularly to the Board of Directors about the disaster recovery procedures
2. Assist in the development of an official public statement concerning the disaster.
3. Monitor the activities and progress of Disaster Recovery teams regularly.
4. Present DRP recovery reports to BOD on a daily basis.
5. Interface with appropriate work management personnel throughout the recovery
6. Directions Department leads for their roles to roll back and restore departmental
business activities
7. Provide on-going support and guidance to the DRP teams and personnel.
8. Review staff availability and recommend alternate assignments, if necessary.
9. Work with Board of Directors to authorize the use of the alternate recovery site
selected for re-deploying critical company resources.
10. Review and report critical processing schedules and backlog work progress, daily.

Emergency Response Team

Our response team depends on the site to operate on disasters, as we have two different
operating locations, we have a response team in each location. Following are the details of
contact person in an emergency response team.

Member Location Contact Number

SparQ Disaster Recovery Plan
Rashiq Hamjd Melbourne 045223211

Hannah Voong Melbourne 038829991

Pawitra Longkhao Darwin 047278999

Roisin Yau Darwin 049899199

Disaster Recovery Team

The team will be contacted and assembled by the Emergency Response Team and this
team is the first responder for any disaster/incident. The team's responsibilities includes,
establishing facilities for an emergency level of service within a couple of business hours,
restoring key services within 4 business hours of the incident, recovering business as usual
within a day after the incident, co-ordinating activities with disaster recovery team, reporting
to the emergency response team.

Name Location Role Contact Email


Anil Shah Melbourne DBA 037889399

Rupesh yadav Melbourne DBA 097652783

ZIn Lane Melbourne System Admin 087638829

Sha Katie Melbourne Network Engineer 048728199

Ali Sha Melbourne Software Engineer 037899299

Katrina Kaif Darwin DBA 097662788

Nelson Mandela Darwin System Admin 087689932

Mike Hlos Darwin Network Engineer 063782929

Sandra Halls Darwin Software Engineer 042829992

Recovery Procedures

Purpose and Objectives

We specify the activities to be carried out as the actions/steps while recovering
lost/damaged data or system in this section.
SparQ Disaster Recovery Plan
Disaster Recovery Strategies
Our strategy to recover business services is dependent on how complex situations had the
incident created.
Significant network or storage failure issues:
We have proper backup policy for service uptime and data storage. Failure of current site
can be mitigated by re-routing our service request to our hot site. Additionally, we have
arranged two different locations for secondary storage and service. This will not take more
than 2 hours for the service to be restored.

Major issues causing data dis-integrity

Our DRT will handle these cases as per the procedures as mentioned in the section below.
This might take a little bit longer to recover our system and roll back system into a
consistent state.

Disaster Recovery Procedures

Our disaster recovery actions are phased into three major stages. They are Response
Phase, Resumption Phase and Restoration Phase.

● Response Phase
Response phase is the immediate actions to be carried out on an emergency cause.
○ Acknowledge to emergency response team
○ Assembling of initial recovery team
○ Appointment of roles and responsibilities
○ Reporting to team lead and head
● Resumption Phase: In this phase DRT will attempt to conduct activities which are
necessary to resume crucial business services
○ Instant Recovery procedures are implemented
○ Look for immediate solutions, map services to hot sites
○ Isolate working site for restoration
○ Co-operate with departments heads to ensure the availability of services
○ Log all the activities and report to DRT head
● Restoration Phase: Restoration phase is the process which will be executed to
restore services to a consistent state
○ Physical damages are fixed
○ Rollback procedures are implemented
○ Co-ordinate with the main site team to restore infrastructures
○ Restore operations
○ Store activity logs and report to heads/BOD

Authorization in Crisis
Contact these persons on crisis and hinder the recovery process.
SparQ Disaster Recovery Plan

Name Role Activity

Quan VO CEO Lead all the crisis events

and authorise for action
arrange meeting with BOD
for critical crisis

Fawwas Hamdi CIO Lead technical team, report

to Head and BOD

Ojo Daniel Ademola CFO Look for funds and analyze

financial forecast and
prepare for IPO in any
financial crisis

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