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1 The celebrated theory is still a THE source of great controversy (9/10)

2 A good architecture ARCHITECTURAL structure should be useful, durable and beautiful (9/10)

3 We can all meet at my office after the lecture – in (10/10)

4 All industries consist of input, process processes, output and feedback (9/9)

5 All students are expected to attend 10 lab sessions per semester (11/11)

6 Although sustainable unsustainable sustainability development is not easy, it is an unavoidable responsibility


7 A sign signed man An assignment. Assignments should be submitted to the department office before the
deadline 11/11

8 Before attending the lecture(,) you must register online or by post 11/11

9 Students will develop confidence in their ability to think criticly criticaly critic CRITICALLY 9/10

10 Clinics placement in nursing preparing students for practice clinics (GOT REALLY LOST ON THIS ONE)


11 Control systems in manufactury manufacture MANUFACTURING provide a high level of accuracy (9/10)

12 Daily practise practice practize can build confidence and improve skills 8/8

13 Economic Echonomic problems cause caused a big raise rise in unemployment 8/8

14 Human beings compete with other species for resources and space 10/10

15 Free campus tours run daily DURING SUMMER for perspective students 8/10

16 Good research delivers practical benefits for real people 8/8

17 Government reforms have been proposed at all levels 8/8

18 The lecture is about the reasons for the financial crisis crysis chrisis chrysis 10/10

19 If it helps to take notes to concentrate, please do 10/10

20 It is absolutely vital that you acknowledge all your sources 10/10


Min 11:56
21. Library reference desks holds HOLD a lot of material MATERIALS on academic history 9/11
22. Most of the THESE students have not considered this issue before 9/10
23. Native speakers are excempt except exempt from the language test tests in on their own language 12/12
24. The Tablet Tableck PUBLIC perception from ABOUT biotechnology is crutial crucial FOR DEVELOPING to
find scientific consensus concensus 6/10
25. Radio is a popular form of entertainment throughout thruout throwout truout the world World 10/10
26. Relevant Relevants material materials are reserved preserved in the library 7/7
27. Remember, the PRESTIGIOUS president pre election pre-election preset prest election of STUDENT strict
membership has (STRICT) elegibility criteria 9/11
28. Review all your sources before drawing you draw any conclussions conclusion conclussion conclusions 8/8
29. Scientists are always asking the government governments for more money 9/9
30. Students have the option to live in college residences or apartments colleges residence or apartment
appartment appartments colleges options 11/11
90/99 = 90,9%

31. Students who are successful have a good strategy for learning Student succesful to learn 10/10
32. Student concession cards can be obtained by completing an application form. Students card concessions
concesion consesion consession card obtein completeing 11/11
33. Supply and demand is one of the most fundamental concepts in economy. demmand fundammental
concept economic economics 12/12
34. A bar chart can provide useful information for data comparison Bar provides usefull comparisons
informations 10/10
35. The area AEREAL of photographs was WERE pumt promptly registered for promptly THOROUGH
evaluation 6/9
36. The application process PROCESSES may take longer than expected aplication proces might 7/8
37. The artist TIED to the conservative politician earn EARNED the role of critics artists politicians earns roles
criticism 10/12
38. The autor others authors AUTHOR’S EARLY WORKS ARE often seem tend to be more phylosophical
phylosophy less philosophycal PHILOSOPHICAL and less experimental 5/10
39. The bussiness bussines business policy seminar includes include an internship internships with a local
farmer firm firms 11/11
40. The chemistry building is located near the entrace to the campus chemist chemistrie are on in at to 11/11

93/104= 89,4%

41. The citys found FOUNDERS has created a set of rules that became law become citie’s cities’ cities city’s
fund 10/11
42. The island is located at the southend of the bay Island south end south-end in at on by 11/11
43. The library holds a substantial collection of materials on THE economic history. 11/12
44. The massive acumulation of data was converted into a communicative COMMUNICABLE argument
argument accumulation communication 10/11
45. The nation achieve achieved prosperitiy by achiving OPENING its it’s prost pro pros portray PORTS FOR
TRADE 6/10
46. The railway makes long distance long-distance long-distances distances make travel travelling possible for
everyone make has made 9/9
47. The students were instructed to submit submitt subbmit submmit their assignment assignments before
Friday 10/10
48. The teacher asked the group to commence the task tasks command 9/9
49. The theme of the instrument instructed instrumented INSTRUMENTAL work exhibits more of a DEMURE
compositional style 11/13
50. The ways in which people communicate are constantly changing . way 9/9


51. Making mistakes is fine as long as you lean from them. 11/11 a mistake learned
52. There will be a conference here next summer week Wednesday on (using THE) web services how to use
search using for academic research 14/15
53. They were struggling last year to make their service pay. They’re services paid 10/10
54. This morning’s lecture on economic policy has been cancelled. Morning is mornings lectures economy
policies have the canceled 9/9
55. Those seeking a formal extension should contact their faculty for information 11/11
56. Travelling by boat in the river is not possible in winter. 11/11 Traveling in on it is it’s posible the
57. It will be extremely beneficial to work togheter. Would working toghether together 8/8
58. This project is divided into four main sections. In to 4 8/8
59. Understanding how to use the library will save you your time 10/10
60. We can’t consider any increase in the OUR price at this stage. Can a on these stages 10/11

102/104= 98%

61. F
62. f
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87. f
88. f
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105. d

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