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University of Jeddah
English Language Institute
Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

Copyright 2021

English Language Institute, University of Jeddah

All rights reserved. No part of this booklet may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or
transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or
otherwise, without the prior permission in writing of the copyright owner and the administration of
English Language Institute at University of Jeddah.


Prepared by:
Abdiyah Al-Joharji

Layout and Design by:

Abdiyah Al-Joharji

Writing Rubrics by:

Dr. Noura Al-Ghamdi
Keltouma Abounajib
Lina Radwan
Rajaa Berrada
Zeba Zaidi

Peer-reviewed by:
Ayesha Asif
Keltouma Abounajib
Rajaa Berrada
Reem Ater
Zeba Zaidi



I. Introduction to Writing: Writing Basics

A. Definition
B. Activity
C. Rules for capital letters
D. Activity
A. Sentences
B. Phrases
C. Activity
D. Activity
A. Definition
B. Common punctuation marks
C. Activity
A. Definition
B. Outline
1. Introduction + Topic Sentence
2. Supporting Details/Sentences
3. Conclusion
C. Important notes

II. Writing Task 1: Opinion Paragraph

A. Pre-writing the First Draft
B. Outlining the First Draft
C. Writing the First Draft
D. Proofreading the First Draft
E. Teacher’s Feedback


III. Writing Task 2: Formal Email

A. Pre-writing the First Draft
B. Outlining the First Draft
C. Writing the First Draft
D. Proofreading the First Draft
E. Teacher’s Feedback

IV. Appendix

Writing Basics
1 Capitalization
A. Every letter in the English alphabet has lower-case letters and capital letters. For example,
A and B are capital letters while a and b are lower-case letters.

B. Rules for capital letters:

1. Always use capital I for the personal pronoun I.
- I am usually at work around 9 AM.
- My brother and I went hiking last summer.

2. Use a capital letter at the beginning of a sentence.

- Going out for a walk is good for your health. It is also fun.
- My eldest brother is an athlete. He won many local championships.

3. Use a capital letter with people’s names.

- My favourite singer is Adel.
- She has two younger sisters. Their names are Lama and Layan.

4. Use a capital letter with names of countries, cities, languages, nationalities, and
- My place of birth is Houston, Texas. So, I’m American.
- Mohammad Ali, the American boxer, was Muslim.

5. Use a capital letter for days and months of the year.

- They will have a concert near my city in October.
- There will be a local marathon on Monday.

6. Use a capital letter for abbreviations.

- I am a student at UJ.
- My friend is from the UK.

C. Rewrite the sentences. Pay attention to capitalization.

1. the winner of the race is thomas williams from new york, usa.
2. i work as a part-time teacher in kfupm. i started working there last june.
3. he needs to improve his korean language skills before moving there.

4. my son has classes on mondays and wednesdays, so he is free most of the week.
5. i travelled around india last year. it was very interesting and i learned a lot about their
6. her sister and i are childhood friends. we used to live in the same neighborhood as kids.

2 Sentences and Phrases

A. A sentence is a complete idea made of two words (She smiled.) or more (Ahmed ate ice
cream yesterday.) Most sentences in English have a SUBJECT + VERB + OBJECT + TIME
PHRASE. They must end with a FULL STOP.


Ahmed caught many fish when he went fishing.
Fatimah does yoga everyday.
They are throwing the garbage right now.

B. A phrase is an incomplete idea made of two or more words. It does NOT have a verb. For
example, “in the park”, “at school”, “all the time”, “when I am sleepy” ...

C. Decide if the following statements are phrases (P) or sentences (S). Then, turn the phrases
into full sentences:
1. Susan is in the mall right now (___)__________________________________________.

2. A bad headache (___) _____________________________________________________.

3. She is asleep (___) _______________________________________________________.

4. With her cousins (___) ____________________________________________________.

5. When I was little (___) ____________________________________________________.

6. A good goalkeeper (___) ___________________________________________________.

7. They will join the team (___) _______________________________________________.

8. My reliable friend (___) ___________________________________________________.

D. Put the following words in the correct order and use them in a full sentence.
1. book - flight
2. hobby - fun
3. go - every summer
4. eats - always
5. musical instrument - easy
6. night - jogging – every

3 Punctuation Marks
A. Punctuation marks are symbols we use to make the sentence structure clear and easy to
understand. For example, a period/full stop (.), a comma (,), a question mark (?), an
exclamation mark (!), etc.

B. Each punctuation mark has its own use and meaning. Some of the common
punctuation marks are:

Use Example
Period or Full stop At the end of a complete Taif is a beautiful city.
. sentence The city center is crowded.

