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Question Time!

Directions: Answer the following questions below.

1. Differentiate aerobic, muscle strengthening and bone strengthening activities?
These three types of activities have the same goal together, it is to build up a strong and
healthy body that we can use on our everyday works without getting much stress unto it, it could
give us healthy weight and makes it easier for us to do daily tasks, it could also lower our risk for
many diseases such as heart diseases and such. In aerobic exercise, we tend to focus more on
how could we exercise our heart and lungs, by having activities such as running, swimming,
walking, cycling, dancing, and doing jumping jacks. While for muscle strengthening from the
word itself, we tend to focus on improving our strength, power, and endurance of our muscles
by putting more force on our exercise, examples for this would be pushups, situps, lifting
weights, climbing stairs, and many more. Last but not the least would be the bone-strengthening
activities, in this type of activity we focus more on making our bones stronger, by doing activities
that improve your endurance, such as running, walking on a long-distance, jumping rope, and
lifting weights.
2. How do these activities contribute to your overall health? Cite at least 5 benefits.
First of all, it helps maintain a healthy weight and makes it easier for us to do daily tasks.
It also keeps us from risks of depression, it also lowers the risk for many diseases, such as
coronary heart disease (CHD), diabetes, and cancer. It also improves the heart's ability to pump
blood to the lungs and throughout the body, for a longer endurance. And lastly, it helps us
maintain a healthy weight over time before and after we have lost weight.

3. Explain the importance of Frequency, Intensity, Time, and Type (FITT) in doing exercise?
Summary Aerobic Activities Muscle
Let us first talk about the importance of frequency in doing exercise, we all know the
saying, the more you work the more you will gain, same as through doing exercise we also have
to do exercise on a daily bases so that we could get the best out of it and so that we won’t get to
the point that we were before. Same through in intensity, we have to push more and do our best
to improve and get a better result in just a few amounts of time. Talking about time, we have to
know how much time we have to offer, planning is one of the most important things to consider
while doing exercise, it helps us know how much we spend on an exercise, and if is it enough,
also it reminds us if are we improving on a certain type of exercise, for example in running, on
how much time do we need to cover such a distance. Last but not the least would be the type,
all of us has different suggested exercise, for example, if you are obese then you must go more
on aerobic exercise, for it won’t just make you fitter, but also improves your endurance. Aerobic
activities uses continuous, rhythmic movement of large muscle groups to strengthen the heart
and lungs. (When you exercise, your muscles demand more oxygen-rich blood which, in turn,
makes your heart beat faster to keep up) which helps for your endurance.

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