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Issue 1 2021


After the immense shock that COVID-19 brought into our lives about a year ago,
the world seemed to stand still for a moment. We became used to the news, the
victories, and the setbacks in the fight against the pandemic. The challenge was
and still is, reacting flexibly and creatively to constantly changing conditions and
finding new ways to bridge our physical distance.

Page 10 gives you an insight into the newly developed training courses offered
by the OMICRON Academy. You can choose a course that’s relevant to you
and select the length of a session that’s appropriate to your prior knowledge,
experience, and field of work.

Furthermore, we supported the on-site commissioning of a newly installed

air-insulated 27.5 kV switchgear system and performed additional offline PD
measurements on the switchgear via video conference. Read more about this
new way of interacting with customers on page 30.

We have another innovative idea prepared for you: You will find an episode of our
new podcast “Energy Talks” for each of the three different articles in this issue.
You can read the articles on pages 8, 10 and 30 and get the link to the Podcast
episodes there.

As we move further and further into the digital world, our software systems’
security is more important than ever before. You can read about what we do
to keep our quality standards as high as possible in the third and final part of
our “Software Quality” article series: “Real Teamwork”, on page 14. These are
challenging times, and we are still far away from our old definition of normalcy,
but we’ve proven at least one thing to ourselves: we are adaptable. And I am
convinced that this pandemic also offers us the opportunity to grow – personally,
emotionally, as a community and a society.

Enjoy reading!

Patricia Marte
Editor-in-chief OMICRON Magazine

Publisher OMICRON electronics GmbH, Oberes Ried 1, 6833 Klaus (AT)

Responsible for content OMICRON electronics GmbH

Editorial team and implementation up! consulting, Ruggell (FL)

Picture credits OMICRON electronics GmbH, Cteam Energietechnik GmbH (p. 8), ENGIE High Voltage Services Noord
(p. 24–25), (p. 27, 29, 34–37, 39), Advanced Electrical Services (p. 4, 32), IDUR S. A.(p. 38)

E-mail to the editorial team

«We grow through
the challenges
we face.»
Patricia Marte

  Magazine | Issue 1 2021 3

6 30

Welcome to the CPC Family On-site testing with

help from afar

10 14

OMICRON Academy 4.0 Software quality: Real teamwork


6 Welcome to the CPC Family 10 OMICRON Academy 4.0

Future-proof training methodology
8 Customized and powerful
70 kV high-voltage source for offine testing 14 Software quality: Real teamwork

18 Simple medium-voltage circuit breaker

checks with CMC Test Sets
22 Measurement postprocessing
with ease 24 When ambitions become bigger
CT Analyzer Software V5.10 EHS-Noord talks about their experience using
OMICRON test equipment
27 Take your data seriously
Use ADMO to streamline your business processes 30 On-site testing with help from afar
and increase data integrity

34 Risk assessment of
cyber threats in substations NEWS

37 Viewpoints 42 Energy Talks – our new podcast series

What role do partial discharge (PD) testing Listen to various topics about power system
and monitoring play in the maintenance of testing
electrical equipment?
44 What’s going on
40 Always on hand for quick checks
With CMC Swift, you can easily control your
CMC test set with a smartphone or tablet


38 On site: OMICRON in Argentina

Valeria Braun from IDUR S. A. gives us her insight
into the powersector

43 Region

Magazine | Issue 1 2021 5


We love our family of CPC multi-functional We make it easy for you to stay on track
electrical testing solutions. Our devoted with the status of your electrical power
development teams continuously strive to system and assets. Our efforts don’t end
evolve and grow our CPC family’s innovative with providing you with the necessary tools
capabilities to meet your various needs in a to improve your measurements, because
wide range of testing applications. we see you as our partner. Through sharing
knowledge and testing experiences, we can
We have been manufacturing the CPC and work together to strengthen and grow the
learning from your experience for more CPC family with innovation and practicality
than two decades. During this time, we have well into the future.
continuously improved measurement per-
formance and efficiency to make it the best Get to know our entire CPC family of multi-
set of solutions available – as experienced functional electrical testing solutions:
today by many customers around the world.

Magazine | Issue 1 2021 7

70 kV high-voltage source for offline testing

«You’re not just buying a product.

You’re joining a network that
encourages you to share ideas and
broaden your knowledge base.»
Gerald Bernsteiner,
Managing Director and partner, Cteam Energietechnik GmbH

Gerald Bernsteiner is the Managing and drew up specifications that outlined and professional. Once Michael was
Director and partner of Cteam our requirements. I ignored everything finished, we had some training with
Energietechnik GmbH, a part of the that I already knew was on the market, you in Klaus, Austria using two field
Cteam Group. Since its foundation in or what I felt wouldn’t be possible. My measurements. That was extremely
autumn 2019, the company has estab- wish list included a 70 kV test voltage helpful. We were able to take the system
lished itself as a professional service for testing 36 kV medium-voltage with us once the safety analyses were
provider for operators of power stations switchgear that could also test voltage completed and the manual was printed.
and power grids. Gerald Bernsteiner transformers and be used to test solid- I learned a lot from the way OMICRON
was previously employed for more than insulated bus bars with capacitive con- approached the problem.
20 years by a number of companies in the trol. I also threw in some other typical
switchgear sector. He first came into con- bits of data from other projects, adding We’ve just ordered the series produc-
tact with us in 2014, when he was look- the relevant parameters, capacitances, tion version for the 70 kV high-voltage
ing for a solution to measure partial dis- and test voltages. source. This version further improves
charge (PD) in switchgear for one of his the quality of the signal output of
projects. The search for a suitable voltage Then Michael asked me if a resonance the CPC 100 and includes additional
source to measure PD on construction system might do the trick – a solution that safety features.
sites went on and on, but eventually he covered all our practical requirements.
found us. The outcome was an invigorat- There weren’t any formal objections. For Overall, I’ve come to appreciate
ing and challenging joint project. example, there is nothing in the standard OMICRON as a reliable partner, espe-
that says that this 1-minute voltage with- cially when it comes to their support.
Gerald, how did you first hear stand test for medium-voltage switch- I still remember the first measurements
about us? gear systems, which is normally carried that we took by ourselves. Not every-
Gerald Bernsteiner: Back then, we’d been out at 50 Hz, cannot be carried out at a thing worked as we would have liked.
trying to find a suitable voltage source different frequency. We also discussed However, it was always possible to reach
for partial discharge measurements for the situation with customers, and they someone from your team who provided
almost nine months. Up to this point, we didn’t raise any objections either. This us with practical information and advice.
had always worked with external service effectively gave us the green light to go Engineers are always happy when they
providers. Some of their systems weighed ahead with this solution. are able to do something or receive
as much as 660 lbs (300 kg) and only de- some tips that help them broaden their
livered a fraction of the output power of How did you feel about your knowledge base.
the OMICRON 70 kV high-voltage source. collaboration during the development
of the prototype? Thank you for talking to us.
Following several false starts, my persis- It was fantastic! The collaboration
tence eventually led me to the experts: with the engineers was superb – solid
Michael Krüger and Lukas Klingenschmid
of OMICRON. We had a few conversa-
tions and exchanged some emails about
the various options that OMICRON had to
offer before they came to see us. We then
looked at and tested the various voltage
sources they’d brought with them, and INTERESTING TOPIC?
quickly found a solution that came close Listen to the episode in Energy Talks –
to what we were looking for, but we still the OMICRON podcast series.
had requirements on our wish list.
Energy Talks features various episodes related to
So what did you do? power system testing. Scan the QR-Code or visit:
I wrote a letter to Santa (laughs). No,
seriously, I thought about it for a while

Magazine | Issue 1 2021 9

Future-proof training methodology

Our fully equipped, mobile digital substations

correspond to the latest technology.

