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Sandbag Training: A

Sample 4-Week Training

Katie Sell, PhD, CSCS,1 Kurt Taveras, BS,2 and Jamie Ghigiarelli, PhD, CSCS1
Department of Health Professions and Kinesiology, and 2Gridiron, Inc, Flushing, New York

SUMMARY training tools is an approach that falls However, sandbag training has gained
under the heading of ‘‘free-weight credibility and popularity among a
implement training’’ (4,7). Lifting or variety of other populations, such as
moving odd-shaped dynamic (e.g., children, nonathletic, and clinical pop-
TRAINING APPROACHES ARE ulations (4,6). Teixeira-Salmela et al. (8)
water- or sand-filled) implements re-
USED TO ENHANCE MUSCULO- used low-intensity training programs
quires muscular activation and input
SKELETAL ADAPTATIONS IN that incorporated sandbag weights to
from many, if not virtually all, of the
ATHLETES. SANDBAG TRAINING IS improve gait performance in middle-
major muscle groups throughout the
AN EFFECTIVE AND POPULAR aged individuals under rehabilitation
body. Consequently, this form of train-
TRAINING MODALITY ADOPTED BY ing is a potentially more transferable for poststroke hemiplegia. Sandbag
MANY STRENGTH AND CONDI- training approach to physically exer- training was incorporated into an
TIONING COACHES AND PER- tive sport- and occupation-specific exercise and dietary program for obese
SONAL TRAINERS. THE PURPOSE tasks requiring multiplanar movement. children that improved lean mass and
OF THIS ARTICLE IS TO (A) BRIEFLY bone mineral integrity (11). Although
The most popular documented uses of not attributable to sandbag training
sandbag training are for strength and alone, this latter study highlighted that
conditioning in the athletic arena, for with the appropriate precautions in
tactical populations, and for strongman accordance with youth resistance train-
events. Sandbag and implement train- ing guidelines (3), sandbag training can
ing in general has become popular for be safely used by younger populations.
athletes pursuing sport-specific training
INCORPORATING SANDBAG Sandbag training may also provide
modalities. Sandbag training can reflect
EXERCISES THAT MAY SERVE AS A a functional substitution for traditional
the unpredictable resistance provided
TEMPLATE FOR FUTURE PROGRAM weight room–based machines or sup-
by many of the situations inherent in
DEVELOPMENT. plemental training approach for tacti-
sports and strongman events and will
cal athletes, such as Emergency Service
consequently help generate beneficial
or SWAT personnel. The dynamic and
ver recent years, strength and and event-specific neurological training
unpredictable resistance provided by

O conditioning professionals have

placed greater emphasis on
functional training—training that mim-
adaptations. Furthermore, sandbag
weights (specifically tubes) have been
incorporated into training to supple-
sandbags forces the body to continu-
ally adjust position to maintain stability
during given functional movement
ics the demands of a given physical ment or replace traditional barbells patterns. This variable resistance high-
activity or individual need (2,10). In an because they are less expensive and lights the potential ability of this type
effort to optimize strength and condi- more reflective of the hand grip and of training to mimic occupational tasks
tioning practices, individuals have stance used in competition (9). This like climbing over obstacles and lifting
looked to alternative training ap- rationale is supported by exercise or dragging victims. Furthermore,
proaches that optimize available time professionals and researchers, such as sandbag training demands continuous
and resources, without compromising Waller et al. (9), who suggested that ‘‘.
fitness. Sandbag training has emerged the specific movements that are used in
as a popular, practical, and productive the sport, occupation, or activities of
sandbags; resistance training; fitness;
option that encompasses these training daily living must be used in the exercise
exercise; training program
considerations. The use of sandbags as selection’’ (p. 48).

88 VOLUME 33 | NUMBER 4 | AUGUST 2011 Copyright Ó National Strength and Conditioning Association
activation (and thus training) of the SAMPLE SANDBAG TRAINING individuals with some resistance train-
stabilizer muscles through the body, PROGRAM ing experience. The sandbag, barbell,
improvements in which can signifi- Table 1 presents a 4-week training or dumbbell weight is not presented in
cantly reduce risk of injury if trained program that incorporates sandbag the table. A sandbag weight that allows
through movement patterns reflective training appropriate for intermediate- for the completion of the suggested
of occupational tasks. level resistance trainers and/or sets and repetitions should be chosen

