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Assignment (Final Term)

Submitted To:
Mam Hadiba Kanwal
Roll # 201360377

Abu Bakar
Problem Statement
Across the globe many women and girls still face discrimination on the basis of sex and gender.
Gender inequality underpins many problems which disproportionately affect women and girls,
such as domestic and sexual violence, lower pay, lack of access to education, and inadequate
healthcare. For many years women’s rights movements have fought hard to address this
inequality, campaigning to change laws or taking to the streets to demand their rights are
respected. Human rights and fundamental freedoms should be birthrights, but across the world
some countries fail to accord human rights to women. Moreover, women are often victims of
human rights abuses. women’s human rights are abused when they cannot participate in
decisions that affect their lives and are denied political participation and fair representation,
when they are prevented from going to school or receiving health care, when they face
discrimination in employment, when they are denied equal rights to own land and property, when
they suffer from violence within their homes and when they are subjected to harmful traditional
practices such as genital mutilation and honor killings.
Mission Statement
My foundation mission is to advise, educate and empower women by

- providing women with free, confidential legal advice by specialist women solicitors and

- enabling women to understand and benefit from their legal rights through accessible and timely
publications and training.

- developed foundation to ensure that women’s voices are heard and law and policy meets all
women’s needs.

- provide a safe refuge, counselling, support and advocacy for women and their children who
are fleeing violence; while also working towards a more equal society where the  inherent value
of all women is recognized and celebrated.

Vision Statement
All women have choice and opportunity to live their lives in dignity, with equal access to
economic and social opportunities and freedom from violence. Our foundation vision is to
achieve equality, justice and safety in the law for all women.

As we know that women’s rights are as much important as men’s rights. So my foundation aim is
to promote women’s right as much as possible and ensuring universal access to sexual and
reproductive health, and affording women equal rights to economic resources.

- support them.
- share the workload.
- Education facilities.
- Give them honor and respect.
- donate to women’s movements and organizations.
For my NGO, I would rather prefer large number of small funds than the small number of large
funds. First I’ll try to approach the people in my circle who can donate for my NGO.I would let
the more people know about my NGO so that they can donate even small donations. I will
advertise my NGO through newspaper as words will travel faster and more people would know
about my goals. I’ll try to approach the people who are willing to donate and explain about my
idea. I will visit the local ministers and other officials and explain my idea about my NGO

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