For more than 25 years, the OMICRON As a result, the courses we offer course that’s relevant to them. They
Academy has been offering courses for are geared towards real-life testing can also select the session’s length
energy suppliers, industrial enterprises, situations. The content ranges from appropriate to their prior knowledge,
service providers, and manufacturers. equipment and application expertise experience, and field of work. That
During this period, we have gained a to the effective use of test sets to way, we can guarantee maximum
wealth of experience with regard to interpret and evaluate test and quality assurance and comparability.
teaching methodology, planning train- measurement results. We also offer
ing courses, teaching materials, and courses on IEC 61850 power utility However, we will still offer training
training equipment. This experience communication. We work with realistic courses that are perfectly tailored to
has led us to develop a new training training equipment found in the field, customer requirements, individually
concept that perfectly supports our and our participants make full use customized for content and location.
course participants’ learning success. of the test sets. Different participants will still benefit
from sharing their experiences with
We spoke to Oliver Janke, Training The courses are ideal for specialists others attending the regular training
Manager at the OMICRON Academy, working in planning, commissioning, courses held on the dates set at our
about this training concept. testing, maintenance, and asset man- training centers.
agement at energy supply, railroad,
Oliver, can you briefly outline the service companies, and manufacturers. We have also extended and modern-
OMICRON Academy’s tasks, and ized our training infrastructure in
the subject areas covered by the This year, you have been very the training centers. This is especially
current courses? successful in making your training important to us, because we place
Oliver Janke: The OMICRON Academy courses available as webinars – what particular emphasis on the practical
wants to support the use of our other changes do you have planned? relevance of all our training courses.
primary and secondary technical test- We will continue to offer interactive
ing and diagnostic solutions in the online training courses in the form of Could you outline the new
best way possible. To ensure maximum webinars in the future. What’s new is choice of options within a
safety and quality standards, we have that we will be offering eleven regular training component?
designed training sessions for the training courses from the schedule The training component “Automated
specialist personnel using the test sets. on our website. Participants will have Grid Protection Testing with CMC”
the opportunity to choose a training will include the key themes of grid


› Protection testing › Testing transmission lines
› Analysis and monitoring of › Measuring equipment testing
power transformers › Testing circuit breakers and switchgear
› Testing instrument transformers › Cable analysis and monitoring
› Analysis and monitoring of › Analysis of grounding systems
rotating machines › Power utility communication

Magazine | Issue 1 2021 11

«The neuroplasticity of our brain makes life- protection, industry, and energy gen-
eration. It is held over three days, and
long learning possible, provided we neither there are two levels. Anyone wanting
a comprehensive introduction can
overtax it nor challenge it too little. So in register for the full package. If some-
one only wants a quick introduction
our new concept, it was essential for us and basic information, they can just

to align with our participants’ knowledge take part on the first day. This option
is especially beneficial for participants
and  experience levels.» from industrial enterprises.

Participation on days two and three is

better suited to advanced users. The
learning goals are distance protection,
and differential protection, as well
as parameter-based testing with
Test Universe and system-based test-
ing with RelaySimTest. To start with,
Oliver Janke, there will be a quick refresher and a
Training Manager, more in-depth look at the issues dealt
OMICRON Academy with on day one.

For experienced participants, we offer transformers with CT Analyzer and a power transformer, we now provide
the additional, three-day “Advanced VOTANO 100. Various measurement very modern and fully equipped mobile
Overcurrent, Distance, and Differential procedures will also be addressed, such digital substations for training purposes
Testing with CMC” course. This goes as generating test reports effectively. worldwide. This gives us a training
into great detail and focuses on more infrastructure that is as realistic as
complex protection functions (such What is the benefit of scaling possible. It corresponds with the most
as the additional distance protection the courses? up-to-date digital technologies and can
functions Synchrocheck and Auto- The neuroplasticity of our brain makes be put to practical use during the train-
reclosure, line differential protection), lifelong learning possible, provided ing course. Participants can learn the
and the automation of protection we neither overtax it nor challenge testing methods of tomorrow, today.
testing with XRIO, PTL, and the it too little. So in our new concept, it
OMICRON  Control Center. was essential for us to align with our What would you recommend to
participants’ knowledge and experi- participants for ensuring a successful
We certainly cover primary-side topics ence levels. This is done far more learning experience?
as well by offering courses such successfully by adapting levels and They should actively participate in
as “Time-Optimized Maintenance selecting content, rather than by using the courses, ask lots of questions, and
Tests in the Substation”. This offer a “one-size-fits-all solution”. discuss their experiences with each
includes three individual one-on-one other. It pays to be inquisitive! For in-
courses focusing on transformer, This is also why we have designed our stance, in the practical section, you can
circuit  breaker, and current and voltage courses and course packages for differ- set up your own experiments outside
transformer diagnostics. After an intro- ent target groups so that beginners can the tasks we have arranged. This allows
duction to maintaining the equipment, build on sound basic knowledge and participants to make mistakes and
participants can also develop their skills advanced and experienced users can go learn from them without hesitation.
in theoretical and practical exercises. deeper into the subject matter. This way, In this way, they can utilize the full
course content is remembered more potential of our courses.
In the first part, participants will learn easily and becomes firmly established.
how to carry out ratio, winding resis- We want to encourage “deep” thinking, Thank you for taking the time to
tance, capacitance, and dissipation create references to basic knowledge be interviewed!
factor measurements efficiently with from the lessons we’ve learned, and
TESTRANO 600 for transformer diag- encourage valuable discussions.
nostics. In the second part, they will
become acquainted with CIBANO 500 You have also expanded the infra-
and the measurement principles structure for your training courses –
for circuit breakers, and learn how what’s new about it and how do The staff at the OMICRON Academy
to further simplify them with our participants benefit from it? will be happy to help you choose the
Primary Test Manager™ (PTM) test soft- Along with our existing mobile protec- training course that is right for you.
ware. Then they will learn how to assess tion laboratory with relays, simulation Please send an e-mail to:
the condition of the current and voltage boxes, technical models, and access to

Listen to the episode in Energy Talks – the OMICRON podcast series

Energy Talks features various episodes related to power system testing.

Scan the QR-Code or visit:

Magazine | Issue 1 2021 13

In the first installment of our series of articles (Issue In this third and final installment, we’re going to
1/2020) we looked at the subject of “Usability”, and in examine the role of customer feedback and its impor-
the second at the development process (Issue 2/2020). tance in the quality of our software.

