Marketing Management End Term Examination: Submitted by 2020SMT6708 Rahul Mundada

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Submitted by
Rahul Mundada

Q1 Aristotle Learning app
Aristotle is a highly personalized, habit building, learning app, which caters to students from grade 6-
10 in CBSE and ICSE schools. The App allows students to improve their overall academic performance
in just 10 minutes a day


 Scan and Search:

o You can ask any doubt at any time in 'Ask my anything' section so you can
get your doubt cleared
o If you are shy to ask questions in class, it will help you
 Revision:
o you can adapt to your learning way where you are comfortable
o Revision section will help you to get recorded videos, step by step solutions,
facts and various other resources all in one place
o Personalized revision section in 15 minutes
 Students can't cheat:
o The App will take care of misconduct in exams if student do any, if student
try to switch tab while giving an exam on App, it locks exam screen
 Challenges:
o You can compete with your peers; you can invite them to challenge and can
learn together with your friends
o Exclusive Forums where you can ask questions, join discussions and help
each other to learn and grow
 Cutting Edge Technology:
o cutting-edge technology analyses the student's history to pinpoint exact
areas of improvement, thereby reducing the time spent on the App. This
takes the form of customized learning modules


 The photo quality while uploading a photo in the App gets degraded
 The App is not available on the IOS platform
 It requires more time to load on tablets, mobiles
 The App requires a high-speed internet connection which can be a problem for many
students especially students from a lower-income family
 The overall Customer rating is 3.6/5 on Play store which is quite on the lower side
and in rating and reviews around 35-40% people have rated 1/5
 Reply to the customer on play store given is in pathetic way (we can see that replies
on play store)


 The App should be available on all platforms so availability to every platform user
 Load time should be automatically adjusted according to the device customer using;
App should be compatible with all devices
 The App should be made more user friendly, for teaching concepts to students we
can try some innovative way using 3D modelling where understanding through
videos, objects will be easier for students
 We can give a reminder, notification for essential deadlines to students so students
can avoid last-minute rush
 Some brainly, small size games (e.g. Quizzes, puzzles) features can be added in the
App, so it makes interesting for students
 Option to scan QR code can be provided in App, e.g. In Maharashtra, there is QR
code in the textbook where information related to the chapter, poet, the concept is
stored in video and audio format so just by scanning QR code you can access the


 Highly competitive market, additional features by competitors can attract customer

to switch
 Competitors have compact size app which is easy to use
 Competitors App available on all platforms
 Some app services provide cloud-based data storage facility which is again useful for
customer so one might switch to that app examples are – Kutuki, Kiddopia, iChamp,
 Customer rating of App is not as good as a competitor so it might affect the
perception of a new customer before installing it on their devices

STP Analysis
 Due to Covid 19 Pandemic students and schools are missing out the pre covid way of
learning so, the idea of App was generated to bridge the gap between students and
schools and help students to learn smoothly from home by providing a digital
 Segmentation was important while launching any product or App, in this case,
customers have been identified by dividing population sample in the age group, as its
specific age group product (School going students)

 Another segment is schools, private institutions (private coaching classes I - IX) who
can afford service of the App and can use this App as primary App to carry out
teaching-related things on the App, further school segment can be divide into the
education board they follow, e.g. State Board, CBSE, ICSE etc
 Student segment can be divided further into pre-primary, primary, secondary,
higher secondary segment so App can provide service according to concepts,
syllabus and student level of understanding. This segment will require different
catering from each other so App need to consider it
 Geographical based segment can be divided considering urban, suburban, rural
areas where school types vary from private to government. Also, parents' income
goes so; App need to consider this thing during segmentation

 Due to covid-19 all schools have been shifted on the online platform, the market is
very lucrative with the opportunity for various apps and market have growth
potential so, Aristotle have tremendous opportunity to target students and school
 As Aristotle divided mainly two segments of the market, i.e. students and schools
further, this segment needs to divide so it can cater specific customer for whom this
idea was made
 Targeting areas where good internet connectivity does not issue should be done
earlier, e.g. Area like urban, suburban

 Aristotle have decided their segments and target audiences so, now need to position
app well which will cater requirements of audiences
 Aristotle providing platform where both segments school and students can be
bought on the same platform, it is important to build a sense of connection for both
the users while using Aristotle
 The interesting campaign, taglines can be used to target both schools and students
 The proper marketing plan should be made while targeting schools as if school start
using it, automatically students of that school will require to do the same
 Establishing a connection between two segments through marketing is essential in
this case

Q2 -Small players in FMCG

Porter's 5 forces:
1. Customer Rivalry: This looks at the number and strength of your competitors. How
many rivals do you have? Who are they, along with that quality of the product varies
among competitors?