Table 1
SB training program
Day 1 Day 2 Day 3

Exercise Volume* Exercise Volume* Exercise Volume*

Week 1
Seated SB front squat 2 3 10 SB front squat 238 SB front squat 2 3 10
SB carry 1 3 50 yd SB skull crushers 1 3 12, 1 3 10 DB overhead press 2 3 12
BB overhead press 1 3 10, 1 3 8, 1 3 6 DB bent-over rows 1 3 10, 2 3 8 SB drag 2 3 50 yd
DB lunge 2 3 20† DB farmer’s walk 2 3 50 yd SB shoulder toss† 1 3 20†
DB curl 3 3 10 Front planks 2 3 60 s Russian twists† 2 3 20
Week 2
DB lunge 2 3 20† Russian twists† 2 3 20† BB overhead press 2 3 15
SB skull crushers 238 Front plank 2 3 60 s SB front squat 1 3 10, 1 3 8,
DB curl 3 3 15 SB carry 3 3 50 yd SB slams† 2 3 30 s
DB bent-over rows 2 3 15 SB slams† 2 3 30 s Russian twists† 2 3 20†
SB front squat 1 3 10, 1 3 8, 1 3 6 SB up-rows 2 3 15 SB carry 3 3 50 yd
Week 3
DB carry 2 3 75 yd SB overhead press 2 3 15 SB front squat 1 3 20
SB farmer’s walk 2 3 60 yd SB hang cleans 3 3 10 SB farmer’s walk 2 3 60 yd
SB slam† 2 3 40 s SB lunge† 2 3 15 SB skull crushers 1 3 20
SB pull to shoulder† 2 3 10 DB curls† 2 3 20 SB shoulder toss† 1 3 20†
Front planks 2 3 80 s Russian twists† 2 3 20 Side planks 2 3 45 s
Week 4
SB hang cleans 2 3 10 DB bent-over rows 3 3 12 SB slam 2 3 45 s
SB drag 1 3 50 yd SB overhead press 2 3 15 SB cleans and press 1 3 12, 1 3 10
SB burpees 2 3 10 SB front squat 2 3 12 SB drag 1 3 100 yd
Russian twists† 2 3 20† SB farmer’s walk 2 3 70 yd SB skull crushers 2 3 10
Side planks 2 3 45 s SB Russian twists† 3 3 20 DB curls 3 3 15
SB pull to shoulder† 1 3 15 DB lunge† 2 3 12 SB Russian twists† 3 3 15
*Sets 3 repetitions unless otherwise noted.

†Alternating sides (right side first, repeat on left).

BB ¼ barbell; DB ¼ dumbbell; SB ¼ sandbag.

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Sandbag Training

Table 2
Sandbag exercise descriptions

Exercise Exercise description

Sandbag carry Sandbag can be carried distance prescribed in numerous ways.
Cradle bag high on chest and rest on biceps in front of the body (Figure 1)
Resting on either shoulder (be sure to alternate)
Maintaining form is an important component for any bag position.
Sandbag O-press In standing position, hold the ends of the sandbag in each hand at high
(overhead press) chest/anterior shoulder level, with shoulders and elbows flexed (Figure 2).
Extend the elbows and fully flex the shoulders to drive sandbag upward toward
ceiling and over the head. Hips and knees may flex (1/4 squat position) and then
extend simultaneously with the elbows to add an explosive element to the
press motion.
Keep head up and eyes looking forward.
Lower bag to starting position gradually and with control.
Sandbag lunge Cradle bag high on chest, resting on biceps in front of the body (Figure 1) or hold
in ‘‘hug’’ grip position (Figure 3).
Keeping upper body vertical and bag at chest level, step forward with the right leg,
flexing 90° at the knee and hip. Bring the left knee slowly to the floor (light touch).
Bring both legs back to starting position and repeat, alternating legs.
Sandbag front squat In a standing position, cradle sandbag high on chest (Figure 1) or in hug grip position
(Figure 3), feet shoulder-width apart and flat on the floor.
Stand erect with upper body vertical and back straight. Begin downward movement
by flexing at the hips and knees until thighs break parallel.
Upward movement begins once the thighs have broken parallel by extending the
hips, knees, and ankles (triple extension).
Keep head up, back straight, and eyes looking forward during return movement. Return
to starting position, keeping correct form.
For the seated version of the sandbag front squat, the lifter descends until the buttocks
are seated on a bench or chair, as opposed to the thighs breaking parallel.
Sandbag skull crushers Lie supine on a bench holding the ends of the sandbag in each hand with shoulders
flexed and elbows extended (slight bend in elbows allowed) (Figure 4a).
Flexing at the elbow, while maintaining should flexion, bring sandbag slowly toward
forehead, pause (Figure 4b), and return to overhead position.
Sandbag up-row Stand erect holding sandbag in front of the body using a pronated grip (either gripping
the handles or the actual sandbag) with full elbow extension. Feet shoulder-width apart.
Pull sandbag upward by flexing at the elbows and abducting the shoulders.
Maintain slight flexion in the knees and keep head up.
Top of the sandbag should finish between midsternum and chin or when the elbows
are at shoulder level (Figure 5).
Slowly lower the sandbag back to the starting position.