MARIO LINS, Innovation Security Officer

At OMICRON, we see helping to ensure that it contains no security lished on our website details the
increase the level of information vulnerabilities. However, security is transparent way in which we intend
security as one of our responsibilities. not something that’s set in stone – to handle any reported vulnerabili-
We always try to eliminate any despite all the security measures, a ties. Customers are thus able to use
vulnerabilities in the product during new, previously unforeseen security a secure messaging system to report
the software development process. breach can occur at any time. To any vulnerabilities they discover to
Our Secure Software Development prevent any unnecessary risk for our us. When we receive a vulnerability
Life Cycle (SSDLC) includes a variety customers, it’s important that we report, we employ a risk-based ap-
of mechanisms that are designed to respond to it in a systematic manner. proach to evaluate and prioritize the
detect vulnerabilities and potential vulnerability. We then release details
threats during development and Our handling of vulnerabilities and of the relevant vulnerabilities on our
deal with them accordingly. The disclosure workflow provides us with website with recommendations on
quality of our software plays a very the basics for dealing reliably and how to eliminate them. This means
important role here. efficiently with any newly discovered our customers can always find out
vulnerabilities in our products. The whether any new vulnerabilities have
After the product has been new been discovered and what can be
launched, we must continue to platform that we’ve already estab- done to counter them.

LUKAS BACHMANN, Project Lead StationGuard

Developing a solution without in false alarms and detects new the entire development process.
involving your customers doesn’t re- types of attacks. It’s not a case of A vast amount of what we do in
ally work. After all, a good solution “Someone’s trying to access port x.” product development arises from
is developed for a specific purpose, It’s more one of, “Someone’s customer suggestions and wishes.
and StationGuard is a perfect ex- tripped a breaker. Is that allowed?” The detailed customer feedback had
ample. We started its development Our aim here is to make the a significant impact on the progress
three years ago and it marked our security concept easier for users of the StationGuard project on
entry into the cybersecurity sector. to understand. more than one occasion, as we were
continually learning something new.
StationGuard is an intrusion detec- We put a huge amount of effort
tion system (IDS); a system that into reconstructing the network Before the product launch, we
monitors network traffic in a sub- traffic in such systems, virtualizing set up trial installations at various
station. This works differently from entire power systems and all their customer sites in Europe, the USA,
the way it does in an office. Since, devices so we can test our product. Asia, and Africa. Our product can
for example, we always know who In the lab we’ve simulated the way only work properly when we’re
is sending messages across the various devices in a substation familiar with the network traffic –
network within a substation. We communicate with one another, and switchgear and substations
know what each device does and which gives us the ability to differ markedly in their construc-
how it communicates. This means physically test our solution. tion depending on where they are
that anything that doesn’t conform in the world. That’s why we felt
to these known scenarios must be The development of StationGuard it was so important to visit our
a fault. StationGuard detects these was initiated by one of our custo- customers during the development
faults and raises an alarm. This mers: a Swiss energy provider phase. Customer feedback is vital
novel approach hardly ever results worked very closely with us during to the quality of our software.

Magazine | Issue 1 2021 15

ANJA KURTH, Technical Support

The work we do in Technical surements, and learn how all the quently seen a number of develop-
Support can be likened to the job of functions work. ment stages, since market require-
a copilot: the copilot helps control ments and customer wishes certainly
the various instruments and takes Customers are not restricted at change over time. The new software
care of radio communications. We all in how they use our solutions, is much more modular in structure.
too help to control the various which means there are hundreds Our customers can create profiles
instruments and analyze the results. more application scenarios than to match their requirements, which
Thus we act as an essential commu- could ever be addressed during the reduces complexity. A great deal of
nication link between the customer development process. This is just customer feedback has also found its
and our colleagues in product de- one area where Technical Support way into the development process.
velopment, picking up the feedback gets involved. I’ve been part of the We’ve included a lot more features,
and passing it on. team for four years now and we with new functions added and
receive inquiries about new topics existing ones enhanced.
We’re involved in the develop- every single day.
ment of our products from a very I believe that our customers
early stage. We have access to Partial discharge measurement consider the user-friendliness of
the Beta versions of the soft- is my area of expertise. We our solutions to be very important:
ware and can use it before it’s recently launched the MPD 800 – they can set things up in advance,
released to the market, which a completely remodeled system and we provide a guided workflow
gives us the opportunity to look for testing and measuring partial with tips and suggestions about
carefully at all its features and discharges. how to evaluate the measurements.
provide important feedback. In After all, a test result is only
our HV lab we test the hardware The MPD is not new – it’s been illuminating if the user knows what
and software, carry out mea- around for 20 years and has conse- it actually means.

BJÖRN CIALLA, Trainer and Application Engineer

As a trainer, it doesn’t take long The development of our products our products and their functions,
for me to get a good idea of how in Digital Substation Testing knowing what their quirks are, and
customers are finding their way Solutions and Cybersecurity finding bugs that can be fixed.
around our products. Training is Solutions is currently very dynamic.
not just a matter of showing them We need extensive customer As a Regional Application Engineer,
how to use our devices and our feedback, especially with products I also have a lot of contact with
software, we also want to teach that are just starting out. This gives customers; I’m frequently on
them the basics. I get a real kick customers the opportunity to help the road supporting our sales
out of showing customers how to determine the direction that the colleagues during their site visits to
set up a test and enter everything ongoing development of a product customers and providing demon-
manually – and then demonstrat- takes. Ideally, the end result is a strations in substations.
ing how it all works when it’s done product that is more intuitive and
automatically. This is the best way simpler for customers to use. That In my roles as a Trainer and an
of letting them know what makes in itself is really exhilarating. Application Engineer, I’m able to
our products tick. You always need pass on customer feedback directly
a little more time at the beginning For us, training means using the to the product management team.
to set everything up properly – but software yourself and operating I’m able to let them know what
then all the tests in similar fields the devices yourself. My role as a works well, which functions our
can run automatically. Testing a trainer involves really getting inside customers picked up on intuitively,
device, for example, no longer our solutions to see how they work. which ones require a little more
takes five to seven hours; it’s all I try to think out of the box, and time, what features are still needed,
done in just 30 minutes. That’s an I don’t just handle applications and where we need to focus. This
incredible time-saver. according to the book. It’s a way feedback has a crucial role to play
of really becoming familiar with in the quality of our software.

Magazine | Issue 1 2021 17


Connecting a CMC 430

to the VDS interface

The requirements for circuit breaker
testing differ greatly, due to the
different voltage levels and the
variety of technical setups involved.
The innovative connectivity and
extensive testing capabilities of
CIBANO 500 make it the first choice
for specialized medium-voltage and
high-voltage circuit breaker testing
with detailed analysis options. But if
you want a fast condition check that
only measures the basic values, then
a CMC test set (CMC 353, CMC 430,
CMC 356, CMC 256plus) can be a
useful  alternative.

