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MP. (C.L.)—Job 29~5,000—11-6-2020—www medonline goxin orate /3.f8.a.F./ 2020-21 ANNEXURE/NOMC/2020-21 wea e eof 1 were ‘A. Type of Property [Reet ates [aetna Sarr Heer seer ah dors Rescerta-Potes | indus Esicaiona stun ior Pessoal ane Seote i Panos, eer ots, ge aes Ferd at seer a ad oe ratty thera Medica atone | agra Hazes srg fret tee ate te oer) Song amare te, Reseentsi cop, et Grou Houma Sony Diet Cane, netanotan oor) Cy Gentes Non Herzenes Cone Create [Reta te | air eer ‘wise reel ara eRe |Rescen—00A rats | Retgousisttuions | ramrouse saw 15009) ru ara wah | Pacis Chart ner Nonesceraner estan 113m Comme 2uposee ve atten) ° Piro terys, mem. atenate [ain ae A te Reread gorge | eae? weer | neu /tave ade ro>0 Pueeta ate, dae ee,| Re Coacningcenmes, |8 arate /ger/—— | ret rare Reh |e ere eh we Hots, ows ano set oh 150 24 oy | eons Rea ae Soest Howtestodpe | saraarars austonum, | Restarans see afte aA a |uere aH at & rsPaving Guest (6) | Emotion Hae rm re @ rarer | sfeo sous BSarqut ae ar Non Govt. Hosp ober | Assent Hale Al Stpsiotees& oer _| han rose tr 29 601 | Nowesaenta unis | eNeTO.A dpe | Srowoonsravrg Covers | Caporson Aen ot 8030.74. 8 | | | sore Waroouses rom wnere pons ar) are Mere ere | are 8 ary weer | aoa ee ames outings! uns fee ete Teecom Tones er povenseraneTones Pra Mutpexes Para PunpstCnG Sats { Graratiais fe wear gt aap ee er, | wee wrth Rama ona [ead aan ote afer (Fa) eh [tren Ser | eee at Para, fire tae] er get’ |r rem erafhet | Gree 19 Rea |arare feet ere, | eee sesearn het g) [ares wear @ [avg and Ampots | Reem aaa) ve FH TR WeTG_| Bent SaoonwParer | wre Pr/ard | DopuenentPsuw [ecco nen Popes a <8-¢) Soa. gyms Heath | Govt. Company Asmomies ee ot re (Gecdon 19 of BMC Aa) NonGow. 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Type of Owner vou art ater oF Wo (one aeoR/aa] aor eee ret wear oft /Pn/ Single Owner Pannership Fim =| isu) Fach aiagia | Prot stucha maitre tafe gong /eare aiftree eta a et | anit a et ‘gong irra scar Pre ‘Union (GOW/UT) ‘State Govt. excluding any entity | aaftce et | exciading ary entity | having ts own corporate Govt Companies having ts own corporat) personality Corporatan/Statutory Body! personality ‘Autonomous BogyrErtios having ts own corporate —— i personaly ager eh | eet of rar aferee waotngie RES wariafre RES Joint Ounae Propriotership Firm | Government Enity | Company-Priveto LTD Company Pubic Ls, fe | east ot away fre ayes oRare aa Trust | neo Psus HUFHindy Undiviced Famiy | Others gor da yeu rot wei ah sod at ged Fo wo A wy Refer ©. UNIT AREA VALUES Fier fo the HejpTax Guido 10 find out the Category of your Colony a y[@*falalelwefale category Ae | ey ce Se elaseny aeeeel cen | ce | word aa ex (ore ot at A A | Unis area values (n Rs pr Sa. metre) ex | soo | 400 | 20 | 270 | 200 | 200 | 100 oe A Gore atl at Ref wt gar a fare aera ome PefRroT E._Schedule of Taxes Rotor tothe Hoy Tax Guide to find out the Category of your Colony ah y{afalalse [wala Category ale | ce } eo fe rele Resraeh ave a et (%) | Residential Rate of Tax (*6) af te he | i ee Rely te-Rerael | (ter aha a crite) | 2.5 Spatial Non-Residential 2 | 2 | 2 | a | 2 | 2» | 2 | 2 (es Usted below the table) Note freta te Rerah (oad Serer GH @) Ran tran tae sToHH, | atte (6 oA) toe | 3. Special Non-Residential (thor than qe 1o| Ge tee tee ete eel ‘those at (2) above ie. Guest Hous | _o=-Paying-guest (PG) Houses a cate Reread Gh aman 2 ate 3 8 aie a8 1 $50 af Ao} arenes da A oH sree aches 7 wh atehftres aeafta) 4. Non-Residential Properties (tnerhat at feo fete | te [yee | eed te | os BEDabove dincludmg ndisial properties ord Dectors Cinic Below covered aren 750 89m) we Ge ave eae Jala @ aed wer atv @ ar eared wisi EF an wom BY lary Sectioniteld which has to be filled and cannot be left blank. [10(NDMC)} AT Buch, ear Prova, uae deex foram / eden Pie eeuRerai gouty aro wert & Pe /D Ge a maT seul ater 5. Govt. Company Autonomous Bocies, Public Sector Undertakings (PSUs), | | Statutory Corporation Properties etc, including Departments/PSUs/Authorles, __ete. of te State Governments: Reve _()._Residentsl Hos tee | an ie ate |i y |e. te Reraet (i) Non-Rosigenti | 2 | 2 | » | wo | » | » | wo | » wand agar ate wand anger auf | &._Alrparts and Aiporis Properties, APL ARs amuntta aa (Land Goveed wih Butup ea 20 2 | 2 | » | wo | 0 | o | 2 Rae, ue, @ fy gar aa Gert, Sah, is,-eaNE: a eee) (0) pen Argaoraircatt Movement 20 (Guay Teevay, Agron Areal Parag Stabe | | (i) ge aa (Gy Oger Aves omer than (i above o | o|»|m|om|o| |» 7. Farm Houses: entero egret: | 5 (yh Restatia or zo | 2 | » | 2 | 2 | 2» | 2 | 2 | ae Reta {t wupyenewa ated mafciae Gian ey eae ale — Raw aAt-sranfa waftal safe ges, tes, orth gar, wea, ote, Hele ae after oT a er st Teh oT ter afte create dat Aah ert Ga frat Se, arate Se we AwaA (er), areas Set (rece art-2oans orquR) arenes eer alr Ate, ah wre, wrefere en ory A sTercha erga Tw A 150 ES a ree Greeters ares there afte ret Tear aA Aa heh | Goer wey, A on HST Ren eta te aeard) arene Gree Aa, TTS, Re Gea ae Pe ETT Aa ee ateTET aT viseR) ARRee Rea Grea wee, Tae, Reh were ste ee Poet arr gare oT wt ReaTeMt at tee) Bre AareRe/ bens (meth ee, weit / sé tae, Rabe eta, a tags ser ore, er, fm, gare ee, a ‘rex ebb / fearon, wee Cee, wR gee eter wm, ah et A eeu ath Bi “Note: Special Non-Residental— Hotes, Motes, Jewellery Shop, Inns, Lodges, Restaurants (with or without Bar or AC or both faites), all entilispmeris in Commercial Areas ike Distt Gentes, Metropolitan Cily Centers and Non-hearchcal Commercial Contes (as par ‘Master Pan-2021)incuding commercial estabishmens popuary knows Mal, ll ShopiOfies and other Non esidental units, Showrooms having Covered Area ol 180'sq, mis. an above (ncudg Warehouses fom whee goods ere Sod). Hazarcous Bucings, PVRs, Mutilexcs, Cinema Hal, Non-Government Hospitais (other than those un by GOI, GNCTD, Municipal Corporations) Non-Government Schools (othe than those run by GOI, GNCTO, Municipal Corporations), Clubs/Baratghars/Avsitorums/Esnibtion Halls, Banquet Halls, Beauty Saloons! Parlours, Spa, Gyms, Health Clubs, Yoga Centres, Hoardings/Adversoments all Tewere, Coaching Centres, Petrol Purnps, CNG Stations “ae a rend) aus Jala @ Pad aver warn @ en we ober EF at tee 27 | * This is a mandatory sectionield which has to be filled and cannat be lft blank. Nes fi ‘ shoo [11 (NDMC)} wa raf wea F. AGE FACTOR wa Frater afl aah wa wee | | ww Frater a arate wu mew |_S.No.| Period of Construetion ‘Age Factor | | S.No. | Period of Construction __| Age Factor 1 | RRR ae si-3-r980 Faea | Os 4. | tei980 # 31-9-1080 oa Completion period—Pre 31-03-1980. 1-4-1980 # 31-3-1990 2 | rete80 # ara1870 os | 141990 8 ar--2000 08 1-4-1860 to 31-39-1970 $=4-1980 to 3-3-2000 3. | 1-4-1970 @ 31-3-1980 or 6. 1-4-2000 & art 10 ___| 1-4-1070 19 91=3-1980 | 1-4-2000 onwards afar wew G._ Structure Factor |_atar sore ue | Praeor |__ Structure Type “Factor Description | | vast 1 Tor Fe oe ah aT we Ts we | |_puced 1 Buildings with load boating root | sif—saepr 07 Fat TERT Va S ares ht godt | ‘Semi Pucca or Buildings wth normal load bearing rot lke tur é | | Sa os aren art & v4 dent w fea e/eeteet ae A oa ae aa xutena “05 Buildings win temporary mater for wal & rots incising Tin Sheds/Asbestos Shoe. sree wea era & FRG / etek oF water reas / water wear at Urey & (aN eee / PAPA He USE FACTOR Reterto the Help/Tax Guide forthe Definition ofthe Use Factors new ery wat | wew ‘er ie | ser | sears UseotPropety wee | wear Use otPropecty | ew recor | UseFecor|Fetor!d Use ator | | Rererefy erare — arch (3 ABA aeay St art ar |S Seer 1 ae {caine — eau weed / Prere e RIRU ee E | Busiiess~Set Occupied Terartes 4 # | a tei — art (8 8A Gee Girt ata | 5324 | inauta—Ser Cesupederaries 2 aegere pn) | a 12. | Inguttanvacan Peo timaton | 2 sear /-raen a / ai ter 3 mons 1 be gwen) | Govt Gon aed Stooges 1 t cee 1 Red — 9 ERAN TR LC 1a _| Hasardoe Budge nf Hoo San and ance . ee aaiety of sifel Rte Aa se vo [18 | Wovens an Avo par Garages ee | sits 1e_| Renn “ | | moss © ae tea - 2 eR Wea Puble Purpose 1 17_| rete 2 warts ‘ ae-ghery sio/ er 9 | pe uy 2 18_| Loopesioas 4 safer fee aren /Sat tee ese 10 _| Religious insttuton 1 19 _ | Guest Houses/Paying Guest Houses 4 asia er teeta | 11. | reeormmiaton Tomer 2 20 _| sarauetnais 4 fi (ae vo wed wos eda & fered oer ara & ren earch whet Fe ar wat BY r l "This is a mandatory sectionifeld which has to be filled and cannot be let blank. 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