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Meditation for your brain and sleep disorder

Ven Dr. Sumedh Thero

Sumedh Bhoomi Buddha Vihar, Dr Ambedkar Park, Jhansipura, Lalitpur-284403 India,
Cell 919415945895 Email:,

Habitual craving-becomes less and less able to feel satisfied due to the reduction of
the production of dopamine that increases sodium excretion and urine output; in
the pancreas, it reduces insulin production; inhibits norepinephrine release increase
sleep problems, digestive issues, headaches, muscle tension, and high blood
pressure. Oxytocin is a powerful hormone that acts as a neurotransmitter in the
brain. It regulates social interaction and sexual reproduction, playing a role in
behaviors from maternal-infant bonding and milk release to empathy, generosity,
and orgasm. Oxytocin also increases envy and Schadenfreude is the experience of
pleasure, joy, or self-satisfaction that comes from learning of or witnessing the
troubles, failures, or humiliation of another.  In other words, meditation means
turning your attention away from distracting thoughts and focusing on the present
moment. Meditating is deceptively simple. Meditators had significantly ore neural
density, cortical thickness, and overall activity within their prefrontal cortexes.
What does this mean for people wanting to overcome addiction? Meditation will
stimulate and train your brain to be happy and "naturally high", without the need
for alcohol, prescriptions, marijuana, drugs, cigarettes, or any other addictive
substance to feel good. When an addict gets their "fix" or high amount of drug the
chemical "dopamine" get increased. Number of studies suggest that dopamine
levels of meditating participants boosted by 65%. In other study meditation is "6
times more effective" than traditional therapy. Inmates addicted prison who
practiced meditation for 3 months self reported drank 87% less alcohol, and
used 89% less marijuana. Thus meditation transforms central nervous system and
brain, shifting body chemistry out of "fight or flight" survival mode, so that the
stress that had you reaching for your once favorite self-medication (alcohol,
cigarettes, junk food, etc.) yesterday, will no longer affect you today. Once you
rooted out the true source of your unhappiness, your life will transform on many
levels - and highly conscious, mindful, addiction free living will become natural.
Biography Short

Ven Dr. Sumedh Thero (Dr Banwari Lal Suman) PhD in Agronomy. Ex Principal Scientist
Agronomy, Chief Buddhist Monk and Founder of Sumedh Bhoomi Buddha Vihar Dr Ambedkar
Park Jhansipura Lalitpur 284403 India. Credited 14 books (9 in Hindi and 5 in English) 350
Research papers in reputed Journals seminar symposium etc. Publisher and Founder Editor
Ancient Buddhism ISSN 2395-471X. Supervised ; 2 Ph. D., 7 M. Sc. Students theses in Crop
production and Soils Management Visited; Myanmar in Dec 2004, USA in July 2006, Sri Lanka
2012, 2017, 2018, 2019 Thailand Aug,2017, Vietnam May 2019

Presenting author OCM details -As suggested

Full name : Ven Dr. Sumedh Thero (Dr Banwari Lal Suman)
Mobile Number / Watsap Number: +919415945895
Twitter account :
Linked In account :
Session name/number : Sleep Disorders, Brain disorders
Category: (Oral presentation/ Poster presentation) ; Oral presentation
Date of Birth : 24 September 1956
5 Recent Publications

Ven Sumedh Thero.(2021) “Family Dynamics and Health in Post Covid-19”. Clinical Research and
Clinical Case Reports, 1(4); DOI: http;//
Ven S. Thero. H. B. Kataria and Suman A. (2020) Abortion Suicide and euthanasia. J, Clinical Research
and Reports 5(5); DOI: 10.31579/2690-1919/0126
Ven Sumedh Thero. (2019) Meditation May Alter Medication Sleep Disorder and Mental Illness. Arch
Neurol & Neurosci. 4(5): 2019. ANN. MS.ID.000597. DOI: 10.33552/ANN.2019.04.000597.
Ven Sumedh Thero. 2019 Meditation as a Tool for Psychotherapy. Sch J Psychol & Behav Sci. 2(3)-2019.
SJPBS MS.ID.000140. DOI: 10.32474/SJPBS.2019.02.000140.
Ven Dr. Sumedh Thero 2018. Meditation and World Peace. J Psychol. Psychiatry Stud 1: 101 (01-9).

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