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MSD/2021-22/Information Sheet /VIII/English/pg 1 of 2

DATE: Poem - Oh, I Wish I’d Looked after Me Teeth
SESSION: 2021-22
- Pam Ayres

This is an information sheet based on the Poem (Oh, I Wish I’d Looked after Me Teeth) from
the book Stairway. You are required to do the following question-answers in your notebook,
convert it into a PDF and mail it at or upload it on google
classroom on 26 July 2021.
Reference to context
Answer the following questions with reference to context.
1) I wish I’d been that much more willin’
When I had more tooth there than fillin’
a) What does the poet wish she had been more willing to do?
b) What does the poet mean by the second line?
c) What has happened as a result?
a) The poet wished that she had taken care of her teeth and not had that much of sweet things
in her childhood.
b) In the second line the poet refers to the fact she has very few of her original set of teeth and
has more fillings instead.
c) The poet’s negligent treatment of her teeth resulted in decay and cavities, which left with
her more fillings than teeth.

2) ‘If you got a tooth, you got a friend.’

I was young then, and careless,
a) Who says the first line?
b) What is the poet referring to in these lines?
c) How had the poet been careless?
a) The poet’s mother speaks the first line.
b) The reference is to how the poet, when she was young, did not heed her mother’s words
about the importance of taking care of one’s teeth.
c) The poet was careless as a child as she had far too much sweet, sticky food and did not brush
her teeth well or even regularly.
MSD/2021-22/Information Sheet /VIII/English/pg 2 of 2

3) As they foamed in the waters beneath.

But now comes the reckonin’
It’s me they are beckonin’
a) Who or what are referred to as ‘they’?
b) Explain: foamed in the waters beneath.
c) Why is it reckoning time?
d) Why are they beckoning the poet?
a) The mother’s set of false teeth has been referred to as ‘they’.
b) The reference is to the poet’s mother’s false teeth or dentures that was soaked in a foaming
solution in order to be cleaned.
c) It is a time of reckoning for the poet as she has lost most of the teeth to decay and cavities,
and there is a possibility that she might soon have to rely on false teeth.
d) As the poet lost most of her original set of teeth to cavities due to poor dental hygiene and
already has too many fillings, getting dentures seems to be the most likely option.
Answer the following questions.
Q1) What were the dangers that the poet had overlooked as a child?
Ans. 1) The poet overlooked the ill effects of having too many sticky sweet things like toffees,
lollies, liquorice and sherbet on her teeth.
Q2) What does the poet feel she should have done with her pocket money?
Ans. 2) The poet wishes that she spent her pocket money more wisely on things other than
candies and sweets.
Q3) When does the poet’s conscience prick her?
Ans. 3) Her conscience is pricked when the poet recalls the quantities of lollies, liquorice,
sherbets and other sweets she feasted on as a child.
Q4) Did the poet brush her teeth as she was told to by her elders? How can you tell?
Ans. 4) The poet did not brush her teeth though her mother told her to. This is clear from how
the poet describes about the cavities and tooth decay and the many fillings, caps and tooth
extractions she underwent, and that she might need a set of false teeth soon.

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