 Due to pandemic growth in FMCG sector has declined remained Flat, later in
Q3'20 it has showed signed of increment with 1.6% growth, In this lockdown
small manufactures have shown that they have potential to growth which is a
positive sign for small players in FMCG sector
 In the FMCG sector, small players need to find out competitors in their region
where they cater their product, customer preference to their brand over
large brand need to find out. Quality comparison with brands available in the
 In the local market where many regional players available, regional players
fail to analyse their strength and weakness which is very crucial in the local
market as many competitors are already present
 Small players need to work on Product differentiation as if you are not
providing any USP or different from the already available product in the
market then the customer won't choose you unless you have a brand name
so it will be difficult for small players to establish a customer base

2. Supplier Power: This is controlled by how simple it is for your providers to expand
their costs. What number of potential providers do you have? How extraordinary is
the product that they give, and how costly would it be to change with another
 In the FMCG sector, the seasoned supplier has established a strong
distribution network, so they have bargaining power, so it gets difficult for
small players to avail cost benefits
 In FMCG sector, establish companies have bargaining power in their hand
compare to small players, so small players need to work on these things as it
gets difficult for small suppliers to run the business according to their
 Small players need to explore all options of supplier they have so they can do
a cost analysis and take beneficial decision also keeping backup when there is
an emergency situation
 One of the concerns is switching cost while shifting from one to another
supplier, so small player need to develop a strategy to tackle it

3. Buyer Power: Here, you ask yourself how easy it is for buyers to drive your prices
down. How many buyers are there, and how big are their orders? How much would
it cost them to switch from your products and services to those of a rival? Are your
buyers strong enough to dictate terms to you? it focuses on a number of buyers
 Nowadays, buyer has all sort of technological advancement, so its easy for
them to look and compare the product with other brands so they can have
the best deal. So small player needs to make USP and presence where a
customer looks for the product so they can catch the eye of the customer
 In the FMCG sector, the loyalty of buyer or established customer base is an
essential thing because they can be an indirect marketer for your product

through mouth publicity among their groups and connections so establishing
loyal buyer base
 Understanding every potential buyer is one of the aspects as some are bulk
buyers, some buys in low quantity so according to preference, small player
should able to make the product available
 Switching cost of the buyer should be considered as a buyer tries to find out
the best deal in price and quality

4. The Threat of Substitution: This refers to the likelihood of your customers finding a
different way of doing what you do. It focuses on substitutes, the willingness of the
buyer to substitute
 In current scenarios, the spending power of the consumer has decreased, so
large brands are less willing to reduce their prices, so its opportunity for small
players to establish themselves by offering at somewhat lower price compare
to large brands
 Buyers loyalty is one of the main aspects as many buyers for many years
don't switch to other product so the small player should focus on how they
can establish a loyal consumer base
 In the FMCG sector, the buyer has plenty of options for any particular
category so it is a bit difficult for a small player to establish themselves in cut-
throat competition scenario so they should work on their USP and market

5. The Threat of New Entrants: Your position can be influenced by people's capacity to
enter your market. Thus, consider how effectively this should be possible. How
simple is it to get traction in your industry or market? What amount would it cost,
and how firmly is your Area controlled?
 To enter the FMCG market as the manufacturer will require high capital
investment compare to the retailer, so the threat for the retailer is high
compare to manufacturers but again when it comes to small players, they
don't require huge investment, so they are many small players in the market,
so customer base get divided
 Large companies like RB, HUL, AMUL, DABOUR have already established their
consumer base with the quality product line, e.g. Dettol, lifebuoy, Rin, AMUL
Milk etc. so enter in this market and try to acquire market share is difficult for
small players or moreover regional players
 Under Make in India and pandemic stimulation package Govt of India is
supporting and motivating MSMEs, Local players to enter the market by
providing loan at low-interest rates, some relaxation in rules and regulation
in the aspect of finance so it can increase the chance of increment in small
 The existing player should work on build relationship with their vendors so
when new entrant enters in the market, the current player should not lose
his share or association with the vendor