(continued )

90 VOLUME 33 | NUMBER 4 | AUGUST 2011

Table 2

Exercise Exercise description

Sandbag farmer’s walk Two sandbags of the same weight are needed for this exercise. Use squat motion when
bending down to pick up sandbags with each hand.
Each sandbag should be held with a closed grip to the side of the body with full elbow
extension (Figure 6).
Keeping torso extended and shoulders retracted, head up, and eyes facing forward,
walk designated distance.
Return bags to the floor in same squat motion they were retrieved.
Sandbag drag Hold one end of sandbag with both hands using a pronated grip. Keep opposite end of
sandbag in contact with the floor (Figure 7).
Maintain shoulder and elbow extension throughout the exercise.
Lean back with shoulders retracted while stepping backward (small steps) and dragging
sandbag for designated distance or time.
Sandbag shoulder toss In a standing position, hold sandbag in front of the body with the left hand on the
proximal side of sandbag/handle and the right hand on the middle portion.
If using a sandbag without handles, start by cradling the sandbag, as opposed to
gripping the handles (Figure 1).
Maintain feet shoulder-width apart, head up, and eyes facing forward throughout
the exercise.
Initial movement involves flexing the hips and knees (1/4 squat) in preparation for
explosive upward movement.
Upward movement involves explosive extension of the hips and knees, elbow extension,
horizontal adduction of the left shoulder, and horizontal abduction of the right shoulder
to toss sandbag onto the right shoulder (Figure 8).
Slightly flex the hips and knees to assist movement of sandbag back to starting position.
Reverse hand position and toss sandbag onto the left shoulder. One repetition includes
a lift to both shoulders.
Sandbag hang clean Hold the ends of the sandbag in each hand in a standing position, with feet
shoulder-width apart, back straight, and eyes facing forward. Start with elbows
extended and sandbag at midthigh level, with knees and hips flexed (hips at a higher
level than knees).
Initial upward movement involves extending the hips, knees, and ankles (triple
extension), while shrugging the shoulders in an upward motion, keeping the elbows
extended and the sandbag close to the body.
At the top of the upward movement or ‘‘pull’’ phase, the lifter rapidly flexes the elbows
(keep elbow high) and rotates the elbows and wrists to ‘‘catch’’ the sandbag at shoulder
level. The catch phase is assisted by rapid hip, knee, and ankle flexion.
Finish position resembles the starting position for a push press (Figure 2) and is achieved
by pushing up against the sandbag and extending the hips, knees, and ankles. Avoid
excessive hip flexion during this final movement, elbows should also remain high, and
torso straight. Keep sandbag close to body throughout exercise.
Lower bag to starting position gradually and with control.

