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EUCHARISTIC CELEBRATION the sins of the world, / receive our prayer; / you are

ON THE FEAST OF SAINTS JOACHIM AND ANNE seated at the right hand of the Father, / have mercy on
For you alone are the Holy One, / you alone are the
ENTRANCE: AKU BERGEMBIRA Lord, / you alone are the Most High, / Jesus Christ, /
with the Holy Spirit, / in the glory of God the Father.
Aku bergembira / mendengar berita. / Marilah bertolak (REFRAIN)
menuju bait Allah. Salam Yerusalem, damai sertamu. Amen.
Kini aku sampai /di gerbang pintumu./ Hati bergembira /
menginjak tanahMu. Salam Yerusalem, damai sertamu.
Yerusalem kota / indah susunannya, Sekalian suku /
menuju kesitu. Salam Yerusalem, damai sertamu. Response: My Soul is thirsting for you, O Lord my God!
Disana berdiri / kursi pengadilan, Serta singga sana /
keturunan Daud. Salam Yerusalem, damai sertamu. RELIGIOUS PROFESSION
Salam Yerusalem / salam semuanya. / Yang mencinta CALLING OF THE CANDIDATE
Engkau salam semuanya.
Salam Yerusalem, / damai sertamu. HOMILY

Demi saudaraku, / selamat bagimu. / Demi rumah Allah EXAMINATION

/ kebaikan bagimu. Salam Yerusalem, damai sertamu.
Cantor: Lord, have mercy Lord, have mercy
KYRIE ELEISON Cantor: Christ, have mercy Christ, have mercy
Cantor: You were sent to heal the contrite of heart. Cantor: Lord, have mercy Lord, have mercy
Kyrie eleison. Cantor: Pray for us…… Pray for us.
All: Kyrie eleison. / Lord, have mercy. Pray for us… Pray for us.
Ginoo, kaloy-i, / kaawaan Mo kami. Cantor:
Cantor: You came to call sinners. Christe eleison. Holy Mary, Mother of God ……………… Saint Michael
All: Christe eleison. / Christ, have mercy./ Holy Angels of God ………………. Saint John the Baptist
Kristo, kaloy-i, / kaawaan Mo kami. Saint Joseph ………………… Saints Joachim and Anne
Saints Peter and Paul, Saints Andrew, John, and James
Cantor: You are seated at the right hand of the Father to
Saint Mary Magdalene, Saint Stephen,
intercede for us. Kyrie eleison. Saint Ignatius of Antioch, Saint Lawrence
All: Kyrie eleison. / Lord, have mercy. Saint Lorenzo Ruiz and companions…
Ginoo, kaloy-i, / kaawaan Mo kami. Saint Rosa of Lima ……... Saints Perpetua and Felicity
Saints Lucy and Agnes ……………... Saint Maria Goretti
Saint Ignatius of Loyola ……… Saints Leo and Gregory
GLORY TO GOD Saint Ambrose, Saint Augustine,
REFRAIN: Glory to God in the highest, / and on earth Saint Athanasius, Saint Basil
peace to people of good will/. Glory to God in the Saint Bernard …………………. Saint Francis de Paola
highest, / and on earth peace to people of good will. Saint Benedict ……………... Saints Francis and Dominic
We praise you, / we bless you, / We adore you /, we Saint Vincent de Paul ……………... Saint Francis Xavier
glorify you, / we give you thanks for your great glory, Saint John Vianney ……………… Saint John Bosco
/ Lord God, / heavenly King, / O God, / almighty Saint Teresa of Jesus, Blessed Rosa Gattorno,
All Holy Men, All Holy Women
Father. (REFRAIN)
Lord Jesus Christ, / Only Begotten Son, / Lord God, /
Lord, be merciful, Lord, save your people
Lamb of God, / Son of the Father, / you take away the
From all evil,
sins of the world, / have mercy on us; / you take away
From every sin, / To receive your forgiveness O Lord.
From everlasting death,
By your coming as man, Lord, we lift to you, / all these gifts we offer for your
By your death and rising to new life, glory. / We will eat this living bread, / We will drink this
By your gift of the Holy Spirit, saving cup / And feel your presence O Lord.
Be merciful to us sinners
As we offer this bread / and as we bring you this wine, /
Lord, hear our pray’r Bless them Lord Jesus feed us now, / give us life. /
Cantor: Send us your spirit / the source of our lives / And
1. By the self-offering of your servant and her apostolic together / we will serve you with love
work, make the life of your Church ever more fruitful.
2. Give in ever greater abundance the gifts of the Holy LAMB OF GOD
Spirit to your servant, Pope Francis, and to all the
Kordero ng Diyos na nag-aalis /
bishops. (resp)
Ng mga kasalanan ng sanlibutan, / maawa Ka sa amin
3. Lead all men and women to the fullness of the Christian
Life. (resp) Kordero sa Dios nga nagawagtang / sa mga sala sa
4. Give to all who profess the Gospel counsels a fuller share kalibutan / Kaloy-i kami.
in the work of redemption. (resp) Agnus Dei qui tollis / peccata mundi, / dona nobis pacem /
5. Make this servant of yours more and more like Christ, the Dona nobis pacem, dona nobis pacem.
firstborn among many. (resp)
6. Give this servant of yours the grace of perseverance.
7. Bless this sister of ours, your servant, make her holy, and Communion Song
consecrate her to your service. (resp) Jadikan Hatiku Istana CintaMu
8. Jesus, Son of the living God (resp)
Siapakah / aku dihadapanMu Tuhan. / Kau curahkan
Cantor: Christ hear us Christ hear us cintaMu/
Cantor: Lord Jesus hear our pray’r Apakah / artiku bagiMu / CintaMu setia selalu /
Lord Jesus hear our pray’r Pantaskah.. / ku menyambut tubuh darahMu /
Karena banyak dosaku. / Sering ku ingkari cintaMu /
Dalam langkah hidupku…. /
THE SOLEMN BLESSING Ampunilah aku,/ ampuni kelemahanku. / Ampuni
Presider: dosaku.. dalam kerahimanMu.. / Agar ku… mampu
……… May the gift she makes of herself hasten the coming of wartakan kasihMu. / Di dalam hidupku…./ Bersihkan
your kingdom, and make her one at last with your saints in hatiku / dengan sucinya cintaMu. /
heaven. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Jadikan hatiku / istana cintaMu... / Tempat yang… layak
untuk bersemayam…, / Tubuh dan da….rahMu
All: AMEN. (to be sung)
Pantaskah….ku menyambut tubuh darahMu. / Karena banyak
Commentator: Sr. Anna Niati is now officially a definitive member dosaku. / Sering ku ingkari cintaMu. / Dalam langkah
of the Daughters of Saint Anne. Let us congratulate her with a round hidupku
of applause and be with her as she sings her joy of thanksgiving.
Please be seated. (Back to Refrain twice)

Sr. Anna Niati approaches the lectern and sings.

Recessional Song
Saint Anne, / Saint Anne, / we come to you. / We raise
OFFERTORY DANCE you and give you honor, / O Mother of the Immaculate
Mary / how glorious are you!
You teach us to live in faith / as loving adhesion to God
Lord, we gather today, / in Your house we kneel down of Covenant, / to give our God an answer of love / by
and pray. / We ask for your mercy as we open our hearts keeping His Word in our hearts / and to witness His mercy
to the world.

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