Q3 'Made in India' vs 'Made in China'
Government is trying to promote 'Make in India' mainly from 2014 and now in 2020 Indian
govt once again appealed for "Aatmanirbhar Bharat". Govt promoting and motivating 'Make
in India and Made in India' through their campaigns which has potential to increase
industries to invest in India and people to buy indigenous products. PM Narendra Modi has
given a clarion call to Make in India. Sonam Wangchuk had added noise of 'Boycott
everything Chinese' to suppress the interest of Made in China. The coronavirus outbreak
showed global supply chains could be disrupted, that over-reliance on these chains could
lead to inviting supply of viruses, as happened with Italy, and that not manufacturing at
home meant not generating decently enough paying jobs for India's people. India is getting
vocal about local through various advertisements and campaigns by Govt
comparative perception analysis between "Made in India" vs "Made in China"
products/brands within India and outside India
Within INDIA:


Biasness in perception that Indian product Low Quality has been observed as products
does't have quality are not long lasting

Chinese Products are available at lesser price

Indian product have higher price
compare to other products
Indian products are not innovative and based Chinese products are innovative and use
on older technologies, Indian products have latest technology, its products have 49%
18% association with new technology association with new technology
In recent times sentiment has been evolved Boycutting chinese products have been
in consumers, emotional connect with made started recently due to LAC and LOC tensions
in India Product observed between two countries
Govt have banned many chinese Apps so
Alternative to chinese, Indian apps have
negative perception has been spread in
opportunities to establish consumer base
According to statista , around 25% people
To capture market opportunities variety in prefffered to buy chinese products and it has
products offered have been increased been declining over the years

Outside INDIA:

As per Statista report india ranked 42nd among

49 countries for popularity of their indigenous
products in 52 countries
MADE There are many Indian brands which are famous
and have demand outside e.g. Amul, FabIndia,
Tata, craftsvilla, Old Monk

IN Still perception about indian brand is not good,

people don't prefer it, affinity is low
In Food category Local Indian brands have reach

INDIA across the world like Spices, Hapus Mango brand

Now perception is changing as quality has
increased and Govt also promoting it

Most Probably cheapest products available in the

world, china is known as Manufacturing Hub

MADE Products are innovative and as per with new new

Quality of products is on lower side while some

IN products are as per with quality

Life spam of Chinese product is less
Recently in pandemic time, Italy, Pakistan bought

CHINA Medical kits, equipments which where from china

found lower in quality
There are many famous brands of china worldwide
e.g. One Plus, Lenevo, Huawei

Market Plan & Strategy for Made in India as Brand

Marketing mix + Marketing Strategy = Market Plan
Marketing Mix: For products – 4Ps, Services – 7Ps
Made in India is brand, and we need to make plan driven by quality perspective across the
globe, we can look at FabIndia's Marketing strategy as its famous across the globe for its
traditional and quality clothing.

Fab India has expanded and remained profitable without losing its soul of handmade
clothing and ethnic wears made by rural Indian craftspeople
Product: As Made in India is brand, we need to sell its USP in our marketing plan, as a
product how its differentiating from its competitors. What uniqueness it brings to the
customer when they purchase it, we need to sell that unique point. Focused on quality
perspective is the main aspect of our plan. Features, quality, brand name, packaging,
availability are the main aspect considering the product
Promotion: Marketing communication is the point where you indirectly interact with a
potential customer, so promotion strategy should convey the uniqueness of 'Made in India'.
The advertisement should connect the customer to the brand name, recognition to brand is
an important factor in global market, we can achieve brand preference through the perfect
advertisement where we can make customer feels that its our brand which can cater your
need. Direct marketing is also one of the aspects of promotion; we need to aware people
about the brand . Made in India in the indigenous brand, we can use an institutional
framework whereas brand we can show that we are giving employment to thousands of
people especially in rural India.
Place: Presence in targeted customer market is an important thing for any brand,availability
in the global market is a most important thing as we need to manage transportation,
distribution channels, maintain inventory so that we can cater at required time and place.
We need to explore all platforms of retailers, wholesalers along with online availability of
brand on global E-commerce websites so any consumer across the world can order it
Price: Based on the targeted audience, we need to decide our price. It can be rate
competitive if the market is highly competitive or based on the quality we are providing, and
the customer can decide the price for the product. Our price will change as per other
countries policies and regulations so flexibility in price needs to consider. Attractive
discounts are also important while entering new markets