Checking tripping behavior

using the switching time of the
circuit breakers
The physical proximity of the protec-
tion device, circuit breaker, and the
common interfaces make a system
test that includes medium-voltage
circuit breakers particularly useful in
the context of protection testing. For
example, when testing with a CMC,
a basic trip check that uses the times
of the switching operations can be
performed easily and quickly.

Any anomalies in the tripping be-

havior can be an early indicator that
there is a problem. A delayed trip
time revealed by a first-trip measure-
ment (first activation after a long
time) can show that lubricants are
drying up in the mechanical parts of
the circuit breaker.

Switching time measurements in

disconnected circuit breakers
The switching time can establish
whether the interruption to all

Magazine | Issue 1 2021 19

Testing CMC + StateSequencer CMC + EnerLyzer (Live) CIBANO 500

Switching operation times   

Coil currents  

Motor current  
Static and dynamic contact
resistance (µΩ) 

Testing tripping units 

Contact travel of main contacts 

Switching time
Circuit breaker check Circuit breaker analysis

current paths occurs in the breakers’ primary contacts are not ring lines under load, although
prescribed time. To meet the often directly accessible. There- with inverted logic. Suppose a
protection concept requirements, fore, switchgear usually has a further analysis of untypical switch-
the absolute switching time must three-phase VDS interface (volt- ing times is required. In that case,
interact closely with the pulse- age detection system), making it a current clamp and EnerLyzer
generating protection relay. The far easier for the testers to check or EnerLyzer Live can be used to
measured switching time per pole the circuit breakers with the CMC. obtain additional values relating to
also reveals whether the circuit The easy access allows test leads to the coil and motor  current.
breaker’s mechanical parts are be connected without additional
working synchronously. tools – keeping the cabling effort So in circuit breaker testing, it is
to a minimum. EnerLyzer and always worth aligning the testing
The Test Universe State Sequencer EnerLyzer Live (only available for requirements with the existing
module is particularly suitable for CMC 430) can use voltage signals to testing equipment. A simple check
draw-out circuit breakers. It allows indirectly access the main contacts of the medium-voltage circuit
the switching time processes to and directly access the auxiliary breakers using a CMC test set can
be compared with the poles and contacts and the input and output be a useful alternative to compre-
auxiliary contacts. This can be a signals of the circuit breaker. hensive testing solutions.
valuable sign of deterioration.
Measurement with the VDS
Switching time measurement in interface is only suitable for radial
operative circuit breakers feeds with a single-sided supply.
In modern, gas-insulated medium- The secondary signals of current
voltage switchgear, the circuit transformers can also be used for

There is a noticeable
difference in the setup
of medium-voltage and
high-voltage circuit
breakers and in their
physical proximity to the
protection devices.

Magazine | Issue 1 2021 21

Our CT Analyzer specializes in test- the new PC software with the several measurements, for example,
ing, calibrating and assessing all dif- last release, many customers measurements in between different
ferent types of current transformers approached us and requested a phases or cores, easier and faster.
with the push of a button. simultaneous view of multiple
tests and comprehensive reporting Advanced reporting
With this latest software release, possibilities. In the current release, With Advanced reporting, multiple
our development team has made we have implemented these wishes tests can be integrated into one test
sure that the software’s functional and more. report. For example, this is handy for
range has once again been consid- CT units that have multiple cores, or
erably enlarged for postprocessing Multi-test view when reports are required, which
measurements. It is now possible to open multiple compare the results from all phases,
tests at once in the CT Analyzer PC or any other use case that requires a
It’s our customers’ wishes that software. This new feature makes report creation in bulk or in combi-
inspire us. So, after we presented comparing settings and results from nation with several measurements.


The latest software and firmware version 5.10 is

available free of charge. Some more advanced
functions can be purchased with the PC Software
Reporting template designer Upgrade Option.
Excel®-based reporting templates can
now be easily customized with the New License available: CT Analyzer PC Software
new reporting template designer tool. Upgrade Option (ordering number: P0000413)
This license unlocks additional functionalities of the
Result simulation / re-calculation CT Analyzer PC Software:
without connected device
It’s also possible now to perform a › Multi-test view
simulation or recalculation of the › Advanced reporting
measurement results only using the › Reporting template designer
PC software. The CT Analyzer doesn’t › Results simulation / re-calculation without
necessarily have to be connected. connected CT Analyzer

Each license can be activated for up to three

Windows users. The license is compatible with
the firmware packages: Standard, Advanced and
IEEE Protection. Don’t fall behind! As a registered
OMICRON customer you can get the latest version

Magazine | Issue 1 2021 23

EHS-Noord talks about their experience using
OMICRON test equipment

ENGIE High Voltage Services Noord (EHS-Noord), founded The measuring and testing equipment must meet our
in 2016, is one of the five high voltage departments within service requirements as a high-voltage specialist. Even
ENGIE Services NL, and we’re located in the northern part of more importantly, it must be future-proof, grow with
the Netherlands. As a nationwide service provider with more our ambitions, and be compatible with other measure-
than 6,000 employees we make a substantial contribution ment equipment. In addition, the testing method must be
to making the Netherlands’ energy supply more sustainable “accepted” by our clients. In the end, we chose OMICRON’s
and decentralized. ENGIE Netherlands is part of the global testing solutions. Currently we use the following OMICRON
energy player ENGIE which operates in close to 70 countries equipment; two CMC 356 units with the Test Universe soft-
on 5 continents. ware package, one CT Analyzer and one CPC 100.

Our concept for dealing with the energy transition Our expectations in daily business
The energy transition poses a significant challenge to almost In our daily work, we come into contact with many different
all asset owners, and as a service provider, we are under pres- customers, installations, and applications. The advantage
sure to accelerate the restructuring of the energy infrastruc- of having a CMC 356 with Test Universe is that we can use
ture. With our specialists at EHS-Noord, we want to add value different testing methods for each customer, installation,
to realizing this important transition and help our customers and application. For example, we can link the different
prepare their energy supplies for the future. Test Universe modules and create a specific test file for each
test case or customer request. When all the tests are done,
Our primary task is to help customers and principals to we can modify the test report to create a professional, clearly
realize safe, reliable, and maximum available high voltage understandable summary that contains everything that
electrical installations. We strive for perfection in which the meets the customer’s needs.
experience and knowledge of our specialists is focused on
a professional and unique service. This requires continuous Our field of application
development of people, processes, and technology – and Our field of work is focused on commissioning primary and
these three factors are closely linked to each other. secondary medium and high voltage installations. During
commissioning we perform various tests with CMC 356,
Our choice for testing equipment CT Analyzer and CPC 100. Recently, we carried out the
After an extensive study about customer expectations, it complete commissioning and control tests for a Distribution
became clear which qualified staff was needed and what System Operator (DSO) at a new HV/MV station in Eemshaven,
kind of resources were required. We’re convinced that the Netherlands. Below is a list of the functionalities we tested:
an effective specialist department exists by virtue of its
employees’ knowledge and skills and the availability of › Time overcurrent relay
the right tools and resources. › Star point transformer protection
› Voltage regulators of the high voltage transformers
› Differential protection of a transformer field
«The advantage of having a › Arc protection with an optical fiber
› Circuit breaker failure of an MV installation
CMC 356 with Test Universe is › SOTF (Switch On To Fault) functionality
› Differential protection relay
that we can use different testing › Distance relay

methods for each customer, › Current and voltage transformers

› Restricted Earth Fault (REF) function (both secondary
installation, and application.» and primary current injection).

