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‘Table 7-1: Combat Actions Tm Su (Coacesittion mo) Varies Fatt Artick, Melee Brace Heavy Weapon Halt Miscellsncous ‘Amack, Conceattion, Neoead oo Melee orRanged Chan Full ‘Amuck Melee, Moveaent Fall Conce Delsy Patt Mises Disengage Full Movement Evasion Reaction Movement or Melee Feint Hatt Melee Varice Antack, Ranged ‘Attack, Melee Concentrton, Melee/Ranged Movemneat Aatack, Melee ‘Attck, Melee Melee, Movems Movement ‘Atack, Concenteition, Ranged Miscellincous Miscellincous Focus Power Varice Full Avto Borst Hull Grapple Veres Guarded Action Halt Joonp or Leap Full Kock Dos Halt Lightaing Attack = Half Mazoeavie Hale Move Vaties Overwatch Fall Ray rit Reload Varies Res Fall SemiAvto Borst Hal Stund/Mosnt/ Standard Anick Hal Stua Full ‘Suppresting Fire Fell Swift Arick Fait Tudlial Advance Full Uses Skill Movement stack, Ranged Hatt Movement tack, Melee or Ranged Avtck, Melee Avtack,Rasged stack, Melee Concentration, Movement Vries Concestrtiog, Miscellineoos ES f HO (Hulda 120 (Fal) bonus to chatacters next stack. ie up th to gain 30 WS. Sopport» Heavy weap for proper frig. Erato reat Attack specific locaton on target with 20 ta WS or BS. Mast move atleast 4 metres, +20 to WS. Gain an additional Reaction. Opponents suffer =20 WS. ay take uny Half Action before character’ next ur, Break from melee without incecing re attack Used with either the Dodge (Movemee!) or Paty (Mele) skill seid imoasng tice (Opposed WS test if character wis his next tac cannot be Dodged or Parse. Usea Prychic Power. =IOBS, one hit for every degree of success Alfect s Grapled opponest o escape from + Grapple 10 ta WS or BS, +10 toll Evasion test vot stat of went tore, Jp vetially or leap horizowtally Tey to knock an opponeat tothe groved 10 WS, ane hit for evry degee of succes Opposed WS test if ch Move wp to AgB as Half Action ortwice Agh at Full Action cer wins, move enemy I mete Shoot targets coming into a et kill one, Ready » weipos orm item, Reloads canged weapos, Move six times AgB, enemies gain 20 BS and +20 WS to hit “HBS, sitions hit for every two additional depres ofrecer Stand up fom being Peose, mount ot dismount siding beast eats or leaves vehicle, oF move within» vehicle +10 WS or BS, aake ose mele o ranged stack Tey to Stun an opponent 2088. “HWS, additional hit for every two additional deprece of sicen targets entering Semi or Full Aut fre ae Mave from cover to coves, Character may wes sill, Brace Heavy WEAPON Type: Half Action Sulbype: Miscellaneous Heavy wespons must be braced before they can be fied accurately, “This can involve using a ipod or tipod, propping the weapon up, Be ee senply estuming a ide sunce or Kneeling, When a charaer 7 res an unbraced Heavy weapon, be suffers a ~30 penal to his Ballsic Skil test He can use this acion to secure the weapon © in place, after which point itis braced and remsins so until itis ‘moved. Once it has been braced, it cannot be moved without losing the benefit of bracing. Howeve, the user can still pivot it 45° (or sometimes more) depending on the typeof bracing, For example, a “weapon braced inthe notch of «broken wall would have a limited Field of fre, while one on a full tripod could potentially pivot up 10 180". Note that a character can leave a braced weapon behind, assuming that he was bracing the weapon against something other, > than himself—it only ceases being braced sehen relocated. SY phan Cattep SHor ‘Type: Full Acion ‘Subtypes: Anck, Concentration, Melee or Ranged ‘The active character attempts to atack a. speciic or vulnersble area on his target. The attacker declares a location on his target (eg, Head, Body, Lei Arm, Right Arm, Left Leg, or Right Leg) and makes an attack following all the rules for Standard Anacks, except the testis ether a Hard (-20) Weapon Skil or Ballistic Skill test (depending on whether the atack is melee or ranged). If he seceeds, he skips the Determine Hit Location sep of the attack and instead inflcs one hit on the declared location, At the GMP clscretion, this atack can be used to aim at speciic locations on creatures or within the environment, such as shooting a door lock from across the room or disabling a wall-mounted vid-recorde, ‘This atack does not gan the usul +10 bonus for Standard Aracks Ciuprer VIL: Connat

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