Marketing Strategy:
For finding a potential customer for 'Made in India', we need to analyse its existing market
and new market where a brand can enter. Ansoff matrix can be useful in this situation

Current Market- Current

Promotion of product in existing Current Market- New Product
market Focus on how new product
Based on consumer feedback within same brand name with
brand should improve on its uniquness can cater current
quality market
Advertisement should be based Innovation in existing products
on purpose require in market with cutting edge technology
for brand i.e. recall, recognition, should be considered
informational, prefernce Before entering with new
Try to establish long lasting product, brand should analyze
relationship with distributors, whether its differentiator in
vendors and consumers already existing products or not
Focus should be on increasing For new product USP, quality ,
more and more penetration in cost are the main differentiator
the market from already existing products

New Market- Current Product

Promotion of 'Made in India' in New Market- New Product
existing market
To strengthen 'Made in India'
Consumer need should be brand it should look for
analyse before entering with opportunities in new market
current product with catering of new product
Analysis of competitors in the under same brand name
market should be made in every Consumer need should be
aspect i.e. quality, cost, market analyse over period of time so
share of their product to get insight for new product
Try to predict the market future development
so we can make effective
startegy in long term plan while
entering new market

10 | P a g e
PESTEL ANALYSIS: (political, economic, social, technological, environmental,
legal) framework
PESTLE analysis is basically a framework used for scanning and analyzing an external macro
environment of business by considering factors which include political, economic, socio-
cultural, and technological. PEST analysis can be used to gain an insight into the
environment in which business operates, understand what these factors represent and how
they are interdependent.
Political: Political factors refers to the degree of govt intervention in the economy and
businesses. The legal and regulatory factors such as taxation policies, excise duties, labour
laws, consumer laws, environment laws, tariffs and trades etc. are considered under a
political thread
 Business environment in India is affected by multiple factors in politics such as govt
policies, politician's interest, an ideology of several political parties, international
policies. Recently govt has taken steps to push the manufacturing sector in India
 Global tenders will be disallowed in govt procurement up to 200 crores, 100% FDI
permitted through the automatic route, govt route and govt + automatic route
 Make in India 1.0 was launched in Sep 2014 which have aimed to increase the
manufacturing sector's growth rate to 12-14% per annum, to create 100 million
manufacturing jobs by 2022, ensuring manufacturing sector's contribution around
25% in GDP by 2025
 After Pandemic and border tension with china, govt trying to motivate MSME's and
consumer to buy Made in India product, so it gives huge opportunities to MSME's,
local vendors, entrepreneurs to establish themselves in market
 The Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion (DIPP), which is the nodal body
doing the back-end work for the 'Make in India' campaign, is setting up a dedicated
team of specialists, including lawyers, consultants and tax experts under 'Invest
India' to resolve any problems faced by an investor
 The govt seeks to push the domestic manufacturers up the value chain, but that
needs a lot of work on the ground
Economical: Economy includes financial factors that contribute to run of businesses such as
Capital investment, exchange rate, tax rate, interest rate, profitability, supply & demand
variations. All this factor affects and decides the status of a business and how it is running.
 GDP rate is a factor indicating growth of the economy of any nation; more it is
healthier is an environment for businesses, India is developing country and one of
the largest economies in the world, GDP was growing steadily before the pandemic
 India should work on Infrastructure as poor Infrastructure, and inefficient logistics is
one of the hindrances in the growth of businesses
 Our tax system is well developed and integrated now GST has brought up a change
which was necessary for a system to have one tax system