Magazine | Issue 1 2021 25

Our experience in testing surements. In addition, the trainer responded seamlessly
The added value of OMICRON equipment is that they to the practical experiences of the participants. Here are
cover many different testing applications and their ease some of the topics covered during our training course:
of use. For example, one day we may be testing a time-
overcurrent relay, the next day a differential protection › Creating OCC files with XRIO
relay or a voltage regulator, and the day after, a synchro- › Creating a file to test differential relays
nizer in a power plant. This is all possible with a single › Creating a file to test distance relays
test set that makes testing clear and easy. › Reading COMTRADE files in Test Universe with
Advanced TransPlay
Another advantage is having the ability to create test › Creating Annunciation Checker file to test IN and
templates (OCC files) for different types of relays. We OUTPUT signals from a relay
only need to set up such a test file once and we can › How to test power quality meters
reuse it repeatedly. This saves a lot of time, especially › CB configuration for SOTF or auto-reclosure tests
if we have to test several relays of the same type. In › How to test a relay without a start contact (pick up)
addition, the use of test templates ensures consistency › Setting a pause module during testing of a relay
with the guarantee that every technician tests the that is patched
protection relays the same way. This ensures a high level
of reliability and quality. In addition, and this is important, we experienced
cooperative and professional support from OMICRON.
Our need for support and training If we need to have a test checked or require additional
In order to get as much as possible out of the testing support, we can easily contact their 24/7 technical
equipment, ENGIE High Voltage Services Noord chose support. In summary, it was a pleasure to work with
a multi-day in-company OMICRON Academy training OMICRON’s testing equipment.
course in mid-2019. This is essential, especially for
experts who are already familiar with their test sets.
Involved authors at ENGIE High-voltage Services-Noord:
Andre Poelman, Departmental Manager
Using two test towers, the highly skilled trainer varied Ify Emma, Technical Specialist
between theoretical parts and practical tests and mea- Sander van Dijk, Technical Specialist

Use ADMO to streamline your business processes
and increase data integrity

Every part of the energy industry

is already experiencing the digital
transformation, and this is having
a growing impact on the internal
processes of energy suppliers. Many
companies now consult the data from
their Enterprise Resource Planning
(ERP) system to optimize their process-
es. However, it is only possible to get a
holistic view of the processes if all the
relevant asset data and information is
included in the analysis.

There is a big difference in the type of

information available, depending on
the type of asset. In contrast to primary
technology assets, which are essentially
defined by their design data, additional
parameterization plays an important
role as a basic function in secondary
technology assets. Consequently, the
asset master data is not the only thing
that must be documented and consid-
ered. Additional information, such as
the parameterization and configuration
of the equipment, and the associated
firmware and software versions, should
also be collected.

Assets are usually managed as an

enterprise value in an ERP system.
Additionally, Enterprise Asset Manage-
ment (EAM) becomes important for
managing the assets according to their
possible functionality. However, the

Magazine | Issue 1 2021 27

actual configuration (parameterization) As the life cycle of an asset proceeds, so
the density of the data increases – and
is subject to the network operation,
with it the significance of data integrity
and this should be managed by a
system specifically designed for this
purpose. This requires a distinction to

be made between the fields of IT and

Operational technology (OT).

Digitization: risk or opportunity?
The technology used in the digitization
of network operations introduces new
risks. For example, urgent decisions con-
cerning information security must be

ic r
rv he
se urt
taken, which affect critical issues such

as integrity, reliability, or availability, for
ensuring uninterrupted grid operation.

On the other hand, digitization also

opens up opportunities for getting the
most out of supply networks or manag-
ing them more dynamically, which is
fundamental to the energy transition.

da re
up wa
Processes urgently need restructuring
so that all the required data and

information can be saved and stored


without gaps and presented coher-

ently. Otherwise, a torrent of data and

information without structure could

overload employees. This is the last

thing that would make work easier.

Managing asset data

The life cycle of an asset is extremely
helpful for understanding the informa-
tion it generates and how it is reused.
Data is continuously being generated
over the life cycle of a substation. programs, or in-house systems are another reason why it must be available
Sometimes this data originates from used instead. Although these solutions over the long term.
many different sources and has to be meet the data handling requirements
managed with a sensible and uniform in the short term, they can only be Integration in existing systems
approach. In turn, the information can further developed with great effort and In order to make the digitization of
only be harnessed productively if the cost – and very often at the expense network operations as smooth and
quality of the underlying data is good. of data integrity. Since employees may structured as possible, a software solu-
It must also be possible to integrate change during an asset’s life cycle, it tion that integrates all relevant opera-
data management systems into the can mean that data will be collected tive asset data is practically unavoid-
existing IT infrastructure. again and again – given that this is still able. A meaningful and efficient link
possible later on in the cycle. Asset data to the existing ERP / EAM system is also
Since there are only a few suitable soft- is usually collected in the early phases essential. ADMO – our intelligent data
ware solutions available on the market, of a life cycle, although it is often management software for electrical
conventional data files, spreadsheet only used in the later phases. This is power systems – offers exactly that.


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ERP Workforce
The following is an example of how the (WFM)
data exchange takes place between





er d

As shown in the graphic, all data should



be centrally available, so that it can in- DATABASE Customer


fluence process optimization. This is the Portal


only way to generate a complete and

reliable picture that ensures sustainable …
optimization decisions can be made.
Digitization in the energy industry can
be seen as an excellent opportunity GIS SCADA ADMO
for improving business processes and Network topology

simplifying data handling. Complete integration of the data management system into the IT environment.

Magazine | Issue 1 2021 29



Advanced Electrical Services (AES) – a Not simply for production testing Remote PD testing support
Calgary-based, NETA-accredited provider “PD measurement has been used for “This was an excellent opportunity for
of medium- and high-voltage commis- several decades to assess the insulation us to introduce AES to all the features
sioning services throughout Western condition of high-voltage and medium- of our newly-released MPD 800 PD
Canada – received a contract from a voltage electrical equipment,” explains measurement and analysis system,”
customer to perform the on-site commis- Mathieu Lachance, one of the Regional recalls Mathieu. “However, due to the
sioning of a newly-installed, 27.5 kV air- Application Specialists in our North travel and health safety restrictions
insulated switchgear. The commissioning American office who was contacted that were being implemented across
was to be performed according to NETA by AES. “In the past, PD measurements many Canadian provinces at that time,
standards, but in addition, the customer were mostly performed during the our application engineers would not
also wanted AES to perform off-line production stages of different assets, be able to go on site to assist AES
PD measurements on the switchgear. for example, during research and with the off-line PD measurements,”
development, as well as factory type he adds.
“We had not been involved before and acceptance tests,” he explains.
with PD testing on switchgear, but we “Nowadays, PD measurement is “AES already has a tremendous
remembered that OMICRON has a lot also increasingly applied to several amount of experience when it comes
of experience in this area,” says Tim equipment types during on-site to medium- and high-voltage tests of
Gannon, Field Service Manager at AES. commissioning, periodic maintenance air-insulated, vacuum, and GIS switch-
“So, we contacted them for on-site and continuous monitoring.” gear,” says Mathieu. “Therefore, all
support with the PD measurements.” parties involved felt comfortable going

A PRPD pattern from the initial PD measurement that indicates A PRPD pattern from the PD measurement performed at 19 kV
objects at floating potential. after corrective actions were taken.