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Sandbag Training

Table 2

Exercise Exercise description

Sandbag burpees Stand erect and hold the sandbag in front of the body with elbows and shoulders
extended. Feet should be shoulder-width apart.
Flex the hips, knees, and ankles bringing the sandbag to the floor in a full squat position.
Keep elbows extended and hands flat on the floor on either side of the sandbag.
Rapidly flex the shoulders and extend the hips and knees into the upward position
for a standard push-up. Keep knees and ankles together during movement. Keep
head up and eyes facing up and forward (Figure 9).
Jump from push-up position back to squat position by forcefully flexing the hips and
knees while extending at the shoulders.
Grip sandbag and extend hips, knees, and ankles to starting position for sandbag hang
clean. Proceed with sandbag hang clean exercise.
Finish position resembles the starting position for an overhead or push press (Figure 2).
One repetition is complete when the bag is returned in a controlled manner to the
starting position.
Sandbag slam Sandbag starts on the floor on the right side of the body. Flex the right hip, and slightly
flex the right knee, while gripping the ends of the sandbag in each hand, with feet
shoulder-width apart (Figure 10).
Maintaining elbow extension (slight flexion is allowed), rotate sandbag up right side of
body, overhead and back down the left side of the body, making a large arch with
the bag.
Try to maintain sandbag over the head, not in front of the body.
Sandbag Russian twists Begin in the hook position with the upper torso raised 60° from the floor. Feet are
raised approximately 6 in. from the floor.
Sandbag starts on the floor on the right side of the body. Hold the ends of the
sandbag in each hand (Figure 11).
Pick the sandbag up and rotate trunk to the left side, tapping the left side of the
sandbag to the floor. Return to the right side and tap the right side of the sandbag
on the floor.
Repeat rotation and tap motion for designated time or repetitions.
Sandbag pull to shoulder Sandbag starts on the floor. Hold the ends of the sandbag in each hand with feet
shoulder-width apart, hips, knees and shoulders slightly flexed, elbows extended,
shoulders retracted, and back straight (Figure 12).
Forcefully extend hips and knees to lift sandbag. As lower body extends, shoulders
horizontally adduct (left shoulder) and abduct (right shoulder), and elbows flex to
assist toss of sandbag onto the right shoulder (Figure 8).
Slight hip and knee flexion is encouraged as sandbag is ‘‘caught’’ on shoulder. Fully
extend the hips and knees to complete exercise.
Return to starting position by flexing at the hips and knees.
Repeat exercise onto the left shoulder. One repetition includes a lift to both shoulders.

initially. It is important to remember accordance with the established guide- increases for upper-body and isolated
that this weight may be different for lines (5), increases in weight lifted lower-body exercises. The exercise
men and women of different ages and should be conducted in a progressive should be stopped and a physician
levels of lifting experience. In and gradual manner, with smaller should be consulted if pain presents

92 VOLUME 33 | NUMBER 4 | AUGUST 2011

Table 3
Squat progressions

2 Leg, supported* 2 Leg, stable Unilateral, stable†

Body weight only* Seated front squat—wide Front squat—wide base Directional lunge
base of support of support (forward/backward lunge)
Add weight Sandbag seated front squat Sandbag front squat with Sandbag lunge with sandbag
with sandbag in sandbag in
Hug position Hug position Hanging either side of the body†
Hug position
Cradle position Cradle position Cradle position
Add weight—change Sandbag seated front squat Sandbag front squat with Sandbag lunge with sandbag
center of gravity with sandbag sandbag
Held in front of chest Held in front of chest Held in front of chest
Overhead‡ Overhead‡ Overhead‡
*Progressions should not be attempted until correct form has been demonstrated for squat with body weight or dowel.

†Or 2 lighter sandbags, 1 in each hand.

‡Alternative: overhead press with squat.

during any exercise. As mentioned exercise professional. This decreases The program presented emphasizes
earlier, sandbags have been used safely potential safety issues and increases a whole-body, multijoint, and multi-
by clinical populations, but even the likelihood of correct form as the planar workout on each day of the
asymptomatic healthy individuals us- lifter adapts to moving the possibly 3-day-per-week program. The exer-
ing this type of training for the first unfamiliar dynamic resistance generated cises were selected to focus on activat-
time should be supervised by a certified by the sandbag. ing and strengthening muscle
stabilizers and movers. The program
starts with simple familiar movements,
such as a bicep curl and seated front
squat, and moves progressively onto
exercises that require more complex
movement or necessitate greater stabili-
zation. Each exercise should be com-
pleted with correct form (Table 2),
through a full range of motion, and
while maintaining an appropriate breath-
ing pattern. Exhalation should occur
during the positive movement or when
the greatest effort is being exerted (1).

Figure 1. Cradle grip. Possible start

position for sandbag carry, Figure 2. Catch position for hang clean.
front squat, and shoulder Start position for sandbag
toss. overhead or push press. Figure 3. ‘‘Hug’’ grip position.