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 Stimulus package announced in pandemic has come as a relief to many small
businesses, and it motivated small players to stay in the competition, compare to the
size of Indian economy it should have been more
 Govt should work on creating a business-friendly economic environment and which
can create more investment in every sector, reforms in the agricultural sector is
need of time as almost 50% of labour depend on that which contribute nearly 18% to
Social: It includes cultural, demographic, geographic, social morals. Trends among peoples,
its effect can be included in social. Individual attributes and characteristics of society also
contribute to the need of consumer so that business. It covers all aspects on individual as
well as society, literacy rates, age group wise distribution, income wise distribution, work
culture, education quality with variance in all factors mentioned
 Indian culture is one of the main influencers in buying pattern of consumer in India,
society also pays very important role in buying pattern
 India is diverse country where people from different background comes and lives so
satisfying all kind of need for everyone creates potential market for business
 India has huge demographic dividend, youth population so govt should work on
utilization of this factors at maximum efficiency which will be beneficial for economy
as well as development of country
 Weak school learning outcomes, weak health care system, poor quality of education
in certain areas, lacked skilled manpower, large vocational training gap, literacy rates
are the main problems, sustainable solution to them is key to development of our
nation. Actually, these problems create opportunities for businesses and govt to
work on
Technological: Technology is evolving with time as result consumers are also becoming
tech-savvy. R&D, innovation, automation, ease of doing work, digitalization are the drivers
of technology. India is one of the leaders in technological sector, space sector we are as per
comparable with all big nations but still in some sectors we lag behind such as R&D
investment, Automation in the manufacturing sector. India possess one of the strongest IT
sectors in world

 Rapid growth in e-commerce sector is positive sign. It evolved over years with CAGR
27% which is significant. Amazon has announced to invest 2 billion dollars in an
Indian E-commerce business
 Indian IT, services industry is one of the leaders in world, service sector contribute
almost 50% in our GDP, innovation in this sector with AR, VR, IoT, cloud based data
storage system are key to development. Data is the new oil
 Automation in manufacturing sector with involvement of IT, upgraded technology is
the need of time specially in agriculture as its main sector on which our economy is

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 Only organization in in India is high-tech is ISRO and DRDO which has developed truly
indigenous high technology stuff, govt should focused on increasing such types of
organization and promote investment in R&D
 India is known as assembling hub where companies import technology from their
native place so we need to improve in this aspect and target to become
technological hub
Legal and Environmental: Legal laws, environmental laws, reduction of carbon footage,
environment friendly, sustainability, Land acquisitions and laws are the main factors in this
aspect of PESTEL analysis
 India is the only country among G20 nations which is on track to meet what it had
promised in 2015 under the Paris Agreement on climate change unlike the top three
emitters — China, the US and the EU. Which is positive sign of being environment
 BS-VI norms in automotive industry is one of the big steps towards reducing
pollution and making living in urban city less polluted specially, metro cities like
Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata
 Companies are targeting sustainability in their product also consumer behaviour
while purchasing product is also changing considering environment as one of the
 India should focus on more generation of renewable energy; India is leading mega
project related to generation of more solar energy worldwide
 In recent past many legal changes have been implemented such as recycling,
minimum wage increase, improvising women's ratio at workplace which directly
affect business
 Administration should work on tax collection, nearly 3% people pays tax and there is
huge income inequality as less than 4% of tax payers pay 60% of tax income so it
become difficult for govt to find fund for investment
 Corruption is also one of the issues in India, we need to make strict laws against it
such as 'Lokpaal' which is yet to pass in assemblies

Some Policies changes and suggestions to the GoI:

 As discussed above 'Lokpaal' is bill that can bring change in administration system of
India, by extracting corruption money can utilize in better purpose for development
by Govt
 India should spend more on health care, education sector as of now its 3.6%, 4.6% of
GDP respectively which is very less compare to developed nations. India should
spend more in this sector and try to motivate business to manufacture modern
health related facilities in India
 Agriculture in India constitutes 14% percent of GDP, 44 percent of employment and
is the backbone of the rural economy but contributes only 16% of Gross Value Added
(GVA) Hence, government intervention and assistance is highly essential to facilitate

13 | P a g e
implementation of both policy and structural reforms to address some of the key
challenges in agriculture, Govt should motivate business to make Indian agriculture
innovative and technology based
 Inexperienced or new workers is also an issue and is a risk to the business, lack of
automation these problems will result in lower productivity, can spoil the quality and
have an effect on profitability, so giving vocational training program to create skilled
manpower is need of time
 Working capital and financing for MSME's, small players specially in rural areas
should be available easily with easing in loan terms, loan amount so small players
can have enough cash reserve to run business smoothly
 Infrastructure is one of the main problems Indian business faces in terms of
distribution network, transportation sometimes availability of product at remote
place is still problems so, reach to each consumer should be targeted by business
and govt should look to build strong supporting Infrastructure in terms of
transportations, building network of roads, trains so it will reduce time and
transportation cost
 Utilization of manpower, resources in effective way to create business friendly
environment which will led effective growth in every sector specially in rural and
agriculture, manufacturing sector should be target of Indian government


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