30 Magazine | Issue 1 2021

PD measurement setup according
to the IEC 60270 standard

HV … High-voltage transformer
Z … Blocking impedance (optional)
Ca … Test object
M Ck … Coupling capacitor
M … Measuring impedance

ahead and performing the on-site PD MPD 800 system before the on-site suited. A customized testing profile
measurements with remote support PD measurements took place.” was created for us by the OMICRON
from our team via video conference.” engineers, specifically tailored to our
Tim Gannon from AES explains, “We application. This profile only included
Mathieu adds, “We are committed to have good technicians, so as long as the PD measurement and analysis func-
helping our customers in the power they had the equipment, the docu- tions we would require during the test
industry, but now that includes ways mentation, and the added remote and therefore avoided any confusion.”
we never thought of before. This support from OMICRON, they could
remote support solution allowed easily get through the setup and Mathieu explains, “Such customizable
the PD test to take place in a timely measurement. So, it wasn’t an issue profiles allow MPD 800 users to only
fashion, despite the travel restrictions.” that the OMICRON engineers could not select the functions they need for a
physically be on-site to support us with specific PD testing application and
“The MPD 800 system was shipped the PD measurements.” hide the rest. This optimizes the testing
to AES before the scheduled testing experience and saves time.”
date,” recalls Mathieu. “This allowed Customized profiles simplify testing
our application engineers to “It was very important that our Issue found inside switchgear
provide the AES team with an initial on-site team felt comfortable with “The switchgear successfully passed
remote training session to review the MPD 800 system,” adds Tim. “To an AC dielectric withstand test,
the setup and all the measurement this extent, the system’s
and analysis capabilities of the new MPD Suite software is well

«A fast analysis of the PRPD diagram

was performed by our support
engineers during the video conference.»

Mathieu Lachance,
Regional Application Specialist, OMICRON
also known as a ‘Hipot’ test,” recalls PD measurements. After opening and PRPD analysis,” Mathieu adds. “The
Mathieu. “However, during the initial inspecting the switchgear, our on-site pieces of hardware were removed,
PD measurements, high PD levels were team quickly found several anomalies and the corona rings were connected
detected on all three phases at a volt- inside the main bus compartment.” according to the manufacturer’s
age of approximately 5 kV,” he adds. specifications. Afterwards, the PD
“Our support engineers performed a “Pieces of hardware used for the measurements were repeated, and all
fast analysis of the phase-resolved par- assembly were left uninstalled inside PD apparent charge levels were below
tial discharge (PRPD) diagram during the switchgear along with a pair of 100 pC, which was the passing criteria
the video conference,” he adds. “The electrical pliers,” Tim adds. “In addition, at a voltage of 19 kV.”
conclusion was that some conductive there were some critical errors found
parts were left at floating potential in the switchgear assembly, such as Tim Gannon from AES remembers,
inside the switchgear. These conduc- unconnected corona rings.” “In terms of PD testing, I think the
tive objects were apparently neither thing that really opened my eyes was
insulated nor grounded properly.” Mathieu explains, “Objects that are when we started to visually inspect
left behind can result in partial dis- the switchgear and actually found the
“In order to locate the source of these charges that will cause the insulation things that the PD data showed us.”
partial discharges, we decided to to deteriorate and create an abnormal He adds, “To be a believer, or to be
isolate and test different areas of the amount of ozone over time. This can convinced that PD testing is something
switchgear by opening and closing eventually damage the equipment or we should invest our time and money
some of the breakers,” says Mathieu. lead to in-service failure with signifi- in, it is of course, very reassuring to be
“This process of elimination helped cant economic losses. It also poses a able to find the things that the PD test-
narrow down the search area to the considerable risk to the safety of ing equipment detected beforehand.”
main bus compartment.” on-site personnel.”
Adding PD testing to the arsenal
Tim Gannon from AES recalls, “At this Visual inspection confirms PD results “I think that being able to work
point, a visual inspection was per- “The findings of the visual inspection together with the OMICRON team to
formed to verify the findings of the confirmed the initial results of the find an actual issue on behalf of our

«When we conducted the visual

inspection, it was reassuring to
find exactly what the PD data
was showing us.»
Tim Gannon,
Field Service Manager, Advanced Electrical Services (AES)

customer definitely opened doors these off-line PD measurements We will continue to use OMICRON as
for us.” Tim says. “PD testing is still on switchgear without much prior our number one source for PD testing.”
relatively new for many of our custom- experience,” Tim recalls. “From the
ers, but it is definitely something we’re beginning, OMICRON has been very Dedicated to innovation and support
going add to the arsenal of diagnostic enthusiastic and, in terms of the Mathieu concludes, “With 20 years of
tests that we’ve been doing,” he adds. support they gave us, they’ve gone experience in the field of PD testing on
“Through our recent experience, we above and beyond what I have experi- medium- and high-voltage electrical
can now recommend PD testing to all enced with other manufacturers.” equipment, we not only continuously
of our customers with the assurance strive to provide our customers with
that it really works.” “We were happy to be involved with innovative electrical testing solutions,
the OMICRON team, because we such as the new MPD 800 system but
Service satisfaction needed that level of dedicated support also with essential worldwide support,
“Due to time constraints, we were to ensure the successful and timely even in challenging times.”
under a lot of pressure to perform execution of this project,” Tim adds.”

Listen to the episode in Energy Talks – the OMICRON podcast series

Energy Talks features various episodes related to power system testing.

Scan the QR-Code or visit:

WHAT IS Partial discharge, or PD, is defined as a localized di-

electric breakdown of a small portion of an insulating
PARTIAL DISCHARGE? material. It occurs when the local electric field exceeds
the local dielectric strength of the insulation. When a
PD event takes place, a current pulse of a short duration
(in the nanoseconds range) is generated. This current
pulse can be measured using different kinds of sensors.
In many cases, PD is detectable at the early stage of the
insulation deterioration process. Therefore, PD measure-
ment and analysis offers operators an early warning and
allows time to plan corrective actions when needed.