Also, I visited my friend.

After some linking words
Comma Next, we went shopping.
, He bought a book, a pen, and a bag.
Between items in a list
She has long, black hair.

I love seafood, but I hate lobster.
In compound sentences We went to the mall yesterday, and
we had a great time.
Question mark How are you?
At the end of a question
? Why did you go there?
Exclamation Mark At the end of a The food in Bali was amazing!
! surprising/exciting sentence I was so scared!

C. Put the correct punctuation mark to the following sentences (more than one punctuation
mark is possible for some statements):
1. I love talking with my friends on social media
2. Fourth the job is very challenging for some people
3. We need eggs squash and sweet potatoes
4. Did you see her latest selfie
5. My best friend is a musician and she works with a band

4 A Paragraph
A. A paragraph is made-up of a group of sentences about one topic. It has an introduction with
a topic sentence, a body with main ideas and supporting details and a conclusion.

B. The Sandwich Outline:

1. Topic sentence
A topic sentence is part of the introduction. It is the main idea of your paragraph. An introduction
usually starts with a general statement about the topic, and then a more specific topic sentence. For

My Favorite City
Saudi Arabia has many amazing cities. Jeddah city is my favorite.

General statement + Topic sentence


2. Main ideas + Supporting details/sentences

Main ideas + Supporting Details/Sentences come after the topic sentence, and they are the body
of the paragraph. It gives details to develop and support your main ideas by giving more details,
facts, reasons, examples and any extra information.

My Favorite City`
Saudi Arabia has many amazing cities. Jeddah city is my favorite. There are
many activities you can do in Jeddah. You can go shopping in many of the big malls
in the city like Red Sea Mall and Arab Mall.

Main idea 1: Activities + Supporting details/sentences

My Favorite City`
Saudi Arabia has many amazing cities. Jeddah city is my favorite. There are
many activities you can do in Jeddah. You can go shopping in many of the big malls
in the city like Red Sea Mall and Arab Mall. You can also visit a lot of interesting
places such as the beach and Al Hamra seafront. There are bikes you can rent there!

Main idea 2: Places + Supporting details/sentences

My Favorite City`
Saudi Arabia has many amazing cities. Jeddah city is my favorite. There are
many activities you can do in Jeddah. You can go shopping in many of the big malls
in the city like Red Sea Mall and Arab Mall. You can also visit a lot of interesting
places such as the beach and Al Hamra seafront. There are bikes you can rent there!
Another thing Jeddah has is the amazing food. There are a lot of great restaurants.
You can try Saudi, American, Chinese, Italian, Indian restaurants and so many more.

Main idea 3: Food + Supporting details/sentences

3. Conclusion
The conclusion is the final sentence that connects your supporting details to your topic
sentence. It restates the main idea of the paragraph using different words.

My Favorite City`
Saudi Arabia has many amazing cities. Jeddah city is my favorite. There are
many activities you can do in Jeddah. You can go shopping in many of the big malls
in the city like Red Sea Mall and Arab Mall. You can also visit a lot of interesting
places such as the beach and Al Hamra seafront. There are bikes you can rent there!
Another thing Jeddah has is the amazing food. There are a lot of great restaurants.
You can try Saudi, American, Chinese, Italian, Indian restaurants and so many more.
This is why I love living in Jeddah. It really is my favorite city.


C. Important notes:
1. Do not use bullet points in your paragraph.
2. Do not number your sentences.
3. Insert a 5-space indentation at the beginning of your paragraph.
4. Meet the required word-limit by adding supporting details such as examples, reasons,
explanations, etc.
5. Pay attention to capitalization and punctuation.

Opinion Paragraph – 125 Words

1 Task
¨ Definition: An opinion paragraph is written to make the writer's beliefs about the topic
clear and back them up with solid reasoning.

¨ Topic: Write an opinion paragraph about living an active lifestyle.

¨ In this task, you will write a 125-word opinion paragraph about living an active lifestyle.

¨ What makes a great opinion paragraph?

Clear opinions and reasons: Clear opinions (positive or negative) help the reader know
exactly what you think, and solid reasons help them understand why you have that opinion.

Teacher’s note:
Ensure student engagement in
2 Examining Sample completing all sections of the task.
A. Read the sample.


