Partial Discharges: Questions For Discussion

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Partial Discharges: Questions for Discussion

Alexander Ovsyannikov Dmitry Vodennikov Alexander Kokh

and Sergey Zhivodernikov Federal Grid Company of Novosibirsk State
Electrogridservice of UNEF Unified Energy System Technical University
Novosibirsk, Russia Moscow, Russia Novosibirsk, Russia

Note that researchers only based on oscillograms of

Abstract—Partial discharge measurement is now a universally
accepted method for early diagnostics of equipment isolation, electrical signals made assumptions about existence of
however, the physical aspects of the processes are still not pulseless PD.
completely clear, and the accepted assumptions of almost half a At low resolution in time or at high repetition rate, the
century ago are still used in measurements of PD. In paper signals of one another overlap, creating the PD current
practical aspects, questions frequency band selection,
repeatability, registrating scheme calibration, electrical signals
continuity illusion. Something similar happened when
interpretation and measured range partial discharge registering corona in transformer oil [5]. The authors in [6],
characteristics expansion are raised up. recording PD electromagnetic radiation in power
Index Terms—partial discharges, measurements, insulation, transformers, noted that many very short pulses are
discussion superimposed on long pulses, SHF signals of which can be
used to locate the PD source.
I. I NTRODUCTION Optical studies of PD signals clearly prove the pulsed nature
Partial discharge (PD) measurement is a recognized method of the PD [7–9], which are formed by a multi-avalanche or
to estimate insulation status worldwide at least from the end of streamer mechanism.
’90. However, still there are many discussion issues. Some
important questions of partial discharges theory that are of What carriers of PD charges are the current recorded?
interest for discussion are considered. These include the phys- The PD charge is the sum of the equal modulo electrons and
ical mechanism question, current and radiation pulses, PD ions charges. We determine the apparent charge in accordance
formation and delay time as well as the factors affecting the with national standard [1] by the calibration factor or by
detected apparent charge magnitude. integrating the pulse current. It is known from gas discharge
theory the electron drift velocity is two orders of magnitude
II. O MISSION IN PARTIAL DISCHARGE THEORY higher ions one, and, accordingly, the electronic PD current
What mechanism of gas discharge are PD formed? component is two orders of magnitude higher than the ionic
component. This is clearly seen from calculated and measured
The answer to this question affects almost all aspects, from
comparison shapes current pulses of single PD as shown in
estimates of dielectric aging to equipment requirements for
Fig. 1. Therefore, in the best case, i.e. when the apparent
recording PD. Most often, a dispute arises around two
charge is close to true, we register only half the charge
mechanisms PD formation: avalanche (or multi-avalanche)
transferred in the PD channel.
and streamer. Less common is the assumption of spark and
even arc PD forms. The first boundary in the field of view-
points was on the question of PD duration. In [1–3], pulse- free
PD form with quasi-continuous discharge development during
half-cycle voltage part is mentioned. R.Bartnikas [4] connects
the transition from quasi-continuous to pulsed form with
overvoltages relative to the PD voltage ignition, which
inevitably occur when PD delay. However, the continuous
discharge current flow (during the time when voltage is applied
to the external electrodes) cannot be for two reasons:
- after a run of electron avalanches and electrons and ions
deposition on opposite cavity walls, the electric field strength
in the cavity volume drops sharply, interrupting the processes
of impact ionization;
- the further existence of the current in the partial discharge
channel is also limited by the bias current in the dielectric, Fig. 1a. PD form in air cavity:
which at an industrial frequency has vanishingly small value. calculation for 0,5 mm cavity [10]

