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NFP country List and Language test requirements

Please note that if you can show a Master degree in English, a TOEFL/IELTS is not
required or necessary.

The results of a language test need to be submitted to MDF.

1. TOEFL test paper-, computer- or internetbased
2. IELTS test

Country on NFP Language test Country on NFP Language test

list results required list results required
Afghanistan yes Iran yes
Albania yes Ivory Coast yes
Armenia yes Jordan no
Autonomous yes Kenya no
Bangladesh no Kosovo yes
Benin yes Macedonia yes
Bhutan yes Mali yes
Bolivia yes Moldova yes
Bosnia- yes Mongolia yes
Brazil yes Mozambique yes
Burkina Faso yes Namibia no
Burundi yes Nepal yes
Cambodia yes Nicaragua yes
Cape Verde yes Nigeria no
Colombia yes Pakistan yes
Costa Rica yes Peru yes
Cuba yes Philippines no
DR Congo yes Rwanda yes
Ecuador yes Senegal yes
Egypt yes South Africa no
El Salvador yes Sri Lanka no
Eritrea yes Sudan no
Ethiopia yes Suriname yes
Georgia yes Tanzania no
Ghana no Thailand yes
Guatemala yes Uganda no
Guinea-Bissau yes Vietnam yes
Honduras yes Yemen yes
India no Zambia no
Indonesia yes Zimbabwe no
MDF copyright 2012

ref:TOEFL and IELTS requirements.docx RHA Page 1 (1)

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