Eating healthy meals is important. However, breakfast is still one of the most
important meals of the day. I think a good, healthy breakfast is important for many
reasons. First, a good breakfast provides the nutrients that people need to start their
day off with energy. It gives you the energy you need to get things done and helps
you focus on work or at school. Second, eating a healthy breakfast everyday
improves your mental abilities. For example, many studies have linked eating
breakfast to good health, including better memory and concentration. Third, I
believe that breakfast also prevent us from many health problems such as diabetes,
heart disease, and being overweight. This is why doctors advise us to make time
for breakfast every day to prevent us from long-term illnesses. Finally, I think
breakfast also helps you get some vitamins and nutrients from healthy foods like
dairy, grains, and fruits. So, if you don’t eat breakfast, you might not be getting all
of the nutrients your body needs. As a result, you will feel weak, tired, and would
get sick easily. Therefore, I strongly feel that a healthy breakfast every morning
helps you become active, energized, and healthy which, in my opinion, is the key
to live a longer, happier and healthier life.
B. Read the paragraph again and do the following:
1. Underline the introduction.

2. What is the writer’s opinion on breakfast?


3. What expressions does the writer use to express opinion?


4. How many reasons does the writer talk about in order to support their opinion?


5. Match the reason with the suitable supporting details:

Reason Supporting details

A. It gives you the energy you need to get

1. Healthy breakfast everyday
things done and helps you focus on work
improves your mental abilities.
or at school.
B. So, if you don’t eat breakfast, you
2. Breakfast also prevent us from
might not be getting all of the nutrients
many health problems
your body needs.
3. A good breakfast provides the C. This is why doctors advise us to make
nutrients that people need to have time for breakfast every day to prevent us
energy. from long-term illnesses.
D. For example, many studies have
4. Breakfast also helps you get linked eating breakfast to good health,
some vitamins and nutrients. including better memory and

6. Think of two more reasons that can also support the writer’s opinion.



7. Write a different conclusion for the paragraph.



8. Which tenses are used in the paragraph? When are they used? Circle examples from the




9. What linking words are used in the paragraph?



3 First Draft
A. Pre-writing the First Draft:

¨ Ask yourself these questions and answer them to collect ideas to write
your paragraph.
Brainstorming • In your opinion, is living an active lifestyle good or bad?
• Why do you think so?
• What are the advantages / disadvantages of active lifestyle?

• Use the next exercise to help you outline your paragraph.

Writing • Discuss your ideas with your peers.
• Refer to the ELPR 101 Wordlist for vocabulary.

B. Outlining the First Draft:

Choose a topic and fill out the following outline to help you write your First Draft:

Title: _______________________

1. Introduction:
• General sentence:



• Topic sentence:



2. Body:

• Reason 1:



More details, examples, studies …:



• Reason 2:



More details, examples, studies…:



• Reason 3:



More details, examples, studies …:



3. Conclusion:



C. Writing the First Draft:

Use the outline you created to write your First Draft in the First Draft Pack.

D. Proofreading the First Draft:

Check your paragraph, make sure you did the following:
o Wrote at least a 125-word paragraph.
o Wrote an opinion paragraph.
o Wrote a title.

o Began with a topic sentence, then a body paragraph, and ended with a conclusion.
o Used descriptive language to explain your opinion to the reader.
o Gave the necessary details (main ideas and supporting sentences) to support your
topic sentence: your opinion about living an active lifestyle.
o Used expressions for giving opinions such as “In my opinion, I think, I feel that, I
believe, etc.”
o Used appropriate connectives such as (first, also, however, on the other hand, in
other words, in addition, for example, etc.)
o Used correct punctuation and word order in writing the sentences.
o Read your paragraph to make sure there are no spelling or grammatical mistakes.

E. Teacher’s Feedback:
1. Your instructor will use correction codes for different mistakes. Please refer to P. 25.
2. Your instructor will give you feedback on your work according to the rubric. Please
refer to P. 26.

4 Final Draft
Once you receive your corrected First Draft, start working on writing the Final Draft in the Final
Draft Pack using the correction code. Remember to check your instructor's feedback and correct all
the mistakes based on the correction codes from your instructor.

5 Grading
Your instructor will grade your work according to the grading procedure. Please refer to P. 24.

Formal Email – 150 Words

1 Task
¨ Definition: A Formal email is written to someone you don’t know well or to someone
who’s in authority like your professor, a public official, or a company. It follows a
certain form, and the writer must use formal language in it.

¨ Topic: Write an inquiry email to an airlines company.

¨ In this task, you will write a 150-word formal inquiry email to an airlines company
requesting information about your future flight with them.

¨ What makes a great formal inquiry email?

Specifics: Specifics help the reader know exactly what is needed from them. The more
specific, the clearer the email.

Important Note:
Refer to Unit 9: Page 112-113 for practice on requesting information (formal email)

Teacher’s note:
2 Examining Sample Ensure student engagement in
completing all sections of the task.
A. Read the sample.