Strength and Conditioning Journal | 93

Sandbag Training

Figure 4. (A) Starting position for

sandbag skull crushers and
Figure 7. Sandbag drag. Both hands grip
(B) end point for sandbag
handle or end of sandbag,
skull crushers.
elbows extended and
Descriptions for exercises not involving shoulders retracted.
sandbags are not presented in Table 2,
but lifters are directed toward the
National Strength and Conditioning
Association Web site for information Figure 6. Sandbag farmer’s walk with
2 identical sandbags held in
and videos on correct form (http://
each hand.
asp). If a sandbag is the only piece of
apparatus available, each exercise pre- training status, experience with imple-
sented in Table 1 can be modified to use ment and sandbag training, and overall
a sandbag for resistance. resistance training goals. For example,
The volume of exercise and rest periods the volume of exercises presented in
between sets is influenced by several Table 1 is designed for an intermediate
factors, including but not limited to lifter interested in enhancing muscular
strength and endurance, and therefore,
rest periods between sets may last
between 40 and 60 seconds but may
vary to reflect the musculoskeletal goals
of the client (1). For example, decreasing
rest periods to 20–30 seconds will help
maintain an elevated heart rate and
possibly incorporate an aerobic compo-
nent in a similar manner to that inherent
in circuit training approaches. An alter-
native program design that manipulates
the rest periods, the sets and repetitions,
or the exercise choices presented in
Table 1 may be appropriate depending
on the client’s training goal (6).
Sandbag exercises may also be com-
pleted with the bag in a variety of Figure 8. End point for shoulder toss and
Figure 5. End point for sandbag up-row. positions depending on comfort level, sandbag pull to shoulder.

94 VOLUME 33 | NUMBER 4 | AUGUST 2011

Another simple progression involves the
sandbag O-press. The sandbag O-press
can be combined with a sandbag hang
clean for a sandbag clean and press if the
program calls for greater complexity and
challenge. The sandbag clean and press is
a complex movement and therefore
requires correct technique execution for
both the sandbag hang clean and the O-
press independently before the clean and
press is introduced. Structural multijoint
exercises are typically more challenging
than machine-based exercises because
they tend to induce activation of the
trunk musculature and stabilizing ele-
Figure 12. Start position for sandbag ments to a greater extent.
pull to shoulder. In the program presented in Table 1,
the abdomen-specific exercises listed
difficulty level, sandbag size (length and include sandbag planks and Russian
distribution of weight), and even hand twists. However, the abdominal
Figure 9. Push-up position during
sandbag burpees exercise. size of the client. Common sandbag muscles are used in virtually all the
positions include grippingthe handles of structural exercises presented in this
the sandbag (Figure 5), gripping the program. Alternative abdominal sand-
actual sandbag (Figure 11), and ‘‘cra- bag exercises may include sandbag
dling’’ the sandbag (Figure 1). Each of crunches, V-Ups, and weighted front
these positions places slightly different planks. Sandbags can be placed across
demands on the wrist and forearm the lower back during a front plank
musculature and the muscles stabilizing exercise, but the lifter should exhibit
the shoulder and torso. For this reason, sufficient strength in the low back and
careful attention should always be paid be free of back pain. Sandbag crunches
to the choice of sandbag weight used, involve lying in a supine position, with
especially when exploring a new grip the legs in a hook position and feet
position or new sandbag exercise. held. The sandbag is held across the
As with many forms of resistance chest using one of the grip positions
training, sandbag training can be easily described earlier. The upper body is
progressed or regressed in difficulty to raised up toward the knees until the
accommodate progressive overload or scapulae are off ground. The upper
Figure 10. Start position for sandbag
slam. continued inclusion, respectively. The body is lowered back to the floor in
progression of a resistance training pro- a controlled manner, and the crunch is
gram can occur in many ways, such as repeated. Sandbag V-Ups involve lying
through the manipulation of sets, repe- in a supine position but with both legs
titions, exercise choice, speed of exercise kept straight and lifted up toward the
completion, and frequency of exercise ceiling (ankles flexed at 90°). The
session (1,5). In Table 1, the program sandbag is held with the hands grip-
includes a sandbag front squat and ping the handles or the sandbag, with
sandbag overhead (O-) press. These are elbows extended and arms held out
2 exercises that can be easily progressed toward the feet. Similar to the crunch,
or regressed to suit individual need, the upper body is raised up toward the
training status, or training goal. Table 3 toes until the scapulae are off ground.
presents a possible progression series The upper body is lowered back to the
using the squat exercise. Holding the floor in a controlled manner before the
sandbag by the handles and away from movement is repeated. Sandbag side
the chest is more challenging than bends are performed from a standing
Figure 11. Russian twist while gripping holding the sandbag close to the chest position. In the starting position, the
sandbag. (as in the ‘‘cradle’’ or ‘‘hug’’ position). sandbag is held in 1 hand at the side of

Strength and Conditioning Journal | 95

Sandbag Training

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