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Activity I. Diagnostics

Instructions: Write agree if you think the statements is correct,

otherwise write disagree.

AGREE 1. Globalization is I and the world.

AGREE 2. The world that we live in now is a product of globalization

in the past.

AGREE 3. The United Nations is a global government.

AGREE 4. The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) is a

product of


AGREE 5. Globalization is a system of ideas, beliefs, norms, values

and ideals that are

accepted as truth by some groups of people.

Activity 2: Assessment/ Reflection/Action

A. Process Questions: Deeping the understanding of the lesson.

Answer the following

questions based on your understanding the lessons.

1. Are societies in the world becoming more similar (homogenous) or

more different

(heterogeneous)? Support your answer.

Countries are becoming more and more similar because people are
able to buy the same products anywhere in the world. First of all, the
world has become a global village. In other words, people can get
whatever, and wherever they want.

2. What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of

homogenization culture?

How about heterogenization? Heterogenization and diversity are

disasters that will have long term negative effects upon Western
Civilization. As the basic white stock declines numerically, we can
fully expect that its greatness will decline. It is essentially like taking
a useful substance and contaminating it with a weaker ingredient.
Homogeneous societies like Japan fully recognize the deleterious
effects of immigration.

3. Which of the aforementioned views on the history of globalization

you find most

appealing? Why? Globalization is a process that started with the first

empires - the Achaemenid/Persian held together 44% of the human
population of that times; Roman and Chinese empires plus India had
even more, but the connections between them were not strong (if it
was any). The first step toward globalization was made by the Mongols
- the short-lived empire of Genghis-Khan was spread from Russia to
China, almost all the Eurasian continental area. Then China and the
West got connected (Marco Polo the first Westerner to get there).
Vasco da Gama reached India; Columbus reached a new continent,
believing that is India; and the Age of Discoveries open the road to the
Age of Colonialism. After WWII the European hold on colonies ended;
but the connections between colonies and their ex-metropolis did not
cease completely. The English ones formed the Commonwealth, the
French kept the contact with France, and the Spanish ones did the
same with Spain. The future skeleton of globalization was put in place.
Modern transportation communication technologies - air companies
and the Internet - did the rest.

This is the history of globalization, plain and simple. But the real
engine of globalization is not the economic one - the economic aspect
is the symptom, not the cause.
The real cause of globalization is the natural development of human
society, which is based on unity of mankind. Family, clan, tribe, polis,
empire, nation-state, were all levels that were achieved at certain
moments in history.

Today only one level of unity must be achieved: the last. A World
Commonwealth, a global socio-political entity to manage the affairs of
the human race in the interest of human race - not in the interest of a
social class or a nation. The problems mankind is confronted with -
climate change, emergence of the IVth Industrial Revolution -
robotics+AI+3D printing, emergence that might make a lot of people
lose their jobs, the danger of a pandemic, either natural or man-made,
cannot be tackled at nation level, no matter how strong a nation may

4. Is the heightened flow of people a unique feature of the current

global era? Never before in history has it been so easy to travel, so
Yes, it is unique in the lives of men. Even so the CIA relies on the fact
that almost everyone on earth lives within 50 miles of the place he
was born. That makes analysis of activity easier - when they see
people where they are not expected to be they need to investigate
what they are doing.

5. Has globalization facilitated or obstructed the greater labor

migration? Why? We are led to believe that globalization is the same
as free trade amongst nations. Well, this is not really true. Trade
amongst nations is not really free; some nations are subservient to
others and that is what determines their terms of trade, be them fair or

Unfair terms of trade, coupled to corruption, lead to poverty and

misery, which in turn lead to migration. So under these terms
globalization does indeed lead to greater migration.

Under truly fair and free terms of trade, in which every country can
freely benefit from its competitive advantages, and not be imposed its
terms of trade, employment increases coupled to a higher standard of
living. Under such circumstances globalization leads to lower labor

In a nutshell, we cannot generalize, or conclude, that globalization

does this or that, it must be analyzed under the terms of trade each
nation has vis-a-vis its trading partners.

There are, of course, other circumstances that lead to migration; for

example, war, as was the case in Vietnam, Central Europe, Irak, or
today in Afghanistan and Syria.


1. Find a former or a current OFW in your place to be interviewed. Your


name should not be revealed in the class to protect the person’s

identity and ensure


2. Use the following guide questions (you may add additional


- How long have you stayed abroad?

20 years

- What are the purpose for your stay there?

Financial needs

- What are your most unforgettable experience’s there? How will you
describe your

experiences, good or bad?

Good because my work are not very hard to work

- How will you compare the Philippines with other countries?

-Philippines is diverse from other nations since we filipins have

concern for somebody but in other nations there are a few don't have
- Do you want to go back abroad or to other countries in the future?
Why or why not?

I want to go back in abroad because this is the financial that uses to

my family

C. Assignment: Metacognitive Reading Report

Instructions: Read the referenced article and complete the statements

that follow.

*Irani, F.& Norouzi, M (2011) , Globalization and challenges: What are


contemporary issues? International Journal for Humanities and Social

Sciences, I (6),216-


1.The three (3) things that I significantly learned from the readings are
1. Globalization itself isn't Great or Awful its fair depends on how
individuals bargain or the new possibilities within the future.

2. One imperative characteristics of Globalization is that it makes a

difference distinctive nations and places to be associated. Similar,
individuals from all over the world are associated, there's a free
exchange of thoughts where is the utilize and culture among the

3. There are numerous sides of Globalization which influences nearly

all perspectives of life fortunately think that sign negative positive
impacts will proceed develop assist.

2. The three (3) things that are still unclear to me are ......

The definition of globalization is also unclear because it can include

numerous things, depending on the components, in this way, it cannot
be described by a single meaning. At long last, it was hazy to me why
the creators inquired of the plausibility that English will annihilate
other languages since English points to put through people from
various cultures, permitting for way better communication and more
openings to memorize around each other.

3. I used to think that ............

-I utilized to think that globalization is accommodating to those who

have taken an interest since it has the opportunities, development
moreover improvement.

4. The three (3) questions that I want to ask about the readings are

1. How globalization get it and connected sometime recently

2. How we get it the modern?
3. What is the significance of globalization?

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