More information at

Magazine | Issue 1 2021 33


functions or deactivate protection func-
tions. It does not take long for consider-
able damage to be done. Firstly, attack-
ers can bypass the existing substation
firewalls – for example, via maintenance
computers connected directly to the
devices or the network. And secondly,
security systems do not usually speak
Andreas Klien, the same language as protection and
Cybersecurity Expert, control engineers, which means that
OMICRON further valuable hours or even days can
elapse before an attack is discovered.
For network operators, an IDS is specifi-
Andreas Klien, our Cybersecurity Expert, cally used to protect certain substations,
has been addressing cybersecurity issues and in a broader sense, it also helps to
and specifically monitoring cyber risks harden the entire power grid.
in electrical power systems’ communi-
cation networks for almost 10 years. In contrast to the flexibility expected
Since 2018, he has been the head of the from the IT landscape’s infrastructure,
Power Utility Communication business substations are set up based on specific
area. With the StationGuard Intrusion requirements. Therefore, security
Detection System (IDS), he has helped solutions don’t need to handle plug-
develop a solution with innovative and-play situations; instead, they should
approaches that set new standards. meet the requirements for securing a
In this article, he gives an insight into predefined, static network. For modern
the risk assessment of cyber threats IEC 61850 substations, there is also a clear
in substations and the demands this set of rules setting out which devices
consequently makes on an IDS. are allowed to communicate what. The
entire system is described once in the
Challenges in the energy industry SCD (System Configuration Description)
The problem facing network operators file, and after successful commissioning,
today is the control they’ve lost over it often remains unchanged for years.
their own substations. For instance, Adaptation is usually only necessary when
a successful cyber attack allows an substations are being extended, or old
attacker to take over important control devices replaced in maintenance work.

«Security auditors ignored substations for a

long time, but now they are an essential
part of every risk assessment.»

Magazine | Issue 1 2021 35

Cyber threats and their assessment A modern IDS that can only check must also understand routine test-
Security auditors ignored substa- communication within the substa- ing and maintenance activities to
tions for a long time, but now they tion network at the protocol level prevent such problems and include
are an essential part of every risk is inadequate in this day and age. them accordingly.
assessment. Risks due to environ- An IDS must also understand the
mental factors or inherent in the significance of what is happening Conclusion
system are no longer the only ones to recognize new attack scenarios Modern technology in substations
that need to be recognized; in the effectively. This understanding offers many advantages to
digital age, it is also important to will help the IDS provide protec- network operators. It protects the
assess the threat of cyber attacks. tion and control engineers with equipment and helps stabilize
To minimize the risk of a successful straightforward and easily under- the networks. The idea that using
attack, it is critical to identify all standable alarm messages. Unlike modern technology increases the
vectors that could be used by at- cryptic reports, this saves valuable likelihood of being the target of a
tackers or malware to compromise time in analyzing a potential cyber attack is a popular miscon-
the substation. As recent attacks attack on the control systems of ception. It doesn’t matter if you’re
have shown, there is no connection critical infrastructure. using an antiquated system or the
between the risk level and specific latest technology, all risks have to
protocols. Substations based on Alarms not only have to be clear, be assessed, and relevant actions
IEC 60870-5-104 are affected just but they also need to be accurate. need to be taken no matter what.
as much as modern IEC 61850 Too many false alarms can quickly With modern cybersecurity solu-
substations. Older installations lead to the loss of confidence in a tions, the communication networks
with generations of devices, for monitoring solution, and worse, of both variants can be effectively
which security aspects were still to an indifferent reaction. An IDS protected against threats.
of minor importance during their
development, bear a particular risk.

Attackers always use the paths

of least resistance. The easier it is
to gain access, the more likely an Remote access/
Attack vectors
company IT
attack is, even if only for practice Control center
purposes. Maintenance processes
have become one of the most popu- Station PC 2 Settings
lar vectors. Remote connections 1 IEC 60870-5-101,
104, DNP
3 3a
for diagnostics, and office laptops
connected directly to devices for Maintenance PC
parameterization, have both been
used by attackers in the recent past.
Test documents

Monitoring network traffic 5 4 4a

StationGuard was specifically Test set
Test PC
developed to detect cyber attacks
in substations immediately and
provide optimal support for protec- To minimize the risk of a successful attack, it is critical to identify all vectors that
tion and control engineers. could be used by attackers or malware to compromise the substation.

What role do partial discharge (PD) testing and monitoring
play in the maintenance of electrical equipment?

“In order to prevent electrical equipment from failing “The way that PD monitoring is used varies according to
when in service, it is important to be able to assess its the type of electrical asset and how critical it may be in
insulation condition. PD testing can be periodically the network. If you have a critical asset, then it is generally
performed to achieve such assessments and pinpoint advantageous to begin PD monitoring from the start,
even the smallest problems. It is important to correlate because you want to make sure that this asset is always
current PD measurements with past results. This allows online. If there isn’t an urgent need, then you may want
you to have a more complete overview of the insulation’s to consider implementing PD monitoring later when you
condition status and potential changes. As electrical either see a problem detected with PD testing or as the
equipment ages, PD measurements should become more asset ages to track PD development over time. Continuous
frequent. Overall, PD testing PD monitoring enables you to
helps you to determine when trend developing faults to de-
timely maintenance actions termine when further PD test-
are needed to prevent costly, ing and maintenance, or even
unplanned failures.” replacement, are required.”

Patrick Zander, Samuel Scheller,

PD Monitoring Sales and Product Manager,
Applications Specialist, PD Monitoring Solutions,

Listen to the episode in Energy Talks – the OMICRON podcast series

Energy Talks features various episodes related to power system testing.

Scan the QR-Code or visit:

Magazine | Issue 1 2021 37

Valeria Braun from IDUR S. A. gives us her insight into
the power sector

IDUR S.A. was founded in 1992 by Rodolfo Braun. The company already in phase 3. The plan encourages installing both solar
specializes in high quality solutions in the electrical testing and and wind turbine parks by offering tax reductions and other
measurements sector. They have been representing OMICRON benefits. However, many of these projects are already behind
in Argentina and Uruguay since 1994, where they have a solid schedule due to a lack of funding.
share of the market.
What kind of challenges are your customers facing?
How is the energy grid structured? The uncertainty of energy rates is the biggest challenge our
Valeria Braun: The Argentine Interconnection System or SADI customers are facing these days. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic,
(Sistema Argentino de Interconexion) transports the energy the Argentine Government has frozen energy rates through
throughout the entire country. Since Argentina is a large coun- 2020, and 2021 tariffs are still undecided. In a country with a
try (8 biggest in the world), the grid consists mainly of 8,700 mi
very high inflation rate, this type of policy can result in a lack
(14,000 km) of 500 kV high voltage lines. The grid is completed of investments and less maintenance from both preventive
by thousands of kilometers of 132 kV lines as well as 330 kV, and corrective sides.
220 kV and 66 kV lines.
When looking towards the future, where do you see the
What resources are being used to generate power? biggest challenges in the power sector and in general?
Nowadays there’s a capacity of 41,564 MW installed. This is The biggest challenge would be the modernization of
achieved through: the power grid, for example, adopting the IEC 61850
communication standard so all substations can move to a
› Thermal Electric Centrals 61% digital grid, is going to require hard work. The transition
› Hydroelectric 26% for increasing the installed capacity with renewable energy
› Nuclear Power 4% sources is also a big challenge.

