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PEÑAFLOR, Aldrich Francis O.

3223 CFE10A
BSCE IV September 11, 2021

Journal 1 (Sampuso): "Be not Afraid!"

SITUATION / TOPIC: Entering the last year of your formal education to become a future worker in
Engineering, Architecture, or Technical field, you become excited. But fears and uncertainties also
often arise. Be not afraid is a statement of assurance that God will always be with you wherever
you go. You are under formation to become a practitioner in the Engineering, Architecture, or
Technical field. As you journey towards a professional life, you need to stop and reflect; as you
discern, be guided with the following questions:

1. Where are you now in relation to your academic journey towards a professional life? Briefly

2. What do you consider as your greatest fear or challenge or both? Why or How come? Discuss

3.  What does the Bible or a material that you frequent say about your present situation/fears?
Expound what you mean.

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