September 25

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September 25, 2018

On September 25, 2018, patient named Erina Micheals, 34yrs old who is
8months pregnant was reported to be slipped and fell on the hospital hallway by a
health care aide at 10:10pm. Nurse Tara attended the case right away.

On the scene, Mrs Erina Micheals was found lying in the hospital hallway , whilst her
spouse was staying beside her. He was the only witness to the incident. Following
the incident, the client looked anxious and sweaty and also complained severe pain
on the abdomen. Head to toe assessment was conducted, and her vital signs were
obtained, Blood Pressure- 90/40, Respiration- 18Bpm, Pulse- 40Bpm. She stated her
pain score was 9 on a numerical scale of 10.

On call physician was informed at 10:20pm and simultaneously

acknowledged the supervisor and the next of kin about the incident. Health care
provider ordered to take an emergency ultrasound scan to check the foetal
condition. He also instructed to prepare the patient for emergency C-section.
Furthermore, doctor requested to monitor Erica’s vitals frequently. Incident was
recorded in the nurse’s chart

Registered Nurse

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