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Day Zero


Ravi as Rich Dad

Mark as Reporter

Chenie as Interviewed Mother

Others as themselves


Arc I: The gears and cogs.

Scene one

January 30,2016 Saturday 8:41A.M.

*Neil is carrying a box and puts it on the table. He then works on something*
(Glimpse of the time machine)(Turns radio on).

*Neil enters the CR washes his face and looks at the mirror*(Radio Statics).

*He loses himself for a while but snaps out of it*.

*Door Opens*

*Rumbling noise*

Mahonri: HAAAAAAIIIIII!!!!!(Gapang ukay na daan)

Samuel: We’re coming in.

*Neil rushes out*

Neil: Hey! Don’t touch that! *grabs his things from Mahonri*

*Mahonri’s suddenly rings* *Receives text*

Mahonri: I’m gonna go. I have to run errands for my mom.

Neil: Good riddance!

Samuel: Hahahahaha, that’s not very nice. I going with her. See you at the fair tomorrow.
Neil: Yeah, sure.

*Neil goes back to the table to continue working*

Scene 2

January 31, 2016 Sunday 9:12 A.M.

*Neil walks through the halls*

Student 1: Why do they have to put the school fair on a Sunday.

Student 2: It’s too exhausting. I wish that there would be no class tomorrow.

*Neil approaching the show and tell venue*

* Two bullies appear in front of them*

Bully 1: Hi shorties! How’s the V-neck going? What weird things are you gonna bring

Bully 2: Is that you mahonri? You were taller the last ---

Samuel: What do you think you’re doing?

Bully 1: Oh no! Minority report! The chiga is here! Hahahahaha * taps sam* See you

*They all went inside*

Scene 3

*Show and Tell starts*

*Teacher introduces Neil and his creation*

Neil: Goodmorning Everyone! Today I will present to you the future of renewable
energy. A nuclear reactor. The size of a small box but it can support up to three houses worth----
Excuse me! I badly need to urinate right now. Please entertain yourselves on the machine.

* Bullies insulting Neil in the background*

*Neil rushes to the bathroom*

*Everyone in the room gathers to the machine*(Amazed)

Bully 1: Hey what does this button do?

Bully 2: Where? Can I see it?

*Bully 1 and 2 fights over the machine*

Teacher: Hey stop that you two. That thing is danger----

*Drops machine*


*Neil hears the explosion and goes out of the CR. He sees the explosion and realizes that
it was his machine that could cause that explosion. He thinks that maybe it had malfunctioned.
He panicked and ran home.*

Scene 4

*News Flash about the accident plays on the radio*

*Interviews Parents*

Reporter: So ma’am what do you feel about the accident. Who’s fault was it?

Parent: It was no accident that so called prodigy is psychopath. He is a mass murd---

*Neil turns radio off*

*He is frustrated. All the blame is on him. He tirelessly works on the time machine he had long

*After 2 days he finished the time machine*

*He rested for a while and prepared the time machine on it’s first trial*

*Neil was startled when the door slammed open*

Father of dead kid: You! You’re the reason why my son is dead.

Neil: No, I did nothing wrong. It was not my fault.

Father of dead kid: Why did you have to be the one that survived. You don’t deserve to live. But
she does. She was so smart, a lot of potential… all gone to waste.

*Gunshot* *Neil panics and activates the time machine*

*Screen goes black* *Skidipapapapapa*

Arc II: Neil’s Mind breakers

Scene 1

*Neil goes back to the CR scene panicking*(Radio Statics)

*Door to the CR opens*

Samuel:*Caught Neil panicking* HAHAHAHAHA! What are you doing man?

Neil: I was j-j-just practicing for the theater. Yeah I’ll be auditioning for the theater.

Samuel: Yeah, sure sure. Whatever you say. HAHAHAHAHA. But don’t get too carried away.

Mahonri: Sam! Come with me. I need to run errands for my mom.

Sam: Alright, I’m coming. See you at the school fair man.

Neil: Ok, just get out and bring that annoying thing with you.

*Works on a different device for the school fair*

Scene 2

*Neil meets his teacher.*

Teacher: Good morning, Neil!

Neil: Good morning (ma’am or sir)

Teacher: Can I take a peek of your new invention? I’m sure it will win the fair.\

*Neil hesitates*

Teacher: Come on, don’t be shy.


Teacher: What is this? I don’t think that this is what your device looked on your blueprint that
you sent with your forms. I’m sorry Neil, but I cannot allow any last-minute changes to your
entry. It would be unfair for the other participants.
Neil: But (TEACHER)…

Teacher: No buts, Neil. I can’t change the rules. But I must admit; this is a very interesting and
well made things you brought.