Question About Hotel Accommodations For Visitor On Wheelchair

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing to request more information about my room reservation made on the 12th of August. My booking number is

My father, who will be staying in the room with me, is on a wheelchair. Your website mentions that the hotel has an
elevator, so I’m not concerned about that. However, I would be grateful if you could provide me with more information
about the hotel’s parking space and entrance, and whether they are wheelchair friendly. My second question is about the
restroom in the room. Is it big enough to accommodate a wheelchair comfortably?

Thank you in advance.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Best regards,
Lina Juwad

B. Read the email again and do the following:

1. Underline the subject of the email.

2. Think of a different subject for the email.


3. What greeting did the sender use at the beginning of her email?


4. Think of other greetings to use at the beginning of her email?


5. What kind of email did she send?

a. Inquiry email (asking for information)

b. Complaint email (showing dissatisfaction with service/quality..)
c. Service request email (asking for a service/help..)

6. The email answers many questions. Find the answers for the following:

Question Answer
What is her reservation number?

When did she book the room?

What is her question/s?

Why does she need to know that?

7. Find examples of formal language used in the email.





8. Think of another way to end/sign your email.



3 First Draft
A. Pre-writing the First Draft:

¨ Ask yourself these questions and answer them to collect ideas to write
your email.
• What airlines company?
Brainstorming • Where / When will the flight be? Who will you be there with, if any?
• What information do you need from the airlines company?
• Why do you need it? Why is it important to know?

• Use the next exercise to help you outline your paragraph.

Writing • Discuss your ideas with your peers.
• Refer to the ELPR 101 Wordlist for vocabulary.

B. Outlining the First Draft:

Choose a topic and fill out the following outline to help you write your First Draft:

To: ____________________________

Subject: _______________________

1. Greeting:


2. Introduction:


3. Body (inquiries/questions/requests/details):

What is the airlines company? ____________________________________________________

Where? When? Who will you be there with? ________________________________________


What do you need to know? _____________________________________________________










Why do you need the information? Why is it important?_______________________________











Email ending:



C. Writing the First Draft:
Use the outline you created to write your First Draft in the First Draft Pack.

D. Proofreading the First Draft:

Check your paragraph, make sure you did the following:
o Wrote at least a 150-word formal email.
o Wrote an inquiry email with a request for information.
o Began with a topic sentence, then a body paragraph, and ended with a conclusion.
o Included a greeting and an endling in your email.
o Used reference words (she, they, it, him etc.)
o Used transition words and connectives such as “and, so, because, therefore…” to order
and connect ideas.
o Used different formal vocabulary to ask your question.
o Used correct punctuation and word-order in writing the sentences.
o Read your email to make sure there are no spelling or grammatical mistakes.

E. Teacher’s Feedback:
1. Your instructor will use correction codes for different mistakes. Please refer to P.
2. Your instructor will give you feedback on your work according to the rubric. Please
refer to P. 26.

4 Final Draft
Once you receive your corrected First Draft, start working on writing the Final Draft in the Final
Draft Pack using the correction code. Remember to check your instructor's feedback and correct all
the mistakes based on the correction codes from your instructor.

5 Grading
Your instructor will grade your work according to the grading procedure. Please refer to P. 24.

IV. Appendix
1 Grading
A. The completion of the Booklet activities, First Drafts, and Final Drafts is important because
it affects the final mark.

B. The Writing Task will be graded as follows:

1. The Final Draft is marked out of 10 according to the Rubric.
2. If you do not complete the Booklet activities, 2 marks will be deducted from your
final mark.
3. If you do not submit a First Draft, 3 marks will be deducted from your final mark.
For example, if you complete the Booklet activities and submit the Final Draft but do
not submit the First Draft and the instructor has marked your Final Draft and has
given you an 8, you will only get a 5 because 3 marks must be deducted since the First
Draft is not submitted.

C. If you complete the Booklet activities and the First Draft but do not submit the Final Draft,
you can earn a total of 5 marks (2 for the Booklet and 3 for the First Draft).

D. If you provide a valid excuse for absence from the First Draft session, your instructor will
schedule a make-up session during the office hours for you to write the First Draft.

E. In case you produce a completely different Final Draft than the one you submitted as the First
Draft upon which your instructor gave you a feedback, then you will get a zero for the
complete Writing Task.