978-1-7281-5879-2/20/$31.00 ©2020 IEEE

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ionization. Thus, the coincidence of the shape of the current
and the glow serves as further evidence electronic component
dominance in the PD current.
What is the real duration of the PD?
If we finally accept that the recorded current pulses are de-
termined by the electron current, then PD duration
corresponds to the front duration, provided that the equipment
and registration scheme as a whole are sufficient for that.
According to literary sources, it is easy to see how, as the
experimental technique developed, the duration of the PD
front “decreased” from microseconds to hundredths of a
Fig. 1b. PD form in air cavity:
nanosecond, i.e. four orders!
experiment with 1,0 mm cavity (40 mA/div, 20 ns/div) [9]. If we assume that the formation of each PD occurs when the
electric field strength is equal to the breakdown field and after
The PD current electronic component is also supported by the charge sedimentation, the field strength inside the cavity
the fact during synchronous recordings of radiation and the drops so that the PD stops, then for cavities with (0.01 - 1) mm
PD current, the waveforms coincidence of photoelectronic diameter, the electron drift time corresponding to the recorded
multipliers (PM) and current pulses shape was noted as we signal edge duration should be approximately (0.02 - 10) ns.
can see on Fig. 2. However, this assumption applies to those current pulses whose
amplitude exceeds the recording equipment sensitivity
The question of sensitivity is also not an idle one. Firstly, the
signal size is strongly influenced by the intrinsic cavity
dimensions. The calculated curves of the formation dynamics
(by the impact ionization mechanism) and PD charge transfer
in the air cavity with 5 m diameter shown in Fig. 3 show
extremely low and unavailable for registration energy and time
characteristics of the avalanche growth process.



Fig. 2. Current and radiation PD pulses in the air:
a) upper trace – current, lower trace – radiation [8];
b) in disc 1 mm cavity [9].
Time resolution 20 ns/div.

It is known that PD radiation is associated with a neutral Fig. 3. Number of ionization events (a) and charge transfer (b) in time
air molecules excitation discharge, and only electrons can during PD in cavity with 5 μm diameter and electric field strength 270
have energy corresponding to the excitation and molecules kV/cm

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Secondly, it must be taken into consideration apparent PD reason, for example, factory PD tests of power transformers
charge can be much smaller than the true one [11] if the cavity are a good tool for testing insulation manufacturing
is in the bulk of the dielectric. There are other ”subtleties”. For technology. Some experiments have shown direct relationship
example, synchronous recording of the radiation pattern and between apparent charge and size of cavity or bubbles. So tests
the PD current in [7] showed the number of micro- discharges of the oil channel model in the oil and gas transformer
is greater than the number of current pulses. In [9], the insulation with air bubbles showed following relationships
chronography of PD radiation showed micro-discharges between size of bubbles and the PD apparent charge [15]:
starting almost simultaneously in different places of a flat
cavity form a current pulse with one or two maxima [9]. Bubble diameter, mm 2,1 3,9 5,8

Where do the initial electrons come from? What is the PD PD apparent charge
0,2…2 0,2…5 1…20
delay? range, nC