Neil: Thanks,(TEACHER)

*Students murmuring in the background, all about that they think that Neil thinks that he can do
anything he wants just because he’s smart*

*Neil goes back to his lab and again works on the time machine* *Travels back in time again*

Scene 3

*Scene on the CR. (Radio Statics).*

Mahonri:HAAAAAIIIII!!!(Pang ukay)

Samuel:We’re coming in.

*Neil rushes out*

Neil: Hey! Don’t touch that! *grabs his things from Mahonri*

*Mahonri’s suddenly rings* *Receives text*

Mahonri: I’m gonna go. I have to run errands for my mom.

Neil: Good riddance!

Samuel: Hahahahaha, that’s not very nice. I going with her. See you at the fair tomorrow.

Neil:Yeah, about that I don’t feel like going tomorrow.

Samuel:Why? You worked hard for the project that you will present tomorrow. Why back out

Neil:I just want a good rest I’ve staying up late for 8 straight nights now. Besides there would be
many contest I can still attend. Ha! Did you forget that I’m a genius?

Samuel: Yeah, yeah, then I’ll get going. Make sure you take that good rest you want.
Scene 4

*Neils decides not to go to the school fair and just pass the whole day just resting.*

*Clock turns 4*

*Mahonri pops out of the door suddenly, runs unto him and embraces him*

Neil: What are you doing?! Get off me! *Tries to push Mahonri away*

Mahonri:*sobbing*Sam is…

Neil: Sam what? What happened to Samuel?

Mahonri:*sobbing* He is… Sam is… dead.

Neil: What?! That can’t be. Mahonri this is a bad joke. It’s not funny.

Mahonri: I know it’s hard but it’s true. He died in a car crash. Samuel and his family went on a
roadtrip. He went because you didn’t want to attend the fair and he had nothing to do.

Neil: No this can’t be. What did I do?

Mahonri: What are you saying neil?

Neil: Nothing, just leave me alone for now. Go home.

Mahonri:Ok… The funeral is 2 days from now.

Neil: Sure, I’ll be there.

*Mahonri leaves the room.*

Neil: I’m the reason Samuel died. I must bring him back.

*Neil quickly starts to assemble the time machine again*

*He worked and worked he lost tracked of the funeral. It was the day of the funeral when he
finished the time machine. He fell asleep immediately out of exhaustion.*

*Neil was startled by the ringing of his phone. He answered the phone and on the other line is
Mahonri: You coldblooded freak! I was texting you since noon.

*Neil looks at the clock and it’s 6 in the evening already.*

Mahonri: He was your friend! Or did you only see him as another idiot human that cannot
surpass you intellect?

Neil: I’m sorry… I-I-I just

Mahonri:You just what? Huh? Quit making excuses!Don’t ever let me see your face again.

Neil:AAAAAAAAAGGGGHHHHH!!!!*Throws phone out of rage*

*Picks up the time travel device and uses it again*

Scene 5

*Neil enters the CR washes his face and looks at the mirror*(Radio Statics).


*Door Opens*

*Rumbling noise*

Mahonri: HAAAAAAIIIIII!!!!!(Gapang ukay na daan)

Samuel: We’re coming in.

*Neil rushes out*

Neil: Hugs Samuel*

Samuel: What happen neil? That’s gay man.

Neil: HAHAHAHAHA! Yeah, sorry no-homo.

*Mahonri’s suddenly rings* *Receives text*

Mahonri: I’m gonna go. I have to run errands for my mom.

Neil: Yeah go, you annoying turd.

Samuel: Hahahahaha, that’s not very nice. I going with her. See you at the fair tomorrow.

Neil: Yeah, sure.

*Neil goes back to the table to continue working*

Scene 6

*Samuel dies all over again even how much neil tries to change the events.*

Scene 7

After the attempt where SAmuel got hit with thre car, Neil tries to save hi m by going
back I time and push him away from the car. But as a result, he got hit instead. At the Brink of
death, our protagonist manages to go back in time. He just got hit with the possibility that he
himself might die. As a result, he built a device that automatically activates when his heart stops,
sending him back to the radio static.

Neil: Only an idiot would think about saving others before he thinks of saving himself. And that
idiot is me.

He attaches the newly made device to his wrist, disquised as a wristwatch.

Because of this, he can freely save Samuel, but he himself dies in his friend’s stead.

