Graft and Corruption Final

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Kailangan ni nato storyaan because this issue, corruption, is a persistent cancer that’s killing our country, and destroying

lives of many Filipinos. It’s like a contagious disease that infects and transforms the young generation of leaders from
righteous ones into wrongdoers. If this disease persists any longer, atong present and future will be in a big trouble.

Graft – defined by the acquisition of goods, money, or any form of profit by dishonest or questionable means, by the use of
one’s office influence or position. Example, receiving compensation for a public service; the use of contract for personal gain

Corruption – an inducement of an official or office personnel to do an act of graft, the motive of which is to have a share in
the “spoils” such as money, goods. Or in other words, government or company is trying to cheat people out of money.

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) classifies corruption into two types:

Spontaneous – found in societies observing strong ethics (rules provided by workplaces) and morals (individual’s own

Institutionalized – found in societies where corrupt behaviors are perennially extensive (permanently affecting a large
area) or pervasive.

Tax Evasion – a crime in which an individual or entity intentionally avoids paying taxes. This includes hiding money and
hiding interest in offshore accounts.

Passing of contracts – not following plan specifications by contractors in construction projects in order to get more profit.
Ex: Bari is a construction worker and I ordered Bari to buy this kind of wood because of its good quality but Bari secretly
bought the cheaper ones in order to gain more profit. So therefore Bari committed a crime which is the passing of contracts.

Extortion – also called blackmailing. It is the practice of obtaining something especially money, through force of threats–
threatening victim’s property, person, or loved ones with harm.

Bribery – the act of promising, giving, receiving, or agreeing money or some other item of value with corrupt act. Ex: paying
trial court in judge in order to receive a favor in the case regardless of justice.


Poverty – because all human being prefer life than wealth. Low-level officials themselves may have trouble earning an
honest living. In poor societies, they are often underpaid that’s why extortion, theft and bribery become matters of

Family Interest – because an interest will intrigue people to fly higher, to reach their wants. They want their families to
be a part with those who are in the higher ups. So corruption is the only way to accumulate wealth in order to be
recognized and to become powerful man and woman.

Low Salary – because it relates with the interests of the family. When you have a low income, you cannot promote the
interest of your family, and you will remain poor. But if you enter corruption, then the tendency you will accumulate more
wealth and become equal to the rich people.

Consumerism – because he/she will spend greater amount even though it is not level with his/her salary thus, he/she
will will enter corruption. Mangurakot siya.

Excessive discretionary powers – he/she wants to please everyone so he/she will use excessive power to control the
people. So how can he/she control people or to give orders to them is he/she does not have enough money? So
corruption will be the first thing she/he will do to sustain the loyalty of people.


Poverty – because when a number of officials become corrupt, then the nation will become poor, thus it will face
poverty. Because it is our money, so if the government is corrupt, our nation or country will face poverty.

Lack of proper justice – if the law is not implemented well, then the people will take advantage of it, they will not take
that laws seriously. Then the tendency is that people will buy justice so tagaan niyag kwarta ang mga fiscal, ang mga
judge, to win the case bisan pa nga sad-an siya.
Uneven distribution of wealth – if there are many people who are corrupt, some of the people will not be given the
privilege to build or to make a business. The corrupt government or people will only have the chance to have business,
thus they will use bribery para mahatag saila ang privilege in order to open some business.

Resolving Graft and Corruption

The New York Times (2007) said that according to foreign businesspersons and expatriates, graft and corruption in
the Philippines is worst in the Asia. According to the, this is the main reason why our country is still poor until now.

The Aquino administration has spent a lot for the eradication of the graft and corruption in the country. It has released
a large amount of money to capture the leaders of the graft and corruption and have been subjected to impeachment.
The Ombudsman filed graft and corruption cases against a number of government officials.

In response to Aquino Administration’s desire to eradicate graft and corruption, Executive Order No.43 was passed
last May 13, 2011. It stated that its goal is to have a peaceful country by have respectable government leaders as
models, in line with the R.A. 6713, which is entitled “Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards for Public Officials and

1. Provide higher salary and better benefits for the government employees to avoid bribery.

2. Increase the number of staff in the government sector. Government employees are slow in processing transactions
because they are overworked. Because of this, the bribery is rampant to speed up the process.

3. Pass a bill that will get rid of convicted corrupt officials. Suspension from work is not enough.

4. Provide a receipt for each transaction with the government.

5. Install CCTV cameras in all government offices.

6. Strictly implement office hours in government agencies.

7. Speed up the trial of cases in the courts of justice.

8. Motivate media to be responsible and create a law that will ensure this. People in the media should be honest in
disclosing what they know about corruption in the government and they too, should not accept bribes.

9. Organize the system of appointing government officials and make it transparent. Be sure that there is no favor
given to possible candidates.

Anti-Graft and Corrupt Practices Act

 1897 Constitution Article II, Section 27 states that:

The state shall maintain honesty and integrity in the public service and take positive and effective measures
against graft and corruption.

Graft and corruption still continue despite laws imposing severe penalties for their violation. One reason why
corrupt acts gets unreported because potential witnesses fear reprisals from the perpetrators.

So, the government must encourage potential witnesses to come out with information by providing them
adequate protection from reprisals.

This bill provides protection to employees, who may have evidence or information relating to a substantial
violation of law related to a public contract, including negotiation of contract.

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