The remaining 9% is generated by renewable energy sources

including solar, biomass and wind turbines. The goal for 2025 is
to ramp up production of renewable sources to 20%.

What are the hot topics for the energy supply market Valeria Braun,
at the moment? General Manager,
Without question, renewable energy has been in the spotlight IDUR S. A.
as we try to reduce our dependency on fossil fuels. An ongoing
plan called RenovAR was set in motion many years ago, and it’s

Latin America

› Capital: Buenos Aires
› Inhabitants: 45 millions
› Currency: Argentine Peso
› Language: Spanish
› National dish: Barbacue (Asado)
› National drink: Mate and Wine
› National sport: Soccer


› Taste an “Asado” with a good bottle of
Malbec Wine.
› Visit Perito Moreno Glacier Park as well as
the Iguazu Falls.
› Never reject a “Mate” – it’s frowned
upon … (but since the pandemic, this might
be a good option)

Buenos Aires: La Plata Cathedral and Plaza Moreno Fountain

Magazine | Issue 1 2021 39

With CMC Swift, you can easily control your CMC test set
with a smartphone or tablet

It’s a situation most test technicians are familiar with: user-friendly, and above all mobile, especially for conduct-
cramped conditions in equipment rooms and rows of ing simple, manual tests with the CMC. The test laptop could
cubicles with protection relays that need to be tested. then stay in the car for simple checks.
There’s rarely a decent spot to sit or put things down, which
is why the testing laptop can end up on the test-set, the Florian is working together with the development team on
carrying case, your lap, or even on the floor. an app that makes it easy to operate our test sets with a
smartphone or tablet. CMC Swift is about to enter an open
When Florian Fink, CMC Swift Product Manager at beta phase for gathering more feedback from real-life situ-
OMICRON, talks to our customers, he is regularly confronted ations that can be incorporated into a customized solution.
with reports like this, and the feedback he’s gotten from our Smartphones and tablets are already part of day-to-day work
survey on the use of mobile devices also confirms them. Most in most companies, whether for workforce management,
testing engineers also want a control option that is simple, checklists, documenting test steps, or just for communication.

With CMC Swift, operating the CMC test set for simple binary signals. Using this approach, wiring and process con-
checks can be added to that list. We’ve been consistently trol checks and energization and tripping tests for protection
gearing the app’s development to suit our customer’s functions (such as overcurrent protection) can be conducted
needs. We’ve focused on developing functions relevant to quickly and easily. The tester is supported by an application-
real-life situations and implementing outstanding usability specific keyboard, allowing numerical quantities or ramp
for conducting the individual test steps. steps to be adapted effortlessly. Events that happen during
checks can be tracked directly using an event list, meaning
CMC Swift’s development also aimed to exploit mobile that the app is also perfect for fast troubleshooting.
devices’ full potential – making the daily routine of manual
checks far easier for testing engineers. Unlike the rigid If you want to know more, try the app for yourself! You
front panels that are directly installed in the test sets, CMC can use CMC Swift for free during the beta phase to
Swift allows test technicians to move freely and make experience its benefits.
accurate entries from any position. The app wirelessly
connects smartphones and tablets to the NET-2 interface
of our CMC test sets via WiFi. For more information about the beta phase,
please scan the QR code!
With CMC Swift, testing engineers can output analog
voltages and currents via their CMC and inject or measure

Magazine | Issue 1 2021 41

Listen to various topics about power system testing

We're excited to announce the official launch of channel. You can listen and subscribe to “Energy Talks”
our new, regular podcast series, “Energy Talks”. This as well on Spotify, Google Podcasts, Deezer and Apple
podcast series offers you episodes in which our own Podcasts. Be sure to subscribe to our “Energy Talks”
experts, users and industry peers share their practical podcast series to never miss an episode.
knowledge and experienced views on various topics
related to power system testing. We are looking forward to your feedback:
Find more information about all available episodes
on our podcast page, which you can access using the Enjoy listening!
QR code in this article. Please note that our podcast
page and all episodes are available in English only.

You can also find our “Energy Talks” episodes in the Listen to Energy Talks:
news section of our website and on our YouTube

Our commitment to our customers is to provide them with
extraordinary technical support

In order to be closer to our customers in Latin

America, we have established two highly
qualified Service Centers located in Mexico
(Mexico City) and Brazil (Sorocaba).

Following our standards, these Service Centers Vinicius Bardini,

perform repair and calibration services with the Coordinator of Service
same quality and reliability as those performed in Centers in Latin America,
the factory, providing greater agility and speed. OMICRON

Magazine | Issue 1 2021 43


1 st Power System Participants joined an enriching

Protection Summit (PS ) 2
program of 16 technical and keynote
In an effort to stay connected to our sessions discussing the latest MEA
customers and share knowledge power system protection needs and
amid COVID-19, we organized the trends. The keynote speakers for
1 Power System Protection Summit
the event were Dr. Alex Apostolov
(PS 2). We want to thank IEEE Africa from PACWorld and Steffen Kaiser
Council and SEL for their trust and from OMICRON.
The event was well-received by
PS2 took place virtually customers, with some calling it PS2 kicked off with OMICRON
October 19–21, 2020. It is the first “a smart initiative.” PS speaker,
Energizing Women (OEW); an initia-
and only event focused on power Eng. Mohammed Rashad from tive with the objective of energizing
system protection in MEA. Alfanar shared: “I have 11 years of young female electrical engineers.
experience in the field of power More information below.
The industry platform was attended system protection, but I gained even
by 462 participants from 50 countries. more experience at this event.” Stay tuned for PS2 2021!

OMICRON Energizing Women The panel discussed the challenges

(OEW) of being part of a male-dominated
OEW is a purpose driven initiative field, perception, and the struggle
undertaken by OMICRON with of balancing personal and work
the objective of energizing young life. The 4 panellists weighed in by
female electrical engineers and hel- sharing their own struggles and
ping them pave the way to success. journeys to success.

OEW hosted 4 pioneering female At future OEW events, male pro-
electrical engineers who took part fessionals from the industry will be
in an inspiring panel discussion invited to share their insights and
attended by 31 fellow female suggestions for creating a better
electrical engineers. environment for female engineers.


Magazine | Issue 1 2021 43

By embracing new digital communication tools, we can
support you in more ways than ever before

Due to these challenging times, we mobilised VIRTUAL EVENTS

quickly to find new ways of staying in touch with
you. We were able to act fast and utilize new digital With the shift from physical events to virtual ones,
technology for reaching out to you with knowledge our dedicated team swung into action to find new
and support … digital platforms for hosting events. As a result,
we are now able to host different types of virtual
events in various languages, with the aim of con-
OMICRON ACADEMY necting the power system engineering community.

Our training webinars are built around real testing
situations and given by experienced trainers – they Dutch: Klantendag
are ideal for technical staff from electrical utilities, French: Rendez-vous Test et Réseau
industrial plants, equipment manufacturers and Russian: Protection Day
service companies. We can also customise our English: OMICRON 3D Transformer Class
webinars to suit your needs. OMICRON Diagnostic Forum

Magazine | Issue 1 2021 43

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