Experimenters often encountered large discrepancies be-

This means that at norm for admissible PD apparent charge
tween the expected and actual stresses of the occurrence of PD.
of 300 pC in the power transformers insulation we “feel”
In this case, time delays until the appearance of PD even during
bubbles with diameter of >2 mm, i.e. large enough. Inci-
overvoltages reached several hours due to the “deficit” of
dentally, in the same experiments the symmetry of the phase
initial electrons. The generation of initial electrons is most
resolved diagrams was observed with respect to the applied
often associated with the ionization of neutral gas particles
voltage amplitudes, which contradicts the well-known ideas
under the influence of the radiation background of the earth,
about the phase angles PD existence for defects in solid
which is formed mainly from the action of cosmic radiation.
insulation. This feature of PD behavior can be explained by
From their exposure to 1 cm3 of atmospheric air at sea level,
higher relaxation rate of charges deposited on the bubble walls
4–10 ion pairs are formed every second [12]. At such ionization
in liquid dielectrics compared to solid insulation and used as
rates, taking into account the small size of gas bubbles in a
a sign of the defect type.
liquid or cavities in a solid dielectric, the calculated retardation
times of the PD given below should be expected to be very How to evaluate the PD intensity in a capacitor-type
large [10]: insulation?
Cavity diameter, µm 5 10 50 Uncertainty in interpreting the results of measuring PD in
Time to appear 362 20 59 a capacitor-type insulation is amplified many times if the PD
ignition electron years years days
Cavity diameter, µm 100 500 1000
source is in the insulation layer between equalizing plates.
Time to appear 7,4 1,4 10,6 Even if there were direct access to these plates then we would
ignition electron days hours min have to deal with the PD apparent charge. In reality current
In [9], another mechanism for the appearance of firing pulses in the external circuit are controlled and therefore we
electrons was proposed. It took into account the prehistory in measure a small fraction of already small apparent charge
which electrons arose under the influence of external ionizing [16]. Sensitivity may not be enough to register PD since their
current closes in the layer between the plates. A similar
radiation, adhered to neutral molecules, and adsorbed on the
situation occurs when testing capacitors with parallel-series
walls of the cavity. The decay of negative ions at an electric
connection of individual packages [17].
field strength sufficient for the breakdown of gas in the cavity
served as an explanation of the most probable mechanism of III. D ISADVANTAGES IN PD REGISTRATION PRACTICE
generation of initial electrons. Later, the author of [13]
In what frequency band to measure the PD electrical signals?
experimentally confirmed this hypothesis.
Is the name of the main PD characteristic correct? The standard [1] requires an upper frequency range of (0.5
- 1) MHz, however, PD signals can be recorded in this
“Apparent” charge is probably not the most suitable defi- frequency band only in laboratory conditions with careful
nition of charge from PD current flowing in external circuit. filtering of network and airborne interference. At existing
Interestingly, in the early publications only the term substations RF communication channels on overhead lines
“charge” or “energy” of the PD was used [7]. Later the term create serious problem for PD measuring. Barrier filters
“charge, induced” on external electrodes of insulating struc- reduce carrier frequency voltage on switchyard buses to a few
ture, more understandable to electrical engineers and physicists volts, but if the indicated frequency is hundreds of kilohertz
[3]. At the turn of the century, they tried to return the term then it greatly complicates PD registration (Fig. 4).
“inducted” to the literature [14] but without success. The In addition, there is corona and other interferences also, the
adjective “apparent” after its appearance in the standards is frequency range of which extends to tens of megahertz. In our
firmly rooted in textbooks, regulatory documents, etc. experience, one of the reliable tools for PD selecting from
interference is short (less than 40 ns) front duration, but they
How does the PD apparent charge depend on the defect size? can only be observed with oscilloscopes with an upper
National standard [1] leaves no hope of knowing the true measurement frequency about tens of MHz. Perhaps for this
PD charge and power. It is good that dangerous PDs arising in reason, the standard for PD measuring in utility [18]
cavities of relatively large sizes and adjacent to the electrodes recommends upper recording equipment frequency of 15 MHz
have apparent charge close to true [11]. For this and an oscilloscope with upper frequency of 60 MHz.

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Fig. 4. Noise signals generated by RF-communication in 220 kV SF6 bushing. RF-communication is on feeding overhead line on phase “C”.
On phase C signal is about 1 V, on phase “B” induced signal is 5 times less, on phase “A” - 20 times less.

What repetition rate should PD have, the charge of which must bushing dismantling confirmed the initial stage of insulation
be taken into account? damage in the layers of paper adjacent to the current-
In the basic standard, it is recommended to take the appar- conducted pipe.
ent charge magnitude of repeating discharges under the PD Note that the PD data format recommended by CIGRE has
intensity, their repetition rate is not indicated. According to 23 (!) mutual distributions types of PD characteristics [20].
classical concepts, PD repletion rate should be a multiple of Recently, the most common application for the analysis of
phase-resolved PD diagrams (PRPD) has become. E. Gulsky,
network frequency. In practice, the PD sequence over time is
by the PRPD appearance, already 20 years ago created 27
most often irregular.
images (“finger prints”) of insulation defects for bushings,
In order to somehow normalize the parameter, in standard
transformers and other equipment [21]. Company ”Dimrus”
[1] repetition rate has been introduced, which can vary within
published 4 types of PRPD, corresponding to different types
Rc = 0-1. In [18], the same indicator is called “regularity, Re,” of the PD [22]. Great expectations are associated with the
and it is recommended to characterize the discharge activity analysis of the temporal characteristics of PD signals in the
by PD apparent charge, repeated at least in every second so-called TF-plane. In the new edition of the IEC 60270-
voltage period, i.e. at Re 0.5. In many publications, the 2015 standard, the sections devoted to digital methods for
intensity is expressed by q02, i.e. PD recurring with R 0.2. recording PD and, in particular, to amplitude-phase diagrams
Obviously, PD repeatability depends on many factors, for are significantly expanded.
example, on phase transitions “liquid - vapor” during PD in
liquid dielectrics. There are delays associated with the shortage How to calibrate the registration circuit when testing
of initial electrons [10, 19]. There is also PD self-extinguishing insulating structures with low capacitance between the
and, conversely, immediately before a full breakdown there are electrodes?
single powerful PD. For these reasons, we consider it In accordance with the standards requirements with a par-
advisable to provide in the measurement protocol the full allel calibration scheme, calibration capacitor must have a
characteristic of the PD discharge activity with a detailed capacity much less than the object capacity. But how to do
description discharges nature with different apparent charges. this if object capacity is a dozen or two picofarads?! All
that remains is option with sequential switching on of the
Why are there no norms for other PD characteristics? calibration capacitor, which is impossible to realize under
In our practice, there have been cases where the most field conditions. The option with the “inverted” calibration
important thing was not the maximum apparent charge, but scheme is not always convenient and it must be checked due
average current and voltage of the PD occurrence/extinction. to the uncertainty in the value of the parasitic capacitance.
In one of the diagnosed autotransformers, PD charges did not Specific problems arise when testing objects with a large
exceed 100 pC, but their quantity was very large. As it turned ratio of height to transverse dimensions and with a small
out, the isolation barriers in the autotransformer were clogged intrinsic capacity. Such structures include support and
with sawdust from the collapsing oil pump impeller. In another suspension rod insulators, surge arresters, measuring
case, when testing the autotransformer 220/110 kV, the low transformers with gas- insulated insulation, etc. The result of
value of the PD occurrence voltage, which were identified by PD measuring during their testing depends on the area of the
the oscillograms as a series in bushing insulation, was alerted. grounded electrode: the larger the area, the greater the
Despite the small charges of the PD (about 50 pC), 220 kV measured value of the apparent charge. There is dependence

