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FAIR + Code of Conduct:

Students involved in FAIR + classes are seen as ambassadors of their school while in the
community and should act in ways that reflect positively on their school at all times. As a result
of the excellent students we have sent out into the community in the past, new doors have been
opened for FAIR + students. We expect this to continue as more partners see the highly
engaged, creative, and respectful students active in the community. Students agree to follow
their district's Student Handbook, all applicable district policies, as well as all the rules and
expectations of our partner locations. FAIR + classes require students to be independent,
responsible, mature, motivated, engaged and ready to participate in a professional setting
without support or supervision from school district staff. Students who do not meet these high
standards of participation may be removed from the program.

FAIR + Transportation Information:

As part of the FAIR + experience, students begin to learn to navigate their community in order to
pursue their passions. As a result of our location and an efficient public transportation system,
the majority of FAIR + classes are readily accessible to most students by public transit. Metro
Transit passes are provided to students who need bus fare in order to participate. Students
enrolled in FAIR + classes will need to pay attention to the specific transportation details for
each class. Due to the varying times of FAIR + classes, the coordination of transportation to and
from classes will be the responsibility of the student and their parent/guardian.There will be no
FAIR or Minneapolis Public Schools Staff supervising students during transit to and from FAIR +
Classes. It is vital that a clear plan is developed between students and parents/guardians for
transportation to and from each FAIR+ class. If transportation issues become a barrier for
participation, please do not hesitate to contact the FAIR + office as a solution can generally be
found. Relevant parent/guardian contact information as well as emergency contact information
will be shared with partner organizations in order to facilitate communication between parents/
guardians and the partner organization.

Additional Waivers and Permission:

FAIR + Classes require additional parental consent paperwork that must be returned to the
FAIR + office prior to your student participating in FAIR + Classes. Some partners require
additional waivers and or parental consent to be handed in directly to the partner organization.
When possible, these forms will be made available on the website or emailed to the parent/
guardian email address provided. Failure to return relevant forms may result in students being
removed from a program.

FAIR + Course ID and Class Name

Write in FAIR + Location and Address Here:

Write in class dates here:

Partner organization will provide instruction and supervision during class times

Important Information regarding FAIR + Classes

Students agree to follow the district's Student Handbook, all applicable district policies, as well as all the rules and expectations of our
partner locations. FAIR + classes require students to be independent, responsible, mature, motivated, engaged and ready to
participate in a professional setting without support or supervision from school district staff.Students who do not meet these high
standards of participation may be removed from the program.

As part of the FAIR + experience, students begin to learn to navigate their community in order to pursue their passions. As a result of
our location and an efficient public transportation system, the majority of FAIR + classes are readily accessible to most students by
public transit. Metro Transit passes are provided to students who need bus fare in order to participate. Students enrolled in FAIR +
classes will need to pay attention to the specific transportation details for each class. Due to the varying times of FAIR + classes, the
coordination of transportation to and from classes will be the responsibility of the student and their parent/guardian.There will be no
FAIR or Minneapolis Public Schools Staff supervising students during transit to and from FAIR + Classes. It is vital that a clear plan is
developed between students and parents/guardians for transportation to and from each FAIR+ class. Relevant parent/guardian
contact information as well as emergency contact information will be shared with partner organizations in order to facilitate
communication between parents/guardians and the partner organization.

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