*A series of quick scenes where Neil dies is seen*

The pain and terror slowly breaks him, as he completely loses himself in the radio static. The
only thing that wakes him up is his friend’s voice, as he sends them away harshly.

*Looks at the mirror*

Neil: How many times has it been? A thousand? No, two thousand times? I’ve lost track…

Arc III: Mahonri’s Mind blowers

*Flashes on screen* (Day zero) (January 30,2016) (EXACT TIME)

Scene 1:
*Neil enters the CR washes his face and looks at the mirror*(Radio Statics).

*He loses himself for a while but snaps out of it*.

*Door Opens*

*Rumbling noise*

Mahonri: HAAAAAAIIIIII!!!!!(Gapang ukay na daan)

Samuel: We’re coming in.

*Neil rushes out*

Neil: Hey! Don’t touch that! *grabs his things from Mahonri*

*Mahonri’s suddenly rings* *Receives text*

Mahonri: I’m gonna go. I have to run errands for my mom.

Neil: Good riddance!

Samuel: Hahahahaha, that’s not very nice. I going with her. See you at the fair tomorrow.

Neil: Yeah, sure.

*Neil goes back to the table to continue working*

Scene 2

*Neil composes himself in his workshop that night. He tries to review all that he has done. He
realized something*

Neil: Why am I beating myself up? I could never have failed that invention. My calculations
were precise, and my design was flawless. But why?

In frustration, Neil swipes the invention that he was working on the day before the school fair
off the table. He just now remembers what it was for, its existence, and why it was not finished.
This thing, this trivial thing, was the key to it all.

Neil: What’s this?

A few seconds later, he deducted a painful truth; one he cannot accept at the time.

Neil: No matter how I look at it, No matter what I do. No matter how many times I go back. It all
goes back to it. But, I-it ca’t be! I knew that I wasn’t the one at fault here… But…

* He realizes that the only one that could have touched or tampered with his device before the
school fair was but one person; his dear friend Mahonri. What about those bullies? They were far
too dull and the fall that the device took was never nearly enough to break it. He notices a small
chip attached to his device, which confirmed all of his horrifying theories; his friend had
betrayed him*

Scene 3

School Fair

*Neil decides to confront Mahonri*

*He grabs Mahonri by the arm and drags her to the back of their classroom.*

Neil: *shows chip to Mahonri* Care to explain?

Mahonri: I-I-I don’t know what that is?

Neil:Are you sure? I’m pretty sure you’re the one who planted this to my invention. There was
no one beside me and you that touched this device before today.


Neil: What do you hope to accomplish?

Mahonri: You wouldn’t understand anyway.

Neil: Try me.

Mahonri: You don’t know what’s it like to live in a persons shadow. You’re always the best. I
was always second place. I was never good enough to stand next to you. I only my time in the
spotlight. Was that too much to ask?

Neil: Did you know that this device could have killed all of us?

Mahonri: It was only meant to stop the nuclear fission.

Neil: We’ll it turns you’re wrong. It boosted the process and made my reactor into a bomb.

Mahonri: You know what?! I can’t take this anymore you’re the one that is always right about
everything. *pulls out a gun out of her bag*
*points the gun to neil*

Neil: Wha! You don’t have to do this.

Mahonri: Yes, I do *points gun to herself* *gunshot* *blows her brains out*

Neil: Noooooo!!!

*Neil hurriedly goes to his house and makes the time machine for the nth time.*

Scene 4

*Neil enters the CR washes his face and looks at the mirror*(Radio Statics).

*Tears fell from his eyes*.

*Door Opens*

*Rumbling noise*

Mahonri: HAAAAAAIIIIII!!!!!(Gapang ukay na daan)

Samuel: We’re coming in.

*Neil rushes out*

Neil: Hey! Don’t touch that! *grabs his things from Mahonri*

*Mahonri’s suddenly rings* *Receives text*

Mahonri: I’m gonna go. I have to run errands for my mom.

Neil: Good riddance!

Samuel: Hahahahaha, that’s not very nice. I going with her. See you at the fair tomorrow.

Neil: Yeah, sure.

*Neil did not continue his work*

*After all the he has been through and learning the truth about Mahonri. He proceeds to
the school fair without bringing anything.*

Mahonri: Morning Neil! Oh! You didn’t bring anything with you? Is it microscopic?

Neil: No, I didn’t bring anything with me.

Mahonri: What? How are you gonna win the school fair with that?
Neil: Nothing, I’m not gonna participate.I think it’s time for a little someone to take the

Mahonri: Huh? I don’t know what you mean, but as your friend, I am obliged to fully
support you of any decision you make.

Neil: Good for you.

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