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on stand height. Essence of the influence of geometry lies
in electric field heterogeneity.
The more field lines of force are closed on a grounded
plane, the greater the amount of PD induced charge is
collected on it and fixed by a registration circuit. For this
reason, norms on PD intensity in such objects should be
accompanied by detailed instructions regarding the size and
arrangement of circuit elements [25].
What should one focus on when assessing the charge of the
a) experiment sketch
PD in longitudinal isolation?
For various reasons, PD can also occur in longitudinal
insulation, for example, in coil insulation of shunt reactor
windings, power transformers and in generators stator wind-
ings. It can be attributed to PD in longitudinal insulation and
sparking in autotransformers OLTC contactors. In our
practice, the signal waveforms shown in Fig. 5 were
In one of phases in 500 kV autotransformer group, in addi-
tion to the usual PD signals, irregularly repeated oscillation b) signal transmission through capacitor to coordinated load and
packets of noticeably larger amplitude were observed. The grounding of cable shield from both ends at one point
signals had different polarity on the bushing sensors 500 and
220 kV. In this case, the signal at 220 kV bushing was ahead
of the signal at the 500 kV side by approximately 40 ns, and
its amplitude was approximately twice as large. On these
grounds, an assumption arose about sparking in the OLTC
contact system.
By acoustic method, the discharge activity in the OLTC
was confirmed. It was recommended and it performed tests
and ohmic resistances measurements with various OLTC
position. Deviations from the norm have not been
established. However, a year later, autotransformers group
crashed due to the OLTC gas protection in the suspected
phase. Opening OLTC tank showed flexible connection
c) the cable is coordinated, but the upper shield end is grounded with
burnout from the external contact of the withdrawn part copper tape
OLTC to the contactor. Similar damage was detected on the
flexible connection adjacent contact.
Thus, PD location issue was solved successfully, however,
the question remained how to calibrate PD registration scheme
in longitudinal isolation and what charge values to normalize?
What errors can occur in calibration?
The basic standard [1] introduced stringent requirements for
the errors of calibration generators. Recording equipment
producers should check them by comparing the output voltage
with a reference generator, which is stored in a separate room
with climate control, air purity, etc. And if you think about
what they transfer to the transformer input through a wire or
cable with indefinite length and indefinite location, grounding, d) signal conducted by wire
coordination, etc.? What is the signal up there? What does its Fig. 6. Changes of calibration signal waveform (upper trace).
amplitude and shape have to do with the signals that arise in
the registration scheme from real PDs? We received some Despite the inclusion of matching load resistance, the
answers in simple laboratory experiments, the scheme and presence of inductance in the ground circuit of the shield
results of which are shown in Fig. 6. affects. In some cases, practice PD measuring at existing
It can be seen front duration varies from the initial 40 ns to substations calibrating the registration scheme for various
120 ns when grounding the cable shield at the conditionally reasons was problematic. There was only one way out - to
“upper” end through a copper strip as recommended in [18]. integrate PD current to get an apparent charge. With digital

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