Booklet First Draft Final Draft

Activities Submitted Submitted

Done Done Done Final Draft graded out of 10

X Done Done Final Draft graded out of 10, then 2 marks deducted

Done X Done Final Draft graded out of 10, then 3 marks deducted
Final Draft graded out of 10, then 5 marks deducted
X X Done
(2 for the Booklet activities and 3 for the First Draft)
5 marks earned
Done Done X
(2 for the Booklet activities and 3 for the First Draft)
Done but is
Done Done different than ZERO
First Draft

2 Correction Codes

Code Meaning Example

SP spelling mistake She has got brawn hair and black eyes.
correction: brown

MW missing word There are many in the city center.

correction: are many stores / places

P punctuation mistake The dress has a long red belt.

correction: long, red

Prep preposition mistake My room has a desk at the left.

correction: on

Gr grammar mistake Tourists likes to visit my city.

correction: like
WO word order mistake He is a assistant shop.
correction: shop assistant

C capital letter mistake he and i are best friends.

correction: He and I

WW wrong word He speaks English good.

correction: well

3 Portfolio Writing Task Rubric

Score Task Achievement range Lexical Resources Organization Mechanics
and accuracy

● responds fully and ● majority of ● excellent use of ● well-organized ● almost no mistakes in

appropriately to sentences are free a wide range of with a proper spelling, capitalization,
the prompt and all of grammatical vocabulary with introduction, body punctuation or
its components errors rare minor and conclusion grammar
2 ● no off-topic ● strong range of errors occurring ● smooth transitions● excellent format with
content structures and only as 'slips' title
● meets the word sentence types and indentation
limit ● strong improvement
over the first draft
● responds ● few minor ● few minor ● mostly well- ● few mistakes in
generally to the grammatical problems with organized with spelling, capitalization,
prompt errors word choice very minor punctuation or
● very little off- ● generally wide ● generally good problems in grammar
topic content range of sentence use of introduction, body ● good format
● almost reaches types vocabulary and conclusion ● considerable
the required word ● smooth transitions improvement over the
limit first draft
● some off-topic ● several ● several errors ● somewhat ● several mistakes in
content grammatical with word choice disorganized spelling, capitalization,
● over half of the errors ● limited range with many punctuation or
word limit ● limited range of of vocabulary problems in grammar
structures and introduction, body ● poor format
1 sentence types and conclusion ● some evidence of
● problems in improvement over the
transitions first draft
● Errors can cause
some difficulty
for the reader
● does not respond ● significant ● significant ● poorly organized ● many mistakes in
to the prompt grammatical errors problems with ● difficult to read spelling,
● significant off- ● very narrow word use and and makes little capitalization,
0.5 topic content range of sentence choice sense punctuation or
● below half of the types ● significantly grammar
required word limited range of ● no evidence of editing
limit vocabulary over the first draft
● The student did not submit a writing task.
● The student submitted a different final draft than the first draft checked by the instructor.

❏ 3 marks are deducted if the student fails to submit the first writing draft.
❏ 2 marks are deducted if the student fails to complete the Writing Booklet activities.

Portfolio Writing Task Rubric_Term 1_2021-2022

4 Key Terminology

Key Term Meaning

A coherent paragraph is logical, coherent and easy to understand.

Coherence can be achieved by using cohesive devices such as “when,
coherence but, because, however, although, so, if, despite, as, while, consequently,
finally, so that, therefore, meanwhile, nevertheless, etc. They make the
paragraph easy to read and understand.
consistency of Consistency of pronoun reference is the use of pronouns accurately and
pronoun reference clearly throughout the paragraph, so it is easy to understand.
The format of a basic paragraph consists of an introduction, body and
format conclusion. Some genres have different formats. For example, an email
would have a different format.
Indentation, for most genres of paragraphs, is leaving a 5-letter space at
the start of the paragraph.
When a sentence is off-topic, it is not related to the topic you are writing
off-topic about. A paragraph can be off topic if you write about a different topic
from the required one.
respond fully and
If you respond fully and appropriately to the prompts, you answer all the
appropriately to the
points mentioned in them all with suitable and related ideas.
A paragraph has a smooth transition when the ideas are well organized
smooth transition and the sentences are connected using the appropriate linking / transition
words, connectives, conjunctions, etc.
strong/wide range of If you use a strong/wide range of sentence types, you use different
sentence types sentence types and not repeat the same structure.
If you use a strong/wide range of vocabulary, you use different
strong/wide range of
vocabulary including adjectives, adverbs, etc. and not repeat the same
The subject and verb must always be in agreement in a sentence.
Correct s/v agreement: He loves Chinese food. √
Incorrect s/v agreement: He love Chinese food. X
A well-organized paragraph follows a clear, logical order. It also
includes an introduction, body and conclusion.

The word limit is the number of words you must use. Not using the
word limit
required number of words would result in losing points.

Best of luck!


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